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Efisiensi Konsentrasi dan Suhu Larutan HCl pada Proses Hot Dip Galvanizing Agussari, Cici ; Ella; Iskandar, Taufik; Abrina Anggraini, Sinar Perbawani
Prosiding SENTIKUIN (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Industri, Lingkungan dan Infrastruktur) Vol 2 (2019): PROSIDING SENTIKUIN
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi

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Hot Dip Galvanize is a type of iron coating process with other metals, such as zinc, bydipping into a tub of liquid zinc. The Hot Dip Galvanize process consists of severalstages, namely degreasing, pickling, fluxing, dipping, and quenching. Liquid zinc entersand attaches to the iron surface by a diffusion mechanism. Hot Dip Galvanize is widelyused as a method of protecting iron against corrosion.Some ways that can slow the rate of corrosion reactions include coating the metalsurface so that it is separated from the corrosive media, making the metal alloy so thatit is corrosion resistant, and by adding certain substances that function as corrosionreaction inhibitors
eUREKA : Jurnal Penelitian Teknik Sipil dan Teknik Kimia Vol 3, No 1 (2019): EDISI JUNI 2019
Publisher : Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi Malang

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Energi memiliki peran penting yang dapat dipisahkan dalam kehidupan manusia. Pemanfaatan energi yang tidak dapat diperbarui dapat menyebabkan masalah krisis energi. Baru-baru ini Salah satu masalah krisis energi adalah offset yang langka seperti minyak tanah, bensin dan solar. Saat ini Indonesia sedang menjajaki energi alternatif untuk menggantikan bahan bakar langka. Energi alternatif yang diamati dan dikembangkan di Indonesia adalah angin, air, matahari dan biomassa. Salah satu bahan bakar alternatif adalah dengan menggunakan biomassa yang dapat dibuat menjadi biobriket. Biobriket adalah salah satu bahan bakar alternatif yang aman digunakan oleh masyarakat dengan bentuk arang yang dibuat dengan kompensasi dan kekuatan tekanan tertentu. Salah satu biomassa yang dapat digunakan adalah kulit durian yang memiliki energi kalori tinggi dengan 6,274,9 kal / gr maka berpotensi dijadikan briket. Konstruksi biobriket dari kulit buah durian yang akan dibangun di Kasembon, Malang, Jawa Timur menggunakan sistem panas pirolisis lambat dengan 400celcius selama 6 tahun. Proses produksi Briket terdiri dari persiapan bahan, reaksi, pemisahan dan kemurnian serta penyerahan produk. Berdasarkan analisis ekonomi, perusahaan ini dapat dibangun secara normal dilihat dari aspek ekonomi dengan ROI: 83%, POT: 13 bulan, BEP: 41%, IRR: 36,80%. Kata-kata kunci : energi, biobriket, pirolisis ABSTRACT Energy has important role which cannot be separated in human's life. Utilizingenergy which cannot be renewed can cause the crisis problem of energy. Recently One of energy crisis problems is the rare offuelssuch as kerosene, gasoline and solar. Nowadays Indonesia is exploring alternative energy to replace the rare of fuels. The alternative energy being observed and developed in Indonesia are wind, water, sun and biomass. One of alternative fuels is by using biomass which can be made to be biobriquettes. Biobriquettes is one of alternative fuels which is safely used by society with the form of charcoal made by compensation and particular pressure power. One of biomass which can be used is durian rind which has high calor energy with 6.274,9 kal/gr then it can be potentially used as briquettes. Prabriquettes construction of durian rind which will be built in Kasembon, Malang, East Java uses pyrolysis slow heat system with 400celcius for 6 years. Process of Briquettes production consists of material preparation, reaction, separation and purity and product handing. Based on economy analysis, this company can be built normally seen by economic aspect with ROI :83%, POT :13 months, BEP :41%, IRR : 36,80%.
eUREKA : Jurnal Penelitian Teknik Sipil dan Teknik Kimia Vol 3, No 1 (2019): EDISI JUNI 2019
Publisher : Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi Malang

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Biodiesel adalah salah satu bahan bakar alternatif yang ramah lingkungan, tidak mempunyai efek terhadap kesehatan yang dapat dipakai sebagai bahan bakar kendaraan bermotor yang dapat menurunkan emisi bila dibandingkan dengan minyak diesel. Biji alpukat terdiri dari 65% daging buah (mesokarp), 20% biji (endocarp), dan 15% kulit buah (perikarp). Biji alpukat mengandung 15-20 % minyak. Biji alpukat mengandung minyak yang hampir sama dengan kedelai sehingga biji alpukat dapat dijadikan sebagai sumber minyak nabati. Tujuan didirikan pabrik biodiesel untuk mengetahui kelayakan untuk didirikannya rancangan bangun pabrik biodesel. Kapasitas produksi yang dihitung berdasarkan pada data produksi biji alpukat tahun 2010-2013 dan perkiraan produksi tahun 2019 adalah 112.810 ton/tahun dengan menggunakan alat utama Mixer dengan proses tranesterikfikasi. Lokasi bangun pabrik direncanakan di wilayah Lumajang Jawa Timur, Selain di pasarkan sendiri, juga akan bekerja sama dengan PT. Pertamina. Berdasarkan analisa ekonomi pra rancang bangun pabrik biodesel diketahui Total Capital Investment (TCI): Rp. 13.406.244.594,- Return Of Investment (ROI) sebelum dan sesudah pajak 90,8% dan 81,80%, Pay Out Time (POT) 1,2 tahun; Break Even Point (BEP): 36,1%; Tingkat Pengembalian Internal (IRR): 18,3 % Kata-kata kunci : biodesel, biji alpukat, mixer ABSTRACT Biodiesel is one of the most environmentally friendly alternative fuels, has no health effects that can be used as motor vehicle fuels that can reduce emissions when compared to diesel oil. Avocado seeds consist of 65% meat flesh (mesocarp), 20% seed (endocarp), and 15% fruit peel (pericarp). Avocado seeds contain 15-20% oil. Avocado seeds contain almost the same oil as soybeans so that avocado seeds can be used as a source of vegetable oil. The objective of the biodiesel plant is established to determine the feasibility of establishing a biodesel plant construction plan. Production capacity calculated based on avocado seed production data in 2010-2013 and 2019 production forecast is 112.810 ton / year using Mixer main tool with tranestericfication process. The location of factory building is planned in East Java Lumajang area, In addition to its own market, will also cooperate with PT. Pertamina. Based on the economic analysis pre-design of biodiesel plant known Total Capital Investment (TCI): Rp. 13.406.244.594, - Return Of Investment (ROI) before and after tax 90.8% and 81.80%, Pay Out Time (POT) 1.2 years; Break Even Point (BEP): 36.1%; Internal Return Rate (IRR): 18.3%
eUREKA : Jurnal Penelitian Teknik Sipil dan Teknik Kimia Vol 3, No 1 (2019): EDISI JUNI 2019
Publisher : Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi Malang

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Biochar fertilizer is a porous black charcoal produced by pyrolysis process with a relative temperature below 700 oC enriched with nitrogen (N). The benefits of biochar fertilizer are as a natural fertilizer (organic fertilizer) which is good for improving the condition of contaminated soil due to excessive use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Pecan shell waste has the potential to be used as a raw material in making biochar fertilizer by adding chicken manure which serves as a substitute for nitrogen elements that are lost in the candlenut biochar which is reduced or disappears during the pyrolysis process. The design of biochar fertilizer is planned to be established in 2021 in Dairi Regency, North Sumatra. Production capacity is planned to be 6,450.9320 tons / year with 9 hours / production, 300 days / year and in one day there are 2 processes. The process used is slow pyrolysis (slow pyrolysis) is one of the technologies used to convert hazelnut shell waste into charcoal (biochar). Based on economic analysis, the total investment in production is Rp. 15,924,053,007.45. Product sales value of Rp. 38,705,591,883 per year, with profit before and after tax is Rp. 9,978,936885 per year and Rp. 8,981,043,197 per year. The results of the feasibility analysis obtained ROI at (%): 64.86%, POT (Year): 1.4 Years, BEP (%): 32.333%, IRR (%): 20.296% So it can be concluded that the Pre-Design of Biochar Fertilizer with capacity of 6,450.9320 tons/year is worthy of being established.
eUREKA : Jurnal Penelitian Teknik Sipil dan Teknik Kimia Vol 3, No 2 (2019): EDISI DESEMBER 2019
Publisher : Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi Malang

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Biochar fertilizer is a porous black charcoal produced by pyrolysis process with a relative temperature below 700 oC enriched with nitrogen (N). The benefits of biochar fertilizer are as a natural fertilizer (organic fertilizer) which is good for improving the condition of contaminated soil due to excessive use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Pecan shell waste has the potential to be used as a raw material in making biochar fertilizer by adding chicken manure which serves as a substitute for nitrogen elements that are lost in the candlenut biochar which is reduced or disappears during the pyrolysis process. The design of biochar fertilizer is planned to be established in 2021 in Dairi Regency, North Sumatra. Production capacity is planned to be 6,450.9320 tons / year with 9 hours / production, 300 days / year and in one day there are 2 processes. The process used is slow pyrolysis (slow pyrolysis) is one of the technologies used to convert hazelnut shell waste into charcoal (biochar). Based on economic analysis, the total investment in production is Rp. 15,924,053,007.45. Product sales value of Rp. 38,705,591,883 per year, with profit before and after tax is Rp. 9,978,936885 per year and Rp. 8,981,043,197 per year. The results of the feasibility analysis obtained ROI at (%): 64.86%, POT (Year): 1.4 Years, BEP (%): 32.333%, IRR (%): 20.296% So it can be concluded that the Pre-Design of Biochar Fertilizer with capacity of 6,450.9320 tons/year is worthy of being established.
eUREKA : Jurnal Penelitian Teknik Sipil dan Teknik Kimia Vol 3, No 1 (2019): EDISI JUNI 2019
Publisher : Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi Malang

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Pupuk biochar adalah pupuk yang berasal dari limbah biomassa (tongkol jagung dan sekam padi) atau limbah peternakan (pupuk kandang kotoran ayam) yang berbentuk padat dan diperkaya dengan penambahan unsur nitrogen yang bermanffat untuk memperbaiki sifat fisik, kimia dan biologi tanah serta memperkaya unsur hara didalamnya. Peran penting pupuk biochar lainnya adalah untuk menyuburkan tanaman, menigkatkan hasil produksi serta menberikan klororfil pada tanaman. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menambah kadar nitrogen yang hilang saat proses penguapan dalam alat reaktor pirolisis. Proses pirolisis pada penelitian ini menggunakan proses slow pirolisis dengan suhu 5000C selama 4 jam di dalam alat rektor. Unsur nitrogen yang hilang perlu diatmbahkan amonium nitrat untuk memperkaya unsur nitrogen pada biochar. Hasil dari analisa penelitian ini menggunakan metode Kjeldahl. Metode Kjeldahl merupakan metode yang dugunakan untuk menentukan kadar nitrogen pada makanan atau non makanan. Data terbaik pada penelitian ini terdapat pada bahan pupuk kandang kotoran ayam dengan konsentrasi amonium nitrat 25% selama 3 hari yaitu sebanyak 3,62%. Kata kunci : pupuk biochar; proses pirolisis; amonium nitrart; dan metode Kjeldahl. ABSTRACT Biochar Fertilizer is a fertilizer derived from biomass waste (corncob and rice husk) or livestock waste (chicken manure) which is solid and enriched with the addition of nitrogen elements that are useful to improve the physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil and enrich the nutrients in it. Another important role of biochar fertilizers is to fertilize crops, increase production yields and provide chlorophyll in plants. The purpose of this study was to add the nitrogen lost during the evaporation process in the pyrolysis reactor device. The pyrolysis process in this study used the selection of slow pyrolysis process with temperature of 5000C for 4 hours in the reactor. The missing nitrogen element needs to be added nitric acid to enrich the nitrogen element in biochar. Result of analysis from this research use Kjeldhal method. The Kjeldhal method is the method used to determine the nitrogen content in food or non-food. The best data in this research is found in chicken manure manure material with a concentration of 25% nitric acid for 3 days ie 3.62% N.
Proses Pembuatan Briket Arang dari Limbah Batang Singkong dengan Menggunakan Perekat Organik Yunitha Belak, Ofriana; Iskandar, Taufik; Abrina Anggraini, Sinar Perbawani; Grazias, Kostadia
Prosiding SENTIKUIN (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Industri, Lingkungan dan Infrastruktur) Vol 2 (2019): PROSIDING SENTIKUIN
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi

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The development of cassava stem waste from year to year is increasing and the utilizationof cassava stem waste is not optimal because only 10% of the cassava stem height used forreplanting with the remaining 90% is not utilized at all. This study aims to utilize cassava stemwaste into charcoal briquettes as an alternative fuel by carbonizing or fabricating using fastpyrolysis reactors at 350 ° C for 4 hours to produce charcoal. Charcoal that has been formedis mixed with starch adhesives, molasses and cow dung with concentrations of 5, 10, and 15%and printed using a hydrolic press. The analysis results obtained, the value of water content(0.0015%), ash content (0.0212%), volatile matter values (2.33824%), heating value (7.184 cal/ g), combustion rate (46:52) and fixed carbon (98,0159%). Based on the results of the analysis,the optimal value of making charcoal from cassava stem waste is found in cow dung adhesive.
Analisis Daya Tahan Lama Simpan Pada Bakso Dengan Penambahan Tepung Asap Melalui Proses Mikroenkapsulasi Anin, Desi Fatima; Abrina Anggraini, Sinar Perbawani; Iskandar, Taufik
Prosiding SENTIKUIN (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Industri, Lingkungan dan Infrastruktur) Vol 3 (2020): PROSIDING SENTIKUIN
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi

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Bakso is a processed meat product that is made by grinding it then mixing it with flour and cooking spices and then boiling it until cooked. However, meatballs have a relatively short shelf life when stored at room temperature, so preservatives are needed that are safe for consumption and can increase the shelf life of these meatballs. The preservative offered is the manufacture of liquid smoke by the pyrolysis process. The use of liquid smoke is not only limited to liquid smoke because it is considered impractical, so it is necessary to develop technology to protect the active components and facilitate its handling by making liquid smoke powder using maltodextrin as a carrier medium. This study aims to determine the optimal drying temperature in the microencapsulation process of smoked flour and the optimal storage time for the quality of food product preservation. There are 2 variables in this study, namely fixed variables and changing variables. Fixed variables included 2.5 kg coconut shell weight and 30% maltodextrin while changing variables included drying temperature (1350C, 1400C, 1450C 1500C) with shelf life (0, 2, and 4 days) and analysis parameters included moisture content and protein content. Smoked flour made by the microencapsulation method is proven to preserve food ingredients. This is because smoked flour has an acid content that can inhibit bacterial growth. Smoked flour with a concentration of 5% and a temperature of 135 ℃ is the most effective way to preserve meatball dough because it can provide a long shelf life of 3 days.