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Asupan makan, sindrom metabolik, dan status keseimbangan asam-basa pada lansia Widyastuti, Nurmasari; Sulchan, Muhammad; Johan, Andrew
Jurnal Gizi Klinik Indonesia Vol 9, No 4 (2013): April
Publisher : Minat S2 Gizi dan Kesehatan, Prodi S2 IKM, FK-KMK UGM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (176.097 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/ijcn.18366


Background: Metabolic syndrome prevalence increases with age and obesity. The metabolic syndrome is associated with alterations in renal function. Low urine pH has been described as a renal manifestation of the metabolic syndrome. Urine pH is a simple and inexpensive method for determining acid-base status. Recent studies suggest that acid-base status is associated with dietary intake.Objective: To examine relationship between dietary intake, components of metabolic syndrome and urine pH among the elderly.Method: Subjects of this cross-sectional study consist of 49 elderly that were collected consecutively. Height, weight, waist circumference (WC), dietary intake, blood pressure (BP), fasting blood glucose and urine were obtained. Rank Spearman correlation test was used to examine the correlation of components of metabolic syndrome and dietary intake with urine pH. Mann-Whitney test was used to compare the urine pH of the metabolic syndrome group and the normal group. Chi-Square/fisher test was used to calculate prevalence ratio (PR) of metabolic syndrome components to low urine pH. Multivariate analysis was done by multiple linear regression.Results: The mean urine pH of the metabolic syndrome group was 6,06 and significantly lower than the normal group (6,50). WC was the only component of metabolic syndrome that related to urine pH (r=-0,325; p=0,023). Abdominal obesity significantly increases the risk of low urine pH (RP=1,6; p=0,023; CI=1,005-2,442). Urine pH was negatively associated with protein intake and proportion of protein on diet. In multivariate analysis, WC is the most significant factor that predicted urinary pH.Conclusion: Urine acidification is a characteristic of abdominal obesity and the metabolic syndrome. Protein intake and proportion of protein on diet contribute to urine pH.
Jurnal Kesehatan Vol 9, No 1 (2016): Jurnal Kesehatan
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/jurkes.v9i1.3410


Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease characterized by hyperglycemia. Giving Zn could reduce the reactivity of ROS due to hyperglycemia by increasing SOD status. Zinc ability as an antioxidant also can improve blood glucose level in diabetes mellitus patients. To prove the effect of Zn with the doses of 3 mg/kg BW and 5 mg/kg BW for 30 days onblood glucose and SOD levels in Wistar rats induced by STZ. Twenty-eight rats were divided into 4 groups includes K1 as a negative control group, K2 as a positive control group that is induced by STZ 40 mg/kg BW, K3 as? group that is induced by STZ 40 mg/kg BW and Zn were given at a dose of 3 mg/kg BW for 30 days orally and K4 as aa group that is induced by STZ 40 mg/kg BW and Zn were given at a dose of 5 mg/kg BW for 30 days orally. Examination of blood glucose levels used GODPAP methods and SOD levels checked with a colorimeter method. Data were analyzed using Paired T-Testsand Wilcoxon tests. There was a significant decrease in blood glucose levels after administration of 3 mg/kg BW Zn (p = 0,003) and 5 mg/kg BW (p = 0.018) for 30 days in Wistar rats induced by STZ. There was no significant increase in SOD levels after administration of 3 mg/kg BW Zn (p = 0,120) but a significant increase in SOD levels after administration of 5 mg/kg BW Zn (p = 0,038) for 30 days in Wistar rats induced by STZ. Administration of 5 mg/kg BW Zn for 30 days showed a better effect on blood glucose and SOD levels in Wistar rats induced by STZ when compared with administration of 3 mg/kg BW Zn.
Pengaruh jamur tiram putih (pleurotus ostreatus) terhadap kadar glukosa darah, profil lipid dan kadar MDA pada tikus (rattus norvegicus) diabetes melitus Purbowati, Purbowati; Johan, Andrew; RMD, RA Kisdjamiatun
Jurnal Gizi Indonesia (The Indonesian Journal of Nutrition) Vol 4, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Department of Nutrition Science, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (454.291 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jgi.4.2.131-137


Background : Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease caused by acquired deficiency in insulin production by the pancreas, or by the ineffectiveness of using the produced insulin. Oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) can help lower blood glucose levels, improve lipid profile and reduce levels of MDA.Objective : to analyze the effect of oyster mushroom on blood glucose levels, lipid profile and MDA levels in STZ induced rats as type 1 DM model. Methods : thirty Sprague Dawley rats were randomly divided into 3 groups: one positive group (1) and two treated group which received 100 mg/kgBB (2) and 200 mg/kgBB (3) oyster mushroom extract, respectively. The interventions were carried out for 30 days. The examination of blood glucose levels, lipid profile and MDA levels was before and after the intervention. The differences inthe datapre-post interventions were analyzed by paired t-test, whereas the differences between the groups were analyzed by one-way ANOVA and kruskal wallis followed by post hoc analysis. Results : the treatment group experienced a decrease in blood glucose levels, total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, MDA and an increase in HDL cholesterol levels post-intervention (p < 0,001). Oyster mushroom extract with the dose of 200 mg/kg was more effective in lowering blood glucose levels, MDA levels and improving lipid profiles (p < 0,001).Conclusion : Oyster mushrooms administration lowers blood glucose levels, total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, MDA and increases HDL cholesterol levels. 
Pengaruh pemberian seng terhadap indeks fagositosis makrofag dan kadar nitric oxyde mencit balb/c yang terpapar lipopolisakarida e.coli Fardian, Nur; Johan, Andrew; RMD, RA Kisdjamiatun
Jurnal Gizi Indonesia (The Indonesian Journal of Nutrition) Vol 3, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Department of Nutrition Science, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (356.58 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jgi.3.2.68-72


Latar Belakang : Sistem imun tubuh merespons LPS dengan mengaktifkan makrofag dan memproduksi NO. Seng memiliki sifat sebagai antioksidan dan imunomodulator. Penelitian bertujuan untuk membuktikan pemberian seng berbagai dosis berpengaruh terhadap indeks fagositosis makrofag dan kadar NO.Metode : The post test only controlled group design pada mencit Balb/C terbagi atas 4 kelompok. Perbedaan indeks fagositosis dan kadar NO dianalisis menggunakan uji one way ANOVA dan dilanjutkan dengan uji Bonferroni. Hasil : Rerata indeks fagositosis makrofag adalah 106,60(±023,31), 428,40(±159,58), 285,70(±90,45) dan 208,07(±43,85) berturut turut untuk kelompok kontrol, perlakuan dosis 30 ppm, perlakuan dosis 60 ppm dan perlakuan dosis 120 ppm. Terdapat perbedaan bermakna atas indeks fagositosis makrofag antara kelompok kontrol dan perlakuan (p = 0,000). Rerata kadar NO adalah 0,08(±0,03), 0,12(±0.06), 0,09(±0,03) dan 0,20±0,08 berturut turut untuk kelompok kontrol, perlakuan dosis 30 ppm, perlakuan dosis 60 ppm dan perlakuan dosis 120 ppm. Terdapat perbedaan bermakna atas kadar NO antara kelompok kontrol dan perlakuan (p= 0,013).Kesimpulan : Indeks fagositosis makrofag seluruh kelompok perlakuan dengan dosis seng bertingkat 30 ppm, 60 ppm dan 120 ppm lebih tinggi secara bermakna dibanding kelompok kontrol. Kadar NO kelompok perlakuan dengan dosis seng 120 ppm lebih tinggi secara bermakna dibanding kelompok kontrol. Sedangkan dosis pemberian seng 30 ppm terbukti memiliki indeks fagositosis tertinggi dan dosis 120 ppm terbukti memiliki kadar NO tertinggi.
Pengaruh pemberian jus mangga terhadap profil lipid dan malondialdehyde pada tikus yang diberi minyak jelantah Zaki, Ibnu; Johan, Andrew; W, Nyoman Suci
Jurnal Gizi Indonesia (The Indonesian Journal of Nutrition) Vol 3, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Department of Nutrition Science, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (457.212 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jgi.3.2.108-115


Latar belakang : Pemberian minyak jelantah menyebabkan peningkatan profil lipid (kolesterol total, trigliserida, kolesterol LDL) dan Malondialdehyde(MDA) darah serta menurunkan kolesterol HDL. Jus mangga mengandung serat, vitamin C, E dan betakaroten yang berpotensi memperbaiki profil lipid dan menurunkan MDA.Tujuan :menganalisis pengaruh jus mangga terhadap profil lipid dan MDA tikus yang diberi minyak jelantah.Metode : Penelitian eksperimental dengan randomized controlled pre-post test design. Tikus Sprague Dawley di bagi acak menjadi tiga kelompok yaitu kelompok K diberi Aquades, kelompok P1 diberi minyak jelantah, dan kelompok P2 diberi minyak jelantah, jus mangga). Pemberian jus mangga diberikan 1x/hari peroral selama 14 hari. Kolesterol total, LDL, HDL diukur dengan metoda CHOD-PAP. Kadar Trigliserida diukur dengan metoda GPO-PAP. Analisis kadar MDA darah dengan metoda TBARS.Hasil : Terjadi peningkatan kolesterol total, trigliserida, LDL dan MDA serta penururnan HDLdarah setelah pemberian minyak jelantah. Pemberian jus mangga secara bermakna menurunkan kolesterol total, trigliserida, LDL dan MDA darah serta meningkatkan HDL. Rerata perubahan setelah pemberian jus mangga pada P2 kolesterol total -72,90±9,33 mg/dl,trigliserida -39,29±8,13 mg/dl, LDL -8,71±3,05mg/dldan MDA -4,25±0,52. Rerata Peningkatan HDL 13,70±4,16 mg/dl.Simpulan : Pemberian jus mangga menurunkan kolesterol total, trigliserida, LDL, MDA dan meningkatkan HDL.
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (415.791 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/dmj.v7i1.19339


Latar Belakang: Heat stress adalah suatu keadaan dimana sistem termoregulator tidak dapat mengendalikan keseimbangan temperatur tubuh. Heat stres disebabkan oleh peningkatan suhu lingkungan dan pekerjaan yang berhubungan dengan suhu tinggi. Heat stress memiliki efek yang berbahaya bagi tubuh karena dapat menyebabkan peningkatan kadar dari reactive oxygen species (ROS). Salah satu antioksidan yang bertanggung jawab untuk mereduksi ROS adalah Glutation (GSH). GSH kadarnya akan menurun ketika tubuh terpapar heat stress. Vitamin C digolongkan sebagai antioksidan sistem pertahanan primer berdasarkan kemampuannya mendonorkan elektron untuk mencegah terjadinya oksidasi pada senyawa lain dengan bertindak sebagai agen pereduksi.Tujuan: Menganalisis pengaruh pemberian vitamin C untuk mencegah penurunan kadar GSH pada tikus Sprague Dawley yang terpapar heat stress.Metode: Penelitian ini true experimental randomized post-test only with control group design pada tikus yang dibagi ke dalam tiga kelompok yaitu satu kelompok kontrol negatif (K1) yang tidak diberikan induksi heat stress dan vitamin C, satu kelompok kontrol positif (K2) yang diberikan pemaparan heat stress 43oC selama 70 menit. Kelompok perlakuan (P) yang diberikan vitamin C dengan dosis 0,075 mg/g berat badan melalui sonde lambung 2 jam sebelum pemaparan heat stress 43oC selama 70 menit.Hasil: Kadar GSH kelompok kontrol negatif (K1) lebih tinggi 32,16% dibandingkan kadar GSH kelompok kontrol positif (K2) meskipun secara statistik tidak signifikan dengan p=0,525. Kadar GSH kelompok perlakuan (P) lebih tinggi 144,44% dibandingkan kadar GSH kelompok kontrol positif (K2) meskipun secara statistik tidak signifikan dengan p=0,134.Kesimpulan: Pemberian vitamin C dapat mencegah penurunan kadar GSH tikus Sprague Dawley yang terpapar heat stress.
Efek Moringa oleifera terhadap Gula Darah dan Kolagen Matrik Ekstraseluler Sel β Pankreas Diabetes Eksperimental Ambarwati, Ambarwati; Sarjadi, Sarjadi; Johan, Andrew; Djamiatun, Kis
Jurnal Kedokteran Brawijaya Vol 28, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jkb.2014.028.02.3


Daun Moringa oleifera mengandung zat-zat bioaktif yang memperbaiki dan merangsang sel β pankreas untuk mensekresi insulin yang mengatur kadar gula darah. Kelangsungan hidup dan fungsi sel β pankreas memerlukan matriks ekstraseluler (ECM) yaitu fibronektin, laminin dan kolagen. Apakah kadar gula dan kolagen ECM yang mungkin terpengaruh streptozotocin yang merusak sel β pankreas diteliti pada diabetes eksperimental yang diberi perlakukan  M.oleifera. Studi ini menggunakan 24 tikus. Kadar gula darah diukur sebelum dan sesudah induksi streptozotocin 2 hari yang berdampak hiperglikemi, sesudah itu tikus dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok yang terdiri dua grup kontrol yang diterminasi pada hari 0 dan 21 hiperglikemi, dan dua kelompok diperlakukan dengan ekstrak daun M.oleifera dosis 250 dan 500mg/kg BB/hari selama 21 hari. Data dianalisis dengan statistik parametrik dan non-parametrik. Taraf kemaknaan p<0,05. Kadar gula menurun pada masing-masing kelompok perlakukan dosis 250 dan 500mg/BB/kg BB/hari (p=0,000). Kadar gula menjadi normal pada kelompok perlakuan dosis 500mg/kg BB/hari. Ketebalan kolagen ECM pulau Langerhans pankreas tetap normal di semua kelompok penelitian. Ekstrak daun M.oleifera dosis 500 mg/kg BB/hari adalah dosis efektif untuk menormalkan  kadar gula darah pada diabetes eksperimental.Kata Kunci: Diabetes melitus, kadar gula darah, ketebalan kolagen ECM, Moringa oleifera, Streptozotocin,  sel β pankreas
Majalah Kedokteran Bandung Vol 47, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran

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Kandungan quercetin pada Moringa oleifera secara ilmiah memiliki potensi sebagai antioksidan dan anti-inflamasi dengan menghambat aktivitas NF-?B, serta triterpenoid menstimulasi regenerasi sel ? pankreas dan meningkatkan sekresi insulin. Penelitian ini bertujuan melihat pengaruh pemberian ekstrak etanol daun Moringa oleifera terhadap insulitis dan ekspresi insulin pankreas tikus Sprague-Dawley jantan. Penelitian dilakukan di laboratorium Unit Pangan dan Gizi, Pusat Antar Universitas Universitas Gadjah Mada serta Laboratorium Histologi dan Biologi Sel Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Gadjah Mada, periode Mei?Juli 2013. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain randomized post test only controlled group. Hewan coba sebanyak 24 ekor tikus, diperiksa kadar gula darahnya pada hari ketiga setelah induksi streptozotosin, untuk melihat tikus sudah dalam keadaan hiperglikemik. Tikus kemudian  dibagi dalam tiga kelompok: satu kelompok kontrol dan  dua kelompok perlakuan yang  diberi ekstrak etanol daun Moringa oleifera dosis 250 dan 500 mg/kg/hari selama 21 hari. Gambaran histopatologik dinilai  derajat insulitis pada pulau Langerhans dan dinilai ekspresi insulin dengan skor Allred. Uji statistik yang digunakan adalah Kruskal Wallis dilanjutkan Mann-Whitney dengan taraf kemaknaan p<0,05 karena data tidak berdistribusi normal. Derajat insulitis dan ekspresi insulin pankreas tikus pada kedua kelompok perlakuan menunjukkan perbedaan bermakna dibanding dengan kelompok kontrol (p<0,005). Pada penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa ekstrak etanol daun Moringa oleifera dosis 250 dan 500 mg/kg menyebabkan ekspresi insulin lebih tinggi dan derajat insulitis lebih rendah dibanding dengan kelompok kontrol.[MKB. 2015;47(2):69?76]Kata kunci: Ekspresi insulin, insulitis, Moringa oleifera, streptozotosinEffect of Ethanol Extract of Moringa oleifera Leaves on Insulin Expression and Insulitis in Diabetes Mellitus RatsAbstractQuercetin content in Moringa oleifera has scientific potential antioxidant and anti-inflammation effects by inhibiting the activity of NF-?B. In addition, triterpenoids stimulate pancreatic ? cell regeneration and increases insulin secretion. This study aimed to discover the effect of  Moringa oleifera extract on insulitis and insulin expression in pancreas of  Sprague-Dawley male rats. The study was performed at the laboratory of Food and Nutrition Unit of The Inter University Center of Gadjah Mada University and the laboratory of Histology and Cell Biology Faculty of Medicine  Gadjah Mada University during May?July 2013. This was a randomized post test only controlled group study. Twenty four rats were included. Blood glucose test was performed on the third day after streptozotocin induction to ensure that all rats were in hyperglycemic condition. The rats were then divided into three groups: one control group and two treatment groups receiving Moringa oleifera ethanolic leaves extract for 21 days in doses of 250 and 500 mg/kg/day, respectively. Histopathological analysis of pancreas were performed by evaluating insulitis  based on the infiltration of mononuclear inflammatory cells to the Langerhans islets. Insulin expression was evaluated using Allred score. Statistical analysis used was Kruskal-Wallis test, followed by  Mann-Whitney  with a level of significance of p<0.05. The insulitis degree and insulin expression of the two treatment groups were significantly  different compared to the control group (p<0.005). It can be concluded that Moringa oleifera ethanolic leaf extract doses of 250 and 500 mg/kg/day cause higher insulin expression and lower  insulitis degree than in the control group. [MKB. 2015;47(2):69?76]Key words: Insulin expression, insulitis, Moringa oleifera, streptozotocin DOI: 10.15395/mkb.v47n2.456
Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan dan Kebidanan Vol 8, No 4 (2016): Desember 2016
Publisher : Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan dan Kebidanan

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Adenokarsinoma mamma/ kanker payudara merupakan salah satu keganasan tersering pada wanita dan merupakan penyebab kematian terbanyak kelima akibat kanker. Siklooksigenase -2 (COX-2) adalah enzim yang sangat penting dalam jalur metabolisme asam arachinoid. COX-2 dapat terekspresi didalam berbagai jaringan karena adanya induksi oleh sitokin proinflamasi. Beberapa studi menunjukkan bahwa kandungan pada daun sirsak efektif melawan, menargetkan dan membunuh sel –sel yang tumbuh abnormal seperti sel kanker. Senyawa ini tidak menyerang sel yang normal, berbeda dengan kemoterapi yang masih menyerang sebagian sel normal
Efek pemberian Chlorophyllin terhadap kadar nitric oxide dan malondialdehida tikus hiperkolesterolemia Pontang, Galeh S; Johan, Andrew; Subagio, Hertanto W
Jurnal Gizi Indonesia (The Indonesian Journal of Nutrition) Vol 3, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Department of Nutrition Science, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (495.158 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jgi.3.1.115-120


Background : Endothelial dysfunction is well-known as an early stage of atherosclerosis. Increased oxidative stress inhypercholesterolemia triggers endothelial dysfunction that is characterized by decreased biological availability ofnitric oxide (NO). Experimental studies showed that chlorophyllin had an effective antioxidant activity.Objectives : To determine the effect of chlorophyllin on nitric oxide (NO) and malondialdehyde (MDA) level ofhypercholesterolemic rats.Methods : Post test only randomized control groupusedtwenty four male Sprague Dawley rats were randomly dividedinto four groups: without treatment (technical control/K1), hypercholesterolemic (negative control/K2),hypercholesterolemic with chlorophyllin at dose of 1,8 mg/200 g/d (P1) and hypercholesterolemic with chlorophyllin atdose of 3,34 mg/200g/d (P2). Chlorophyllin was dissolved in water and was given via nasogastric tube for 21 days afterthe rats got hypercholesterolemia. Total cholesterol level of blood was measured by CHOD-PAP method, level of NOplasma was measured by Griess reaction and level of MDA plasma was measured by TBARS method. Hypothesis testwas analyzed by One Way Anova continued by Post hoc LSD test and Kruskall Wallis by significant level of 0,05.Results :NO plasma level was the lowest in group P2 (0.203+0.015 μM) and the highest in the group K2 (0,224±0,001μM), but no difference of NO plasma level among groups (p = 0.118). There were differences in MDA plasma levelamong the groups (p = 0.001). P1 and P2 groups had lower MDA plasma level than K2 (2.40+0.11 nmol/ml), indicatedby (1.94 +0.07 nmol/ml, p=0.0001) and (1,37 +0.13 nmol/ml, p=0.0001) respectively, but still higher than K1(0.94+0.05 nmol/ml, p=0.0001).Conclusion : The treatment of chlrophyllin does not have an effect of NO plasma level, but gives an effect of lowerMDA plasma level.