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Perubahan Pola Permukiman Orang Laut Suku Duano Ichwan Azhari; Onggal Sihite; Ida Liana Tanjung
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/jupiis.v10i2.11139


This paper examines changes in Orang Laut settlements in two villages namely Tanjung Solok Village and Jambi Province Fisheries Village. Changes occurred from settlements on boats in the sea to settlements inside houses in the village. The research method used is an ethnographic research method whose characteristics are "researching informants - as subjects of research-in their daily environment". The researcher and the object under study interact intensely through in-depth observation of the object in accordance with the research objectives. In the two villages studied, the facts of the changes that have taken place over the past 30 years have been found, due to the incessant government programs to "settle" the Sea People to the mainland. Changes in the lives of the Orang Laut in the new and permanent villages have caused the loss of traditional knowledge of the Orang Laut in the maritime field. They changed from the Sea People who lived in a sea that was modest and full of wisdom to the sea and coastal ecosystems to become Sea People who lived on land with complex life, carried by the current of modernization and exploiting and destroying marine and coastal ecosystems.
Gorga : Jurnal Seni Rupa Vol 9, No 1 (2020): Gorga : Jurnal Seni Rupa
Publisher : Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/gr.v9i1.18403


AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik elemen-elemen visual yang terdiri dari garis, warna dan gelap terang pada karya vector art di Vectorina Medan Community tahun 2019. Adapun populasi yang terdapat dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 15 karya vector art di Vectorina Medan Community sehingga sampel yang ditetapkan dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari 3 karya dengan menggunakan teknik Purposive Sampling. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif untuk mengetahui dan mendeskripsikan kekuatan karakteristik vector art di Vectorina Medan Community yang dijadikan sampel berdasarkan karakteristik dari garis, warna dan gelap terang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, kekuatan elemen-elemen visual berdasarkan karakteristik adalah berasal dari penggambaran dan penentuan elemen-elemen visual yang baik seperti penempatan warna, gelap terang dan garis. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Vectorina Medan Community di mana permasalahan diangkat berdasarkan karya vector art yang ada di komunitas. Vector art merupakan salah satu karya grafis komputer di mana karya dibuat dengan Software berbasis Vector. Dari penelitian yang sudah dilaksanakan maka bisa disimpulkan karakteristik karya vector art Vectorina Medan  Community sangat kuat.  Kata Kunci: vector art, karakteristik, elemen visual.AbstractThis study aims to determine the characteristik of visual elementsconsiting of lines, colors and light dark on the work vector art in Vectorina Medan Community 2019. As for the population contained in this study as many 100 vector art works in Vectorin Medan Community so the sample determined in this study consisted of 15 words using a purposive sampling technique. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method to determine and illustrate the strength of the characteristics of vector art in the Vectorina Community in Medan, which is sampled based on the characteristics of lines, colors and light darkness. The results showed that the strength of visual elements based on characteristics came from the depiction and determination of good visual elements such as placement of colors, dark light and lines. This research was conducted at the Vectorina Community in Medan where problems arise based on vector art in the community. Vector art is one of the computer graphic works in which the work is made with Vector-based Software. From the research that has been done, it can be concluded that the characteristics of vectorina Medan Community vector art are very strong. Keywords: vector art, characteristics, visual elements. 
Gorga : Jurnal Seni Rupa Vol 6, No 2 (2017): Gorga : Jurnal Seni Rupa
Publisher : Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/gr.v6i2.11027


ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan hasil karya siswa dalam menggambar manusia, pada mata pelajaran seni budaya di SMP Negeri 1 Tanjung Balai. Populasi penelitian ini adalah keseluruhan karya siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 1 Tanjung Balai yang berasal dari 10 kelas berjumlah 339 karya, sedangkan sampel penelitian diambil dengan teknik Random Sampling, yaitu dengan mengacak kelas sehingga terpilih kelas VIII2 yang berjumlah 26 karya. Pada penelitian menunjukkan: 17 (65,38%) karya dapat menampilkan anatomi manusia cukup tepat, 9 (34,61%) karya dapat menampilkan anatomi manusia tidak tepat, 16 (61,53%) karya dapat menampilkan proporsi manusia cukup tepat dan 10 (4,34%) karya menampilkan proporsi manusia tidak tepat dari 26 siswa. Kesimpulan dari hasil karya siswa sudah menampilkan hasil yang cukup tepat terlihat dari bentuk anatomi dan proporsi walaupun tidak semua mampu memenuhi kriteria gambar yang diinginkan. Saran bagi pendidik untuk lebih banyak menambah pembelajaran dan pengadaan referensi tentang anatomi dan proporsi.            Kata Kunci: menggambar manusia, anatomi, proporsi
ANALISIS GAMBAR HIASAN HIJAB Fazri Bagas Prasojo; Onggal Sihite
Gorga : Jurnal Seni Rupa Vol 9, No 1 (2020): Gorga : Jurnal Seni Rupa
Publisher : Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/gr.v9i1.18786


AbstrakPenelitian ini di latar belakangi untuk mengenalkan salah satu media sederhana yang dapat digunakan sebagai media dalam pembuatan gambar hiasan pada hijab siswa kelas X SMK Karya Bunda. Pembatasan masalah dalam penelitian ini berfokus pada penerapan prinsip komposisi, keselarasan, irama, keseimbangan dan tingkat keberhasilan pada pembuatan gambar hiasan di hijab siswa kelas X SMK Karya Bunda. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetaui penerapan dan tingkat keberhasilan prinsip komposisi, keselarasan, irama, dan keseimbangan pada pembuatan gambar hiasan di hijab siswa kelas X SMK Karya Bunda. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan sampel 5 karya gambar hiasan pada hijab siswa  kelas X SMK Karya Bunda yang diambil menggunakn teknik Sampling Purposive. Teknik analisis data dilakukan dengan teknik analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Berdasarkan data yang telah diperoleh, maka semua hasil penilaian dari ke tiga ahli secara keseluruhan pada karya gambar hiasan pada hijab siswa kelas X SMK Karya Bunda ditinjau berdasarkan prinsip komposisi memperoleh jumlah nilai = 429 dengan rata-rata (r) = 86 (baik), prinsip keselarasan memperoleh jumlah nilai = 431 dengan rata-rata (r) = 86  (baik), prinsip irama memperoleh jumlah nilai = 427 dengan rata-rata (r) = 85, terakhir prinsip keseimbangan memperoleh jumlah nilai = 421 dengan rata-rata (r) = 84, dan secara umum nilai keempat prinsip tersebut dikategorikan baik dengan jumlah nilai = 341  dan rata-rata (r) = 85 (baik).Kata Kunci: analisis, gambar hiasan, hijab.AbstractThis  research is motivated to introduce one of the simple media that can be used as a medium in making decorative pictures on the hijab of class X students of SMK Karya Bunda. The limitation of the problem in this study focuses on the application of the principles of composition, harmony, rhythm, balance and the level of success in making decorative pictures in hijab X grade students of SMK Karya Bunda. The purpose of this study is to know the application and success rate of the principles of composition, harmony, rhythm, and balance in the making of decorative pictures in the veil of class X students of SMK Karya Bunda. This study uses a qualitative method with a sample of 20 decorative pictures on the veil of class X students of SMK Karya Bunda taken using the Purposive Sampling technique. The data analysis technique was performed by using a qualitative descriptive analysis technique. Based on the data that has been obtained, all the assessment results from the three experts as a whole in the work of decorative drawings on the veil of class X students of SMK Karya Bunda are reviewed based on the principle of composition obtaining a total score = 429 with an average (r) = 86 (good), the principle of harmony gets the sum of values = 431 with an average (r) = 86 (good), the rhythm principle gets the sum of values = 427 with an average (r) = 85, finally the principle of balance gets the sum of values = 421 with an average ( r) = 84, and in general the values of the four principles are categorized both with a total score = 341 and an average (r) = 85 (good).Keywords: analysis, decorative, hijab 
Gorga : Jurnal Seni Rupa Vol 8, No 1 (2019): Gorga : Jurnal Seni Rupa
Publisher : Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/gr.v8i1.12652


AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan ornamen Sumatera Utara  kepada siswa serta melatih kemampuan siswa dalam melukis ornamen dengan menerapkan prinsip-prinsip desain. Melukis ornamen adalah salah satu cara mengenal dan memelihara ornamen. Tahapan penelitian ini diawali dengan pembelajaran tentang ornamen Sumatera Utara dan prinsip-prinsip desain. Selanjutnya siswa diberi tugas untuk melukis ornamen Sumatera Utara. Artinya, siswa bebas mengekspresikan konsepnya lewat bentuk-bentuk ornamen tersebut. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan adalah deskriptif kualitatif yang menganalisis pengetahuan ornamen dan karya lukis ornamen siswa berdasarkan prinsip desain. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan pengetahuan tentang ornamen Sumatera Utara dan cukup baik dalam penerapan prinsip desain pada praktik melukis ornamen.Kata Kunci: ornamen, lukis, prinsip, desain.AbstractThis research purpose to introduce the North Sumatera ornaments to students and practice their skill in painting of ornaments with using the principles of design. Painting the ornaments is one way to recognize and maintain ornaments. The Step of research is begin with learning about North Sumatera ornaments and the principles of design. Then, students are given the task to paint the North Sumatera ornaments. That mean, students are free to express their concept with the shapes of that ornaments. The method of research conducted is qualitative descriptive which analyzing the ornaments knowledge and ornaments painting of students based on the principles of design. The result of this research show that there is creasing of the knowledge about North Sumatera Ornaments, and good enough in practice of painting ornament.Keywords: ornament, painting, principle, design.
Gorga : Jurnal Seni Rupa Vol 8, No 2 (2019): Gorga : Jurnal Seni Rupa
Publisher : Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/gr.v8i2.15815


AbstrakPenelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh keunikan pada gambar anak pada tahap periodesasi masa realisme awal berdasarkan teori Viktor Lowenfeld dan Lambert Britain. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kemampuan murid kelas V SD Negeri 064023 Medan Tuntungan dalam menerapkan gambar bertema “kegemaran di rumah” berdasrkan 3 aspek yaitu, bentuk, warna dan komposisi dilandasi oleh teori periodesasi. Metode penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif, dimana data dari seluruh instrumen penelitian dideskripsikan sesuai dengan teori periodesai. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa seluruh karya murid kelas V SD Negeri 064023 Medan Tuntungan sudah sesuai dengan teori periodesasi oleh Viktor Lowenfeld dan Lambert Britain yang dilihat dari bentuk, warna dan komposisinya. Jika dilihat dari hasil murid menerapkan tema gambar “kegemaran anak di rumah”, terdapat 4 karya sudah sesuai dengan tema, dengan masing – masing karya terdapat tema belajar, bermain, membantu orang tua, dan menonton televisi.  Kata Kunci: bentuk, warna, komposisi, tema, periodesasi.AbstractThis research is motivated by the uniqueness of children's art at the period of periodization of the period of the dawning realism based on the theories of Viktor Lowenfeld and Lambert Britain.. The purpose of this study was to determine the ability of the fifth grade students of SD Negeri 064023 Medan Tuntungan to apply draw with theme “favorite activity at home” based on 3 aspects, namely, the form, color and composition based on the theory of periodization. This research method is descriptive qualitative, where data from all research instruments are described according to the periodical theory. The results of the study concluded that all the works of the fifth grade students of SD Negeri 064023 Medan Tuntungan were in accordance with the theory of periodization by Viktor Lowenfeld and Lambert Britain which were seen from their shape, color and composition. If seen from the results of students applying the theme of the draw " favorite activity at home ", there are 4 works in accordance with the theme, with each work there are themes of learning, playing, helping parents, and watching television.  Keywords: shape, color, composition, theme, periodization.
Tinjuan Prinsip-Prinsip Visual Pada Komik “Guild” Karya Irfan Rianto Muhammad Choir Affandi Adjie Rangkuti; Onggal Sihite
Journal of Education, Humaniora and Social Sciences (JEHSS) Vol 3, No 3 (2021): Journal of Education, Humaniora and Social Sciences (JEHSS) April
Publisher : Mahesa Research Center

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1562.963 KB) | DOI: 10.34007/jehss.v3i3.541


Comic "Guild" is a comic that has a Japanese drawing style, namely Manga and applies visual principles that should be used as study material to study visual principles about comics. This study aims to identify and review the visual comics of "Guild" in terms of these principles. the principle of visual emphasis according to MS Gumelar. The population in this study is 15 pages in chapter 1 of the comic "Guild". This type of research uses qualitative research methods with documentation data collection techniques and literature study. Primary data is in the form of visual comic “Guild” chapter 1 by Irfan Rianto, data collection in this research is through literature study, observation, data processing, data analysis techniques, generalizations and instruments. Then the data that has been collected is triangulated to strengthen the credibility of the research results. From the results of the study it was concluded that the comic "Guild" had applied the principles of visual emphasis according to the MS Gumelar guidelines, although in its application there were still five pages that still had shortcomings so that it looked not optimal and consistent.
The Diversity of Vegetable Dishes in Mandailing Culinary Esi Emilia; Onggal Sihite; Adikahriani Adikahriani; Nila Reswari Haryana; Siti Sutanti; Risti Rosmiati; Subuh Ardiansyah; Hardi Firmansyah
JURNAL PENDIDIKAN DAN KELUARGA Vol 14 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Pendidikan dan Keluarga
Publisher : Fakultas Pariwisata dan Perhotelan Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/jpk/vol14-iss1/1014


Culinary is one of the cultural products of various ethnicities in Indonesia. One of the famous culinary in North Sumatra is culinary of the Batak Mandailing. This study aims to identify vegetable dishes in Mandailing Culinary and processing techniques. The research was conducted from April -November 2021 in Mandailing Natal Regency. The data was collected qualitatively by conducting FGD and in-depth interviews method. The Location of Mandailing Natal Regency is in the southernmost and western part of the province of North Sumatra so that the taste of Mandailing cuisine is influenced by cuisine from Minangkabau. The availability of food, in terms of vegetables, spices, and coconut, is abundantly reflected in the various types of vegetables in daily meals of the Mandailing Natal people. Mandailing’s vegetable dishes dominantly have a spicy taste and uses a lot of coconut or coconut milk and also wet and dry spices. The study results found that 53 types of vegetable dishes were dominated by curry dishes using many spices. Mashed cassava leaves curry is one of the popular vegetable dishes. Most of the Mandailing cuisine uses high-temperature processing technology, especially the boiling method.
Eksperimen Bahan Makanan Sebagai Alternatif Cat Warna Air Fitri Chandra; Onggal Sihite; Mesra Mesra
Journal of Education, Humaniora and Social Sciences (JEHSS) Vol 3, No 3 (2021): Journal of Education, Humaniora and Social Sciences (JEHSS) April
Publisher : Mahesa Research Center

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (378.733 KB) | DOI: 10.34007/jehss.v3i3.431


This research aims to describe the process of creating water color paints and the resulting colors made of foodst materials. The making of this water color paint through several stages, such stages are, observation, exploration, experimental, and quality testing. This experiment focused on foodstings as dye paint making materials. The exploration stage is about the materials used as additives, pigments, solvents, and binders in paints. Experimental stages in the form of making groceries into dye paints. The quality test stage is the process of comparing the quality of the experiment's color paint and the factory-made color paint. The concept of making color paint explores ingredients from food namely, kanji flour, baking soda, vinegar, food coloring, and water. And aids like, bowls and spoons, plastic containers, and toothpicks. The paint is realized into the form of a painting using aquarel painting technique.
Gorga : Jurnal Seni Rupa Vol 12, No 1 (2023): Gorga : Jurnal Seni Rupa
Publisher : Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/gr.v12i1.40961


Glass painting is a traditional art that has existed for a long time. The lack of use of glass as a creative medium causes a lack of innovation in renewing pre-existing themes. This is what motivated the author to create this traditional glass painting by displaying a new theme in order to maintain the existence of glass painting in the world of fine art. The technique used in the creation of this glass painting is the reverse technique or reverse painting technique which is a traditional glass painting technique. The coffee shop theme was chosen to renew the theme of the results of traditional glass painting that had previously existed, which only featured the theme of wayang. The method for creating this work has gone through the exploration or data collection stage, the planning stage is creating design sketches obtained through the exploration stage, and the embodiment stage is the process of painting on glass. The results of the work obtained in this creation amounted to 6 works on clear glass sheets with a size of 40 x 50 cm, with the following titles: (1) Coffee Beans, (2) Milk Coffee Enthusiasts, (3) Roseta in Latte Art, (4) Kalita Charm, (5) The Coffee Connoisseur Woman, (6) StyleMocktail.Keywords:  glass painting, theme, reverse technique. AbstrakSeni lukis kaca merupakan seni tradisional yang sudah lama ada. Minimnya penggunaan kaca sebagai media berkarya menyebabkan kurangnya inovasi dalam pembaharuan tema-tema yang sudah ada sebelumnya. Hal tersebutlah yang melatarbelakangi penulis untuk membuat seni lukis kaca tradisional ini dengan menampilkan tema baru guna menjaga keeksistensian seni lukis kaca dalam dunia seni rupa. Teknik yang digunakan dalam penciptaan karya seni lukis kaca ini adalah teknik reverse atau teknik melukis terbalik yang merupakan teknik melukis kaca tradisional. Tema coffee shop dipilih guna memperbaharui tema pada hasil seni lukis kaca tradisional yang sudah pernah ada sebelumnya yang hanya menampilkan tema tentang pewayangan saja. Metode pada penciptaan karya ini telah melalui tahap eksplorasi atau pengumpulan data, tahap perencanaan adalah menciptakan sketsa desain yang didapatkan melalui tahap eksplorasi, dan tahap perwujudan yaitu proses melukis di atas kaca. Hasil karya yang diperoleh pada penciptaan tersebut berjumlah 6 karya diatas lembaran kaca bening dengan ukuran 40 x 50 cm, dengan judul sebagai berikut: (1) Coffee Beans, (2) Penggemar Kopi Susu, (3) Roseta In Latte Art, (4) Kalita Charm, (5) Wanita Si Penikmat Kopi, (6) Style Mocktail.  Kata Kunci: lukis kaca, tema, teknik reverse. Authors:Musda Liffa : Universitas Negeri MedanOnggal Sihite : Universitas Negeri Medan References:Asa, F. O., & Sahrul, N. (2018). Kehidupan Surau Di Minangkabau Sebagai Inspirasi Dalam Karya Seni Lukis. Gorga: Jurnal Seni Rupa, 7(2), 148-155.Blewett, M. (2005). Consolidation Issues and Treatment Strategies for Delaminating Layers on Reverse Glass Painting: A Literature Review and Case Study. The Picture Restorer, 28, 5-11. Dimock, A. (2010). Reverse Glass Painting: Tips,     Tools, and Techniques for Learning the Craft. USA: Stackpole Books.Etty, Laksmiwati. (2017). Glass Painting. Surabaya: Tiara Aksa.Fiyanto, A. (2015). Permasalahan Kehidupan Kaum Urban sebagai Temakarya Seni Lukis. Brikolase: Jurnal Kajian Teori, Praktik dan Wacana Seni Budaya Rupa, 7(1).Masruroh, A., & Azis, A. C. K. (2022). Meningkatkan Kemampuan Menggambar Ilustrasi Kartun dengan Teknik Scribble pada Siswa Kelas VIII SMP Negeri 2 Simpang Kiri Kota Subulussalam. Gorga: Jurnal Seni Rupa, 11(2), 554-558.Herlyana, E. (2014). Fenomena Coffee Shop sebagai Gejala Gaya Hidup Baru Kaum    Muda. THAQAFIYYAT: Jurnal Bahasa, Peradaban dan Informasi Islam, 13(1), 187-      204.