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JOURNAL OF COASTAL DEVELOPMENT Vol 10, No 1 (2006): Volume 10, Number 1, Year 2006

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A local isolate of green algae called C1 from Jepara waters is usually used as a source for carotenoid supplement for animal fisheries in the local area. This indigenous algae has been successfully purificated.  Although the local isolate was known as eucaryotic green algae Dunaliella, our previous molecular study by 18S rDNA analysis to determine the species of this organisms showed negative result. In order to improve carotenoid production especially detection of biosynthetic pathway from the organisms investigated in this study, the main purpose of this study was species determination of local isolate of green algae based on microbiologycal, ecophysiologycal and molecular characterization. The results of this research  indicated that local isolate of green algae posseses Cyanobacteria characteristic, especially Synechocystis. Analyses with 16S rDNA sequence from genome of green algae isolates were also in accordance with these results, showing close similarities with Synechocystis 16S rDNA sequence.  However, it should be noted that, instead of having Synechocystis dominant feature, it was also found that local isolate of green algae exhibit different characteristic in having chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and lack of phycobillins. This character was typical for abberant Cyanophyta, Prochlorophyta.
Kontribusi Pakan Chlorella sp. dan Tetraselmis chuii terhadap Densitas Copepoda Hadi Endrawati; Muhammad Zaenuri; Endang Kusdiyantini; Hermin Pancasakti Kusumaningrum
ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences Vol 13, No 1 (2008): Jurnal Ilmu Kelautan
Publisher : Marine Science Department Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (21.729 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/ik.ijms.13.1.43-48


Keberhasilan kultivasi copepoda diantaranya dipengaruhi oleh jenis pakan fitoplankton. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui densitas copepoda yang diberi pakan Chlorella sp. dan Tetraselmis chuii. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dari Mei hingga Desember 2005 di Laboratorium Biologi Oseanografi UNDIP. Copepoda diambil per bulan dari bulan Mei hingga Oktober 2005, dari Perairan Demak. Kultivasi copepoda menggunakan 6 beker bervolume 2 L dengan densitas awal 100 ind. / L dan 6 akuarium bervolume 20 L dengan densitas awal 1000 ind. / L. Chlorella sp. dengan densitas 15.200 sel / ml dan Tetraselmis chuii dengan densitas 11.000 sel / ml yang berasal dari Balai Besar Pengembangan Budidaya Air Payau (BBPBAP) Jepara, digunakan sebagai pakan copepoda. Determinasi densitas copepoda dilakukan per minggu dari setiap perioda kultivasi ( 3 minggu ). Perioda kultivasi diulang per bulan selama 6 bulan. Parameter suhu, salinitas dan pH diukur setiap hari. Copepoda yang dikultivasi pada media 2 I dan 201 dengan pakan Tetraselmis chuii menunjukkan densitas rata - rata berturut-turut 227 - 303 ind. / L, dan 2534 - 3808 ind. / L. Densitas copepoda pada media 2 L dan 20 L dengan pakan Chlorella sp. menunjukkan rata - rata 297 -377 ind. / L pada media 2 l, serta 3241 - 4824 ind. / L. Pakan Chlorella sp. dan Tetraselmis chuii memberikan kontribusi densitas copepoda dengan model yang sama. Mesklpun demikian pakan Chlorella sp. menghasilkan densitas copepoda yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan Tetraselmis chuii pada dua volume media kultivasi yang berbeda. Kata kunci: Copepoda, Chlorella sp., Tetraselmis chuii, densitas
Konsumsi Harian Copepoda terhadap Pakan Chlorella sp. pada Volume Media Kultivasi yang Berbeda Muhammad Zaenuri; Hadi Endrawati; Endang Kusdiyantini; Hermin Pancasakti Kusumaningrum
ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences Vol 13, No 3 (2008): Jurnal Ilmu Kelautan
Publisher : Marine Science Department Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (156.299 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/ik.ijms.13.3.121-126


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui konsumsi harian copepoda terhadap Chlorella sp. pada volume media kultivasi yang berbeda. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dari Mei hingga Oktober 2005 di Laboratorium Biologi Oseanografi UNDIP. Copepoda diambil per bulan dari bulan Mei hingga Oktober 2005 di Perairan Demak. Chlorella sp. digunakan sebagai pakan copepoda, berasal dari Balai Besar Pengembangan Budidaya Air Payau (BBPBAP) Jepara, dengan densitas 15.200 sel/mL. Kultivasi copepoda menggunakan 3 beker 2 L dengan densitas awal 100 ind./L dan 3 akuarium 20 L dengan densitas awal 1000 ind./L. Pengamatan konsumsi harian copepoda terhadap Chlorella sp. dilakukan per 3 jam dari pukul 06.00 sampai 18.00. Perioda kultivasi diulang per bulan selama 6 bulan. Parameter suhu, salinitas, DO dan pH diamati setiap hari. Konsumsi rata-rata copepoda terhadap Chlorella sp. menunjukkan 19,05- 140,47 sel/mL/jam pada media 2 L dan 10,69—102,06 sel/mL/jam pada media 20 L. Model konsumsi copepoda terhadap Chlorella sp. menunjukkan fluktuasi dengan puncak yang berbeda pada Mei-Juli 2005, namun mempunyai pola yang sama pada perioda Agustus-Oktober 2005.Kata kunci : Copepoda, Konsumsi Harian, Chlorella sp.The aim of the research is to know the daily consumption of the copepod on Chlorella sp. cultivated in the different volume of media. The research was conducted from May to October 2005 at Laboratory of BiologicalOceanography, Diponegoro University. Copepods were collected monthly from Demak waters. The copepod cultivations were done using 3 bekers of 2 L and 3 aquariums of 20 L. A stocking density of 100 ind./L ofcopepod for 2 l media and 1000 ind. / l of copepod for 20 l media were used as tests biota per period of cultivation. Chlorella sp. from Balai Besar Pengembangan Budidaya Air Payau (BBPBAP) Jepara were givento copepod with density of 15.200 cell/mL. The daily copepod consumption from 06.00–18.00 was observed at 3 hours intervals. The observations were replied monthly for six month. The temperature, salinity, DO and pH were measured daily. The average daily consumption of copepod on Chlorella sp. cultivated in 2 l anad 20 L media were 19,05–140,47 cell/mL and 10,69–102.,6 cell/ml, respectively. The daily consumption of copepod reveal a fluctuated model with differents peak of the consumption during the May – July 2005, while the one of the August – October 2005 show the same model.Key words : Copepods, Daily Consumption, Chlorella sp
EKSTRAKSI DAN UJI STABILITAS ZAT WARNA DAUN JAMBU BIJI (Psidium guajava L.) Lasria Pardede; Endang Kusdiyantini; Anto Budiharjo
Jurnal Akademika Biologi Vol. 3 No. 4 Oktober 2014
Publisher : Departemen Biologi, Fakultas Sains dan Matematika Undip

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Guava leaves is known as a traditional medicine to treat various diseases, such as diarrhea, dengue fever, etc. Along with the development of technology, guava leafs is now used as a color contributor on  textiles. This study aims to extract on the solvent distilled water and ethanol and to test the stability of guava leaf color pigment against the influence of storage temperature, time span of the addition of an oxidant and  pH. Leaves extracted by soaked for 24 hours in distilled water solvent that has been preheated to 30°C, 50ºC, 70º C and 90ºC and ethanol with a concentration of 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 96%. Absorbance measurements of guava leaf extract is using spectrophotometer at a wavelength of 525 nm. The results  showed that guava leaf extract has the optimum absorbance value on distilled water solvent at 90ºC and 20%ethanol. Stability test is done by storage temperature effect, oxidizing agents adding, and pH treatment. Stability test of guava leaf extract showed that extracted guava leaf color pigment is stable on 9°C storage temperature, short time oxidant adding (3 hours), and resistant to alkaline pH conditions (pH 9).Keywords: Psidium guajava L., ethanol, distilled water, spectrophotometry
PRODUKSI KITOSAN SECARA ENZIMATIK OLEH Bacillus firmus E65 UNTUK PENGENDALIAN PENYAKIT ANTRAKNOSA PADA BUAH MANGGA (Mangifera Indica L.) Dwina Mulyaningtyas; Susiana Purwantisari; Endang Kusdiyantini; Yadi Suryadi
Jurnal Akademika Biologi Vol. 5 No. 4 Oktober 2016
Publisher : Departemen Biologi, Fakultas Sains dan Matematika Undip

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Anthracnose is postharvest disease on mango caused by fungi Colletotrichum gloesporioides. Anthracnose can be inhibited development by chitosan as a preservative anti-fungal for fruit. Effectiveness of chitosan can be increased by enzymatic hydrolyze method to obtain a low molecular weight chitosan. Low molecular weight chitosan can be reducing the particle size into nano chitosan. This study aims to obtain the low molecular weight of chitosan by hydrolyzing the commercial chitosan enzymatically using B. firmus E65, the production of nano chitosan with ionic gelation method and to determine the volume ratio of low molecular weight of chitosan and natrium tripolifosfat (NaTPP) to conduct in vitro and in vivo inhibition on the growth of fungi C. gloeosporioides. The method consist of the production of chitinase from B. firmus E65, the production chitinase of low molecular weight chitosan, ionic gelation, in vitro and in vivo nanochitosan bioassay test on the growth of C. gloeosporioides. The research result showed that the activity of  the crude extract of chitinase is 0.05 U/mL and the purity is 0.07 U/mL. The spesific activity value of crude extract is 0.44 U/mg, and the purity is 0.82 U/mg. The purity level of crude extract is increased 0.83 times from 1 to 1.83 times after purification process. Molecular weight of enzimatically hydrolyzed chitosan is  511.850 Kda. In vitro and in vivo bioassay showed the best result on the growth of C. gloeosporioides are 90 and 91% is obtained in the combination 3:1 of the low molecular weight chitosan and NaTTP. This comparison showed that the size of nano chitosan is 228.74 and the polidispesity index is 0.884. Keywords : Chitinase, chitosan, B, firmus E65, antrachnose, C. gloesporioides.
Jurnal Akademika Biologi Vol. 2 No. 4 Oktober 2013
Publisher : Departemen Biologi, Fakultas Sains dan Matematika Undip

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Bacteria can grow in various environments, including those associated with marine organisms such as algae, sponge, sea grass and soft corals. For these organisms, bacteria help building their defense by producing secondary metabolites such as bioactive compound.  This research aims to study the potency of the bacteria which interact with green algae Halimeda macroloba, Caulerpa racemosa, and Ulva sp which are able to produce antibacterial compound. Algae, which belong to Chlorophyta, are common to be found in marine water. This research used bacterial isolation, morphologic bacterial isolate characterization, antibacterial test, molecular identification of the antibacterial compound producer isolate, and biochemical activity test. From the isolation, the researcher was able to collect five bacterial isolate; one from H. macroloba, three from C. racemosa, and one isolate from Ulva sp. Of the five isolates, one isolate from C. racemosa can prevent the E.coli, and one isolate from H. macroloba can prevent E.coli and P.aeruginosa. Isolate derived from Halimeda macroloba have the biggest prevention zone ability, which is 18.1 mm, towards P.aeruginosa. Keywords: Antibacterial, Bacterial Association, Halimeda macroloba, Caulerpa racemosa,      Ulva sp
Jurnal Akademika Biologi Vol. 3 No. 3 Juli 2014
Publisher : Departemen Biologi, Fakultas Sains dan Matematika Undip

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Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is a potential plant protein source with a relatively cheap price, so that it can be consumed by almost all the community. Post-harvest handling of peanuts especially at the stage of the marketing needs to be done properly, because improper treatment can lead to contamination by fungi. As a result, it can reduce the quantity and quality of the product and can endanger the health of consumers. This study aims to determine the Ozonisation Preservation and Identification of Mold Contamination In Peanuts. Mold was isolated using the direct method (direct method) and dilution. Identification of molds were done macroscopically and microscopically. Identification was done by using Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA) and Malt Extract agar (MEA) as selective media. The result of Ozonisation Preservation with 3.5 ppm concentration showed that peanuts that had been exposed with ozone on first day containing the amount of molds lower than on the day 7, 14, 21, and 28. The result of mold identification on peanuts consisted of one genus Aspergillus with predominant isolate was A. flavus as many as 25 colonies. Keywords: peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.), ozonation, identification, mold
UJI AKTIVITAS ENZIM FITASE YANG DIHASILKAN OLEH Aspergillus niger DAN Neurospora sp. PADA KONDISI FERMENTASI YANG BERBEDA Devi Ayu Ningsih; Endang Kusdiyantini; Budi Raharjo
Jurnal Akademika Biologi Vol. 6 No. 4 Oktober 2017
Publisher : Departemen Biologi, Fakultas Sains dan Matematika Undip

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Phytase (E.C is an important enzyme to overcome high phytic acid in livestock feed since this enzyme has the ability to hydrolyze phytic acid contained in feed material into inositol, glucose and organic phosphorus compound. This phytase enzyme can be produced by Aspergillus niger and Neurospora sp. The purpose of this study is to obtain the condition of fermentation by Aspergillus niger dan Neurospora sp. which is optimal in the production of phytase enzyme.The treatment of fermentation condition includes different pH, temperature and addition of C source (glucose). The production of enzyme was carried out in media containing glucose KCl, MgSO4.7H20, K2HPO4, NaOH with the addition of Palm Oil Mill Effluent. Mold was grown in liquid medium and measured the activity of phytase enzyme using spectophotometry. This study used a Complete Randomized Design factorial pattern with two factors. The first assaying ANOVA used a variation in the concentration of Palm Oil Mill Effluent with pH while, the second assaying used a variation in the concentration of Palm Oil Mill Effluent with temperature, and third assaying used a variation of glucose concentration with incubation times. Each factor was repeated 3 times. The data obtained were then analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The result of observation showed optimal phytase enzyme activity for A. Niger at pH 5 onthe temperature of 350C as much as 0.241 and 0.258 U U/ml while Neurospora sp. at pH 6 on the temperature of 350C as much as 0,273 and 0,253 U/ml. The addition of glucose experienced optimal phytase activity for Aspergillus niger as much as 0,099 U/ml at incubation time in 96 hours and Neurospora sp. as much as 0,152 U/ml in 48 hours will then decrease at subsequent incubation time.  Keywords: phytase, Palm Oil Mill Effluent, pH, A. niger and Neurospora sp.
Jurnal Akademika Biologi Vol. 2 No. 4 Oktober 2013
Publisher : Departemen Biologi, Fakultas Sains dan Matematika Undip

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The development of the food processing industry led to the use of dyes have also increased, especially the type of synthetic dyes that can be harmful to consumers because of its toxicity. Natural dyes to be one of the alternatives used in the field of food. One of the natural dyes is widely used as a food coloring that is red yeast rice. Red yeast rice is rice that is overgrown by the mold Monascus sp. that produces pigment. This study aims to obtain pure isolates of red yeast rice molds that are in Semarang and knowing the growth and production of red pigment in the fungi isolates the different source of N and pH. The treatment is done by growing PDB (potato dextrose broth) in the medium with treatment medium pH 3,5,7 and 9 as well as optimization of the nitrogen source Ammonium chloride 1 %, Ammonium Nitrate 1 %, and Peptone 1 %. Analysis of pigments using a spectrophotometer with a wavelength (λ) of 500 nm and analysis of dry cell weight mycelia (g/l). The results showed the highest pigment concentration at treatment pH 7 with 0.812 absorbance value and the highest value of the cell dry weight at pH 7 is 1.232 g/l. Results of optimization with different nitrogen sources showed the highest pigment levels in the addition of a nitrogen source Ammonium Chloride 1 % to the value of 0.821 absorbance and dry weight of most cells are in Ammonium Nitrate is 2.556 g/l. Keywords: Pigment, Angkak, Isolate Fungus, pH, Nitrogen.
PERTUMBUHAN DAN PRODUKSI PIGMEN MERAH OLEH Serratia marcescens PADA BERBAGAI SUMBER KARBON Setiawan Wicaksono; Endang Kusdiyantini; Budi Raharjo
Jurnal Akademika Biologi Vol. 6 No. 3 Juli 2017
Publisher : Departemen Biologi, Fakultas Sains dan Matematika Undip

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Serratia marcescens is one of the red pigment producing bacteria which is widely used as natural dye. This bacterium was isolated from the sediment of hot springs in Gedong Songo, Bandungan, Semarang. S. marcescens has potential as a natural pigment producer. This study was conducted to measure the growth and production of pigments in NB medium containing different carbon sources. The sources of carbon used were glucose, fructose, maltose, and lactose. The method used were growth measurement based on dry weight value of cell and value of ODλ=600nm, measurement of reducing sugar, measurement of the acidity of the growth medium, and measurement of red pigment concentration. The results obtained in this study indicated that the provision of carbon sources has no significant effect on the growth of S. marcescens. The best carbon source for red pigment production is lactose with pigment concentration of 0.451 mg/L achieved at 24 hours incubation time.Keywords: Serratia marcescens, Growth, Carbon Source, Red Pigment.