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Journal on Mathematics Education Vol 4, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Department of Doctoral Program on Mathematics Education, Sriwijaya University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22342/jme.4.2.552.188-193


Solving mathematics contextual problems is one way that can be used to enable students to have the skills needed to live in the 21st century. Completion contextual problem requires a series of steps in order to properly answer the questions that are asked. The purpose of this study was to determine the steps performed students in solving contextual mathematics problem. The results showed that 75% students can not solve contextual mathematics problems precisely (unfinished). Students stop and feel that it was completed when they are able to solve problems mathematically, but mathematical solution has not answered the requested context.
Students' Strategies of Measuring Time Using Traditional Gasing Game in Third Grade of Primary School Jaelani, Anton; Putri, Ratu Ilma Indra; Hartono, Yusuf
Journal on Mathematics Education Vol 4, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Department of Doctoral Program on Mathematics Education, Sriwijaya University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22342/jme.4.1.560.29-40


Understanding of measuring time has difficulty for children because it is intangible. Standar units often use directly by teacher for learning time measurement. Many researches involved game in designing learning material to facilitate fun and meaningful learning for children. For this reason, learning of time measurement that connect with children's daily experience was designed. The context of this research was traditional gasing game. The study is situated in implementation of Indonesian version of Realistic Mathematics Education, labeled as PMRI. This research aimed acquire learning trajectory of time measurement using traditional gasing game for the third grader of primary school by describing students' progress in learning. Design research methodology comprising preparing for the experiment, teaching experiment, and retrospective analysis was used. The research was conducted in SD (Sekolah Dasar) Pusri (Pupuk Sriwijaya) Palembang as one of PMRI (Pendidikan Matematika Realistik Indonesia) school. The result of the teaching experiment showed that learning design could foster students to experience reinvention of time measurement historically. It stimulated students to emerge their sense of time, measure time using non standar unit, understand the concept of standard unit, and measure time using standar unit. Students' strategies that were emerged showed students' progress through situation and problems that were provided by traditional gasing game.
Investigating Secondary School Students' Difficulties in Modeling Problems PISA-Model Level 5 And 6 Edo, Sri Imelda; Putri, Ratu Ilma Indra; Hartono, Yusuf
Journal on Mathematics Education Vol 4, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Department of Doctoral Program on Mathematics Education, Sriwijaya University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22342/jme.4.1.561.41-58


The chart of Indonesian student of mathematical ability development in Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) event during the last 4 periods shows an unstable movement. PISA aims to examine the ability of children aged 15 years in reading literacy, mathematics literacy, and science literacy. The concept of mathematical literacy is closely related to several other concepts discussed in mathematics education. The most important is mathematical modelling and its component processes. Therefore the goal of this research is to investigate secondary school students' difficulties in modeling problems PISA-model level 5 and 6. Qualitative research was used as an appropriate mean to achieve this research goal. This type of research is a greater emphasizing on holistic description, and phenomenon identified to be studied, students' difficulties in modelling real world problem in PISA model question level 5 and 6. 26 grade 9 students of SMPN 1Palembang, 26 grade 9 students of SMPK Frater Xaverius 1 Palembang, and 31 participants of mathematical literacy context event, were involved in this research. The result of investigate showed that student is difficult to; (1) formulating situations mathematically, Such as to representing a situation mathematically, recognizing mathematical structure (including regularities, relationships, and patterns) in problems, (2) evaluating the reasonableness of a mathematical solution in the context of a real-world problem. The students have no problem in solve mathematical problem they have constructed.
Exploring Primary Student's Problem-Solving Ability by Doing Tasks Like PISA's Question Novita, Rita; Zulkardi, Zulkardi; Hartono, Yusuf
Journal on Mathematics Education Vol 3, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Department of Doctoral Program on Mathematics Education, Sriwijaya University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22342/jme.3.2.571.133-150


Problem solving plays an important role in mathematics and should have a prominent role in the mathematics education. The term problem solving refers to mathematics tasks that have the potential to provide intellectual challenges for enhancing students' mathematical understanding and development. In addition, the contextual problem that requires students to connect their mathematical knowledge in solving mathematical situational problem is believed to be an impact on the development students' problem-solving ability. The tasks that have been developed by PISA meet both of these criteria. As stated by the NCTM, that problem-solving skill and ability should be developed to students when they were in primary school (K5-8), therefore, it is important to do an effort to guide students in developing problem-solving ability from primary school such as accustom students to do some mathematical solving-problem tasks. Thus, in this research we tried to investigate how to develop mathematical problem-solving tasks like PISA's question that have potential effect toward students' mathematical problem-solving abilities?. We used a formative evaluation type of development research as an mean to achieve this research goal. This type of research is conducted in two steps, namely preliminary stage and formative evaluation stage covering self evaluation, prototyping (expert reviews, one-to-one, and small group), and field test. This research involve four primary schools in Palembang, there are SD Muhammadiyah 6 Palembang, MIN 1 & MIN 2 Palembang, and SDN 179 Palembang. The result of this research showed that the mathematical problem-solving tasks that have been developed have potential effect in exploring mathematical problem-solving ability of the primary school students. It is shown from their work in solving problem where all of the indicators of problem solving competency have emerged quite well category. In addition, based on interview result from some students, known that they like to do such tasks because can improve their reasoning, creativity and thinking ability.
Learning Multiplication Using Indonesian Traditional game in Third Grade Prahmana, Rully Charitas Indra; Zulkardi, Zulkakrdi; Hartono, Yusuf
Journal on Mathematics Education (JME) Vol 3, No 02 (2012): Journal on Mathematics Education (JME)
Publisher : IndoMS Pusat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Several previous researches showed that students had difficulty in understanding the basic concept of multiplication.  Students are more likely to be introduced by using formula without involving the concept itself. This underlies the researcher to design a learning trajectory of learning multiplication using Permainan Tradisional Tepuk Bergambar (PT2B) as a context based on the student experience. The purpose of this research is to look at the role of PT2B in helping students understanding in learning multiplication, which evolved from the informal to formal level in third grade with Pendidikan Matematika Realistik Indonesia (PMRI) approach. The method used is design research starting from preliminary design, teaching experiments, and retrospective analysis. This research describes how PT2B make a real contribution to the third grade students of SDN 179 Palembang to understand the concept of multiplication. The results showed PT2B context can stimulate students to understand their  knowledge of the multiplication concept. The whole strategy and model that students discover, describe, and discuss shows how the students construction or contribution can uses to help their initial understanding of that concept. The stages in the learning trajectory of student have an important role in understanding the concept of the operation number from informal to the formal level.  Keyword: Design Research, PMRI, Multiplication, Permainan Tradisional Tepuk Bergambar
Learning Multiplication Using Indonesian Traditional game in Third Grade Prahmana, Rully Charitas Indra; Zulkardi, Zulkakrdi; Hartono, Yusuf
Journal on Mathematics Education (JME) Vol 3, No 02 (2012): Journal on Mathematics Education (JME)
Publisher : IndoMS Pusat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Several previous researches showed that students had difficulty in understanding the basic concept of multiplication.  Students are more likely to be introduced by using formula without involving the concept itself. This underlies the researcher to design a learning trajectory of learning multiplication using Permainan Tradisional Tepuk Bergambar (PT2B) as a context based on the student experience. The purpose of this research is to look at the role of PT2B in helping students understanding in learning multiplication, which evolved from the informal to formal level in third grade with Pendidikan Matematika Realistik Indonesia (PMRI) approach. The method used is design research starting from preliminary design, teaching experiments, and retrospective analysis. This research describes how PT2B make a real contribution to the third grade students of SDN 179 Palembang to understand the concept of multiplication. The results showed PT2B context can stimulate students to understand their  knowledge of the multiplication concept. The whole strategy and model that students discover, describe, and discuss shows how the students construction or contribution can uses to help their initial understanding of that concept. The stages in the learning trajectory of student have an important role in understanding the concept of the operation number from informal to the formal level.  Keyword: Design Research, PMRI, Multiplication, Permainan Tradisional Tepuk Bergambar
Helping Students Acquainted with Multiplication in Rectangular Model Tasman, Fridgo; Hertog, Jaap den; Zulkardi, Zulkardi; Hartono, Yusuf
Journal on Mathematics Education Vol 2, No 2 (2011)
Publisher : Department of Doctoral Program on Mathematics Education, Sriwijaya University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22342/jme.2.2.747.185-198


Usually, multiplication is introduced to students to represent quantities that come in group. However there is also rectangular array model which is also related to multiplication. Barmby et al (2009) has shown that the rectangular model such as array representations encourage students to develop their thinking about multiplication as a binary operation with row and column representing two inputs. Considering that finding, this study focusses on a design research that was conducted in Indonesia in which I investigate second grade students’ (between 7 and 8 years old) in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri (MIN) 2 Palembang, Indonesia, ability to structuring the situation and their ability to represent rectangular model into multiplication sentence. The results shows us that students activity to structuring the situation, looking the number of objects in row or in column, lead them to repeated addition and transform it into multiplication sentence.Keywords: Rectangular pattern, Multiplication DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22342/jme.2.2.747.185-198
Design Research on Mathematics Education: Investigating The Progress of Indonesian Fifth Grade Students' Learning on Multiplication of Fractions With Natural Numbers Shanty, Nenden Octavarulia; Hartono, Yusuf; Ilma, Ratu; Haan, Dede de
Journal on Mathematics Education Vol 2, No 2 (2011)
Publisher : Department of Doctoral Program on Mathematics Education, Sriwijaya University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22342/jme.2.2.749.147-162


This study aimed at investigating the progress of students' learning on multiplication fractions with natural numbers through the five activity levels based on Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) approach proposed by Streefland. Design research was chosen to achieve this research goal. In design research, the Hypothetical Learning Trajectory (HLT) plays important role as a design and research instrument. This HLT tested to thirty-seven students of grade five primary school (i.e.SDN 179 Palembang). The result of the classroom practices showed that measurement (length) activity could stimulate students’ to produce fractions as the first level in learning multiplication of fractions with natural numbers. Furthermore, strategies and tools used by the students in partitioning gradually be developed into a more formal mathematics in which number line be used as the model of measuring situation and the model for more formal reasoning. The number line then could bring the students to the last activity level, namely on the way to rules for multiplying fractions with natural numbers. Based on this findings, it is suggested that Streefland's five activity levels can be used as a guideline in learning multiplication of fractions with natural numbers in which the learning process become a more progressive learning.Keywords: multiplication fractions with natural numbers, measurement (length) activity, design research, Hypothetical Learning Trajectory, model of, model for
A Concrete Situation For Learning Decimals Pramudiani, Puri; Zulkardi, Zulkardi; Hartono, Yusuf; Amerom, Barbara van
Journal on Mathematics Education Vol 2, No 2 (2011)
Publisher : Department of Doctoral Program on Mathematics Education, Sriwijaya University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22342/jme.2.2.750.215-230


Learning about decimals is an important part in mathematics. However at the same time, decimals are known as the  abstract numbers for students. Mostly in Indonesia, decimal is taught only as another notation for fractions or percentages. There are no meaningful references  for  them  such as  the  use of  concrete  situations. This study aimed at investigating one situation that enables students to learn about decimals in a meaningful way,  i.e.  measurement  activities.  Design research was chosen to reach the research goal. Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) underlies  the design  of  context and activities. Our findings are that the students could discover decimals and  get meaningful situation from it. Measurement activities can promote the students’ notion of decimals which, then, provoke the students’ thinking into the idea of using number line as a model for placing the magnitude of decimals. Based on these findings, it is recommended that RME be implemented as an approach of teaching and learning decimals.Keywords: decimals, Realistic Mathematics Education (RME), number line, design research. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22342/jme.2.2.750.215-230
Developing Student's Notion of Measurement Unit For Area Yuberta, Kurnia Rahmi; Zulkardi, Zulkardi; Hartono, Yusuf; Galen, Frans van
Journal on Mathematics Education Vol 2, No 2 (2011)
Publisher : Department of Doctoral Program on Mathematics Education, Sriwijaya University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22342/jme.2.2.775.173-184


Many researchers found that students have difficulties in understanding area measurement. Students mostly focus on applying formula to find the area of certain shapes without knowing what the area is and why the formula works. It is important for the students to know what attribute being measured and to construct the unit for area measurement. Therefore, the aim of this research is to develop activities that support students to know the attribute of area and the notion of measurement unit in learning area measurement. For this purpose, design research is chosen for achieving the research goal. Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) underlies the design of context and activities. A teacher and students in grade 3 in elementary school (SDN 21) in Palembang Indonesia will be involved in this research.Keywords: Area measurement, unit, design research, RME
Co-Authors A. Jariah, Novika Andriani A.A. Ketut Agung Cahyawan W Abd. Rasyid Syamsuri Akhmad Sumbandari Amrina Rizta Annisa Oktavia Lestari Anton Jaelani Anton Jaelani Araiku, Jeri Arden Naser Yustian Simarmata Ardina Mayasari Azka 'Afifah Bambang Suprihatin Barbara van Amerom Bella Juwita Rezky Budi Santoso Cecil Hiltrimartin Cecil Hiltrimartin Cecil Hiltrimartin Cecil Hiltrimartin Chn, Rafika Riana Darmawijoyo, Darmawijoyo Dede de Haan Desty Rupalestari Diah Dwi Santri Diah Dwi Santri Dwi Panggih Nugrahaini Ningtyas Eka Fitri Puspa Sari, Eka Fitri Puspa Elis Sulastri Ely Susanti Etika Prasetyani Etika Prasetyani, Etika Ety Septiati, Ety Evi Yuliza, Evi Fanni Fatoni, cakrawala Feli Ramury Firdaus Firdaus Fitri Maya Puspita Frans van Galen Frans van Galen Fridgo Tasman Futri Hikma Fatona Futri Hikma Fatona Hanifah Bunayati Hapizah Hardian Mei Fajri Henry Kurniawan Henry Kurniawan Hermina Disnawati, Hermina Hery, Rosmala Dewi Hikmayati, Citra Hiltrimartin, Cecil Imam Adhitya Nugraha Indaryanti Indaryanti Indriati Indriati Irka, Irka Irkham Ulil Albab Jaap den Hertog Januar Sitorus, Rico Jeri Araiku Jumroh Jumroh Kesumawati, Nila Kurnia Rahmi Yuberta Kurniadi, Elika Leonardo Jonathan Shinariko Lestari, S R Lestaria N, Yunika Levana Maharani Levana Maharani Liana Septy Listen Prima Listina Tri Dharmayanti Lusiana Lusiana Lusiana Lusiana Maharani, Levana Malalina Malalina Manalu, Michael Amin Marini Fitriani Marleny, Arbella Sri Maya Saftari Meilani Safitri Meilani Safitri MEILANI SAFITRI - UNIVERSITAS SRIWIJAYA Melinda Chusnul Chotima Meryansumayeka Meryansumayeka Mewa Zabeta, Mewa Michael Amin Manalu Moch. Lutfianto Moch. Lutfianto Nadia Zuliaty Syaputri Nadia Zuliaty Syaputri Nenden Octavarulia Shanty Nenden Octavarulia Shanty Nengyanti, Nengyanti Neny Lestari Nessa, Widya Nety Wahyu Saputri Nizarwati Nizarwati Nora Surmilasari Noviafitri, Selly Novika Andriani A. Jariah Novita Sari Nursa Fatri Nofriati Nusantara, Duano Sapta Nyimas Aisyah Nyimas Aisyah Ogi Meita Utami - PANDI PUTRA TIHURI Pratiwi, Weni Dwi Prattiwi, Rika Puji Astuti PUJI ASTUTI Puri Pramudiani Purwoko Purwoko Purwoko Purwoko Purwoko Purwoko PUTERI APRILIANTI Putri Ratu Ilma Indra Putri, Debi Suci Rahayu, Chika Rahma Siska Utari Ratu Ilma Ratu Ilma Indra Putri Renny Sendra Wahyuni Reny Shinta Sari Reny Wahyuni Rika Firma Yenni, Rika Firma Risnina Wafiqoh Rita Novita Rita Novita Rohana Rohana ROHANA ROHANA Rosmalia Septiana Rully Charitas Indra Prahmana Rupalestari, Desty Sakiman, Novi Komariyatiningsih Sanjaya, Dekky Sanova, Yanna Santoso, Budi Scristia, Scristia Selly Noviafitri Sicilia Firaisti Silvia Fitriani Simarmata, Ruth Helen Somakim, Somakim Somakin . Sri Hartati Sri Hartati Sri Imelda Edo Stefanny Hepta Augustine Suci Ariani Sujinal Arifin Surmilasari, Nora Syutaridho Syutaridho Tati Tati Tito Nurdiyanto Tri Oktaria Trimurti Saleh Trimurti Saleh Umi Puji Lestari Umi Puji Lestari Umi Puji Lestari, Umi Puji Vebrian, Rajab Wafiqoh, Risnina Wahyu Wibowo Wahyuni, Reny Wardani, Ambarsari Kusuma Welly Yanti Widya Nessa Winda Wulandari Windria, Hening Wuli Oktiningrum Wuli Oktiningrum, Wuli Yanna Sanova Yanti, Welly Yayan Eryandi Yayan Eryandi, Yayan Yenni Rismayana Yenny Anggreini Sarumaha Yenny Anggreini Sarumaha Yosi Ismawati Yudi Yunika Putra, Yudi Yunika Yulianita Maharani Yulianti Yulisa Aulia Yullys Helsa Zeta Ariano Zuli Nuraeni Zulkardi Zulkardi Zulkardi Zulkardi Zulkardi Zulkardi Zulkardi Zulkardi Zulkardi Zulkardi Zulkardi Zulkardi Zulkardi Zulkardi