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Journal : Journal of Educational, Health and Community Psychology

Psychoeducational of Healthy Dating to Reduce the Risk of Sexual Violence in Female Street Children Sri Kushartati, Dessy Pranungsari, Koentjoro
Journal of Educational, Health and Community Psychology Vol 3 No 3, December 2014
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (413.77 KB) | DOI: 10.12928/jehcp.v3i3.3722


Abstract This study was conducted to determine whether psychoeducational of healthy dating can reduce the risk of sexual violence in female adolescents of street children community.  Subjects in this study were 8 adolescents of street children community of North Square of Yogyakarta.  The study design used one group pretest-posttest design and follow up.  The results of Wilcoxon test showed no significant difference between the scores of sexual violence before psychoeducational healthy dating (pretest) and after (post-test) with Z = -1.420 and p = 0.156 (p> 0.05), the mean of decrease in score was 4.44.  Likewise, there was no difference between the scores of sexual assault after courting healthy psychoeducational (posttest) and during follow-up with z = -1.612 and p = 0.107 (p> 0.05), the mean decrease in score was 4.  However, there were significant differences between the scores of sexual violence before (pretest) and follow-up with z = -2.103 and p = 0.035 (p <0.05), the mean of decrease in score was 8.44 which indicated that the application of a healthy dating psychoeducational could reduce the risk of sex violence on girls in street children community, but it needed 1 month to be applied in the form of healthy dating behavior. Keywords: psychoeducational of healthy dating, sexual violence, street children.
Description of the Psychological Needs of Klitih Perpetrators in Yogyakarta Using Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) Dessy Pranungsari; Muhammad Hidayat; Marina Yollanda; Miftah Maulidiyah
Journal of Educational, Health and Community Psychology Vol 10 No 1 March 2021
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/jehcp.v10i1.19175


This study aims to determine the psychological needs of klitih perpetrators in Yogyakarta. The main objective of this research was to describe the psychological needs of klitih perpetrators in Yogyakarta. This study’s participants consist of three males with the following criteria: (1) aged 18-24, (2) klitih perpetrators, and (3) lives in Yogyakarta. The research method used was qualitative research using a phenomenological approach. Data collection was conducted using the Personality Test (TAT), equipped with an interview. Data analysis was conducted using thematic analysis. The findings reveal five dominant psychological needs of klitih perpetrators, such as the need for warmth and support (need for affiliation) and the need to seek help or sympathy (need for succorance). The need for freedom (need for autonomy) appeared to emerge strongly against the pressure from permissive and less warm family background, causing the participant to spend more time outside their homes. The need for violence (need for aggression) and the need for recognition (need for achievement) also appeared to arise due to the social environment’s demands, which then influence the participant to commit acts of klitih. This research shows the psychological needs of klitih perpetrators that can be channeled through other activities. Therefore, alternative positive activities that can meet these five primary needs should be developed to prevent adolescents from being involved in acts of klitih in schools, families, communities, and the Yogyakarta government.