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Kadera Bahasa Vol 13, No 1 (2021): KABA Vol 13 No. 1
Publisher : Balai Bahasa Sulawesi Utara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47541/kaba.v13i1.199


Masalah yang diangkat dalam penelitian ini, yaitu bagaimana variasi leksikal bahasa Bali di Desa Sekartaji dan bagaimana tingkat variasinya berdasarkan variabel status sosial dan usia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran kondisi kebahasaan di Desa Sekartaji melalui pendeskripsian variasi leksikal dan perhitungan tingkat variasi berdasarkan variabel tersebut. Dalam pengambilan data diterapkan metode pupuan lapangan dengan langsung turun ke lapangan melakukan interaksi dengan informan sesuai dengan variabel yang telah ditentukan. Sementara dalam analisis data, digunakan metode padan. Dari hasil analisis, ditemukan adanya variasi leksikal pada sebelas medan makna, yaitu keadaan alam, kata sifat, kata tugas, kata kerja, pakaian, binatang dan bagiannya, tanaman dan bagiannya, peralatan, rumah dan bagiannya, sistem kekerabatan, dan bagian tubuh. Dilihat dari tingkat variasinya perbedaan tertinggi, yaitu 28% (beda wicara) ditemukan pada perbandingan penutur usia tua dengan usia dewasa pada status tinggi, sedangkan perbandingan terendah, yaitu 8% (tidak ada beda) ditemukan pada perbandingan penutur dewasa dengan muda pada status tinggi.
Madah: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra Vol. 4 No. 2 (2013): Jurnal Madah
Publisher : Balai Bahasa Provinsi Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31503/madah.v4i2.76


Balinese, the indigenous language of Bali, is taught as a local content subject at schools (especially at primary schools) in Bali. Since, it is being part of educational curriculum, Balinese is not only learned by it’s native speaker students but also learned by multicultural and multilingual students,particularly in cities. In fact, the Balinese is not very attractive to non-native students because it is not the first nor the second language of them and it is not play any important roles in their daily life. This tendency cause the students show a lower competence in Balinese subject. In order to improve the students competence in Balinese subject, especially communicative competence, it is deemed to suggest a method of recreational learning process that make students have an interest to the subject and enjoy the learning process of the subject so that they are motivated to learn the subject as well as to succed in it. This article proposes the importance of recreational learning method, in this matter, learning by using story completed with role play, learning by using songs and music, and learning by doing group activities and games. This model is also effective to improve children’s characters. Bahasa Bali, yang merupakan bahasa penduduk asli Bali, diajarkan di sekolah-sekolah (terutama sekolah dasar) di Bali sebagai muatan lokal1. Karena menjadi bagian dari kurikulum pendidikan, pelajaran bahasa Bali juga dipelajari oleh para siswa multikultural dan multilingual, terutama di daerah perkotaan. Pembelajaran bahasa Bali umumnya kurang diminati oleh siswa non-penutur bahasa Bali karena, pertama, bahasa Bali bukan merupakan bahasa pertama dan kedua, bahasa Bali tidak terlalu menjadi tuntutan dalam kehidupan mereka. Ketiadaan minat itu berujung pada kurangnya kompetensi berbahasa Bali siswa. Untuk meningkatkan kompetensi siswa, khususnya kompetensi komunikatifnya, dipandang perlu menggagas proses pembelajaran yang rekreatif, yang membuat siswa tertarik dan menikmati proses pembelajaran sehingga mereka termotivasi untuk belajar dengan baik dan berhasil baik. Tulisan ini mengetengahkan pentingnya metode pembelajaran yang bersifat rekreatif, dalam hal ini pembelajaran melalui cerita, lengkap dengan bermain peran, pembelajaran melalui lagu dan musik, dan pembelajaran melalui aktivitas kelompok dan permainan. Model ini juga sangat efektif untuk meningkatkan karakter anak.
Dinamika Leksikon Flora dan Fauna Bahasa Bali pada Lingkungan Persawahan Kadek Ayu Winda Winanda; Ni Made Dhanawaty; Made Sri Satyawati
Humanis Vol 26 No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (788.866 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/JH.2022.v26.i02.p13


This study aims (1) to describe the forms of flora and fauna lexicons in the rice field environment in Ubud (2) to find out the flora and fauna lexicons in the rice field environment in Balinese language which were influenced by flora and fauna lexicons in Indonesian language in a speech community in Ubud (3) to find out the factors that cause the lexicon of flora and fauna of the Balinese language was influenced by Indonesian language in the rice field environment in Ubud. This study were used morphological theory, ecolinguistic theory using a logical dimension model proposed by Bang and Døør, as well as ecolinguistic theory, especially ecology of language according to Haugen and ecolinguistic parameters. The method was used to referring the techniques involved proficient. There were three results of this study, namely as follows. First, finding the forms of flora and fauna lexicons in the rice field environment in Ubud, namely single form and complex form, consisting of reapeated and compound words. Second, discovering the flora and fauna lexicon in the rice field environment in Balinese language which was starting to be influenced by the flora and fauna lexicon in the Indonesian language in the speech community of the people in Ubud, namely the ambengan lexicon, padang getap, keladi, piduh-piduh, ligundi, pacet, blecing, yuyu, blauk, dan kakul. Third, finding the factors causing of the influence of flora and fauna lexicon in the rice field environment in Ubud, namely physical changes in the rice field environment, damage to the ecosystem in the rice field, inheritance of the flora and fauna in the rice field environment in Ubud, and language changes.
Tindak Tutur Ekspresif dalam Tuturan Komentator E-Sports pada Turnamen PMCO Fall Split Global Finals 2019: Kajian Sosiopragmatik Sigian Hardi; I Wayan Pastika; Ni Made Dhanawaty
Stilistika : Journal of Indonesian Language and Literature Vol 1 No 2 (2022): Volume 1 No. 2. April 2022
Publisher : Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1009.924 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/STIL.2022.v01.i02.p10


The task of a commentator is to provide comments related to the course of the match. In his speech, Indonesian commentators in the 2019 PMCO Fall Split Global Final tournament included natural speeches that contained pragmatic elements, namely expressive speech acts. In addition, in reviewing matches, commentators use a lot of special vocabulary as a characteristic of the E-sports branch to interpret the actions taken by the players during the match. This study aims to describe the form and function E-sports commentators in the 2019 PMCO Fall Split Global Final tournament and describe the special vocabulary used by E-sports commentators in the 2019 PMCO Fall Split Global Final tournament. This type of research is descriptive-qualitative, using sociopragmatic studies. The data sources of this research are E-sports commentators' utterances which are expressive and contain special forms of vocabulary. Data collection techniques using listening and note-taking techniques. Data analysis using contextual analysis methods. The results of this study are the findings of expressive speech acts in the E-Sports commentator's speech which are divided into ten peech functions, namely: thanking, disgust, justifying, hoping, praising, apologizing, congratulating, complaining, regretting, and insinuating. In addition, there were 58 data orms of special vocabulary classified into 4 forms, namely, singular, affixation, abbreviation/shortening, and compound. The vocabulary data is divided into two categories of meaning, namely the denotative meaning of 32 data and the connotative meaning of (26) data.
Konvergensi dan Divergensi Bahasa dalam Interaksi Pedagang dan Pembeli di Pasar Jadi Mesari, Tabanan Pande Made Ratih Parwati; Ni Made Dhanawaty; Ni Putu N. Widarsini
ULIL ALBAB : Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin Vol. 2 No. 12: November 2023
Publisher : CV. Ulil Albab Corp

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56799/jim.v2i12.2036


The purpose of this study is to determine the process of convergence and divergence in the interaction of traders and buyers at Pasar Jadi Mesari, Tabanan, to determine the mastery of the language of traders and buyers in the surrounding environment at Pasar Jadi Mesari, Tabanan, to find out what factors cause convergence and divergence to occur. in the interaction of traders and buyers at the Jadi Mesari Market, Tabanan. This study uses sociolinguistic theory, namely language accommodation proposed by Giles & Coupland (1991) and other sociolinguistic theories as support, namely the realm of language use, language choice, speech components, code switching, code mixing and interference. This research uses the primary data of this study, namely in the form of speech used in interactions between traders and buyers at the Jadi Mesari market, Tabanan.. The analytical method used to analyze the data is a qualitative descriptive method. Qualitative descriptive research methods are often used to analyze events, phenomena or situations socially. The agiv method has a specifier part of the language itself. The results of this study are two language choices used by traders and buyers, namely Balinese and Javanese. There are 10 data showing convergence and 5 data showing divergence. Factors that influence language consist of time, place, socio-culture, situation, medium of expression, and age and gender.