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Autopilot Unmanned Smart Boat Vehicle (AUSV) Communication with LoRa RFM95 Afif Zuhri Arfianto; Mohammad Basuki Rahmat; Fuad Dhiyavia; Tri Budi Santoso; Nyoman Gunantara; Eko Supriyanto; Valian Yoga Pudya Ardhana
JOIV : International Journal on Informatics Visualization Vol 4, No 4 (2020)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30630/joiv.4.4.492


Autopilot is a system control application on moving vehicles such as airplanes, helicopters, or boat, which serves to stabilize the direction of motion in the desired time and the programmed path's direction. the autopilot control system is controlled by a series of microcontrollers and GPS that has the function to be able to determine and the desired object. This control system is designed with electrical system controls that utilize microcontrollers, sensor  and GPS as control media. The development of autopilot prototypes is used for testing new control algorithms and the reliability of other electronic components such as sensors and microprocessors. A control system is needed to control the boat to its destination. The relatively accurate system dynamics model affects the steering performance of the autopilot system. The system in question can be considered a boat with an actuator rudder, which experiences external disturbances. this system is broadly divided into two parts: the control station part and the autonomous boat part. These two parts communicate with each other using LoRa device. The data sent from the control station to the autonomous boat is target latitude and longitude coordinates. The autonomous boat will send feedback in the form of boat latitude and longitude coordinates so that users can find out the current location of the boat. Autonomous Boat also provides feedback to the control station via LoRa in the form of boat coordinates so that users can find out the current location of the boat and whether the boat has reached the specified coordinates. The control station will send feedback from the boat to a database that can be monitored via the website to find out the boat's current condition on the website. Based on the  results that have been obtained in the analysis and testing of the system. GPS sensor used in autonomous boat Ublox NEO-7m has an accuracy level with an average distance value of 3.220921 meters with the lowest cold start time of 7 seconds.  Compass sensor used in autonomous boat CMPS11 has an accuracy level with an average value of 3.041667 degrees. Communication distance between autonomous boat and control station using LoRa with 5dBi antenna can reach 1406.79 meters in condition without obstruction between nodes.  Data delivery system can be successfully sent from user to autonomout boat and sending feedback back to user. Delay update of boat coordinate data on interface has the lowest average of 30.8 seconds. Based on turning circle test results, autonomous boat is able to create imperfect circles with a radius of 8,364 m.
Perencanaan Coverage Jaringan 5G Berdasarkan Propagasi Rugi Rugi Lintasan dan Shadowing Made Niama Dwi Susila; Linawati Linawati; Nyoman Gunantara
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 8, No 2: April 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25126/jtiik.2021824485


Permintaan dan kebutuhan terhadap layanan jaringan yang lebih cendrung ke arah layanan data yang cepat dan bergerak, maka mendorong diperlukannya penerapan teknologi 5G. Teknologi 5G belum diimplementasikan di Indonesia. Sehingga pada penelitian ini dilakukan perencanaan jaringan 5G menggunakan sistem 5G dengan frekuensi 869 MHz di Kota Denpasar memanfaatkan menara rooftop. Menara rooftop digunakan untuk menghemat ruang, lahan yang sifatnya terbatas, dan nilai estetika. Untuk itu lokasi menara ditempatkan pada bangunan yang bernama balai banjar. Ketinggian menara menyesuaikan dengan jumlah lantai dari balai banjar. Apabila balai banjar memiliki 1, 2, dan 3 lantai maka ketinggian menara juga menyesuaikan. Ketinggian menara secara berturut-turut adalah 13, 18 dan 22 meter. Pada perencanaan coverage menggunakan model propagasi rugi-rugi lintasan dengan pengaruh shadowing. Model propagasi ini digunakan dengan pertimbangan penggunaan frekuensi yang fleksibel dan kota Denpasar merupakan daerah urban. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pemetaan lokasi menara rooftop dan coverage jaringan 5G di Kota Denpasar. Sehingga hasilnya dapat dijadikan pertimbangan dalam perencanaan jaringan 5G yang menggunakan menara rooftop. Perencanaan jaringan 5G dilakukan melalui menghitung jari-jari sel dengan model propagasi rugi-rugi lintasan dengan pengaruh shadowing, menghitung coverage, menghitung jumlah lokasi menara rooftop, dan pemetaan pada google earth. Hasil analisis adalah jari-jari yang dihasilkan adalah 70,4479 m dengan luas coverage 0,0129 km2. Jumlah menara rooftop yang diperlukan adalah 366 ditempatkan di balai banjar dan 11.550 ditempatkan di luar balai banjar. Sehingga pemanfaatan lokasi balai banjar sebagai lahan lokasi menara rooftop adalah sebesar 3,07% dan di luar balai banjar sebesar 96,93%. AbstractThe demand for and the need for network services that are more inclined towards fast and mobile data services, encourages the need for the application of 5G technology. 5G technology has not been implemented in Indonesia. So that in this study, a 5G network planning was carried out using a 5G system with a frequency of 869 MHz in Denpasar City using a rooftop tower. Rooftop towers are used to save space, limited land, and aesthetic value. For this reason, the location of the tower is placed in a building called the balai banjar. The height of the tower adjusts to the number of floors of the balai banjar. If the balai banjar has 1, 2, and 3 floors, the tower height will also adjust. The tower heights are 13, 18 and 22 meters, respectively. In coverage planning using the path loss propagation model with shadowing effect. This propagation model is used considering the use of flexible frequencies and the city of Denpasar is an urban area. The purpose of this study is to determine the mapping of the rooftop tower location and 5G network coverage in Denpasar City. So that the results can be taken into consideration in planning a 5G network that uses a rooftop tower. Planning for the 5G network is done by calculating the cell radius with the path loss propagation model with the shadowing effect, calculating coverage, calculating the number of rooftop tower locations, and mapping on Google Earth. The result of the analysis is that the resulting radius is 70.4479 m with a coverage area of 0.0129 km2. The required number of rooftop towers is 366 placed in the balai banjar and 11,550 placed outside the balai banjar. So that the use of the balai banjar location as a rooftop tower location is 3.07% and outside the balai banjar is 96.93%.
Buletin Udayana Mengabdi Vol 20 No 1 (2021): Buletin Udayana Mengabdi
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (531.251 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/BUM.2021.v20.i01.p07


In carrying out the ceremony at the Sindetan Temple, Les Village, we always keeps his tetaring. The tetaring that is installed is usually made of materials, namely bamboo, slepan (coconut leaves), and rope. In making the tetaring, a lot of manners are needed and have expertise in making tetaring. In addition, the cost of making the tetars is quite expensive and takes a long time. After completing the piodalan, the tetaring is dismantled where the materials cannot be reused for the next piodalan ceremony. This is because these materials will spoil quickly. The solution to this problem is in the form of innovation in making tetaring from materials that are more durable and stronger. The materials to be used are iron and cloth. This iron is used as a substitute for bamboo and cloth is used as a substitute for slepan and rope. The Service Team has designed the tetaring that will be made so that it has aesthetic value to be seen. In addition, the tetaring will be made easy and comfortable to use and can be assembled and assembled. Tetaring can be dismantled, meaning that if it is to be used, it will be easy to install and vice versa when it is finished, it will be easy to dismantle. The tetaring design is then realized and has been supervised in the process. The tetaring that have been made are installed at Sindetan Temple and then handed over to the Sindetan Temple board. This will provide effectiveness and efficiency for the Pura Sindetan boarding house. So that the manners of Pura Sindetan don't bother anymore thinking about tetaring when there is a piodalan ceremony.
Buletin Udayana Mengabdi Vol 19 No 1 (2020): Buletin Udayana Mengabdi
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1199.432 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/BUM.2020.v19.i01.p18


Pura merupakan tempat yang disucikan oleh umat Hindu. Sehingga keberadaannya tidak dilengkapi dengan WC (Water Closet) umum. Hal ini disebabkan WC umum dianggap mengotori pura. Tetapi dengan perkembangan bangunan di sekitar areal pura maka disekeliling areal pura sudah ada rumah-rumah penduduk dimana sebelumnya masih berupa lahan kosong atau lahan pertanian. Dengan demikian para pemedek yang berada di pura apabila ingin buang air kecil akan mengalami kesusahan mencari tempat. Sementara ini, para pemedek yang berada di pura untuk melakukan persembahyangan atau ada kegiatan lain, apabila ingin buang air kecil terpaksa pinjem WC di rumah penduduk. Kejadian ini sudah dilakukan sejak dari dulu. Apabila hal ini terus dilakukan maka akan menggangu yang punya rumah serta para pemedek merasa tidak nyaman. Kondisi ini terjadi juga di Pura Dadia Tutuan. Solusi dari permasalahan ini maka krama warga dadia sesuai dengan hasil paruman maka berinisiatif untuk membangun WC umum yang khusus untuk tempat buang air kecil bukan untuk buang air besar. Prajuru dan Krama Pura Dadia Tutuan melaksanakan pertemuan untuk membahas dan memutuskan letak lokasi WC umum tersebut bertepatan dengan Hari Raya Galungan. Letak lokasi WC umum berada tepat di sebelah Pura Dadia Tutuan. Pemilihan lokasi ini karena tanah/area tersebut dimiliki oleh salah satu Krama Pura Dadia dimana tanah tersebut masih kosong dan pemilik sudah menyetujui pada pertemuan tersebut. Pembanguan WC Umum sudah dilakukan oleh warga Krama Pura Dadia Tutuan yang sudah ditunjuk pada pertemuan. Hasil Bangunan WC Umum tersebut sudah diserahkan kepada Krama Pura Dadia Tutuan melalui Prajuru, Warga, dan Tim Pengabdian. Kata kunci: Pura Dadia Tutuan, Desa Les, desain, implementasi, WC umum
Penataan Sistem Penerangan di Pura Beji Desa Les Kecamatan Tejakula, Buleleng N. Gunantara; R. S. Hartati; A. Dharma; I. K. Wijaya; W. Sukerayasa; I M. Mataram; A. A. G. M. Pemayun; I K. P. Sudiarta
Buletin Udayana Mengabdi Vol 15 No 1 (2016): Jurnal Udayana Mengabdi
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (576.227 KB)


Beji Temple in Les Village owned by the residents of the Les Village. It is bounded by the east and south by page of Desa Temple / Bale Agung, the west by a vacant lot owned by the village, and the north by Place Baths (Shower). Beji Temple in Les Village has undergone a total refurbishment. With the restoration of the temple in the rebuilding of Beji expanded westward with consideration extant village lands and population growth. Currently Beji Temple has been completely rebuilt and inaugurated by the Village People. In the development process has been carried out the design and implementation of lighting systems. Design lighting system has been designed and a new implementation at the stage of planting cabling that will be used in lighting systems. The design and implementation of the illumination system is designed to provide safety and comfort to the citizens who wishes to engage in worship at night. Besides, it also sheds light on the baths (shower) and contain aesthetic value. Beji Temple lighting system is expected to citizens of Les Village imitate and implement in other temples.
Buletin Udayana Mengabdi Vol 15 No 2 (2016): Jurnal Udayana Mengabdi
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (798.242 KB)


dipakai untuk kegiatan-kegiatan desa yang bersifat sosial kemasyarakatan. Ciri khas bangunan adalah adanyarelief Burung Garuda Pancasila yang terpahat di dinding (leufel) depan bale Banjar dengan ukuran besarsehingga sangat menjolok dan terlihat dari jalan raya utama Desa Sangsit, inilah satu-satunya bale banjarberukir Burung Garuda yang menunjukan rasa nasionalisme krama banjar yang tidak disangsikan lagi untukrela berkorban “nindihin gumi pertiwi”. Kondisi bangunan sangat mengkhawatirkan karena usia, terbuktipada kolom utama penyangga lantai dua yang ada dibagian belakang terdapat retak-retak besar menandakanterjadinya kegagalan struktur. Sehingga secara langsung tidak dapat dipergunakan oleh warga untukkegiatan-kegiatan banjar/ atau Dusun. Melalui rapat banjar, akhirnya diputuskan untuk melakukanpembangunan gedung baru dengan membentuk panitia pembangunan. Pembangunan tahap awal telah sampaipada struktur gedung dan utilitas penting seperti sistem penerangan dan dayanya. Tim Pengabdi telahmerencanakan instalasi listrik beserta perlengkapannya yang aman berdasarkan PUIL dan telah berfungsidengan baik. Diharapkan apabila gedung telah rampung seluruhnya nanti, bisa lebih memotivasi warga agarberperan aktif memakai gedung bale banjar disaat ada kegiatan-kegiatan yang dilakukan malam hari.
ANALISIS PENGUKURAN KUALITAS LAYANAN PADA JARINGAN 4G I P Indra Ully Widhi Nugraha; N Gunantara; IGAK Diafari Djuni Hartawan
Jurnal SPEKTRUM Vol 8 No 1 (2021): Jurnal SPEKTRUM
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Elektro UNUD

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (409.706 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/SPEKTRUM.2021.v08.i01.p10


The development of the North Denpasar area, especially the kelurahan and the Peguyanganvillage, has caused many migrants to come and live in the Peguyangan area and have animpact on the development of the population to increase. The population growth of the NorthDenpasar peguyangan region from year to year is growing very rapidly. The analysis methodused in the study "Measuring Service Quality on 4G Networks" with Android-based Drive Testand Application is to analyze the measurement results with standardization or Key PerformanceIndicators (KPI) which are sourced from books, articles, and journals in the field using themeasurement method using G-net Track Pro application to perform Drive Test and measureRSRP, RSRQ, SINR. Meanwhile, the Nperf application is used to measure Download, Upload,and Latency. Based on the results of the measurement of the signal strength in the PeguyanganKelurahan, North Denpasar, it can be concluded, From the experiments conducted from theRSRP, RSRQ, SINR data taken in the morning and evening, in the morning the results obtainedare better than in the afternoon. . The possibility of this is caused by the EU in the morning lessthan in the afternoon. From the experiments conducted from the Download, Upload, SINR datataken in the morning and evening, in the morning the results obtained are better than in theafternoon.
Jurnal SPEKTRUM Vol 2 No 4 (2015): Jurnal SPEKTRUM
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Elektro UNUD

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (377.478 KB)


Drive test adalah kegiatan mengumpulkan data pengukuran kualitas sinyal suatu jaringan.Untuk melakukan drive test diperlukan perlengkapan seperti Mobile Station , Laptop, dan Global Positioning System (GPS) seperti pada Tems Investigation 8.0.3. Namun dengan berkembangnya kemajuan teknologi drive test dapat dilakukan dengan sangat mudah yaitu hanya dengan smartphone berbasis android. Permasalahannya adalah bagaimana performance drive test jika menggunakan smartphone berbasis android yang mengacu pada metode drive test dengan parameter RSL dan RxQual. Hasil pengukuran RSL dan RxQual lebih mendekati menggunakan alat ukur Tems Investigation 8.0.3 dibandingkan G-NetTrack Pro sebagai contoh pada ProtAkaba yaitu mendapatkan nilai RxQual 0,36 dimana hasil tersebut termasuk dalam kualitas baik namun pada G-NetTrack Pro mendapatkan nilai -1 dimana nilai tersebut tidak termasuk dalam standar nilai KPI PT Hutchison 3 selain itu pada G-NetTrackPro tidak terdapat fitur lock cellid serta pengaturan threeshold untuk RxQual yang mengakibatkan nilai terbesar yang didapatkan pada sebuah menara Rooftop.
Jurnal SPEKTRUM Vol 6 No 3 (2019): Jurnal SPEKTRUM
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Elektro UNUD

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (273.296 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/SPEKTRUM.2019.v06.i03.p04


Vehicle inspection is made to guarantee the safety of vehicle on the road. Vehicle Inspection held regularly, in order to reduced any accident that is caused by the trouble or damage of the ma-chine. Vehicle Inspection Unit is expected to give the best service to the customer. The Unit has to be ready in every aspect of inspection such as inspection book, sticker, inspection plate, human re-sources and the possibilities in increasing the amount of equipment. Forecasting method can be used for planning all the item mentioned above. The forecasting methods that is used in this paper is Holt-Winters Model. In addition, we can predict the amount of vehicle to be inspected 12 month ahead, so the unit can analyze and plan the needs of vehicle inspection operation. The used of Holt-Winters Model Method, , produced Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) of 1.09%.This indicated that the model produced good values of prediction, which can be used to maximize the vehicle inspection, especially in Tabanan Regency.
Jurnal SPEKTRUM Vol 6 No 1 (2019): Jurnal SPEKTRUM
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Elektro UNUD

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (200.572 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/SPEKTRUM.2019.v06.i01.p03


Problems that often occur in the selection of goods, there are still many industries that make convey-ors as senders only without a selection process. The purpose of this study was to make a high-variable item selection prototype tool using an ATMega 8535 microcontroller. It was found that the prototype goods se-lection tool was based on a high ATMega 8535 microcontroller with a maximum working conveyor. Con-veyor 1 will move if there is an item or object that is left in front of conveyor 1 and stops the goods at the end of the conveyor 1. Conveyor 2 will move if the photodiode sensor has detected the items on the convey-or 1. All tests are performed properly. The photodiode sensor works well to measure the height of objects or items. Further improvements with more complex development prototypes that can be applied to actual industries and factories. This tool can only measure the height of the item from what can be developed or the weight of the item.