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Techno Jurnal Ilmu Teknik Vol 15, No 1 (2014): Jurnal Techno April 2014
Publisher : UMP

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Optimasi angkutan umum merupakan hal penting dalam pelayanan terhadap penumpang dan kelangsungan operator itu sendiri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan jumlah armada optimal yang sesuai kebutuhan penumpang dengan tetap mempertimbangkan Biaya Operasi Kendaraan sehingga tetap menguntungkan pihak sopir/pemilik angkot. Hasil penelitian di 6 trayek yaitu D1, D2, B1, B2, G1 dan G2 sebagai berikut : Jumlah penumpang terbanyak berdasarkan survey ada di trayek B2 dengan jumlah 30 penumpang per rit, sedangkan D2 mempunyai jumlah paling sedikit dibandingkan 5 trayek lainnya yaitu 22 penumpang. Load factor pada kondisi break even sebesar 0,873 masih terdapat keuntungan pada setiap trayek. Diperlukan penambahan armada angkot untuk dapat melayani penumpang yang ada dengan masing-masing penambahan 1 angkot untuk trayek D1, B1, dan 3 angkot untuk trayek G1 dan G2 serta B2 sejumlah 4 angkot sedangkan trayek angkot D2 tidak diperlukan penambahan angkot.Kata kunci : Optimasi, Angkutan umum, penumpang, operator
Techno Jurnal Ilmu Teknik Vol 12, No 1 (2011): Jurnal Techno April 2011
Publisher : UMP

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This study aims to analyze the views of professionals on the topics of materials in curriculum construction management and its application to construction projects. So the results can be used for curriculum development of construction management in civil engineering department UMP. Based on survey results obtained that the construction management topics are most important and frequently applied is the topic: 1) Consultants and Public Works are employment planning, job scheduling, work methods, and project supervision. 2) The contractor is planning work, scheduling, working methods and project costs. The topics are not important and not often applied to the contractor that is legal and licensing projects, and contract documents. Key words: construction management
EFEKTIVITAS PENERAPAN RUANG HENTI KHUSUS (RHK) DI PERSIMPANGAN JALAN PERKOTAAN (Studi Kasus: Persimpangan Jalan Pasteur-Pasirkaliki Kota Bandung) Amelia, Sri; MT, Juanita
Techno Jurnal Ilmu Teknik Vol 12, No 2 (2011): Jurnal Techno Oktober 2011
Publisher : UMP

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Population growth since the post-crisis motorcycle Indonesia Economic in mid-1998 showed a new phenomenon. This is expected to affect traffic characteristics, which in turn can degrade the performance of estimated traffic infrastructure. Insert motorcycle moves forward through the gaps between the rows of cars queuing up to reach the stop line. Buildup that occurs even in general irregular and also violated the traffic rules as beyond the stop line, close the left turn traffic movement and prevents direct flow of pedestrians. One form of treatment is the provision of bike facilities in the form of a special stopping space facility (RHK) to motorcycles at urban crossroads.One way to examine the effectiveness of the implementation of RHK motorcycle is to assess the performance of traffic (flow) at the foot of the intersection. Results of analysis are before and after implementation of a motorcycle RHK (before, after 1 and after 2) shows that there is increase in the average number of vehicles at peak times up to 13% in the city of Bandung. Studies using the method of calculating the traffic flow MKJI 1997,  RHK obtained results that the application of motorcycles in urban crossroads affect the current to increase the average vehicle to reach more than 10%. Key-word: proportion of motorcycles, motorcycle specific stopping space, traffic performance
Techno Jurnal Ilmu Teknik Vol 15, No 1 (2014): Jurnal Techno April 2014
Publisher : UMP

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Desa Binangun merupakan salah satu Desa di Kecamatan Banyumas yang termasuk kawasan rentan terhadap bencana tanah longsor. Perbukitan yang terjal, curah hujan yang tinggi, dan zona permukiman yang terletak di lereng-lereng perbukitan sangat rentan terhadap bencana tanah longsor. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar tingkat kerawanan longsor di Desa Binangun. Data didapat melalui pengamatan langsung di lapangan, uji laboratorium, dan data sekunder dari berbagai instansi dan sumber-sumber terkait. Analisis data dilakukan untuk menetapkan tipologi zona berpotensi longsor dan menentukan klasifikasi tingkat kerawanan terhadap longsor. Hasil analisis diperoleh tingkat kerawanan longsor antara 1,8–2,085, maka tingkat kerawanan zona berpotensi longsor Desa Binangun adalah sedang.Kata kunci :Tingkat kerawanan, longsor
Kajian Tempurung Kelapa Sebagai Bahan Beton Ringan Juanita, Mrs; Anjarwati, Sulfah
Proceeding Seminar LPPM UMP Tahun 2014 2014: Proceeding Seminar Hasil Penelitian LPPM 2014, 6 September 2014
Publisher : Proceeding Seminar LPPM UMP Tahun 2014

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Banyumas sebagai penghasil gula kelapa mempunyai banyak limbah tempurung kelapa yang dapat dimanfaatkan dan bernilai ekonomis tinggi. Salah satu pemanfaatannya yaitu digunakan sebagai bahan alternatif beton ringan. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, maka penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji apakah tempurung kelapa bisa digunakan untuk beton ringan dan seberapa kuat tekan serta berat jenis beton. Sampel yang digunakan menggunakan proporsi tempurung kelapa sebagai pengganti agregat kasar sebesar 0%, 8%, 25%, 50%, 75% dan 100% dengan kuat tekan rencana 17 Mpa. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh dengan faktor air semen 0,6 dan nilai slump 10 serta ukuran agregat kasar maksimal 4 cm diperoleh hasil : Berat jenis beton normal 2350,03 kg/m3, 8 % tempurung kelapa 2202,52 kg/m3 masuk kedalam jenis beton normal. Berat jenis beton dengan proporsi 25 % adalah 2017,92 kg/m3 bukan termasuk beton ringan. Berat jenis beton dengan proporsi 50 %, 75 % dan 100% tempurung kelapa masing-masing 1654,40 kg/m3; 1297,17 kg/m3; 1118,3 kg/m3 termasuk beton ringan, Kuat tekan beton normal sesuai dengan kuat tekan rencana 17 Mpa, proporsi 8% kuat tekan 15,776 Mpa, proporsi 25 % kuat tekan 7,32 Mpa, proporsi 50% kuat tekan 2,801 Mpa, proporsi 75 % kuat tekan 0,442 Mpa dan proporsi 100% kuat tekan 0,059 Mpa. Kata kunci : Tempurung kelapa, bahan, alternatif, beton ringan
Techno Jurnal Ilmu Teknik Vol 16, No 2 (2015): Jurnal Techno Volume 16 No 2 Oktober 2015
Publisher : UMP

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Angkutan umum dalam suatu kota sangat penting untuk transportasi berbagai aktifitas warga masyarakat. Analisis pelayanan angkutan umum penting dilakukan untuk meninjau sejauhmana pelayanan yang sudah diberikan sehingga operator mengetahui kebutuhan masyarakat dan upaya yang harus dilakukan untuk perbaikan pelayanan. Data dari penelitian ini diperoleh melalui survey yang dilakukan terhadap penumpang angkot melalui penyebaran kuisioner dengan sistem random sampling. Dalam menganalisis pelayanan angkutan umum digunakan metode servqual dengan meninjau pelayanan kedalam 5 dimensi, tangible, emphaty, reliability, responsiveness dan assurance. Skala dalam kuisioner digunakan skala likert. Kemudian dilanjutkan analisis kinerja pelayanan angkutan umum dengan metode CSI (customer satisfaction index) dan IPA (Importance Performance Analyisis). Hasil analisis diperoleh nilai CSI 57 % artinya kinerja pelayanan yang dirasakan penumpang masih kurang baik. Berdasarkan grafik IPA diperoleh 6 variabel di kuadran III (prioritas rendah), 2 variabel di kuadran I (prioritas utama), 5 variabel di kuadran II (pertahankan prestasi) dan 4 variabel di kuadran IV (berlebihan).Kata kunci : Kinerja,pelayanan ,angkutan umum , Servqual, CSI, IPA
The Determinants of Health Consultation Utilization among HIV Patients at Budi Kemuliaan Hospital, Batam, Indonesia Siregar, Dawiyah; Juanita, Juanita; Rochadi, R. Kintoko
Journal of Health Policy and Management Vol 3, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Masters Program in Public Health, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia

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Background: HIV and AIDS is a global public health problem. Until the end of 2016, there were more than 36.7 million people living with HIV. HIV & AIDS counseling is a confidential communication between clients and counselors aimed at increasing the ability to deal with stress and make decisions regarding HIV & AIDS. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the ability to pay and the environmental factor on consultation health service utilization at Budi Kemuliaan hospital, Batam.Subjects and Method: This was a cross-sectional study was conducted at Budi Kemuliaan Hospital, Batam, from May 8 to June 18, 2018. A sample of 76 HIV patients was selected by systematic random sampling. The dependent variable was the use of consulting service. The independent variables were risk of illness and environment. The data were collected using questionnaires and analyzed by a multiple logistic regression.Results: The use of consultation health service was influenced by the risk of illness (OR = 6.82; p = 0.011) and supportive environment (OR= 4.59; p= 0.028).Conclusions: The use of consultation services is influenced by risk factors for illness and the environment.Keywords: consultation service, the risk of illness, environment, HIV/AIDS patientCorrespondence:Dawiyah Siregar. Department of Administration and Health Policy. Universitas Sumatera Utara, Jl. Universitas No.32, Padang Bulan, Medan Baru, Medan, North Sumatera 20222. Email: Mobile: +6281267500608Journal of Health Policy and Management (2018), 3(2): 76-80
BPJS Barrier to Strategic Purchasing of Primary Care Service at Public and Private Health Facilities in Subulussalam, Aceh Darma, Satria; Juanita, Juanita; Rochadi, R. Kintoko
Journal of Health Policy and Management Vol 3, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Masters Program in Public Health, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia

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Background: Strategic purchasing plays an important role in the cost structure and competitiveness of small and large businesses. Managing Board of Social Insu-rance (BPJS) has implemented strategic purchasing of health services in the National Health Insurance (JKN) scheme. Strategic purchasing is important to provide quality products and services at low costs. Strategic purchasing of health service has five critical criteria: (1) what is to purchase; (2) to whom it is for; (3) whom it is from; (4) what is the price; (5) how to purchase it. This study aimed to assess BPJS barrier to strategic purchasing of primary care service at public and private health facilities in Subulussalam, Aceh.Subjects and Method: This was a qualitative study conducted in Subulussalam, Aceh, from February to July 2015. A total of 12 key informants for this study, including BPJS administrators and hospital managers. The theme was strategic purchasing of health service. The data were collected by in-depth interview, direct observation, and document review. The data was analyzed by thematic analysis.Results: BPJS administered the same standards of strategic purchasing health service from the public and private health providers. However, there were some unresolved problems: (1) BPJS faced difficulty to select primary care providers independently; (2) Illegal use of other members JKN card to get health service; (3) Redundant claims from the primary care providers; (4) Claim of inpatient days exceeding the maximum allowable limit; (5) Delay in non-capitations reimbur-sement payment to primary care provider; (6) Inequitable distribution of health manpower across health facilities.Conclusion: BPJS has implemented strategic purchasing of primary care services with the same standards applied to public and private primary care providers. However, there remain some problems of purchasing health services that call for immediate corrective actions, including routine monitoring, explanation of delay, advocacy, equitable distribution of health manpower.Keywords: strategic purchasing, primary care service, health facility, BPJS.Correspondence: Satria Darma. Department of Health Policy and Administration, Universitas Sumatera Utara, North Sumatera. Email: Mobile: 085260077824.Journal of Health Polic and Management (2018), 3(2): 81-91
The Effect of Patients’ Characteristics and the Dosage of Methadone Maintenance on Retention of Methadone Therapy in H. Adam Malik General Hospital, Medan Simangunsong, Dian Natalya; Juanita, Juanita; Rochadi, Kintoko
Indonesian Journal of Medicine Vol 4, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Masters Program in Public Health, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia

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Background: The maintenance phase in methadone maintenance therapy required a long time un­til the patient was declared recovered, so that it often caused saturation and results in high drop­out rates. Therapy retention or survival of patients in the process of therapy was one indicator of the success of this methadone therapy. This study aims to determine the effect of patient charac­te­ris­tics and methadone maintenance therapy dose on the retention of methadone therapy at H. Adam Malik General Hospital Medan.Subjects and Method: This study used a cross sectional design and was carried out at H. Adam Malik General Hospital in Medan. The number of samples in this study was the total population of 63 patients in the maintenance phase January 2017 to January 2018. The dependent variable was the retention of methadone therapy and the independent variables included age, education level, ma­rital status, work status, domicile, and average maintenance dose even. The data in this study were obtained from the medical record data of maintenance phase methadone patients and the data analysis was done using multiple logistic regression tests.Results: The results showed that the average maintenance dose had an effect on retention of me­tha­done therapy (OR = 5.94, 95% CI 1.06 to 33.18, p = 0.042).Conclusions: The maintenance dose of ≥60 mg affects the retention of methadone therapy 6 times higher than the dose of <60 mg.Keywords: Therapy retention, patient characteristics, maintenance dosesCorrespondence: Dian Natalya Simangunsong, Master’s Program in Public Health of Uni­ver­si­tas Sumatera Utara, Jl. Jahe 7 No. 14 Simalingkar A, Medan Tuntungan District, Medan, Ema­il: Mobile: 0821-1133-5324Indonesian Journal of Medicine (2019), 4(2): 176-182
The Development of a Cultural-Based Educational Program to Enhance Breast Self-Examination (BSE) Self-Efficacy Juanita, Juanita; Jittanoon, Piyanuch; Boonyasopun, Umaporn
Nurse Media Journal of Nursing Vol 2, No 2 (2012): (DECEMBER 2012)
Publisher : Department of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University

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Purpose: To develop the educational program which is appropriate with Islamic culture in order to enhance BSE self-efficacy of nursing students and thus promote BSE practice. Method: This study is a development research study which is consisting of three phases including: 1) reviewing several existing BSE educational programs; 2) program design based on SCT and Islamic culture; and 3) program validation by three experts. Result: Based on previous studies, the most appropriate theory to enhance self-efficacy was Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) because this theory provides several strategies to increase the self-efficacy. Further, the program that used Islamic culture was more appropriate to increase BSE practice among Muslim women. As a result, the newly developed program was developed used SCT and Islamic culture. This program was comprised of four sessions including: 1) exploring Islamic mandate on prevention and individual responsibility in health promotion, and culture-related beliefs toward BSE, 2) health education by conducting lecturing session and watching a video about BSE procedures, 3) BSE training activities including BSE demonstration and return demonstration, 4) follow-up by conducting a meeting. Conclusion: The cultural-based educational program for enhancing BSE self-efficacy and promoting BSE is a program using multifaceted methods. It designed based on a review of the literature from previous studies and were supported by research findings on experimental studies in other population. Keywords: Cultural, Educational program development, Breast self-examination, Self-efficacy.