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Proses Modernisasi Sosial dan Nilai Modernisasi Sosial pada Tokoh Ogbanje Ojebeta dalam Novel The Slave Girl Karya Buchi Emecheta Eva Fatimah
Dinamika Bahasa dan Budaya Vol 10 No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Stikubank (UNISBANK) Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35315/bb.v10i2.3750


The objective of this research is to reveal the process and the value of modernization in character of Ogbanje Ojebeta. The analysis of this research uses sociological perspective and theory of modernization by Steven Vago. The result of the analysis reveal that Ogbanje Ojebeta experienced modernization by acculturation and the modernization value which she had is related to religion and occupation. Keywords: Character, Social Process, Social Value, Modernization
The Presence of Masculinity on the Prince Characters in Fairytale: Rapunzel by The Brothers Grimm Eva Fatimah
Dinamika Bahasa dan Budaya Vol 16 No 2 (2021): DINAMIKA BAHASA DAN BUDAYA
Publisher : Universitas Stikubank (UNISBANK) Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35315/bb.v16i2.8511


Abstract The discussion of masculinity in literary studies is still relatively needed as a research topic. Masculinity is a theory of action or work in everyday social life. This view appears as hegemony in society on how men should act and respond to ideas or problems. This construction is often found in love stories where the male character acts like someone who is admired or called a heroine. The genre of romance is often found in a fairytale which usually has male and female characters. Although the main character is a female, the stereotype of the fairy tale itself favors the male character. This is considered disguised masculinity yet many people unaware. The research uses masculinity as a topic and theory in the story of Rapunzel by the Brothers Grimm, and also uses a genetic structuralism approach by Lucien Goldmann. This approach is suitable because it combines the structure into a whole in the data and relates it to the social conditions that underlie the creation of the work. Keywords: Masculinity, Fairytale, Male, Rapunzel, Brothers Grimm, Genetic Structuralism, Lucien Goldmann.
Pengaruh Lingkungan Kerja, Remunerasi dan Komunikasi Terhadap Prestasi Kerja Pegawai Kecamatan di Kabupaten Semarang Eva Fatimah; Dedy Prasetyo
Laporan Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat LAPORAN PENELITIAN
Publisher : Laporan Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Pengaruh Lingkungan Kerja, Remunerasi dan Komunikasi Terhadap Prestasi Kerja Pegawai Kecamatan di Kabupaten Semarang
Pendampingan Badan Usaha Milik Desa (Bumdes) di Kabupaten Pemalang Maskudi Maskudi; Ratih Pratiwi; Eva Fatimah; Yulekhah Ariyanti
Jurnal Abdidas Vol. 3 No. 3 (2022): June, Pages 355-611
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/abdidas.v3i3.583


Pembangunan pada hakekatnya bertujuan membangun kemandirian, termasuk pembangunan pedesaan yang merupakan salah satu cara dalam upaya mengentaskan kemiskinan di Indonesia. Pengembangan basis ekonomi di pedesaan sudah sejak lama dijalankan oleh pemerintah melalui berbagai program.  Namun upaya itu belum membuahkan hasil yang memuaskan sebagaimana diinginkan bersama. Dalam hal ini pemerintah menerapkan pendekatan-pendekatan baru guna menggerakkan roda perekonomian pedesaaan melalui pendirian kelembagaan ekonomi yang dikelola sepenuhnya oleh masyarakat desa yaitu Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDes). Metode yang digunakan adalah metode observasi, metode identifikasi potensi dan permasalahan, dan audiensi dan kolaborasi. Kegiatan Pendampingan Forum Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDesa) bersama gelar audiensi dalam rangka genjot perekonomian desa wilayah Kabupaten Pemalang di House Of Bumdes Kecamatan Comal. Pendampingan ini merupakan kolaborasi Bapenda, Samsat, pakar digital, pakar ekonomi, dan trainer. Hasil pelaksanaan menunjukkan bahwa masih perlu kerjasama dan intensitas pembinaan dari kelembagaan forum Bumdes bersama Kabupaten Pemalang sehingga bisa bersinergi dan berkolaborasi dalam meningkatkan aktifitas perekonomian desa.
Pendampingan Pendirian Koperasi Syariah Pengabdi Abul Yatama (Kopay) Andi Tri Haryono; Yulekhah Ariyanti; Eva Fatimah
Jurnal Abdidas Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): April, Pages 228 - 354
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/abdidas.v3i2.588


Pengabdian masyarakat ini dilatarbelakangi oleh permasalahan diantaranya belum terbentuknya koperasi yang ada pada Yayasan Abul Yatama, kedua belum adanya pemahaman tentang aspek legal formal terkait pendirian koperasi Syariah, dan ketiga belum adanya pemahaman tentang tata kelola kelembagaan koperasi. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini berlokasi di Yayasan Abul Yatama Semarang. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah bentuk kegiatan pendampingan melalui sosialisasi dan pelatihan pendampingan pendirian koperasi Syariah, dengan menggunakan metode ceramah dan diskusi, dengan dihadiri oleh pengabdi dan pengurus Yayasan Abul Yatama Semarang. Adapun pendampingan Manajemen keuangan dan legalitas pendirian koperasi Syariah ini adalah: 1) Pendirian Koperasi Pengabdi Abul Yatama (KoPAY); 2)Pendampingan penyusunan struktur organisasi Koperasi Pengabdi Abul Yatama (KoPAY); 3)Pendampingan penyusunan AD/ART Koperasi Pengabdi Abul Yatama (KoPAY); 4)Pendampingan pengusulan legalitas Koperasi Pengabdi Abul Yatama    (KoPAY); 5) Pelatihan manajemen koperasi Syariah pengurus Koperasi Pengabdi Abul Yatama (KoPAY); 6)Peningkatan kapabilitas SDM dalam pengoperasian software pembukuan keuangan koperasi secara digital pengurus Koperasi Pengabdi Abul Yatama (KoPAY). Saran dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah perkuatan jaringan/ networking kemitraan, percepatan perkembangan koperasi, memberdayakan anggota dan masyarakat sekitar, pemberdayaan unit usaha sebagai laboratorium wirausaha.
Cinderella Syndrome of Working Women in Cyber Literature Eva Fatimah; Imas Istiani
E-Structural (English Studies on Translation, Culture, Literature, and Linguistics) Vol 3, No 02 (2020): December 2020
Publisher : Universitas Dian Nuswantoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33633/es.v3i02.4338


Abstract. Cyber literature has been academically recognized in literary studies through multiple research studies. Cyber literature is manifested in various cyberspace, both maintained individually and professionally. Writing platforms on the internet, such as Wattpad, have been widely used. They provide space for writers and engage readers to create online writing communities. One of the most popular genres found in cyber literature is romance chick-lit, in which most main characters are working women. Although most protagonists are working women who are financially independent, they still search for men who have higher positions, social levels, and financial stability. They wish that such men will find and save them, referred to by Colette Dowling as Cinderella complex. The study investigates the Cinderella complex's indications on female protagonists in two Wattpad chick lit works: 1) Furious Boss & Naughty Secretary, and 2) Ex-lovers but Married. The indications of Cinderella Complex were shown through 1) the wish to be saved, 2) the girl-child lives on, 3) the achievement gap, 4) the intimations of helplessness, and 5) the blind devotion.Keywords: Cinderella complex; cyber literature, WattpadAbstrak. Sastra cyber sudah diperhitungkan sebagai bagian dari studi sastra secara akademik melalui berbagai penelitian yang sudah dilakukan. Sastra cyber terwujud di dalam berbagai ruang cyber, baik itu dijalankan secara individual maupun profesional. Platform menulis pada internet seperti Wattpad sudah marak digunakan sebagai tempat berkarya bagi penulis serta menarik perhatian pembaca untuk menciptkana suatu komunitas menulis secara online. Salah satu genre populer pada sastra cyber adalah chicklit romantis yang mana karakter utamanya adalah wanita pekerja.  Meskipun protagonis wanita merupakan wanita pekerja yang independen secara finansial, mereka masih mengharapkan pasangan yang berada di posisi, tingkat sosial dan kestabilan finansial yang lebih besar dari mereka. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mencari indikasi adanya Cinderella complex pada karakter protagonis perempuan melalui dua karya chicklit di Wattpad, yaitu: 1) Furious Boss & Naughty Secretary, dan 2) Mantan Tapi Menikah. Indikasi Cinderella complex yang ditemukan adalah 1) keinginan untuk diselamatkan, 2) gadis-kecil yang hidup di dalam diri, 3) kesenjangan prestasi, 4) tanda ketidakmampuan, dan 5) kepatuhan yang buta.Kata kunci: Cinderella complex; sastra cyber, Wattpad
Philippines Students’ Perception (ESL) of Indonesian Professional Teacher (EFL) Eva Fatimah; Ahmad Husain; Sakina Sunmud
Cakrawala: Jurnal Pendidikan Vol 16 No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Pancasakti Tegal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24905/cakrawala.v16i1.206


This study examines professional teachers in student perception of EFL teachers and ESL Students. Professional teacher become the next level of teacher labelled. Teachers will be categorized as professional if they master several domains such as teacher knowledge and understanding, teacher practice, and teacher relation. This research is a descriptive qualitative with 20 students of the Transfer Credit Program of Tarlac Agricultural University as the population and 13 students as a sample with a random sampling technique. Data collection of this research through questionnaires and interviews to collect the data and analyse with descriptive analysis and Nvivo as a tool to analyze and visualize the data. This research revealed ESL Student's perceptions stated many negative facts such as language barrier that constructed among them, online learning limited their thought to achieve in their class, and also a duplicate question on their exam seems like a question on the internet. ESL Students also revealed many positive facts such as management class and given a same opportunities to speak in class, innovative teaching method, teaching structured well, and teacher deliver a great material to achieve the objective of the subject matter
Assessing the digital literacy competence of pre-service English teacher in Indonesia and Thailand Yuvita Yuvita; Ahmad Husain; Anin Eka Sulistyawati; Noeris Meiristiani; Eva Fatimah; Sakina Sunmud
Journal of Education and Learning (EduLearn) Vol 17, No 4: November 2023
Publisher : Intelektual Pustaka Media Utama

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11591/edulearn.v17i4.20910


The notion of digital literacy has become the trend in any field, including this research. This research aimed to find the level of digital literacy and adequate and inadequate domains in each pre-service teachers of English education digital literacy group. Quantitative research with digital competence framework or DCF then adjusted and validated through the expert judgment by Aiken V as the main questionnaire occurred to measure the level of digital literacy. Indonesia and Thailand pre-service teacher in various universities participated in this research. The research found that: i) The most level of digital literacy whether in Indonesia and Thailand, the pre-service teacher has an intermediate level followed by basic and advanced and ii) The researcher claims ‘information’ as an inadequate domain and ‘implement tech to learning’ as the adequate domain in each level of digital literacy. Further research is needed to examine effectiveness of project-based learning, problem-based learning, and case study in enhancing digital literacy through qualitative and quantitative research.
Dealing with English Medium Instruction Factors in Universities Eva Fatimah; Ahmad Husain; Yuvita Yuvita; Imas Istiani
Dinasti International Journal of Education Management And Social Science Vol. 5 No. 3 (2024): Dinasti International Journal of Education Management and Social Science (Febru
Publisher : Dinasti Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31933/dijemss.v5i3.2342


This research aims to explore and deal with the factors and perception of English Medium Instrcution Issues around the universities. Quantitative research was chosen by the researcher to find the exact relationship among the factors of English Medium Instruction. The population of the research is the students of Universitas Wahid Hasyim, Universitas Pancasakti Tegal, and Universitas Negeri Semarang, who has recently use English Medium Instruction in their classes. Moreover, the research also reaches the lecturer's voice of English Medium Instruction. The sample was chosen by random sampling method therefore 70 participants participated in this research. The data was tested by a Multiple linear regression test. The result shows if English language skill, motivation, and material understanding has been influencing English Medium Instruction