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Jurnal Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Pertanian Vol 14, No 2 (2011): Juli 2011
Publisher : Jurnal Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Pertanian

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Yield Stability of Rice on Wetland. The experiment is purposed to evalluate stability of hybrid and new varieties of rice were conducted at five locations as Nganjuk, Bojonegoro, Jember, Blitar dan Ngawi in dry season 2007. Ten varieties of rice consist of six hybrids as Bernas Super, PP-1, Bernas Prima, Hibrindo R-1, Intani 2, SL-8H and four new varieties as Mekongga, Pepe, Cibogo, Ciherang were tested in Randomized Block Design with three replications. Plot size was 5 m x 6 m and plant spacing 20 cm x 20 cm. Yield data were analyzed for stability using a regression technique following Eberhant and Rusell (1966). The results of these experiment indicated that effect of varieties location and varieties x location interaction were significant. Yield stability analysis indicated that there were three varieties which produce stable yield and had average yield higher than checks, namely PP1, Bernas Prima and Mekongga with yield of 7.4, 7.7, and 7.7 respectively. Key words : Hybrid variety rice, new varieties rice, yield stability Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui stabilitas varietas unggul hibrida dan unggul baru dilaksanakan di lima lokasi yaitu Nganjuk, Bojonegoro, Jember, Blitar dan Ngawi pada Musim Kemarau tahun 2007. Sepuluh varietas yang diuji terdiri dari enam varietas unggul hibrida yaitu Bernas Super, PP-1, Bernas Prima, Hibrindo R-1, Intani 2, SL-8H dan empat varietas unggul baru yaitu Mekongga, Pepe, Cibogo, Ciherang. Rancangan yang digunakaan di masing - masing lokasi adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok dengan tiga ulangan. Ukuran setiap petak adalah 5 m x 6 m dengan jarak tanam 20 cm x 20 cm. Stabilitas hasil sepuluh varietas unggul hibrida dan varietas unggul baru dievaluasi dengan model stabilitas menurut Eberhant and Rusell (1966), dengan kriteria varietas yang stabil yaitu yang koefisien regresi bi = 1 dan simpangan ragam regresi terhadap ragam gabungan (S2di = 0). Hasil percobaan menujukkan bahwa varietas unggul hibrida Bernas Super, PP-1, Bernas Prima, Hibrindo R-1, Intani 2, dan SL-8H serta varietas unggul baru Mekongga, Pepe, Cibogo, Ciherang dengan hasil gabah kering diatas rata – rata umumnya dan merupakan varietas yang mempunyai stabilitas hasil masing – masing 7,39; 7,09 dan 7,08 t/ha. Varietas - varietas tersebut dianjurkan untuk dapat diuji lagi dalam skala yang agak luas dan bila sudah mantap dapat diusulkan untuk dilepas menggantikan varietas yang sudah lama digunakan. Kata kunci : Varietas unggul padi hibrida, varietas unggul padi baru, stabilitas hasil
KAMAN EFEKTIVITAS PUPUK NPK (15-15-6-4) PADA PADI DI LAHAN SAWAH IRIGASI KABUPATEN MALANG M. Saeri, Suwono dan Amik Krismawati Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian Jawa Timur JL Raya Karangploso Km 4 Malang, Jawa Timur Saeri, M.; , Suwono; Krismawati, Amik
Jurnal Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Pertanian Vol 11, No 3 (2008): November 2008
Publisher : Jurnal Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Pertanian

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The Effective Assessment of NPK Fertilizer for Irrigated rice in Malang District. The suboptimal rice production on irrigated rice in Malang was due to the low fertilization efficiency. The objective of the single fertilizer and compound fertilizer application study on irrigated rice was to understand the fertilization efficiencies on irrigated rice. The on-farm experiment was conducted at Sekarpuro Village, Pakis District, Malang Regency in the first dry season (April — July 2007) and the types of soil was Regosol with sand loam texture. The design of the experiment was a Randomized Completely Block Design (RCBD), with 13 treatments and 3 replications. Treatments to be tested were : T1 = without fertilizer, T2 = 300 kg NPK (15-15-6-4)/ha, T3 = 100 kg Urea/ha + 100 kg ZA/ha, T4 = 100 kg Urea/ha + 100 kg ZA/ha + 100 kg NPK (15-15-6-4)/ha, T5 = 100 kg Urea/ha + 100 kg ZA/ha + 200 kg NPK (15-15-6-4)/ha, T6 = 100 kg Urea/ha + 100 kg ZA/ha + 300 kg NPK (15-15-6-4)/ha, T7 = 200 kg Urea/ha + 100 kg ZA/ha, T8 = 200 kg Urea/ha + 100 kg SP-36/ha + 100 kg NPK (15-15-6-4)/ha; T9 = 200 kg Urea/ha + 100 kg ZA/ha + 100 kg NPK (15-15-6-4)/ha, T10 = 200 kg Urea/ha + 100 kg ZA/ha + 300 kg NPK (15-15-6-4)/ha, T11 = 300 kg Urea/ha + 100 kg ZA/ha + 100 SP-36/ha + 75 kg KC1/ha, T12 = 200 kg Urea/ha + 100 kg ZA/ha + 200 kg NPK Phonska/ha. The data were analyzed using ANOVA and BNT. The results of combining macro inorganic fertilizers and alternative fertilizers showed that treatment (a) where 200 kg Urea combined with 100 kg ZA and 300 kg NPK (15-15-6-4) provided Cibogo dried grains yield with 6.28 t/ha with RC 3.17, thus increasing farmers income to Rp.14,130,000, giving a profit of Rp.9,677,050, with treatment (b) where 200 kg of Urea combined with 100 kg ZA and 200 kg NPK Phonska provided Cibogo dried grains yield with as much as 6,05 t/ha with R/C 3.22 thus increasing farmers income to Rp.13,612,500, giving a profit of Rp.9,380,700. From economical point of view by combining fertilizers gave the economic advantage with higher revenue cost ratio and profit compared to single fertilization system Key words alternative fettilizer, macro anorganic fertilizer, rice, rainfed rice Belum optimalnya produktivitas padi di lahan sawah, antara lain disebabkan oleh rendahnya efisiensi pemupukan. Kajian pemupukan alternatif pada padi sawah dilaksanakan di Desa Sekarpuro, Kecamatan Pakis, Kabupaten Malang di Musim Kemarau I (April - Juli) tahun 2007, termasuk jenis tanah Regosol dengan tekstur tanah lempung berpasir. Rancangan percobaan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan 12 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan. Perlakuan yang dikaji adalah (1). Tanpa pemupukan, T1 = tanpa pupuk, T2 = 300 kg NPK(15-15-6-4)/ha, T3 = 100 kg Urea/ha + 100 kg ZA/ha, T4 = 100 kg Urea/ha + 100 kg ZA/ha + 100 kg NPK (15-15-6-4)/ha, T5 = 100 kg Urea/ha + 100 kg ZA/ha + 200 kg NPK (15-15-6-4)/ha, T6 = 100 kg Urea/ha + 100 kg ZA/ha + 300 kg NPK (15-15-6-4)/ha, T7 = 200 kg Urea/ha + 100 kg ZA/ha, T8 = 200 kg Urea/ha + 100 kg SP-36/ha + 100 kg NPK (15-15-6-4)/ha; T9 = 200 kg Urea.ha + 100 kg ZA/ha + 100 kg NPK (15-15-6-4)/ha, T10 = 200 kg Urea/ha + 100 kg ZA/ha + 300 kg NPK (15-15-6-4)/ha, T11 = 300 kg Urea/ha + 100 kg ZA/ha + 100 SP-36/ha + 75 kg KC1/ha, T12 = 200 kg Urea/ha + 100 kg ZA/ha + 200 kg NPK Phonska/ha. Analisis data menggunakan ANOVA dilanjutkan dengan uji BNT.Hasil pengkajian penggunaan pupuk makro anorganik yang dikombinasikan dengan pupuk alternatif menunjukkan bahwa (a). 200 kg Urea/ha + 100 kg ZA/ha + 300 kg NPK (15-15-6-4)/ha, memberikan hasil gabah kering giling (GKG) varietas Cibogo sebesar 6,28 t/ha dengan R/C 3,17 dan memberikan penerimaan usahatani sebesar Rp.14.130.000,- keuntungan sebesar Rp.9.677.050,- dan (b). 200 kg Urea/ha + 100 kg ZA/ha + 200 kg NPK Phonska/ha memberikan hasil gabah kering giling (GKG) varietas Cibogo sebesar 6,05 t/ha dengan R/C 3,22 dan memberikan penerimaan sebesar Rp.13.612.500,- serta keuntungan sebesar Rp. 9.380.700,-. Kata kunci : pupuk altematif, pupuk makro anorganik, padi, lahan sawah irigasi
Jurnal Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Pertanian Vol 10, No 2 (2007): Juli 2007
Publisher : Jurnal Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Pertanian

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Central Kalimantan is an Indonesian province that very potential to create paddy production due to its huge area (it has 14.63 million ha up land). BPTP Central Kalimantan has conducted a technological study based on paddy farming during rainy season. The study was conducted on a dry land at Rodok Village, Dusun Tengah District, Barito Timur Residency from September 2003 until January 2004. The purpose of this study was: 1). to find out the information on characteristic location, 2). to identify the right paddy variety which has a high yield and adaptive on dry land, 3). to find out the technological component of paddy system in dry land. The model used on this study is an `on farm research activity. The preliminary activity was to identify the characteristics of the specific location by using Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA). The assessment was set in Randomized Block Design with twelve treatments and four replications. The treatments were: adaptive technology test of paddy VI = Towuti, V2 = Situbagendit, V3 = Situpatenggang. The dosages of fertilizing patterns were P1 = 100 kg Urea + 50 kg SP-36 + 50 kg KCI + 2.000 kg compost, P2 = 200 kg Urea + 50 kg SP- 36 + 50 kg KC1 + 1.000 compost, P3 = 250 kg Urea + 150 kg SP-36 + 100 kg KCI. The results showed that the best paddy variety and adaptive one was Situpatenggang and the best fertilizer pattern was P2 = 200 kg Urea + 50 kg SP 36 + 50 kg KCI + 1.000 kg compost. The data were analyzed using ANOVA and BNJ 5%. The results showed that those combination mentioned above, produced paddy seed yields as many as 4.65 ton/ha with R/C 2.12, providing a net income of Rp.3.180.000,-. Key words: variety, fertilizer, paddy, dry land farming, Central Kalimantan   Kalimantan Tengah merupakan salah satu provinsi yang berpotensi cukup besar dalam upaya peningkatan produksi padi nasional, karena memiliki lahan kering seluas 14,63 juta hektar. Salah satu upaya yang ditempuh oleh BPTP Kalimantan Tengah dalam peningkatan produksi padi adalah melaksanakan Pengkajian Sistem Usahatani Padi di Lahan Kering. Pengkajian dilaksanakan pada musim hujan dengan luas hamparan 5,3 hektar yang melibatkan 12 petani kooperator. Tujuan kegiatan adalah (1) mendapatkan informasi karakteristik lokasi pengkajian, (2) mengetahui varietas padi yang unggul dan adaptif untuk lahan kering dan (3) mendapatkan komponen teknologi usahatani padi di lahan kering. Kegiatan dilakukan secara on farm research dan diawali dengan karakterisasi lokasi pengkajian dengan metode Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA). Pengkajian dilaksanakan di Desa Rodok, Kecamatan Dusun Tengah, Kabupaten Barito Timur, Kalimantan Tengah. Pengkajian berlangsung mulai bulan September 2003 sampai dengan Januari 2004. Pengkajian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok dengan dua betas perlakuan dan empat ulangan. Perlakuan berupa varietas unggul padi yaitu VI = Towuti, V2 = Situbagendit, dan V3 = Situpatenggang. Perlakuan pemupukan terdiri dari PI = 100 kg Urea + 50 kg SP-36 + 50 kg KC1 + 2.000 kg kompos, P2 = 200 kg Urea + 50 kg SP-36 + 50 kg KCI + 1.000 kg kompos, P3 = 250 kg Urea + 150 kg SP-36 + 100 kg KCI. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan ANOVA dilanjutkan uji BNJ 5 %. Hasil pengkajian menunjukkan varietas padi yang adaptif adalah Situpatenggang dengan dosis P2 = 200 kg urea + 50 kg SP 36 + 50 kg KCI + 1.000 kg kompos. Kombinasi perlakuan tersebut memberikan hasil 4,65 ton/ha gabah kering dengan R/C 2,12 dengan keuntungan sebesar Rp.3.180.000,-. Kata kunci: varietas, pupuk, padi, usahatani lahan kering„ Kalimantan Tengah
Jurnal Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Pertanian Vol 8, No 1 (2005): Maret 2005
Publisher : Jurnal Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Pertanian

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Corn as a second food crop after rice was very important due to its utilization as feed and raw material forindustries. Central Kalimantan has potency for increasing national corn production with its 14.63 million hectares ofdryland. AIAT Palangkaraya conducted corn-based farming system assessment during rainy season of 1998/1999 indryland area of Batuah Village, Dusun Tengah District, Barito Selatan Regency. The assessment consisted of 2.5 haarea and 10 cooperating farmers. This study aimed to increase corn and seed yields, and farmers’ income. The studyconsisted of two activities, namely super-imposed study covering 0,45 hectare of dry land area and the second was theimplementation of technology package of Bisma variety. Split Plot Design was used for super imposed study with themain plot consisiting of five corn varieties, namely V1 = Bisma, V2 = Lagaligo, V3 = Semar 2, V4 = CP-1, and V5 =white corn. Treatments for each the main plot consisted of five levels of fertilizers application, namely P1 = 300 kgUrea/ha + 175 kg SP-36/ha + 125 kg KCl/ha, P2 = 275 kg Urea/ha + 150 kg SP-36/ha + 100 kg KCl/ha, P3 = 250kg Urea/ha + 125 kg SP-36/ha + 75 kg KCl/ha, P4 = 225 kg Urea/ha + 100 kg SP-36/ha + 50 kg KCl/ha dan P5 = 200kg Urea/ha + 75 kg SP-36/ha + 25 kg KCl/ha. The results showed that Bisma variety using fertilizer dosage P3 hadthe yield of 5.61 tons /ha and R/C ratio of 2.92 in the super imposed, and Bisma variety planted using fertilizerdosage P3 had the yield of 4.07 tons/ha and R/C ratio of 2.35 in the package technology. Corn farming in that regionwas profitable due to its R/C ratio of more than one. However, the government needs to guarantee supply of inputsand the farm gate price to sustain corn production in this region.Key words : zea mays, corn farming system, dry land, Central KalimantanJagung merupakan komoditas pangan yang penting kedua setelah padi, karena berfungsi sebagai makananpokok dan pakan ternak serta bahan baku industri. Kalimantan Tengah merupakan salah satu provinsi yangberpeluang besar dalam upaya peningkatan produksi jagung nasional, karena masih memiliki lahan kering seluas14,63 juta hektar. Salah satu upaya yang ditempuh oleh BPTP Palangkaraya dalam peningkatan produksi jagungadalah melaksanakan Pengkajian Teknologi Usahatani Berbasis Jagung di Lahan Kering dengan tujuan dapatmeningkatkan produktivitas dan pendapatan petani. Pengkajian dilaksanakan pada musim hujan dengan luashamparan 2,5 hektar yang melibatkan 10 petani kooperator. Pengkajian dilaksanakan di Desa Batuah, KecamatanDusun Tengah, Kabupaten Barito Selatan, Kalimantan Tengah pada MH 1998/1999. Pengkajian dilaksanakan terdiridari Pengkajian Utama dan Pengkajian Super Imposed yang merupakan inti pengkajian seluas 0,45 hektar. PengkajianUtama ditanam jagung varietas Bisma dengan menerapkan dosis pemupukan sesuai anjuran dari Dinas TanamanPangan. Pengkajian Super Imposed menggunakan Rancangan Petak Terbagi dengan Varietas sebagai petak utamadan dosis pupuk sebagai anak petak. Varietas terdiri dari lima level yaitu Bisma, Lagaligo, Semar-2, CP-1 dan jagungputih. Dosis pupuk terdiri dari lima level yaitu P1 = 300 kg Urea/ha + 175 kg SP-36/ha + 125 kg KCl/ha, P2 =275 kg Urea/ha + 150 kg SP-36/ha + 100 kg KCl/ha, P3 = 250 kg Urea/ha + 125 kg SP-36/ha + 75 kg KCl/ha, P4 =225 kg Urea/ha + 100 kg SP-36/ha + 50 kg KCl/ha dan P5 = 200 kg Urea/ha + 75 kg SP-36/ha + 25 kg KCl/ha. Hasilpengkajian Utama menunjukkan produktivitas jagung 4,07 ton/ha dan R/C-ratio sebesar 2,35. Pada Pengkajian SuperImposed menunjukkan bahwa dosis pupuk P3 dan varietas Bisma memberikan hasil tertinggi dengan produktivitas5,61 ton/ha dengan R/C rasio sebesar 2,92. Teknologi usahatani tersebut secara ekonomis menguntungkan petani40Jurnal Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Pertanian Vol. 8, No.1, Maret 2005 : 39-54karena menunjukkan R/C rasio lebih besar dari satu. Hal ini dapat berkelanjutan apabila sarana produksi tersedia danada kestabilan harga serta jaminan pasar yang jelas dengan didukung oleh pemerintah, swasta atau KUD.Kata kunci : jagung,sistem usahatani, lahan kering, Kalimantan Tengah
Jurnal Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Pertanian Vol 8, No 3 (2005): November 2005
Publisher : Jurnal Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Pertanian

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The success of agricultural intensification program depend on the avalaibility of production input such asfertilizer. Due to various problems, in the field, price increases and limited supply, farmers have difficulties inobtaining anorganic fertilizers such as Urea, SP-36 and KCl. In this circumstances the Government gave permitted thedistribution of alternative fertilizer. This policy cause the increase non standard alternative fertilizer circulated in themarket which need to be tested for its quality and effectiveness. Assessment on alternative fertilizer in dry land wasconducted at Batuah Villlage, Dusun Tengah, South Barito, Central Kalimantan since October 2002 until January2003. The types of soil was ultisol and the altitude was 42 m above sea level. The assessment purpose are : (1) Toknow how about effect alternative fertilizer to maize; and (2) To find out the alternative fertilizer of macro anorganicon maize in Central Kalimantan. The macro anorganic fertilizers used in this study were NPK Mutiara, NPK GrandS-15 and NPK Phonska, where the NPK content are 16:16:16; 15:15:15; 15:15:15 respectively. Randomized BlockDesign with eight treatments and four replications was used. The treatments were (1) Parsial Control; (2) Singlefertilizer (Recommendation); (3) NPK Mutiara; (4) NPK Grand S-15; (5) NPK Phonska; (6) Single fertilizerequivalent Mutiara; (7) Single fertilizer equivalent Grand S-15; and (8). Single fertilizer equivalent Phonska. Datawere analyzed using ANOVA and DMRT. The results showed that alternative fertilizer NPK Phonska was able toincrease maize yield 2.43 point, i.e.5.70 tons/ha compared with 2.35 tons/ha and improve profit value added by Rp3,592,500,-/ha with input cost Rp 763,000,-..Key words : alternative fertilizer, Zea mays, dry land farming, Central KalimantanKeberhasilan meningkatkan produksi pertanian melalui kegiatan intensifikasi tidak terlepas dari peranan saranaproduksi antara lain pupuk. Adanya berbagai masalah di lapangan sehingga petani sulit mendapatkan pupuk anorganiktunggal (Urea, SP-36 dan KCl), harga pupuk yang semakin meningkat, ketersediannya yang terbatas, makapemerintah memberi kesempatan peredaran pupuk alternatif. Kebijakan pintu terbuka menyebabkan banyak beredarpupuk-pupuk alternatif yang mutunya masih diragukan, sehingga perlu dilakukan pengujian mutu pupuk danefektivitasnya di lapang. Pengkajian pupuk alternatif di lahan kering dilaksanakan di Desa Batuah, Kecamatan DusunTengah, Kabupaten Barito Selatan, Kalimantan Tengah, mulai bulan Oktober 2002 sampai dengan Januari 2003.Ketinggian tempat lokasi pengkajian 42 meter di atas permukaan laut (dpl) dan jenis tanah ultisols. Adapun tujuanpengkajian ini adalah untuk (1) Mengetahui pengaruh pupuk alternatif pada jagung; dan (2) Mendapatkan teknologipupuk alternatif kelompok makro anorganik pada tanaman jagung yang tersedia di Kalimantan Tengah. Pupuk makroanorganik yang digunakan yaitu NPK Mutiara, NPK Grand S-15 dan NPK Phonska masing-masing mempunyaikandungan unsur hara N, P dan K yaitu 16:16:16, 15:15:15 dan 15:15:15. Rancangan percobaan menggunakanRancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan delapan perlakuan dan tiga ulangan. Perlakuan yang dikaji adalah (1)Kontrol parsial; (2) Pupuk tunggal NPK Rekomendasi; (3) Pupuk NPK Mutiara; (4) Pupuk NPK Grand S-15; (5)Pupuk NPK Phonska; (6) Pupuk tunggal setara Mutiara; (7) Pupuk tunggal setara Grand S-15; dan (8) Pupuk tunggalsetara Phonska. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan ANOVA dilanjutkan dengan uji DMRT. Hasil pengkajianmenunjukkan bahwa pupuk alternatif NPK Phonska dapat menghasilkan produktivitas jagung 2,43 kali lipat dariproduktivitas petani yakni 5,70 berbanding 2,35 ton/ha dan meningkatkan keuntungan petani sebesar Rp 3.592.500,-dengan penambahan biaya produksi Rp 763.000,-.Kata kunci : pupuk alternatif, jagung, usahatani lahan kering,Kalimantan Tengah
The Effect of Bioactivator Variation and Doses of Cow Dung on Quality of Coffee Exocarp Waste Krismawati, Amik; Sugiono, Sugiono
El-Hayah : Jurnal Biologi Vol 7, No 2 (2019): EL-HAYAH (VOL 7, NO 2 Maret 2019)
Publisher : Department of Biology Science and Technology Faculty UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/elha.v7i2.8243


Coffee exocarp waste produced from the harvest can be used as raw material for compost. The composting can be added with other ingredients to add organic material. Cow manure is the one ingredient that can be added to enrich organic materials. In the composting process, the time required will be longer, but the time can be accelerated by adding a bio activator. The finished compost can be applied at the plant to meet crop nutrient elements. The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of bio activator variation and doses of cow manure on the quality of compost from coffee exocarp waste. This research was conducted at compost house of Assessment Institute for Agricultural Technology (AIAT) and was held on February - April 2017. This research used factorial Randomized Block Design (RBD) with two factors; there is a variation of bio activator and doses of cow manure with three replication. Total number of treatment this research were 12 treatment, there are D1S1 = EM4 + 2 kg cow manure ; D2S1 = Moebillin + 2 kg cow manure; Petrofast + 2 kg cow manure; Decoprima + 2 kg cow manure; D1S2 = EM4 + 4 kg cow manure; D2S2 = Moebillin + 4 kg cow manure; D3S2 = Petrofast + 4 kg cow manure; D4S2 = Decoprima + 4 kg cow manure; D1S3: EM4 + 6 kg cow manure; D2S3 = Moebillin + 6 kg cow manure; D3S3 = Petrofast + 6 kg cow manure; D4S3 = Decoprima + 6 kg cow manure. The data obtained will be processed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). If there is a real effect, it will be continued using the BNT test (Least Significant Differences/LSD) with a 5% level. The Results showed the application of bio activator Decoprima (D4) and a dose of 6 kg cow manure (S3) could increase and shows the highest value of pH compost 6,01 (D4) and 6,06 (S3). The dose of 2 kg cow manure (S1) showed the highest compost shrinkage value (34.64%) compared to the 4 kg dose cow manure (S2) (32,22%) and 6 kg (S3) (25,68%). On the other hand, the application of bio activator variation and doses of cow manure did not significantly affect the quality of compost, including N-total (2,15% -2,60%), C-organic (21,40% -24,91%) and C/N ratio (8,81-11,15). The physical properties of the aroma compost show the smell of soil, and the color of the compost is dark brown. 
Effectiveness of Organic Fertilizer on Growth and Production of Cabbage Plant (Brassica oleraceae) Sugiono, Sugiono; Krismawati, Amik
El-Hayah : Jurnal Biologi Vol 7, No 4 (2020): EL-HAYAH (VOL 7, NO 4 MARET 2020)
Publisher : Department of Biology Science and Technology Faculty UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/elha.v7i4.10721


Research on the effectiveness test of organic fertilizer contains 18% C - Organic growth and production of cabbage was conducted from October 2017 to April 2018. This research aims to examine the effectiveness of organic fertilizer on the growth and yield of cabbage plants. The method of this research used a randomized block design, which consisted of 9 treatments and 3 replications. The location of the research was on dry soil at Dusun Jeding, Junrejo Village, Batu (1000 m asl). Result of soil analysis before the research with pH neutral, low N, higher P2O5, low CEC (Cation Exchange Capacity), and low C-organic, as well as clay loam. The results of the research showed that the application of organic fertilizer significantly affects on plant height, numbers of the leaf, width of canopy, diameter of the crop, and weight of yield. The dose of 800 kg/ha produces a net weight of 24.9 t/ha by the highest value of RAE 408.35. However, the application of Petroganik fertilizer 500kg/ha, it produces a net weight of 18.10 t/ha by RAE value 256.28. Application of the recommended fertilizers (Urea 200, ZA 250, SP-36 250, and KCl 200kg/ha) and organic fertilizer 500-800 kg/ha could increase the growth and production of cabbage by B/C Ratio 2.61. It can be concluded that organic fertilizer “Bukit Daun” was effective in increasing the growth and yield of cabbage
The Effect Of Compost From Household Waste And Liquid Organic Fertilizer ‎On Growth And Yield Of Pak Choi (Brassica rapa var. Chinensis)‎ Krismawati, Amik; Sugiono, Sugiono
El-Hayah : Jurnal Biologi Vol 8, No 2 (2021): EL-HAYAH (VOL 8, NO 2 MARET 2021)
Publisher : Department of Biology Science and Technology Faculty UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/elha.v8i2.12315


Objectives of the research were to study and create a technique in producing compost made of organic wastes from the household and its effect on growth and increase productivity of Pak Choi. The research was conducted from January to February 2017 in Karangploso, Malang, East Java. The research applied RBD with 4 replications. The treatments comprised of 2 types, such as compost of household waste that consisted of 3 levels as follow K1 = Organic wastes of household waste 100% + Superdegra decomposer + goat dropping + bran + molasses by dose 0.5 kg/polybag; K2 = Organic waste from household waste 100% + Superdegra decomposer + goat dropping + bran + molasses by dose 1.0 kg/polybag; K3 = Organic waste from household waste 100% + Superdegra decomposer + goat dropping + bran + molasses by dose 1.5 kg/polybag. Treatment of different concentrations of liquid organic fertilizer consisted of three levels that include C1 = 20 ml/500 ml water, C2 = 40 ml/500 ml water, and C3 = 60 ml/500 ml water. Data analysis used Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and followed by LSD  at level 5%. Results of analysis in the laboratory indicated that organic fertilizer from organic waste of the household waste 100% + Superdegra + goat dropping + bran + molasses produced C-organic = 18.89 and C/N-ratio = 17.33. Combination of treatments, which include organic waste (K3C2), will be able to produce Pak Choi 126.38 gram/polybag