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Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat (Undip) Vol 8, No 3 (2020): MEI
Publisher : Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (236.029 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jkm.v8i3.26415


Fish consumption in Indonesia in 2017 is 46.49 kilograms/capita/year, has not reach the target of national in 2017 which is 47.12 kilograms/capita/year or 54.49 kilograms/capita/year in 2019. Fish has many nutritional benefits especially for toddlers. There are several things that cause toddlers don’t consume fish, one of which is region’s topography. This research was conducted to determine the factors that influence fish consumption in infant base on regional topography. The type of research is observational with cross sectional research design. Population is toddlers with samples are 98 children, selected by simple random sampling method. The study was conducted using a questionnaire and FFQ sheets. Data analysis using Pearson statistical test, independent t-test, and multiple linear regression test. The results showed that toddlers in the coastal consumed more types of marine fish, while toddlers in the montainous consumed more types of land fish and processed fish. The fish consumption of both location areas fall into the category of low consumption frequency. The average amount of fish consumption in toddlers of coastal is 70,68 kg/capita/year, more than the average of mountainous which is 40,80 kg/capita/year p<0.05. Fish consumption in toddler in coastal is positively related to mother’s nutritional care pattern and economic access (p<0.05), while in mountainous is positively related to mother’s knowledge, child’s preference on fish, mother’s nutritional care pattern, and the availability of fish (p<0.05). It can be concluded that mother’s nutritional care pattern is variable that affects fish consumption in both location.
Pengaruh Aplikasi Android Aneminfo terhadap Pengetahuan dan Sikap Remaja Putri terkait Anemia Defisiensi Besi Saraswati, Rizki Septia; Kartini, Apoina; Agushybana, Farid
Jurnal Promosi Kesehatan Indonesia Volume 15, No. 2 Agustus 2020
Publisher : Master Program of Health Promotion Faculty of Public Health Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (184.618 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jpki.15.2.65-69


Background: Iron deficiency anemia is one of the nutritional problems that still occur in Indonesia which is common in young women. Early nutrition education is needed to prevent these problems. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of the android-based educational media "Aneminfo" on the knowledge and attitudes of young women regarding iron deficiency anemia. Method: This research was conducted with a quasi-experimental design with a pre-post control group design with a sample of 37 people for each group taken from 2 vocational schools in the city of Semarang. The intervention was carried out using educational media in the form of the “Aneminfo” android application. Changes in knowledge and attitudes between before and after the intervention were measured using a validated questionnaire and tested using the Wilcoxon and Mann-Whitney tests. Results: The results showed a significant increase in knowledge in the intervention group (p = 0.001), and there was a significant increase in attitude in the intervention group (p = 0.011) compared to the control group. The conclusion of this study is the Aneminfo android application can be an alternative media for the government and health workers in providing education about iron deficiency anemia to increase adolescent knowledge and prevent anemia from an early age.
Journal of Nutrition College Vol 1, No 1 (2012): Oktober 2012
Publisher : Departemen Ilmu Gizi, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (316.584 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jnc.v1i1.416


ABSTRACT Background: Dyslipidemia is a disorder of lipid metabolism characterized by (increasing or decreasing) lipid fraction disorders in blood plasma, such as triglyceride. Coffee is known as a bad effect coming from cafestol which can elevate triglyceride level on blood, nevertheless, it has positive effect coming from cafein which can decrease triglyseride level on blood.Method: true-experimental with pre-post randomized control groups design was conducted in this study. Subjects were 8 week-old and male Sprague Dawley rats which are given of filter and nonfilter robusta coffee’s  solution for 4 weeks. Serum-triglyceride levels are determined with GPO-PAP method. Normality data was examined by Shapiro Wilks. Data was analyzed with paired t-test and one way ANOVA.Result: This study showed the averages of pre triglycerides level in coffee filter are 99,67 mg/dl and post triglycerides level are 94,78 mg/dl (p=0,760). The averages of pre triglycerides level in unfilter coffee are 95,11 mg/dl and post triglycerides level are 91,33 mg/dl (p=0,693). Change averages of pre and post test in filtered coffee -4,89 mg/dl and unfiltered coffee -3,78 mg/dl (p=0,329).Conslusion: There were no differences in changes of triglyceride levels in the provision of robusta coffee filter and without filter Keywords: filter coffee, nonfilter coffee, trygliseride level, sprague dawley rats
Journal of Nutrition College Vol 1, No 1 (2012): Oktober 2012
Publisher : Departemen Ilmu Gizi, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (198.142 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jnc.v1i1.691


Latar belakang: Hipertensi tidak hanya terjadi pada orang dewasa, tetapi juga dapat terjadi pada remaja. Di Indonesia prevalensi hipertensi remaja sebesar 8,4%. Pada anak obesitas ditemukan prevalensi hipertensi sebesar 20 - 30%. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui indikator status gizi mana yang paling berpengaruh terhadap tekanan darah pada remaja. Metode: Rancangan penelitian adalah cross sectional dengan jumlah subyek 34 anak usia 11 - 14 tahun. Indikator status gizi terdiri dari Indeks Masa Tubuh (IMT), Lingkar Pinggang (LiPi), Rasio Lingkar Pinggang Tinggi Badan (RLPTB), dan Lingkar Leher (LL) ditetapkan sebagai variabel independen, sedangkan tekanan darah sistolik (TDS) dan tekanan darah diastolik (TDD) sebagai variabel dependen. Uji statistik yang digunakan adalah pearson product moment dan multivariat linear backward regression. Hasil: Prevalensi obesitas berdasarkan IMT/U sebesar 14,7%, LiPi sebesar 23,5%, RLPTB sebesar 47,1%, dan LL sebesar 29,5%. Prevalensi hipertensi sebesar 14,7%. Hasil uji bivariat menunjukkan bahwa semua variabel mempunyai hubungan signifikan dengan tekanan darah. Hasil uji multivariat menunjukkan bahwa pada kedua jenis kelamin TDS dan TDD dipengaruhi oleh IMT (b, 0.440; p, 0.010 dan b, 0.693; p, 0.000). Pada remaja Laki – laki TDS dipengaruhi oleh IMT (b, 0.76; p, 0.000) dan TDD oleh LiPi (b, 0.708; p, 0.001). Pada remaja perempuan TDS dan TDD dipengaruhi oleh LL (b, 0.871; p, 0.000 dan b, 0.828; p, 0.000). Kesimpulan: Indikator status gizi yang paling mempengaruhi tekanan darah pada remaja laki – laki adalah IMT dan LiPi, pada remaja perempuan adalah LL, dan pada kedua jenis kelamin adalah IMT.
Journal of Nutrition College Vol 2, No 3 (2013): Juli 2013
Publisher : Departemen Ilmu Gizi, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (347.934 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jnc.v2i3.3432


Latar Belakang : Gizi pada dewasa awal lebih dibutuhkan untuk mencegah penyakit dan meningkatkan kesehatan. Perubahan yang terjadi pada masa ini salah satunya adalah perubahan komposisi tubuh dan kebutuhan energi. Dewasa awal terutama wanita mempunyai kepedulian yang lebih besar terhadap masalah penampilan fisik. Pengetahuan gizi membuat mereka lebih mengetahui tentang asupan zat gizi dan prakteknya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan pengetahuan gizi, sikap dan asupan zat gizi pada dewasa awal.Metode : Studi cross sectional pada 50 mahasiswi di LPP Graha Wisata dan Sastra Inggris Universitas Diponegoro Semarang. Sampel diambil secara simple random sampling. Data yang dikumpulkan adalah data identitas yang diukur dengan menggunakan kuesioner, data berat badan dan tinggi badan diukur dengan pengukuran berat badan dan tinggi badan, asupan energi, lemak, protein, cairan dan serat diukur dengan menggunakan formulir food recall selama tiga hari, pengetahuan gizi dan sikap diukur dengan menggunakan kuesioner pengetahuan gizi dan sikap. Analisis data untuk asupan zat gizi dengan uji independent t-test dan untuk pengetahuan gizi dan sikap dengan uji mann whitney dengan bantuan SPSS 17.0 for windows.Hasil : Pengetahuan gizi dewasa awal termasuk kategori kurang. Asupan energi kategori defisit (48%). Asupan lemak kategori baik (40%). Asupan protein kategori defisit (70%). Asupan cairan kategori defisit (90%). Asupan serat kategori defisit (100%). Tidak terdapat perbedaan asupan energi, lemak, protein, serat dan sikap (p=0,771; p=0,628; p=0,778; p=0,923; 0,344), tetapi ada perbedaan pengetahuan gizi dan asupan cairan pada kedua kelompok (p=0,048 dan p=0,000).Kesimpulan : Tidak terdapat perbedaan asupan energi, lemak, protein, serat dan sikap, tetapi ada perbedaan pengetahuan gizi dan asupan cairan antara mahasiswi LPP Graha Wisata dan Sastra Inggris Universitas Diponegoro Semarang.
Journal of Nutrition College Vol 1, No 1 (2012): Oktober 2012
Publisher : Departemen Ilmu Gizi, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (413.398 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jnc.v1i1.424


ABSTRACTBackground: Children under five years of age are included  in group of nutrition’s susceptible. They are on growth and development cycle which need a huge nutrient. The aim of this study is to understand the relationship between mother’s participation levels in posyandu and nutritional status of children under five years of age.Method: Study of analitical observation with cross sectional was used. Subject was a mother in Cangkiran, having children aged between 12-59 month. Subject was taken with proportional stratified random sampling technique. Mother’s participation in posyandu was taken from health care staff’s data, protein and energy intake were taken from food recall 3x24 hours, and nutritional status of children under five years of age was compared with Z-score of WHO 2005. Data was analyzed using Rank-Spearman and partial correlation used SPSS for Windows 19.0 software.Result: Approximately 56,4% of subjects have active participation’s levels in posyandu. Much of the children under five years of age from those have 80,6% good nutritional status (WAZ), 67,7% normal (WHZ), 61,3% normal (HAZ), and 61,3% normal (BMIAZ). There is a relationship mother’s participation levels in posyandu with nutritional status children under five years of age based on WAZ            (p = 0,030 ;  r = 0,651) but not for WHZ (p = 0,998 ;  r = 0,000), HAZ (p = 0,163 ; r = 0,191), and BMIAZ (p = 0,689 ; r = -0,055). This realtionship is also controlled by sufficient levels of energy             (p = 0,047 ;  r = 0,639) and protein (p = 0,003 ; r = 0,823).Conclusion: Increased participation levels of  mother’s in posyandu enhances nutritional status of children under five years of age (based on WAZ). This case is also influenced by sufficient levels of energy and protein.Keyword: mother’s participation levels, posyandu, nutritional status, children under five years of age
Faktor Lingkungan dan Perilaku yang Berhubungan dengan Kejadian Stunting pada Siswa SD di Wilayah Pertanian (Penelitian di Kecamatan Bulakamba Kabupaten Brebes) Utami, Rudi Pangarsaning; Suhartono, Suhartono; Nurjazuli, Nurjazuli; Kartini, Apoina; Rasipin, Rasipin
Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan Indonesia Vol 12, No 2 (2013): Oktober 2013
Publisher : Master Program of Environmental Health, Faculty of Public Health, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jkli.12.2.127 - 131


Background : Stunting is identified by comparing measurements of childrent’s heights to the NCHS WHO2005growth reference population : children who fall potential as a result of suboptimal health and/or nutritionalconditions. Stunting prevalence in Indonesia still high level, this indicated health problem because associatedwith increase in morbidity and mortality, low cognitive capability and improper physical function.The purpose inthis study was to determine many environmental factors and behaviour associated with incidence of stunting.Methods : It was an observational research with case-control study design.Subject were divided into two groups: case and control groups in Elementary School student class 4 and 5 with 37 subject in case group and 53 subjectin the control group. Variables examined in this study was a history of exposure to pesticides, history of cigarettesmoke exposure, mosquito smoke exposure history, a history of using plastic as a place to store food is still hot,urinaryexcretioniodine (UEI), levels of urinary thyocyanate, anemia, TSH levels, Cholinesterase levels and BodyMass Index.Data was collected by interviewing, observation and measurement. Data would be analyzed using independent t–test or Mann Withney), bivariate analisys using Chi-Square and multivariate analysis using logistic regression.Result :This study indicated that the incidence of stunting was 37 %; 56,8% of them had history of pesticidesexposure. The results of the bivariate analysis showed that the risk factor of stunting in student is a history ofpesticides exposure with Odds Ratio (OR) 2,625. The result of logistic regression test showed there was asignificant association between the incidence of stunting with a history of pesticide exposure(OR 2,39).Conclusion :The history of pesticides exposure was the risk factor for stunting.Key words : Environmental and behaviour factors, stuting, elementary student, agriculture areas.
Praktik Menyusui yang Berhubungan dengan Kejadian Stunting pada Balita di Indonesia: Telaah Literatur Chairunnisa, Syifa Al Janna; Nugraheni, Sri Achadi; Kartini, Apoina
Publisher : Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/mkmi.19.5.353-362


Latar belakang: Masih rendahnya tingkat menyusui di Indonesia bersamaan dengan cukup tingginya kejadian stunting pada balita di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi variabel faktor praktik menyusui yang berhubungan dengan kejadian stunting pada balita di Indonesia.Metode: Strategi pencarian literatur dalam database daring dilakukan menggunakan mesin pencarian Portal Garuda, SpringerLink, EBSCOhost, dan Google Scholar dengan kata kunci: stunting, indonesia, breastfeeding. Pembatasan ditetapkan pada artikel: artikel asli dari sumber utama dengan teks penuh, diterbitkan sepuluh tahun terakhir, berbahasa Indonesia dan/atau Inggris. Faktor praktik menyusui yang berhubungan dengan kejadian stunting pada balita di Indonesia diidentifikasi. Dari 808 artikel didapatkan 37 artikel memenuhi kriteria, diidentifikasi dan menghasilkan tiga variabel besar yaitu pelaksanaan IMD, pemberian ASI eksklusif, serta durasi menyusui (lamanya pemberian ASI dalam lingkup waktu luas).Hasil: Variabel yang berhubungan positif dengan kejadian stunting di Indonesia yaitu pelaksanaan IMD serta pemberian ASI eksklusif. Penundaan inisiasi menyusu atau tidak melaksanakan IMD serta tidak memberikan ASI eksklusif menjadi faktor risiko stunting pada balita di Indonesia dengan OR tertinggi masing-masing sebesar 3,69 dan 19,50. Variabel durasi menyusui terhadap kejadian stunting di Indonesia masih inkonklusif dimana durasi menyusui yang lebih lama ditemukan berhubungan positif dan negatif dengan menjadi faktor protektif dan faktor risiko kejadian stunting pada balita di Indonesia.Simpulan: Praktik menyusui yang ditemukan berhubungan signifikan dengan kejadian stunting pada balita di Indonesia meliputi pelaksanaan IMD, pemberian ASI eksklusif, serta durasi menyusui, menggambarkan bagaimana pentingnya praktik menyusui berinteraksi terhadap status gizi.Kata kunci: stunting; Indonesia; praktik menyusui; balitaABSTRACTTitle: Breastfeeding Practice Factors Associated with Stunting among Under-five Children in Indonesia: A Literature ReviewBackground: Low rates of breastfeeding practices in Indonesia coincide with the high incidence of childhood stunting. This review aimed to identify breastfeeding factor variables associated with stunting among under-five children in Indonesia.Method: Online literature search strategy was conducted using Portal Garuda, SpringerLink, EBSCOhost, and Google Scholar with the following keywords: stunting, Indonesia, breastfeeding. Search limits included: original and full article from primary sources, published in the last ten years, Indonesian and/or English language. Breastfeeding practice factors associated with stunting were identified. From 808 articles, 37 were obtained fulfilling the criteria. They were identified and produced three major variables, including breastfeeding initiation, exclusive breastfeeding, and breastfeeding duration.Result: Variables reported to be positively associated with stunting among under-five in Indonesia were breastfeeding initiation and exclusive breastfeeding. Delayed breastfeeding initiation and non-exclusive breastfeeding were reported to be the risk factors of stunting among under-five in Indonesia with the highest OR of 3,69 and 19,50. The breastfeeding duration variable is still inconclusive, where prolonged breastfeeding was found positively and negatively associated by becoming the protective and risk factors of stunting among under-five children in Indonesia.Conclusion: Breastfeeding practice factors found to be significantly associated with stunting in Indonesia are exclusive breastfeeding, breastfeeding initiation and breastfeeding duration, demonstrating the importance of how breastfeeding practices interact with nutritional status. Keywords: Stunting; Indonesia; breastfeeding practices; under-five children
The Influence of Electronic Medical Record Toward Drug Planning Quality at the Pharmacy Department of the Hospital ‘X’ Hendrawati, Menik; Agushybana, Farid; Kartini, Apoina
Public Health Perspective Journal Vol 6, No 1 (2021): April 2021
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Since 2016, the Hospital ‘X’ has been operating an Electric Medical Record (EMR) and it is integrated with all units, including pharmacy, and it intends to increase its efficiency. 50% of hospital’s income comes from the pharmacy and there is no evaluation related to the using of EMR towards quality of drugs planning. The purpose of this research is to know the correlation between technology factors (system quality, information quality, service quality) of EMR and quality of drugs management at the pharmacy of the Hospital ‘X’. This research uses quantitative research method with cross-sectional approach, and it involves 53 respondents with questionnaire as the data collection technique. The data itself analyzed by SEM PLS (Structural Equation Model-Partial Least Square). The research results show that the information quality of EMR gave significant correlation with the quality of drugs planning, whereas the system quality and EMR service quality were not influenced. The correlation between the information quality and the perception of drugs management quality was significant with T-statistics 7,9508>1.96 and the sample original value was 0.6551. The system quality was not significant with T-statistics 1.6159 < 1.96 and the sample original value was positive, 0.1702. The service quality was not significant with T-statistics 0.6297 < 1.96, with the sample original value was negative, -0.0591. This research shows that the simplicity aspect in understanding the information influences towards the utilization of drugs management, but it needs to increase the system and service quality from the devices, connectivity, network, and upgrading the staff capability aspects.
Analisis Model Keputusan Berkunjung Ulang terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan Primasari, Dyah; Farida, Naili; Kartini, Apoina
HIGEIA (Journal of Public Health Research and Development) Vol 5 No 2 (2021): HIGEIA: April 2021
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat, Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/higeia.v5i2.40226


Healthcare industry has a challenge of transforming customers satisfied into customers loyalty. The increasing number of hospitals in Central Java pushed the hospital to try to remain a community choice. Hospitals need to make new services to maintaining the company. This study aimed to analyze the influence of service quality, religiosity, and customer value which were mediated by revisit toward customer loyalty at the S beauty clinic in Semarang. The respondents were all customers who have been doing treatment or buying beauty products at S beauty clinic. 99 respondents were selected using accidental sampling. The data were analyzed by Partial Least Square (PLS). The results showed that there was an influence of customer’s value (T-statistic = 4.570) toward revisit decision, but ini the context of service quality (T-statistic = 0.362) and religiosity (T-statistic = 1.181) did not give any influence toward revisit decision. Whereas, the revisit decision (T-statistic = 15.598) gave influence toward customer loyalty. This indicates that the patient who are revisit is loyal customer to S Beauty Clinic. Keywords: Revisit, Customer Loyalty
Co-Authors - Mukhfi - Suyatno Adriana Rizki Novita Agnes Styfani Meko Alfi Fairuz Asna Anggray Duvita Wahyani Ani Margawati Anies Anies Anna Herdina Ari Suwondo Ari Yulistianingsih Aulia Medina Sulistyowati Ayu Silvia Ayun Sriatmi Azkia, Bardiatul Bagoes Widjanarko Baju Widjasena Budiyono Budiyono Cahaya Asdhany Camelia Nurjannah Chairunnisa, Syifa Al Janna Christin Desi Anggreyenti Dea Indartanti Dewi, Putu Lina Paramitha Dian Fajriyah Pangestika Dian Ratna Sawitri Dina Rahayuning Pangestuti Dina Rahayuning Pangestuti, Dina Dini Indah Fauziah Distrika Philani Donny Kristanto Mulyantoro dr. Antono Suryoputro, MPH., Ph.D Dwi Sutiningsih Dwi Sutiningsih Dyah Krisnawati Dyah Primasari Dyah Umiyarni Purnamasari Eka Putri Rahmadhani Elisa Henny Eni Rumiyati Erizka Marwita Triyonate, Erizka Marwita Este Latifahanun Etika Hasna Dina Putri Etika Ratna Noer Eva Novianingsih Farid Agushybana Ferry Ardhiansyah Fifiantyas Amalia Fillah Fithra Dieny Firmansyah Kholiq Pradana PH Ghodiq Ufthoni Habibah Abidin Hapsari, Rani Ayu Hendrawati, Menik Hendrixus Eko Surani Putro Heni Irawati Heri Gunawan Hermawati, Bertakalswa Hertanto Wahyu Subagio Hesti Ardini Rakhmiditya Ida Nurmawati Indri Mulyasari Intan Claudina Jamhari Jamhari Jasman - - Jatu Safitri Cahyahati Jauharany, Firdananda Fikri Kamilah Budhi R Kamilah Budhi Rahardjani Khikmah Wati Kusworo Adi LA MANI, LA Lidiyawati Lidiyawati Liyana Putri Afifah Lu lu atul Khodijah M. Zen Rahfiluddin Ma&#039;rifah Tri Citra Mahalul Azam Mardiana Mardiana Mardiana Mardiana Martha Irene Kartasurya Martini - - Martini Martini Maya Erisna Mexitalia Setiawati Miftahul Mualimah Minnalia Soakakone Mochamad Abdul Hakam Mohammad Zen Rahfiludin Muflihatul Muniroh Muhammad Solihuddin Muhtar Naila Fauziatin Naili Farida Naintina Lisnawati NATALIA KRISTIANI Natalia Kristiani Nurjazuli Nurjazuli Nurul Dewi Anggraeni Nurul Laili Hidayati Rizqie Oqi Bintang Hapsari Ossie Happinasari Prastika Yulianasari Pusaka, Semerdanta Putri Tiara Nur Mahardika Putu Ayu Sani Utami Rafika Farianita Ragil Sri Pamungkas rahmuniyati, merita eka Rasipin Rasipin Ratna Indriati Rhosidatus Salamah Rieny, Elzha Geniz Rizki Putri Anjani Rizky Aprilianti Lestari Rohma Yuanita Rohmatul Bariroh Al Faiqoh Ronny Aruben Runjati S. A. Nugraheni S. Fatimah Pradigdo S.A Nugraheni S.A. Nugraheni Safitri, Vania Arthamevia Sania Lailatul Rahmi Saraswati, Rizki Septia sarman sarman Sentha Kusuma PJ Septo Pawelas Arso Silvia Agus Widyaningtyas Sinta Lestari Sinta Wati Siti Fatimah Siti Fatimah Siti Fatimah SITI FATIMAH Siti Fatimah Muis Siti Fatimah Pradigdo Siti Fatimah-Muis, Siti Sofwan Indarjo Solly Aryza Sophia Rose Sri Achadi Nugraheni Sri Achadi Nugraheni Sri Djokomoeljanto Suhartono, Suhartono Suharyo Hadisaputro Sulistyawati Sulistyawati Supriyana Supriyana Suroto Suroto Susi Yunita Haryanti Sutopo Patria Jati Suyatno Suyatno Suyatno Suyatno Suyatno Suyatno Talitha Rahma Nur Aini Tri Joko Vania Retno Nurastrini Wa Ode Asma Isra Wahyu Ratri Sukmaningsih Wati, Khikmah Widya Widya Yusfina Modesta Rua Zahroh Shaluhiyah