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Gamatika Vol 2, No 2 (2012): Jurnal Gagasan Matematika Dan Informatika
Publisher : Gamatika

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Abstrak Fungsi persamaan linier panjang Ax = y dengan A dan y adalah matriks merupakan fungsi yang mudah untuk dipecahkan jika nilai dari variabel x nya diketahui. Namun lain halnya jika nilai dari variabel x pada fungsi tersebut tidak diketahui, maka akan menarik jika kita dapat menyelesaikan masalah tersebut karena pemecahannya akan cukup rumit, sehingga dibutuhkan suatu metode yang cukup mudah untuk menyelesaikan fungsi tersebut. Permasalahan yang demikian ini dapat diselesaikan dengan cara minimisasi fungsi. Salah satu cara untuk minimisasi fungsi adalah dengan menggunakan metode gradien konjugat. Oleh karena itu dalam artikel ini penulis membahas tentang Gradient Conjugate Method atau metode grdien konjugat untuk minimisasi fungsi. Dalam penyelesaiannya meode gradien konjugat meggunakan langkah pemecahan iterasi dari fungsi persamaan linier Ax = y dengan matriks A adalah matriks simetris dan matriks positif definit. Adapun hasil yang didapatkan terbukti bahwa  metode gradien konjugat merupakan metode iterasi yang cukup mudah yang dapat digunakan untuk menyelesaikan persamaan Ax=y dengan nilai dari variabel x yang tidak diketahui. Kata Kunci : Minimisasi fungsi, metode Gradient conjugate, matriks Abstract Functions of linear equations Ax = y with length A and y is a matrix is a function that is easy to solve if the value of the variable x in his mind. Yet another case when the value of the variable x in the function is not known, it will be interesting if we can solve these problems because the solution will be quite complicated, so it needs a method that is fairly easy to accomplish these functions. Such problems can be resolved by means of minimization of functions. One way to minimization of functions is to use the method of Conjugate gradient. Therefore, in this article the author discusses the Conjugate Gradient Method or grdien method for conjugate function minimization. Conjugate gradient solution in meode meggunakan step problem solving function equation of linear iterations of Ax = y with A symmetric matrix is a matrix and matrix of positive definit. As for the results that are obtained by Conjugate gradient methods proved that is a fairly easy iteration method that can be used to solve the equation Ax = y to the value of variable x is unknown. Keywords: minimization of functions, methods, conjugate Gradient matrix
Gamatika Vol 2, No 1 (2011): Jurnal Gagasan Matematika Dan Informatika
Publisher : Gamatika

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Abstrak Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif-kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kepustakaan (Library Research) yaitu penelitian yang mengkaji kepustakaan, khususnya tentang Cayley Color Digraf  dengan tujuan untuk mengumpulkan data dan informasi dengan bantuan bermacam material seperti buku-buku dan dokumen yang ada. Adapun permasalahan dalam penulisan ini adalah Bagaimana bentuk dari Cayley color digraph pada grup Siklik  dengan n bilangan prima. Hasil pembahasan menunjukkan dengan masing-masing generator pada n dapat diketahui bahwa  Cayley Color Digraph dari grup Siklik Zn merupakan Sikel Hamilton, sehingga bentuk dari Cayley Color Digraph pada grup Siklik adalah Digraph Hamilton. Dari hasil pembahasan dapat disimpulkan bahwa bentuk Cayley Color Digraph dari grup Siklik adalah Digraf Hamilton. Kata kunci: Cayley Color Digraph, Grup Siklik. Abstract This research is a  descriptive-qualitative  research methods literature (Library Research) research that examines the literature, especially on Cayley Color digraph for the purpose of  collecting  data and  information  with the help of  a variety of materials such as  books and  documents.  The  problem  in this paper is how a form of Cayley color digraph on Cyclic group Zn with n primes. The results show discussion with each generator in n  is known that Cayley Color digraph of a group Cyclic  is Sikel Hamilton, so the form of the Cayley Color digraph on the group Cyclic Zn is digraph Hamilton. From the results of the discussion can be concluded  that the shape  of the  Cayley  Color  digraph from Cyclic groups are digraphs Hamilton. Keywords: Cayley Color digraph, Cyclic Group.
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Vol 2, No 1 (2015): wisuda februari 2015
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

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ABSTRACT: This research talked about forms and rhyme of umpasa or maxim on ceremony for the death people who had been saur matua (people whose all their children already got merried) on Tobanese people who lived at Nagasaribu, Lintongnihuta Subdistric, Humbang Hasundutan Regency. This research used kualitative and descriptive metode which was aimed to describe the problem based on reality. This research used death ceremony process for saur matua as the object by using literally datas by doing some interview and classifying the datas which were got from the video of the ceremony. This research finaly got the conclusion that there instruction from umpasa, diksi from umpasa and three forms of umpasa, they were: umpasa with two lines,with the second last umpasa with four lines and the last umpasa with six lines. While there were four roles of umpasa, they were: religious, morality, kinship, conference. And based on the analysis of the data s there were eight rhymes that found on the ceremony, they were: start middle rhyme, finish rhyme, incomplete rhyme, cluster rhyme, uneven rhyme, interlude rhyme, clasp rhyme.Keywords: form umpasa, rhyme
AL-MAIYYAH : Media Transformasi Gender dalam Paradigma Sosial Keagamaan Vol 11 No 2 (2018): AL-MAIYYAH
Publisher : LPPM IAIN Parepare

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Language is not as a communication tool, but also as a tool for human to think in an effort to understand the world. The use of language in people's lives is a part that is reflected as a result of culture including the culture of communication. Regarding the relationship between language and gender is never separated from cultural factors, because there are factors that cause the division of roles based on sex, because a language contains concepts, terms, and symbols that indicate appropriate behavior for men and women. This treatment is different due to social behavior and appears in language symbols. Gender in people's lives gives their respective roles, as cultural ideas that define different roles in both the public and domestic spheres. The view of the universalism of dichotomy between men and women originating from nature and culture, as well as differences in domestic and public roles has been aborted by ethnographic evidences, and at the same time opened up new facts that the dichotomy between men and women is relative.
Faktor Yang Mempengaruh Penurunan Kemampuan Pasien Skizofrenia Dalam Melakukan Perawatan Di Rumah Sakit Jiwa Jalil, Abdul
Jurnal Keperawatan Jiwa (JKJ): Persatuan Perawat Nasional Indonesia Vol 3, No 2 (2015): November 2015
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (298.415 KB) | DOI: 10.26714/jkj.3.2.2015.70-77


Penurunan kemampuan melakukan perawatan diri sering dijumpai pada sebagian besar klien skizofrenia. Upaya mengatasi masalah keperawatan defisit perawatan diri perlu strategi khusus, karena beda pemicu pasti beda cara atau pendekatannya. Para perawat dalam mengatasi masalah defisit perawatan diri kurang memperhatikan faktor pemicunya, hal ini berdampak pada hasil yang dicapai. Tidak jarang perawat menjadi frustasi setelah beberap hari membantu klien tetapi tidak menunjukkan hasil yang diharapkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor yang mempengaruhi penurunan kemampuan perawatan diri klien skizofrenia yang dirawat di RSJ Prof. Dr Soeroyo Magelang. Desain Crossectional. Sampel 284 diambil dengan teknik simple random sampling. Analisis data dengan analisis Regresi logistik. Hasil penelitian: Faktor yang mempengaruhi penurunan kemampuan perawatan diri klien skizofrenia adalah isolasi sosial (p=0,001), Waham (p=0,033), Risiko perilaku kekerasan (p=0,004), Halusinasi (p=0,006). Faktor yang paling dominan mempengaruhi penurunan kemampuan perawatan diri adalah isolasi sosial (P=0,001) dengan OR=2,755. Penurunan kemampuan perawatan diri du mediasi oleh peningkatan level kecemasan yang menyertai, isolasi sosial, halusinasi, risiko perilaku kekerasan dan waham. Direkomendasikan perawat: mengajarkan keterampilan perawatan diri memperhatikan adanyanya masalah keperawatan lain dan melakukan upaya untuk menurunkan kecemasan sebelum mengajarkan perawatan diri.
Shirkah: Journal of Economics and Business Vol 4, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : IAIN Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (596.427 KB) | DOI: 10.22515/shirkah.v4i2.268


This study discusses the alumni network supporting the economic development of an Islamic institution, namely pesantren. In general, the strong alumni networks lead to strengthening the successful economic sector in the pesantren, since the alumni have a sense of belonging to pesantren. This study focuses on how alumni network contributes significantly to the development of business units in Pesantren Ummussabri, Kendari. Doing participatory observation and in-depth interviews, the study had been conducted in Pesantren Ummusabri, particularly in Empang 99 Paleppo unit. Such information had been gathered from the administrator for pesantren?s business division, alumni coordinator and some informants of Empang 99 Paleppo business unit.  This study elucidates that a strong pesantren alumni network can improve the pesantren creatively. It clearly can be seen from how the alumni, who have successfully occupied important positions in the government, have established Empang 99 Paleppo. Keywords: alumni network, pesantren, creative economics, Kendari     
Al-Maiyyah : Media Transformasi Gender dalam Paradigma Sosial Keagamaan Vol 11 No 2 (2018): AL-MAIYYAH
Publisher : LP2M IAIN Parepare

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (542.483 KB) | DOI: 10.35905/almaiyyah.v11i2.659


Language is not as a communication tool, but also as a tool for human to think in an effort to understand the world. The use of language in people's lives is a part that is reflected as a result of culture including the culture of communication. Regarding the relationship between language and gender is never separated from cultural factors, because there are factors that cause the division of roles based on sex, because a language contains concepts, terms, and symbols that indicate appropriate behavior for men and women. This treatment is different due to social behavior and appears in language symbols. Gender in people's lives gives their respective roles, as cultural ideas that define different roles in both the public and domestic spheres. The view of the universalism of dichotomy between men and women originating from nature and culture, as well as differences in domestic and public roles has been aborted by ethnographic evidences, and at the same time opened up new facts that the dichotomy between men and women is relative.
Al-Maiyyah : Media Transformasi Gender dalam Paradigma Sosial Keagamaan Vol 13 No 1 (2020): AL-MAIYYAH
Publisher : LP2M IAIN Parepare

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (857.629 KB) | DOI: 10.35905/almaiyyah.v13i1.696


Studi ini bertujuan untuk melakukan kajian wawasan hadis tentang hubungan mahram karena penyusuan. Metode yang digunakan yaitu metode tematik dengan pendekatan historis. Pendekatan lainnya digunakan adalah pedagogis, sosiologis, linguistik dan teologis normatif dalam memahami hadis.Teknik analisis menggunakan analisis tekstual, kontektual, dan intertekstual.Wawasan hadis Nabi tentang mahram sesusuan menunjukkan dengan adanya penyusuan memberikan kemutlakan terjadinya pengharaman perkawinan dari dan atas yang terkait dengan penyusuan.Semua anak yang menyusu secara langsung digolongkan anak sesusuan menyebabkan terjadinya hubungan mahram. Proses sampainya air susu ibu tersebut ke dalam rongga perut bayi, maka secara kontekstual air susu ibu yang telah menyenangkan sibayi dapat mengakibatkan status hukum mahram. Untuk itu seorang perempuan ketika hendak mengambil keputusan untuk anak susuan hendaknya berhati-hati dengan memperhatikan frekuensi susuan, kualitas ataupun kadar susuan, serta waktu atau batas umur susuan.
KURIOSITAS: Media Komunikasi Sosial Keagamaan Vol 12 No 2 (2019): The Moderation of Islam, Moslem Communities and Cultural Studies (sinta 4)
Publisher : LPPM IAIN Parepare

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1112.347 KB) | DOI: 10.35905/kur.v12i2.1217


The perfection of every human being can be achieved if he is able to harmonize the properties of Jalal and Jamal in himself harmoniously, while the perfection of human beings is achieved if men and women can integrate themselves in a harmonious whole both in the narrow sense (marriage) and in the broad sense , namely the occurrence of harmonious relations between men and women in various aspects of life. The concept of masculine and feminine is not necessary and should not be opposed because both are equally important and equally noble. Thus the Sufis give an esoteric interpretation so that they must be fixated on their spiritual increase in God without having to look at His masculine and feminine sides of God, they concentrate on reaching His Jalal and Jamal God together. When they have reached a high spiritual level, they are truly sincere to God so that in all their actions and behavior there is not the slightest spark of worldly interest as is characteristic of humans in general. Functional relations as the basis of humanity "wa? ala ar-rijal ?alaihinna darajah" is for men equals above women and when both are united it will become a real human, and the elaboration of both is the perfection of reaching perfection.
Wawasan Hadis Tentang Hubungan Mahram Karena Penyusuan Suarning, Suarning; Jalil, Abdul; Muliati, Muliati
Al-Maiyyah: Media Transformasi Gender dalam Paradigma Sosial Keagamaan Vol 13 No 1 (2020): AL-MAIYYAH
Publisher : LP2M IAIN Parepare

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35905/almaiyyah.v13i1.696


The aims of this study was to conduct a hadist insight into the relationship of mahram due to breastfeeding. The method used was the thematic method with a historical approach. Other approaches was used such as pedagogical, sociological, linguistic and normative theological in understanding hadist. The analysis technique was used textual, contextual, and intertextual analysis. The Insight of the Prophet's hadist about sibling’s mahram shows the existence of breastfeeding provides the absolute prohibition of marriages from and above associated with breastfeeding. All children who were breastfeeding directly and sprayed ware classified as children of sesusuan causing a mahram relationship. The process of giving breastfeedingto the baby, then contextually breast milk that has been pleasurable the baby can result in the legal status of mahram. For this reason, a woman when she wants to make a decision for breastfeeding children should be careful with regard to the frequency of breast milk, quality or content of breast milk, as well as the time or age of breast milk.