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Different Doses of Intraumbilical Oxytocin on the Third Stage of Labor Islamy, Nurul; Bernolian, Nuswil; BasiR, Firmansyah; Theodorus, Theodorus
Indonesian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Volume 6 No. 3 July 2018
Publisher : Indonesian Socety of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (109.291 KB) | DOI: 10.32771/inajog.v6i3.780


  Objective: To compare the dose of oxytocin injected intraumbilicalltowards the duration of the third stage, blood loss volume, hemoglobinand hematocrit.   Methods: This study is a prospective randomised study with acontrol. The control group was given an intramuscular injection of10 IU oxytocin. The intervention of the three groups intraumbilicaloxytocin treatment dose of 10 IU, 20 IU and 30 IU diluted in 50 ml ofnormal saline solution and administered intraumbilically. Thesample selection by purposive sampling and the distribution groupbased on systematic random sampling (10 samples each). Data weretaken from the period April 2016-January 2017 with the inclusionand exclusion criteria. Data were analysed using Chi-square, T-test,ANOVA and Post hoc tests.   Results: Characteristics study for variables of age, occupation,parity, education, episiotomy and neonates weight showed homogeneouscharacteristics. The mean duration of the third stage forall groups was between 366.7  159.0 seconds and 440.1  244.99seconds. While the average number of postpartum haemorrhage forall group 61.894  226.3ml and 309.5  110.26 ml. There were nodifferences in the dose of oxytocin on the duration of the thirdstage (p> 0.05) and the amount of bleeding (p> 0.005). There was adifference of haemoglobin between intervention group of oxytocindose of 10 IU and 30 IU intraumbilical (p = 0.031). There was nodifference between the mean hematocrit levels between the groups(p> 0.005).   Conclusion: There were no differences in the dose of oxytocinintraumbilical towards the duration of the third stage, the amountof bleeding and hematocrit levels. The decrease of haemoglobingreater in 30 IU intraumbilical significantly. Keywords: duration of the third stage, haemoglobin and hematocrit,oxytocin intraumbilical, the amount of bleeding
Journal of Indonesian Tourism, Hospitality and Recreation Vol 2, No 1
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/jithor.v2i1.16426


ABSTRAKEkonomi Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) yang tercermin dalam Produk Domestik Regional Bruto (PDRB) masih tergantung pada tambang bijih logam dan ekspor. Padahal, NTB dengan berbagai keindahan alam maupun budaya lokalnya merupakan salah satu provinsi yang dalam perkembangannya ditargetkan menjadi gerbang pariwisata nasional. Dengan semakin mantapnya posisi NTB sebagai destinasi wisata nasional, sekaligus tujuan investasi di bidang kepariwisataan di Indonesia, maka perlu dilakukan studi untuk dapat diketahui sejauh mana lapangan usaha yang berafiliasi dengan dunia pariwisata memberikan kontribusi sebagai lokomotif baru perekonomian NTB di luar sektor pertambangan. Untuk mendapatkan sektor/kategori unggulan di suatu wilayah, beberapa metode pengukuran yang umum digunakan antara lain Location Quotient (LQ), Analisis Shift–Share, dan Tipologi Klassen. Berdasarkan tiga metode tersebut diperoleh hasil bahwa dari delapan kategori unggulan, tiga diantaranya merupakan kategori yang menyokong pariwisata di NTB yakni lapangan usaha Transportasi dan Pergudangan, Real Estate dan Jasa–jasa. Kategori penting lainnya yaitu Penyediaan Akomodasi dan Makan Minum; Konstruksi; dan Perdagangan berpotensi lebih digenjot untuk semakin meningkatkan perekonomian NTB. Bagi pengusaha, kategori unggulan yang menyokong pariwisata tersebut dapat “dilirik” untuk investasi di masa mendatang. Tanpa menutup kemungkinan untuk membuka usaha baru di lapangan usaha yang potensial. Ada satu kekuatan ekonomi baru yang menyeruak dari hasil analisis yaitu ekonomi kreatif. Ternyata lapangan usaha yang berkaitan dengan Ekonomi Kreatif telah terdeteksi sebagai kategori potensial yang patut dikembangan di NTB. Diperlukan kajian lebih lanjut terkait topik ini dengan menggunakan Tabel Input–Output agar didapatkan gambaran hubungan timbal balik dan keterkaitan antarsektor dalam perekonomian di NTB secara menyeluruh utamanya terkait pariwisata. Kata Kunci : Analisis Shift–Share, Ekonomi Kreatif, Location Quotient (LQ), Sektor Unggulan, Sektor Pariwisata, PDRB,  Tipologi Klassen  POTENTIAL SECTOR ANALYSIS, CAN THE TOURISM BE A NEW LOCOMOTIVE ECONOMY OF WEST NUSA TENGGARA? ABSTRACTThe economy of Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) reflected in the Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) still depends on metal ore mining and exports. In fact, NTB with a variety of natural beauty and local culture is one of the provinces which in its development is targeted to become the gate of national tourism. With the increasing position of NTB as a national tourist destination, as well as an investment destination in the field of tourism in Indonesia, it is necessary to study to find out the extent to which industry affiliated with the tourism contribute as a new locomotive for the NTB economy outside the mining sector. To obtain leading sectors /categories in a region, several commonly used measurement methods include Location Quotient (LQ), Shift–Share Analysis, and Klassen Typology. Based on the three methods, the results show that of the eight leading categories, three of them are categories that support tourism in NTB, namely the Transportation and Storage, Real Estate and Services. Other important categories are Accomodation & food Service Activities; Construction; and Trade has the potential to be further boosted to further improve the NTB economy. For entrepreneurs, the leading categories that support tourism can be "glimpsed" for investment in the future. Without closing the possibility to open a new business in a potential industry. There is one new economic power that has emerged from the results of analysis, namely the creative economy. It turns out that the industry related to the Creative Economy have been detected as potential categories that deserve to be developed in NTB. Further studies are needed regarding this topic using the Input–Output Table in order to obtain an overview of the interrelationships and inter–sectoral linkages in the economy in NTB as a whole, especially related to tourism. Keywords: Creative Economy , GRDP , Klassen Typology, Leading Sector, Location Quotient (LQ), Shift – Share Analysis, Tourism Sector.
Different Doses of Intraumbilical Oxytocin on the Third Stage of Labor Islamy, Nurul; Bernolian, Nuswil; BasiR, Firmansyah; Theodorus, Theodorus
Indonesian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Volume 6 No. 3 July 2018
Publisher : Indonesian Socety of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (109.291 KB) | DOI: 10.32771/inajog.v6i3.780


  Objective: To compare the dose of oxytocin injected intraumbilicalltowards the duration of the third stage, blood loss volume, hemoglobinand hematocrit.   Methods: This study is a prospective randomised study with acontrol. The control group was given an intramuscular injection of10 IU oxytocin. The intervention of the three groups intraumbilicaloxytocin treatment dose of 10 IU, 20 IU and 30 IU diluted in 50 ml ofnormal saline solution and administered intraumbilically. Thesample selection by purposive sampling and the distribution groupbased on systematic random sampling (10 samples each). Data weretaken from the period April 2016-January 2017 with the inclusionand exclusion criteria. Data were analysed using Chi-square, T-test,ANOVA and Post hoc tests.   Results: Characteristics study for variables of age, occupation,parity, education, episiotomy and neonates weight showed homogeneouscharacteristics. The mean duration of the third stage forall groups was between 366.7  159.0 seconds and 440.1  244.99seconds. While the average number of postpartum haemorrhage forall group 61.894  226.3ml and 309.5  110.26 ml. There were nodifferences in the dose of oxytocin on the duration of the thirdstage (p> 0.05) and the amount of bleeding (p> 0.005). There was adifference of haemoglobin between intervention group of oxytocindose of 10 IU and 30 IU intraumbilical (p = 0.031). There was nodifference between the mean hematocrit levels between the groups(p> 0.005).   Conclusion: There were no differences in the dose of oxytocinintraumbilical towards the duration of the third stage, the amountof bleeding and hematocrit levels. The decrease of haemoglobingreater in 30 IU intraumbilical significantly. Keywords: duration of the third stage, haemoglobin and hematocrit,oxytocin intraumbilical, the amount of bleeding
Health Care Seeking Behaviour Of Community And Tb Patients, And Capability Of Nonformal Health Services Provider In Tanjung Bintang Subdistrict, Indonesia Nurul Islamy
JUKE Unila Vol 2, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (477.853 KB)


In Lampung province, Indonesia, the case detection rate (CDR) has not reached the national target of 70%. This suggests that tuberculosis (TB) case finding is insufficient. In Tanjung Bintang subdistrict (Lampung) the CDR was only  27.8% in 2007. This study aimed to identify the reasons for the low CDR in Tanjung Bintang subdistrict. In an explorative study design we assessed health care seeking behavior of community members who were selected by systematic random sampling. We also assessed health care seeking behavior of all TB patients that were registered between 2001 and 2007 in the subdistrict public health center (PHC). To assess the diagnostic capacity of non-formal Health Service Providers (HSP), we interviewed all HSP in the subdistrict. Data analyzed descriptively using Epi-info. Community members mentioned that they would first visit midwives (31%), paramedics (18.8%) and subhealth centers (18.8%) for mild symptoms. Most TB patients (97.5%) reported that they initially visited a nonformal HSP for their symptoms. Most (85.2%) nonformal HSP have poor knowledge about general TB especially for symptoms and 45.8% of them refer TB patients to a private practioner or private hospital rather than to the PHC (54.2%). Community members and TB patients frequently seek care with nonformal HSP. Since most nonformal HSP have poor knowledge of TB and do not refer TB patients to the PHC many TB patients may remain not reported. The fact that patients do not seek health care at PHC and nonformal HSP are not capable of diagnosing TB can both explain the low CDR in Tanjung Bintang subdistrict
Tatalaksana Eklampsia dengan Gagal Ginjal Akut Nurul Islamy; Ade Yonata
Jurnal Kedokteran Universitas Lampung Vol 3, No 1 (2019): JK Unila
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23960/jk unila.v3i1.2226


Eklampsia merupakan kelainan akut disebabkan hipertensi karena kehamilan atau hipertensi yang bertambah berat karena kehamilan. Eklampsia menyebabkan kegagalan multi organ dengan peningkatan tekanan darah yang mendadak dan tinggi mengakibatkan kegagalan autoregulasi aliran darah. Hampir seluruh organ penting tubuh dapat terganggu dengan berbagai derajat gangguan yang berbeda terutama glomerulus. Karakteristik histologis lesi renal pada preeklampsia/eklampsia adalah adanya endoteliasis glomerulus. Glomerulus mengalami pembesaran dengan sel-sel endotel bervakuola yang menyebabkan vasokonstriksi yang meluas, mengakibatkan terjadi gagal ginjal. Gagal ginjal akut didefinisikan sebagai suatu penurunan yang cepat dan mendadak dari fungsi ginjal. Pengelolaan komplikasi dilakukan secara konservatif sesuai dengan penyebab dan tahapan prarenal, renal atau pascarenal.Kata kunci: Eklampsia, gagal ginjal akut
POLITIK HUKUM RETRIBUSI PARKIR DI KABUPATEN ASAHAN Bahmid Bahmid; Ahmad Fauzi; Edi Kurniawan; Julizar Mauttaqin; Marlon Brando; Miftahul Husna; M Nico Hardianto; M Tomy Iskandar; Nurul Islamy; Risdianto Risdianto; Ustami Panjaitan
JURNAL PIONIR Vol 7, No 2 (2021): Juli
Publisher : Universitas Asahan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36294/pionir.v7i2.2955


Salah satu sumber pendapatan daerah yang dapat dioptimalkan dari hasil retribusi, retribusi parkir merupakan pendapatan asli daerah yang dapat dioptimalkan dengan pengelolaan yang baik serta pengawasan yang tepat dari Dinas perhubungan. Mulai dari tarif parkir yang harus sesuai dengan Peraturan Bupati yang telah ditetapkan dan juga pengawasan terhadap juru parkir liar. Bagaimana pengelolaan parkir di Kabupaten Asahan guna terciptanya keadilan, kepastian dan kemanfaatan bagi semua pihak. Merupakan metode penelitian yang meninjau fungsi dari suatu hukum atau aturan dalam hal penerapannya di ruang lingkup masyarakat. Metode penelitian ini disebut juga dengan penelitian hukum sosiologis, hal ini disebabkan metode dalam penelitian ini juga dilakukan penelitian berkaitan dengan orang dalam menjalani suatu hubungan dalam kehidupan yang berkaitan dengan orang lainnya atau masyarakat. Pendapatan Asli Daerah merupakan pendapatan daerah yang bersumber dari hasil pajak daerah, hasil retribusi daerah, hasil pengelolaan kekayaan daerah yang dipisahkan, dan pendapatan lain asli daerah yang sah. Retribusi merupakan pungutan daerah sebagai pembayaran atas jasa atau pemberian izin tertentu yang khusus disediakan dan/atau diberikaan oleh Pemerintah Daerah untuk kepentingan orang pribadi atau Badan. Salah satu jenisnya retribusi arker, Sarana atau tempat arker merupakan tempat tertentu yang ditetapkan oleh Kepala Daerah/Bupati/Wali Kota sebagai tempat arker.Kata Kunci : Retribusi, pengelolaan Parkir, pendapatan Daerah
Kistadenoma Serosum Ovarii: Laporan Kasus Wilda Ainia Silmi Kaffah; Dhea Mutiara Karmelita; Nurul Islamy
Medula Vol 12 No 4 (2022): Medula
Publisher : CV. Jasa Sukses Abadi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53089/medula.v12i4.510


Ovarian cystadenoma is a benign neoplasm originating from ovarian epithelium, including serous cystadenoma, mucinous cystadenoma, endometrioid, transitional clear cells (Brenner), and stromal epithelial cells. These epithelial tumors account for 60-80% of all ovarian neoplasms. Symptoms experienced by patients with ovarian cystadenoma are quite varied, depending on the type of cyst itself. The management of ovarian cystadenoma is surgical cystectomy with thorough exploration of the intrapelvic and abdominal organs. Further management is usually carried out with histopathological examination to determine the presence or absence of malignancy. Mrs. M, a 57-year-old woman was referred to Abdul Moeloek Hospital with a suspected diagnosis of ovarian neoplasm. The patient was referred for further examination and treatment. Symptoms include a lump in the stomach accompained by lower left abdominal pain since 2 months ago, often feeling nauseous since 5-6 years ago, weight loss is denied. Physical examination revealed a mass in the left lower quadrant. The results of ultrasound examination revealed a cystic mass in the left ovary. The patient was treated with pharmacotherapy and operative left salpingo oophorectomy. Postoperative diagnosis was left ovarian cystadenoma.
G3P2A0 Hamil 26 Minggu Inpartu dengan Perdarahan Trimester II e.c Mola Hidatidosa Parsial Janin Tunggal Hidup Intrauterin Riska Putri Soraya; Muhammad Caesario Liazmi; Nurul Islamy
Medula Vol 12 No 4 (2022): Medula
Publisher : CV. Jasa Sukses Abadi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53089/medula.v12i4.524


Hydatidiform mole is an abnormal condition in pregnancy with part or all of the chorionic villi undergo hydropic degeneration. Hydatidiform mole is divided into complete hydatidiform mole and partial hydatidiform mole. The incidence rate in Indonesia is around 1:80 normal deliveries. While the incidence of partial moles is rare, the incidence varies from 5:100,000 and 1:10,000 pregnancies. Mrs. A 37 years old came to the ER Abdul Moeloek Hospital with complained abdominal pain and vaginal bleeding. Result of general examination: moderate ill appearance, blood pressure was 148/89 mmHg, other sign examination were within normal limits. On obstetric examination, the uterine fundal height was two fingers above the umbilicus, the fetal heart rate was 155x/min and three contractions in 10 minutes, the duration was 20-40 seconds. Speculum examination result : opened portio, there is a fish eyed-like bubble, and active bleeding. Ultrasound examination revealed that she was pregnant 26 weeks with a partial hydatidiform mole. Complete blood count with severe anemia. Whereas immunological and serological examinations results: β-hCG 5,242,880 mIU/mL; T3 1.93 nmol/L; T4 157, 43 nmol/L; TSH 0.01 uIU/mL. So the diagnosis is G3P2A0 26 weeks of gestational age in active phase with a partial hydatidiform mole accompanied by hyperthyroidism and severe anemia with single live fetus intrauterine. Patient lead to spontaneous vaginal delivery were then treated with curettage, transfusion and postpartum care. Furthermore, the mole tissue was taken for Anatomical Pathology examination and the patient was planned to control for the β-hCG evaluation.
G4P2A1 Hamil 38 Minggu Belum Inpartu dengan HAP e.c Plasenta Akreta dengan Riwayat SC Satu Kali, Janin Tunggal Hidup, Letak Lintang : Sebuah Laporan Kasus Fukrapti Fukrapti; Restu Krisnanda; Nurul Islamy
Medula Vol 12 No 4 (2022): Medula
Publisher : CV. Jasa Sukses Abadi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53089/medula.v12i4.594


Placenta accreta is the abnormal implantation of the placenta in the uterine wall. The risk factors for placenta accreta include a history of myometrial damage due to cesarean section, placenta previa, maternal age > 35 years, and multipara. Meanwhile, the transverse lie is when the position of the fetus is perpendicular to the mother. The predisposition factors for transverse fetal position are multipara, placenta previa, and uterine myoma. Mrs. YS, G4P2A1, 32 years old, was referred from Way Kanan Hospital with bleeding from the genitals 3 weeks before she entered to the hospital. The bleeding was fresh red, no pain, 3 times changing pads per day. The patient was diagnosed with placenta accreta at 6 months of gestation. Examination of vital sign, general physical examination, and complete haematological examination were within normal limits. Obstetrical physical examination revealed fundal height of 3 fingers bellow the Xyphoideus Processus with estimated fetal weight of 2.790 gram, and transverse lie. Ultrasound results showed the impression of a single live fetus in a transverse position, biparietal diemeter indicated 38 weeks 3 days of gestational age with the placenta closing the OUI, pathological lacunae, hypervascularization, and bridging vessels. The patient underwent laparotomy and total hysterectomy. Postoperatively, ceftriaxone 1 gram/12 hours IV therapy, tranexamic acid 500 mg/8 hours IV, ketorolac 30 mg/8 hours, and transfusions of 2 PRC and 2 WB kolf were given. Post-transfusion haemoglobin 10.8 g/dL.
Hubungan Usia, Paritas, Penyakit Infeksi Dan Status Gizi Ibu Terhadap Kejadian Kelainan Kongenital Mayor pada Janin Zahra Dewi Hasna Difa; Khairun Nisa; Betta Kurniawan; Nurul Islamy; Rodiani -
Medula Vol 13 No 3 (2023): Medula
Publisher : CV. Jasa Sukses Abadi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53089/medula.v13i3.668


Major congenital abnormalities refer to medical and cosmetic abnormalities that require surgery and are a leading cause of mortality among children under the age of five in Indonesia. Several risk factors contribute to congenital abnormalities, including the mother’s age, parity, infectious diseases, nutritional status, environment, education, and employment. This study aims to determine the relationship between age, parity, infectious diseases, and nutritional status of mothers and the occurrence of major congenital abnormalities. Secondary data from medical records of mothers who received treatment in the delima room at RSUD Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek were analyzed using an observational analytic method and a cross-sectional approach. The chi-square test and odds ratio values were used to test the major congenital abnormalities' relationship with the risk factors. Results showed that there was a significant association between nutritional status, infectious diseases, and parity with the incidence of major congenital abnormalities (p = 0,004; OR = 0,086; 95% CI = 0,016-0,468), (p = 0,034; OR = 6,816; 95% CI = 1,288 – 36,062) and  (p = 0,005; OR = 9,567; 95% CI = 1,549 – 30,206), but not with maternal age (p = 0,724; OR = 1,333; 95% CI = 0,322 – 5,526). The incidence of major congenital abnormalities is related to nutritional status, infectious diseases, and parity, but not to maternal age.