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SISTEM SOSIAL EKOLOGI KAWASAN DESA PESISIR KABUPATEN SUBANG . Muliani; Luky Adrianto; Kadarwan Soewardi; Sigid Hariyadi
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis Vol. 10 No. 3 (2018): Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis
Publisher : Department of Marine Science and Technology, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (5000.153 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/jitkt.v10i3.20597


ABSTRAK Interaksi sistem sosial - ekologi di desa pesisir sering menimbulkan permasalahan, mulai dari menurunnya kualitas ekologi hingga terjadinya konflik sosial. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis sistem sosial - ekologi yang terdapat di Desa Blanakan, Desa Tanjungtiga, Desa Rawameneng, dan Desa Mayangan serta mengetahui jaringan konektivitas sistem sosial - ekologi dari desa pesisir yang terintegrasi. Data yang dikumpulkan berupa data primer dan sekunder terkait sistem sosial dan sistem ekologi, analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif kuantitatif dan spasial deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sistem sosial – ekologi Desa Blanakan, Desa Tanjungtiga, Desa Rawameneng, dan Desa Mayangan tersusun atas jaringan sumberdaya berupa sumberdaya ikan, sumberdaya ekosistem, sumberdaya lahan, dan sumberdaya air yang digunakan oleh nelayan, petani, dan masyarakat umum. Keberlanjutan pemanfaatan sumberdaya didukung oleh ketersediaan infrastruktur yang disediakan oleh pemerintah dan swasta. Jaringan konektivitas sistem sosial - ekologi dari integrasi desa pesisir menunjukkan bahwa sistem sosial antar desa pesisir terkonektivitas melalui interaksi pendidikan, kelembagaan nelayan, pelayaanan kesehatan, dan interaksi lainnya, sedangkan interaksi sistem ekologi terkonektivitas melalui jaringan fishing ground dan pemanfaatan ekosistem mangrove secara bersama terutama antara Desa Blanakan dan Desa Mayangan.  ABSTRACTThe interactions of the socio-ecological systems in the coastal villages often create problems, ranging from the declining ecological quality to social conflicts. This study aimed not only to analyze the socio-ecological systems in the villages of Blanakan, Tanjungtiga, Rawameneng, and Mayangan, but also to find out the connectivity network of socio-ecological systems of the integrated coastal villages. The data collected included primary and secondary data related to social and ecological systems. The data analysis was performed in descriptive-quantitative and descriptive-spatial manners. The results showed that the socio-ecological systems of Blanakan Village, Tanjungtiga Village, Rawameneng Village, and Mayangan Village were composed of resource networks such as fish resources, ecosystem resources, land resources, and water resources used by fishermen, farmers and general public. The sustainable utilization of the resources was supported by the availability of infrastructure provided by the government and the private sector. The connectivity network of socio-ecological ecosystems of the integrated coastal villages showed that the social systems among coastal villages were connected through educational interactions, fishermen institutions, health services, and other interactions, while the interaction of the ecological system was connected through fishing ground networks and the shared utilization of mangrove ecosystems, especially between Blanakan Village and Mayangan Village.
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis Vol. 10 No. 3 (2018): Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis
Publisher : Department of Marine Science and Technology, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3316.862 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/jitkt.v10i3.21049


ABSTRAKBanyak petambak udang vaname L. vannamei di pantai utara Jawa menggunakan air tanah (groundwater) sebagai media budidaya dengan tujuan untuk menghindari berbagai kontaminan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi komposisi mineral utama air tanah di kabupaten Karawang (Jawa Barat), serta pengaruhnya terhadap performa pertumbuhan, fisiologi dan histologi udang vaname. Penelitian dengan metode ex post-facto didasarkan pada pengamatan tiga kolam budidaya selama 83 hari masa pemeliharaan. Antar kolam penelitian terdapat perbedaan nyata (p<0,05) pada parameter salinitas (12-16 ppt), SO42‾ (148-642 mg/L) dan Na/K (26,6-45,2). Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan udang memiliki bobot tubuh rata-rata (ABW) sebesar 8,83; 17,3; dan 18,5 g serta sintasan (SR) sebesar 37,7; 81,7; dan 78,3% masing-masing untuk kolam A, B dan C. Rendahnya ABW dan SR kolam A diperkirakan karena pengaruh infeksi Enterocytozoon hepatopenaei. Udang dari kolam C (Na/K=45,2) memiliki konsentrasi glukosa hemolim lebih tinggi dibanding kolam B (Na/K=26,6), yang mengindikasikan bahwa udang kolam C lebih terpapar stres. Hepatopankreas udang kolam C mengalami beberapa kelainan berupa atrofi tubulus, sloughing cell, dan penurunan jumlah sel sekretori, sementara kelainan tersebut tidak ditemukan pada kolam B. Meskipun relatif tidak ada perbedaan performa pertumbuhan antara kolam B dengan kolam C, namun secara fisiologis dan histologis terdapat perbedaan yang dimungkinkan akibat dari perbedaan rasio Na/K media. ABSTRACTMany shrimp farmers on the northern coast of Java used groundwater as a culture media in order to avoid various contaminants. This study aimed to evaluate the major mineral composition of inland saline groundwater (ISGW) in Karawang (West Java, Indonesia) and its effects on the growth, physiology, and histology of L. vannamei. Ex post-facto study was done based on observations of three ponds during 83 days of shrimp culture. Between ponds there were significant differences (p <0.05) on salinity (12-16 ppt), SO42‾ (148-642 mg/L) and Na/K (26.6-45.2). The results showed that shrimp’s average body weight (ABW) and survival rate (SR) of pond A, B and C was 8.83, 17.3, and 18.5 g; and 37.7, 81.7, and 78.3% respectively. The low ABW and SR of pond A were possibly due to the influence of Enterocytozoon hepatopenaei infection. Pond C (Na/K=45.2) significantly has a higher shrimp’s hemolymph glucose concentration than pond B (Na/K=26.6), indicated more exposed to stress. Similarly, shrimp’s hepatopancreas of pond C has some abnormalities that were not found in pond B. Although relatively there was no difference in the growth performance between pond B and pond C, but physiologically and histologically there were some differences that possibly due to the difference in Na/K ratio of the media.