Martha Marie Kaseke
Faculty of Medicine, Sam Ratulangi University, Manado-Indonesia

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Gambaran histologi pankreas tikus Wistar yang diberi ekstrak daun Binahong setelah diinduksi sukrosa Tahulending, Trianingsi P.R.; Kaseke, Martha Marie; Angmalisang, Elvin Clara

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Background: Sucrose If consumed in excess could increase blood glucose level cause contains high amount of glucose. Binahong leaves are used empirically by the community. Binahong leaf extract that contain bioactive substance of saponin and flavonoid as antioxidants. This study aims to find out the histological description of wistar pancreas after sucrose induced, after sucrose induced and given binahong leaf extract simultaneously and given binahong leaf extract after sucrose induced. Methods : This was an experimental study using the post-test only control group design. As subjects, we used 20 male wistars, 2 months old with an average body weight of 180 gr divided into 4 groups: negative control group (N) without intervention in 14 days, termination in 15 day; (P1) containing sucrose induced in 14 days, termination in 15 day; (P2) containing sucrose induced and given binahong leaf extract simultaneously in 14 days, termination in 15 day, (P3) containing of sucrose induced in 14 days and given binahong leaf extract for 14 days, termination in 29 day. Results: in group (N) showed a picture of normal langerhans islet, (P1) there was an increase in the number and size of langerhans islet from small to moderate, (P2) there was an increase in the number and size of langerhans islet from small, large to very large, (P3) there was an increase in the number and size of langerhans islet from small to very large. Conclusion: Histological description of wistar pancreas in groups (N): normal and in groups (P1), (P2), (P3) hyperplasia occurs increase in the number and size of langerhans islet : (P1) small to moderate; (P2) small, large to very large; (P3) small to very large.
ANTI-PLASMODIUM FALCIPARUM IN VITRO ACTIVITY OF CALOPHYLLUM BICOLOR EXTRACT: Morphology and Ultra Structure Kaseke, Martha Marie; Hadju, Veny; Karim, Syafruddin; Nurdin, Armyn

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Background: Anti-malarial resistance of Plasmodium, such as chloroquine becoming a health problem worldwide. This research aims to evaluate the in vitro anti-plasmodium activity of hexane fraction extract of Calophyllum bicolor (C. bicolor) against culture of Plasmodium falciparum (P. falciparum) 3D7 and determine its inhibitor concentration of 50% (IC50); to observe the microscopic changes of P. falciparum after exposed to the hexane fraction of C. bicolor extract and to observe the ultra structure changes of P. falciparum 3D7 after being exposed to hexane fraction of C. bicolor extract. Method: This research applied quasi experimental with post-test only control group design. Anti malarial activity test of hexane fraction of C. bicolor extract towards Plasmodium falciparum 3D7 2% was undertaken over 48 hours with in vitro incubation technique. The level of parasitemia was observed using binocular optical microscope with 1000x magnification by counting the infected erythrocytes with Giemsa color technique. Then it was analyzed to determine the level of inhibitor concentration of 50% (IC50) of the C. bicolor extract. The next step is to observe the changes of parasite’s morphologic and ultra structure after the 24 and 48 hours incubation of the parasite P. falciparum 3D7 with hexane fraction of C. bicolor, IC50. Then, the morphologic change of P. falciparum 3D7 was observed with optical binocular microscopy and the ultra structure changes with Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). The changes of morphologic and ultra structure were analyzed qualitatively. Results: The research revealed that hexane fraction of the C. bicolor extract inhibited the growth of the parasite P. falciparum 3D7 with the value of -49.00±2.54, 12.53±3.13, 23.01±1.10, 27.68±4.23, 48.65±18.71, 70.82±4.67, 80.52±6.17% with the hexane extract concentration of 0, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100, and 1000 µg/mL. This research also found that the inhibitor concentration of 50% (IC50) of hexane fraction of C. bicolor extract was 3.94 µg/mL in 10-7 which could change the morphologic and ultra structure of P. falciparum 3D7. There were several changes in morphology of the parasite over 24 hour incubation compared with the control group, i.e. the nucleus of young tropozoid became thicker, darker, and smaller; the skizon were condensate, thicker, darker, karyorrhexis and demolition of membrane. Hexane fraction of C. bicolor extract also changes the ultra structure over 24 hour incubation, i.e. vacuole membrane boundary and hemozoin were unclear. Over 48 hours of incubation the nucleus and cytoplasm bigger than those in the control group. Conclusion: Hexane fraction of the C. bicolor extract showed a strong anti plasmodium activity towards the in vitro culture of P. falciparum 3D7 at the level of (IC50) 3.94 µg/mL. The Hexane fraction of C. bicolor extract could change the morphology and ultra structure of P. falciparum 3D7 in vitro.
e-Biomedik Vol 2, No 2 (2014): eBiomedik
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35790/ebm.v2i2.5132


Abstrak: Brotowali mengandung antidioksidan (flavonoid, dan tanin), yang diharapkan dapat menghambatperkembangan lesi aterosklerosis. Salah satu faktor resiko penyebab aterosklerosis yaitu makanan yang mengandung asam lemak trans seperti margarin. Mengonsumsi lemak trans berlebihan dapat mengganggu funsi endotel sehingga lipoprotein berdensitas rendah Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) dapat masuk dan menjadi yang teroksidasi. Makrofak menangkap Ox-LDL dan menjadi lesi dini ateroklerosis yang secara mikrokopik di sebut dengan sel busa. Tujuan: Mengetahui gambaran histologi aorta tikus wistar dengan diet margarin tanpa pemberian ekstrak batang brotowali, diet margarin bersaamaan pemberian ektrak batang brotowali, setelah diet margarin dilanjutkan pemberian ekstak batang brotowali. Metode: Penelitian eksperimental , 14 ekor tikus wistar dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok, yaitu kelompok I tanpa  perlakuan (kontrol negatif), kelompok II (dkelompok positif), kelompok III diet margarin bersamaan dengan pemberian ekstrak brotowali selama 14 hari (Perlakuan kelompok I) dan kelompok IV (28 hari) 14 hari diet margarin dilanjutkan pemberian ekstrak brotowali. (Perlakuan kelompok II). Hasil: Penelitian ini menunjukkan gambaran histologi aorta tikus wistar:kelompok I normal, kelompok II dan III terdapatnya sel-sel busa, kelompok IV masih terdapat sel busa, namun dalam jumlah lebih sedikit dibandingkan kelompok II dan III. Simpulan: Tikus wistar dengan diet margarin selama 14 hari didapatkan gambaran histologi terdapat sel-sel busa pada tunika intima dan tunika media, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan pemberian ekstrak brotowali hari ke 15 sampai hari ke 28, sel-sel busa berkurang pada tunika intima dan tunika media. Kata kunci: brotowali, margarin, sel-sel busa, tikus wistar.   Abstract: Brotowali contains antidioksidan (flavonoids, and tannins), which is expected to inhibit the development of atherosclerotic lesions. One of the causes of atherosclerosis risk factors which are foods that contain trans fatty acids like margarine. Consuming excessive trans fats can interfere with endothelial function is so low density lipoprotein Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) can enter and become oxidized. Makrofak capture Ox-LDL and into early lesions of atherosclerosis that are mikrokopik called foam cells. Objective: To determine the aorta histology Wistar rats with diet margarine without brotowali extract, diet margarine brotowali concurrent administration of extract, diet margarine followed after giving brotowali extract. Methods: Experimental research, on 14 Wistar rats were divided into 4 groups: group I with no treatment (negative control), group II (positive group), group III in conjunction with diet margarine brotowali extract for 14 days (treatment group I) and the group IV (28 days) 14 days diet margarine continued brotowali extract. (Treatment group II). Results: This study shows histologic Wistar rat aorta: normal group I, group II and III the presence of foam cells, there is still a group IV foam cells, but in much smaller amounts than group II and III. Conclusion: Wistar rats with diet margarine for 14 days obtained histology contained foam cells in the tunica intima and tunica media, and the continuation of the extract brotowali day 15 to day 28, reduced foam cells in the intima and tunica media . Keywords: brotowali, margarine, foam cells, wistar rats.
Peningkatan Pengetahuan Masyarakat Tentang Pencegahan Covid-19 Melalui Program Kemitraan Masyarakat Doda, Diana Vanda; Assa, Youla Annatje; Kaseke, Martha Marie
VIVABIO: Jurnal Pengabdian Multidisiplin Vol 3, No 2 (2021): VIVABIO: Jurnal Pengabdian Multidisiplin
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35799/vivabio.3.2.2021.32559


Pandemi  Corona Virus (Covid-19) masih tetap terus menunjukkan angka kesakitan dan kematian yang tinggi di seluruh dunia. Di Indonesia penyebarannya semakin tinggi. Penularan yang tinggi ini bisa disebabkan oleh perilaku masyarakat yang kurang baik terhadap program pencegahan yang sudah diinformasikan dan di instruksikan oleh Pemerintah, oleh sebab itu perlu untuk dilakukan program untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan merubah sikap dan meningkatkan tindakan agar bisa meminimalisir penyebaran Covid-19. Program Kemitraan Masyarakat (PKM) ini dilakukan di salah satu kelurahan di kota Manado bertujuan untuk memberikan dan peningkatkan pengetahuan masyarakat tentang pencegahan Covid-19, melalui penyuluhan kesehatan, sosialisasi dan diskusi. Kegiatan ini juga membantu masyarakat yang terdampak oleh pandemi Covid 19 dengan membagikan kebutuhan pokok. Kegiatan PKM ini dihadiri oleh 33 peserta.  Kegiatan ini di ikuti dengan pengambilan data tentang perilaku masyarakat terhadap program pencegahan Covid-19, dan 23 peserta mengisi kuesioner yang dibagikan. Hasil analisa data tersebut menunjukan bahwa 91 % peserta mempunyai pengetahuan yang baik tapi hanya 61% mempunyai sikap yang baik dan 52% melakukan tindakan pencegahan Covid-19 yang baik. Pengetahuan Masyarakat tentang pencegahan Covid-19 di kelurahan mitra sudah baik namun sikap dan tindakan masih perlu ditingkatkan.