Agus Halimi
Universitas Islam Bandung

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Psympathic : Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi Vol 2, No 1 (2015): psympathic
Publisher : Fakultas Psikologi, Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/psy.v2i1.444


In regard to scientific journals that based on the empirical studies has shown that the advancement of education in Indonesia is hampered that characterized by the low of students’ mastery in science and technology. It happened because of the low student engagement in learning activities (college engagement). Therefore, it needs to examine relationship between college engagement with academic achievement (GPA) as a reflection of the mastery of learning subject. The respondent were determined based on the quality GPA through proportionate stratified random sampling technique that gained as much as 317 students, from several departments in UIN SGD and UNISBA. The design used correlational research, where college engagement variable measured by Engaged Learning Index (ELI). Statistical test used rank Spearman correlation test. The result has show a high correlation between college engagement and GPA (0.866), and student participation in the learning process was the highest dimension (0.846) associated with GPA
Nilai-nilai Pendidikan dari Q.S. Fushshilat Ayat 30-32 tentang Iman dan Istiqomah terhadap Pendidikan Akidah Riska Astyani; Agus Halimi
Jurnal Riset Pendidikan Agama Islam Volume 1, No. 1, Juli 2021, Jurnal Riset Pendidikan Agama Islam (JRPAI)
Publisher : UPT Publikasi Ilmiah Unisba

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (461.064 KB) | DOI: 10.29313/jrpai.v1i1.40


Abstract. Humans were created by Allah in a state of having the nature of Allah or the potential to know Him, force Him, and admit that there is no God but Allah. Therefore, humans are required to be able to develop this potential optimally and not deviate from their nature. However, still widespread practice of shirk that befell the Muslims. Even more so many Muslims who apostatize. Even though Allah advised in Q.S. Fushshilat verses 30-32 to establish the position (istiqomah) in the words “Our God is Allah”, which contains the pledge of one of shahada sentences namely “Asyhadu Allaa Ilaaha Illallah”. The method used in this study was a method of descriptive analysis with a library research by collecting data relating to the discussion. The result obtained from this study are: the essence that contained in Q.S. Fushshilat verses 30-32 are: (a) Faith is a solid foundation for a person who are istiqomah, (b) A person who istiqomah has an optimistic nature in life, (c) Aqeedah education needs to be instilled early on in order to form an istiqomah attitude. Educational values from Q.S. Fushshilat verses 30-32 are 1) Faith which is the foundation of the Istiqomah likened a good tree in Q.S. Ibrahim verses 24-25, 2) Characteristics of people who istiqomah that is optimistic, they are not afraid and also do not worry in facing the future both concerning about worldly and hereafter. Because their faith is so strong, 3) Parents are responsible for the education/strengthening of a child’s faith from an early age in the development of the nature/potential of their Tauhid.. Abstrak. Manusia diciptakan oleh Allah dalam keadaan memiliki fitrah Allah atau potensi untuk mengetahui-Nya, mengesakan-Nya, dan mengakui bahwa tidak ada tuhan melainkan Dia. Karena itu, manusia dituntut untuk dapat mengembangkan potensi tersebut secara optimal dan tidak menyimpang dari fitrahnya. Namun masih maraknya praktek kesyirikan yang menimpa Kaum Muslimin. Terlebih lagi banyak Kaum Muslimin yang murtad. Padahal Allah berpesan di dalam Q.S. Fushshilat ayat 30-32 untuk meneguhkan pendirian (istiqomah) dalam perkataan “Tuhan kami adalah Allah”, yang mengandung ikrar salah satu kalimat syahadat yaitu “Asyhadu Allaa Ilaaha Illallah”. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode analisis deskriptif dengan jenis kepustakaan yaitu dengan cara mengumpulkan data dengan menggunakan buku-buku, literatur, bahan pustaka yang menunjang dan ada keterkaitan dengan pembahasan peneliti. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah esensi yang terkandung dalam ayat Q.S. Fushshilat yaitu: (1) Iman merupakan fondasi yang kokoh bagi seorang yang beristiqomah, (2) Seorang yang istiqomah memiliki sifat yang optimis dalam menjalani kehidupan, (3) Pendidikan Akidah perlu ditanamkan sejak dini agar terbentuk sikap istiqomah. Nilai-nilai pendidikan dari Q.S. Fushshilat ayat 30-32 yaitu 1) Iman yang menjadi fondasi dari keistiqomahan diibatkan pohon yang baik dalam Q.S. Ibrahim ayat 24-25, 2) Karakteristik orang yang beristiqomah yaitu optimis, ia tidak takut dan tidak pula khawatir dalam menghadapi masa depan baik yang menyangkut keduniaan maupun keakhiratan. Karena imannya yang begitu kokoh, 3) Orang tua bertanggung jawab dalam pendidikan/penguatan akidah anak sejak dini dalam pengembangan fitrah/potensi tauhidnya.