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PENGARUH ATMOSFER PUSAT BELANJA PADA SHOPPING VALUE Astrid Kusumowidagdo; Agus Sachari; Pribadi Widodo
Jurnal Siasat Bisnis Vol. 17 No. 1 (2013)
Publisher : Management Development Centre (MDC) Department of Management, Faculty of Business and Economics Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/jsb.vol17.iss1.art3


AbstractAt the moment, the creation of shopping environment design that provides certain sensation and experience become strategy of the shopping center. This research aims to find out about the influence of shopping center’s atmosphere towards shopping value. The formative factors of shopping centre’s atmosphere are architectural features, interior features and support facilities. The research begins with a focus group to adjust the indicators of the previous research to the present research’s object. The next stage of research is done with a multiple regression analysis. The research object is the atmosphere condition of Senayan City shopping center in Jakarta and the subjects are samples totaling to sixty people. The samples are visitors from the middle-class segment between the age of 18-35.The research finds that architectural features, interior features and support facilities collectively bring an influence towards shopping value in Senayan City Pusat belanja, wether partially, only interior features show the significant influence towards shopping value.Keywords: design, atmosphere, shopping centre, shopping value.AbstrakSaat ini penciptaan lingkungan belanja dengan yang memberikan sensasi dan pengalaman telah menjadi bagian dari strategi bisnis pusat belanja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menelusuri pengaruh atmosfer pusat belanja terhadap shopping value. Atmosfer pusat belanja dibentuk oleh faktor-faktor yaitu fitur arsitektur, fitur interior dan fasilitas penunjang. Penelitian ini diawali dengan focus group untuk penentuan indikator yang tepat dan dilanjutkan dengan survey pada 60 orang dengan usia 18-35 tahun yang bersegmen menengah. Obyek penelitian adalahatmosfer dari pusat belanja Senayan City. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat hubungan dari faktor-faktor atmosfer pusat belanja secara serempak pada shopping value, sedangkan secara parsial hanya fitur interior yang memberikan pengaruh signifikan pada shopping value.Kata Kunci: desain, atmosfer, pusat belanja, shopping value.
Publisher : Jurusan Seni Rupa ISBI Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26742/atrat.v3i3.370


The presence of someone in a place always results in the relation between man and all aspects of his surroundings. In a restaurant, there are relations between man and space, man and man, and also man and type or quality of food. Atmosphere has an important role in shaping eating experience. It is related to the shift of one’s purpose in going to a restaurant not only for food but also for leisure, through the occurence of a pleasant spatial atmosphere.Regarding this, many restaurants try to present themes that are different from daily spatial atmosphere. Ethnic interior theme of Javanese is quite mostly chosen theme to create the atmosphere. The built atmosphere can be obtained through the presence of physical elements of Javanese architecture having characteristics to generate the image of Javanese space. This research uses qualitative method with descriptive analysis approach, acquisition technique through study of survey and focus group discussions. The data analysis shows that the building interior elements of Javaneseable to present the image of space are ornamentation, the shape of the building, colour and materials, and lighting. These elements are considered to represent other elements to realize the impression or image of Javanese in a restaurant space.Keywords: Elements of Interior, Atmosphere, Ethnic Javanese___________________________________________________________________ Keberadaan seseorang didalam suatu tempat selalu berakibat pada adanya relasi antara manusia dengan segala aspek lingkungan sekitarnya. Dalam restoran, maka relasi yang ada adalah antara manusia dengan ruang, manusia dengan manusia, dan manusia dengan jenis atau kualitas makanan. Suasana memiliki peran yang cukup penting dalam membentuk pengalaman makan. Hal tersebut berkaitan dengan bergesernya tujuan orang untuk datang ke restoran tidak sekedar untuk memenuhi kebutuhan makan tapi juga ingin melakukan kegiatan rekreatif atau leisure, salah satunya melalui kehadiran suasana ruang yang menyenangkan. Oleh karena itu muncul upaya restoran dalam memenuhinya kegiatan tersebut dengan menghadirkan tema-tema, yang berbeda dengan kondisi ruang kesehariannya. Tema interior etnik Jawa merupakan tema yang cukup banyak dipilih dalam membangun suasana. Keterbangunan suasana bisa diperoleh melalui kehadiran elemen-elemen fisik bangunan Jawa yang memiliki karakteristik yang mampu menghasilkan citra ruang Jawa. Riset ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan analisis deskriptif. Teknik perolehan melalui kajian survey dan fokus diskusi grup. Dari analisis data diperoleh bahwa elemen interior bangunan Jawa yang mampu menghadirkan citra ruang antara lain ornamentasi, bentuk bangunan, wana dan material, dan pencahayaan. Elemen-elemen tersebut dianggap mampu mewakili elemen lainnya bila ingin mewujudkan kesan atau citra Jawa dalam sebuah ruang restoran.Kata Kunci: Elemen Interior, Suasana, Etnik Jawa
Candhik Ayu: canon of life philosophy for Mangkunegaran Princesses Dhian Lestari Hastuti; Imam Santosa; Achmad Syarief; Pribadi Widodo
Dewa Ruci: Jurnal Pengkajian dan Penciptaan Seni Vol 17, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Pascasarjana Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33153/dewaruci.v17i2.4579


Place identity is related to the identity of its residents. This study reveals the concept of Pracimoyoso Hall at Dalem Keputren Pracimosono to find the colour concept that represents the canon of life philosophy for the Mangkunegaran princesses. This research applies the qualitative method, descriptive analysis, and a semiology approach by considering architecture as a sign system. The data were collected from document analysis, in-depth interviews, and field observations. Babad Tutur, Serat Jatimurti, and Serat Wedhatama were analyzed to find out the formation of women's characters as well as their roles and positions within Mangkunegaran Palace. The semiology approach is used to decode the meanings of the three books. Then the meanings are used to analyze the characters of the princesses through the semiological analysis of the physical forms of Pracimoyoso Hall to obtain the concepts. The results show that semiology can reveal the pink to the purple spectrum of candhik ayu as the canon of life philosophy for the Mangkunegaran princesses. This research contributes to providing new insights into the concept of colours as the canon of life philosophy by understanding the relationship between a place's identity and its residents' self-identity through the identification of the serat books and their implementation in architecture as a sign system