Dwi Kurniani
Dwi Kurniani Departemen Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Diponegoro Jl. Prof. Soedarto, SH, Tembalang, Semarang 50275

Published : 17 Documents Claim Missing Document
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TEKNIK Volume 31, Nomor 1, Tahun 2010
Publisher : Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1700.866 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/teknik.v31i1.1752


A manual of intake gate operation for embung is an important tool it depends. One factor which is decidingthe manual is operation of gate system. If the system of gate operation of intake gate are wrong will havenegative water use . To make the most precise of manual operation of intake gate embung Samiran must beendone physical model test. From this test result of physical model test can be used as a guidance or referenceprototype application.
Keakuratan Prediksi Inflow Waduk Dengan Neraca Air Waduk Wulandari, Dyah Ari; Budieny, Hary; Kurniani, Dwi
TEKNIK Vol 37, No 2 (2016): (Desember 2016)
Publisher : Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (287.872 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/teknik.v37i2.12613


Dalam perhitungan inflow waduk sering digunakan persamaan neraca air waduk yang menggunakan data seri laporan harian operasi waduk, evaporasi dan curah hujan diwaduk, dan lengkung H-V-A waduk. Pada pengamatan data series laporan harian operasi waduk dan pengukuran kapasitas tampungan waduk, dapat terjadi kesalahan yang disebabkan karena kesalahan faktor manusia maupun faktor alat, hal ini akan menyebabkan kesalahan pula pada besarnya inflow waduk yang dihasilkan. Lebih lanjut di dalam perencanaan, data series inflow waduk ini diperlukan sebagai input pada pemodelan optimasi operasi waduk dan sedimentasi waduk, sehingga keakuratan datanya sangat diperlukan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi tingkat akurasi penggunaan neraca air waduk dalam memprediksi inflow waduk. Untuk mengetahui tingkat akurasi dilakukan dengan membandingkan antara inflow waduk dari anak sungai hasil pengukuran dan hasil hitungan dengan persamaan neraca air waduk. Kemudian dilakukan variasi periode pengukuran dan kurva H- V-A yang digunakan. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan maka pada periode perhitungan yang lebih lama menghasilkan tingkat error yang lebih kecil. Pemakaian kurva waduk yang berbeda menghasilkan inflow yang berbeda. Tingkat error yang didapat masih cukup besar, diatas 30 %, sehingga perhitungan inflow waduk dari anak sungai dengan menggunakan metode neraca air waduk kurang akurat. [Title: Accuracy of Reservoir Inflow Prediction Using Reservoir Water Balance] In the calculation of reservoir inflow often used reservoir water balance equation using the data series of daily reports reservoir operation, evaporation and precipitation, and H-V-A curve. In observation of the data series of daily reports of reservoir operation and measurement of reservoir storage capacity, the errors may occur due to human error factor and factor appliance. This will cause an error on the reservoir inflow generated. Further, in the planning, this series data of reservoir inflow is required as input to the modeling of reservoir operation optimization and reservoir sedimentation, so the accuracy of the data are required. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the use of the reservoir water balance accuracy rate in predicting inflow. To determine the level of accuracy, the effort is done by comparing the inflow tributary reservoirs of measurement and the count with the reservoir water balance. Then perform variations of the measurement period and curves H-V-A is used. Based on the research conducted in the period longer calculation produces a smaller error. The different H-V-A curve results in the different inflow. Error rate obtained is still quite large, above 30%, so the calculation of tributary inflow reservoirs using reservoir water balance method is less accurate.  
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2946.067 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/mkts.v15i2.6280


The increasing demand for water supply has incresed groundwater pumping. On the other hand, the fast growing development has altered the pervious land surface of recharge area to impervious surface that reduces natural recharge. The groundwater is therefore inbalance the discharge greater than the recharge. As conssequence there is groundwater defisit, and the groundwater piezometric pressure goes down. The further impact of the lowering ground water is landsubsidence. The awareness towards the use of artificial recharge to augment ground water supplies have to be activated. Artificial recharge by using recharge wells is one of the possible measures to replenish an aquifer. The technology of recharge wells is generally well understood by both the technicians and the general population, and no special tools are needed to dig drainage wells. This research is aimed to determine and formulate the capacity of the recharge wells, both shallow and deep wells, by setting up a psysical model. The result indicated that depression curve of water table and/or piezometric pressure was logaritmic function both for shallow and deep wells. The capacity of the depends on the head, permeability, the aquifer thickness, and type of well. The capacity of the wall recharge well is higher than the last. The obtained formula gives the higher capacity value than that of dupuit. It may happen due to the deviation of the soil permeability between the measured and the actual in the test preparation
Pengaruh Perubahan Iklim terhadap Hidrograf Banjir di Kanal Banjir Timur Kota Semarang Suripin, Suripin; Kurniani, Dwi
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (906.04 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/mkts.v22i2.12881


East Flood Way is one of the rivers in Semarang City that often cause flooding. Flood water level in the East Flood Way is affected by the discharge of storm water runoff and tide (rob). Facts on the ground indicate that the flood water level in the canal tends to increase from year to year. One possible reason is the increased flood discharge associated with climate change, besides the impacts of land use changes. This study aims to analyze the impacts of climate change on rainfall characteristics and their effects on flood hydrograph in the East Flood Way. The study begins with the collection and analysis of historical rainfall data to get a change of rainfall characteristics over time. The flood hydrograph was then analysed by HEC HMS. The results showed that in the period of last 30 years annual rainfall and maximum daily rainfall tended to increase of 22.64 mm / year and 2.56 mm / year consecutively, while the number of rainy days tend to decrease of 4 days / year. As a result of changes in the characteristics of the rainfall, the flood discharge of East Flood Way is expected to increase in the range between the 15.10 m3/s (31.5%) for 2-year return period up to 32.28 m3/s (25.5 %) for 200-year return period.
PERENCANAAN CHECK DAM GALEH KABUPATEN TEMANGGUNG Nugroho, Andin Cipto; Mudhofar, Hasan; Sangkawati, Sri; Kurniani, Dwi
Jurnal Karya Teknik Sipil Volume 4, Nomor 4, Tahun 2015
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (483.17 KB)


Galeh river is one of rivers which are on the slopes sindoro ( 3153 mdpl ). Galeh river in length a major river more or less 18,3 km with broad das 41,05 km². The distance landscapes of the river galeh is ± 35 m, and slope the river that is 12,35 %. With a baseline a river that relatively precipitous, so the flow of high speed would be easy gradually crushed, especially on the basis, the river wall, who has resulted in the erosion and sedimentation. To reduce the potential this danger, attempts to prevention of building construction control sediment (Check Dam). From the data hydrology in the form of rainfall daily, DAS map, topographical maps and map geometry the discharge flood get the target 283,044 m3/seconds. Data hydrological and reference is to be cultivated as the basis for planning main dam, sub dam, apron, and support buildings other, obtained the results of the total in the form of high Main Dam 3,55 meters as much as, high total Sub Dam 2.2 meters, long an apron of about 20 m and volume tampungan 5.478,27 m³ as much as, with a total cost amounting to Rp 2.362.300.000,-. Check Dam development will be more optimal if accompanied by a system of the observance of which either by other relevant offices prosentase it is expected that the affected areas the flow of sedimentation can be reduced significantly..
PENINGKATAN PEMANFATAAN DANAU RAWA PENING Dyah Ari Wulandari; sriyana sriyana; Salamun Salamun; Dwi Kurniani; Albert Nico Tristanto; Zelly Rinaldi
TERAS JURNAL Vol 11, No 2 (2021): Volume 11 Nomor 2, September 2021

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/tj.v11i2.477


Abstrak Danau Rawa Pening mempunyai peranan sebagai reservoir alami yang dimanfaatkan untuk PLTA, sumber air baku, irigasi, perikanan, dan pariwisata serta pemeliharaan Sungai Tuntang. Salah satu permasalahan di Danau Rawa Pening adalah sedimentasi yang berdampak pada menurunnya kapasitas tampungan, oleh karena kondisi Danau Rawa Pening saat ini maka diperlukan upaya penanganan untuk meningkatkan pemanfaatan Danau Rawa Pening guna mendukung kegiatan irigasi pertanian, perikanan, pariwisata, supply air baku dan pembangkit listrik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis peningkatan pemanfaatan Danau Rawa Pening yang merupakan waduk alami, tidak mempunyai intake dan pelimpah seperti waduk – waduk pada umumnya. Pengaturan outflow dari danau ada di Bendung Gerak Jelok yang berjarak ± 5 km dari outlet danau. Oleh karena itu peningkatan pemanfaatan danau akan dilakukan dengan membuat intake dan pelimpah sehingga pengeluaran dapat diatur sesuai kebutuhan yang diperlukan Tahapan analisis yang dilakukan adalah analisis kebutuhan air, analisis ketersediaan air, analisis laju sedimentasi, analisis kebutuhan tampungan dan analisis kinerja. Berdasarkan hasil analisis peningkatan pemanfaatan Danau Rawa Pening dapat dilakukan dengan membuat intake pada elevasi + 460,5 m dan pelimpah pada elevasi puncak + 462,72 m. Pada kondisi ini dapat disediakan tampungan efektif sebesar 31,9 juta m3, tampungan mati sebesar 1,264 juta m3 dan tampungan utk perikanan dan pariwisata sebesar 10,311 juta m3, dengan kinerja pelayanan 89%.Kata kunci: Sedimentasi, peningkatan pemanfataan danau, Danau Rawa Pening Abstract Lake Rawa Pening has a function as a natural reservoir that is used for hydropower plants, raw water, irrigation, fisheries, tourism and maintenance of the Tuntang River. The problems in Lake Rawa Pening is sedimentation which has an impact on decreasing storage capacity. Because of the current condition of Lake Rawa Pening, efforts are needed to improve the use of Lake Rawa Pening to support irrigation, fisheries, tourism, raw water supply and power generation. The purpose of this study was to analyze the increase in the utilization of Lake Rawa Pening. Lake Rawa Pening is a natural reservoir, does not have intake and spillway like ather reservoirs in general. The outflow arrangement from the lake is at Jelok Weir which is ± 5 km from the lake outlet. Therefore, increasing the use of lakes will be carried out by building intake and spillway so that release can be adjusted according to the demand. The stages of the analysis carried out are water demand analysis, water availability analysis, sedimentation rate analysis, storage needs analysis and performance analysis. Based on the results of the analysis of increasing utilization of Lake Rawa Pening, it can be done by building intake at an elevation +460.5 masl and spillway at elevation of +462.72 masl. In this condition, an effective storage capacity of 31.9 million m3, a dead storage capacity of 1,264 million m3 and a storage for fisheries and tourism of 10.311 million m3 can be provided, with performance of 89%.Keywords: Sedimentation, Increased use of the lake, Lake Rawa Pening
Jurnal Karya Teknik Sipil Volume 4, Nomor 4, Tahun 2015
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Diponegoro

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Lusi River is one of the biggest river in Jratunseluna river area that has drainage area from Rembang Regency, Blora Regency and end at Grobogan Regency. In rainy season, the Lusi river’s flow rate tend to be large and cause flood in some areas in Grobogan, Blora dan Kudus Regency. Protecting of potential areas is necessary to avoid a great loss if flood disaster happens. The existence of a detention pond expected to reduce the flood discharge in Lusi River and can overcome the flood disaster at potential area in downstream of Lusi River’s drainage area.
PERENCANAAN LONG STORAGE JETIS KEC BLORA KAB BLORA Eka Cahyaningsih; Rahayu Cahyaning Ratri; Dwi Kurniani; Hary Budieny
Jurnal Karya Teknik Sipil Volume 5, Nomor 1, Tahun 2016
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Diponegoro

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Floods are natural disasters that regularly occur in DAS Lusi during the rainy season. Reduced water catchment areas in the upstream area of the river is one of the causes of increased flood discharge in river Lusi. Attempts to reduce it is to plan long storage system, a building that utilizes water as a resevoir riverwith weir building in the downstream.Long storage will be built on the upstream of the Lusi, located at Jetis, Kecamatan Blora, Kabupaten Blora. The purpose of the construction of long storage Jetis is a flood control system and as a resevoir for the surrounding areas. From the result of rainfall data in Blora, Jiken, Jepon, Bogorejo and Tempuran station, return period of 25 years Q25 = 242.059 m3 / sec are used to analyze the capacity of the river and weir stability. While the discharge is used in analyzing the resevoir using a debit andalan based formula FJ Mock with large long storage bin is 42 liters / sec.Plan development time required was 12 weeks with a total budget of Rp. 12,852,198,000.00. (Twelve billion eight hundred and fifty-two million one hundred ninety eight thousand rupiah).
Rehabilitasi Desain Bendung Tukuman Kali Dengkeng Cawas Kabupaten Klaten– Jawa Tengah Adi Setyo Christanto; Aditya Yoga Kusuma; Abdul Kadir; Dwi Kurniani
Jurnal Karya Teknik Sipil Volume 2, Nomor 1, Tahun 2013
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Diponegoro

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Tukuman Weir is a weir of Dengkeng Cawas River, Klaten Regency, Central Java. This weir got a severe damage due to the excessive discharge in December 1989. This caused the people around the weir irrigated their field by free intake. The problems discussed in this paper are 1) the damage of the weir overflow, and 2) the damage of the tail water. The aim of the research is to maximize the flow of water into the irrigation network that the need of irrigation water can be met properly to increase the income of farmers each year. This research uses the latest data which then is processed by using hydrological analysis as the basic of the next planning. Watershed (DAS) of Dengkeng River is 101, 157 km2 in large, with three rain stations: Gantiwarno, Kemudo and Ngelo. The calculation of flood discharge plan uses several methods. The chosen discharge is the result of the calculation using HSS Gama I method with return period of 100 years, then continued with Qdesign=110 m3/sec. The large of the irrigation area of Tukuman weir is 150 hectares, with 0.22 m3/sec water need. From the result of the balance sheet analysis, the need of water irrigation is fulfilled, even it is a surplus. The rehabilitation concept is combining the fixed and barrage, but keeping the elevation of the old weir overflow. The redesign of the weir dimension with the fixed weir, the elevation height of the overflow is +102.02 m.dpl, rounded overflow with effective width of 7.75 m. While for the motion overflow, the overflow elevation is +99.7 m.dpl as planned, with 5 doors and effective width of each is 2.5 m. the length of the floor to the weir face is 10.5 m as planned, and the tail water of USBR type III is chosen. The cost of the weir rehabilitation is Rp. 3,241,000,000 with time estimation is 20 weeks. Based on the calculation, it is obtained that there is surplus on the water need that might be considered using it for other needs, for instance, enlarging the irrigation area or fulfilling drinking water needs.
PERENCANAAN CHECK DAM GALEH KABUPATEN TEMANGGUNG Andin Cipto Nugroho; Hasan Mudhofar; Sri Sangkawati; Dwi Kurniani
Jurnal Karya Teknik Sipil Volume 4, Nomor 4, Tahun 2015
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (483.17 KB)


Galeh river is one of rivers which are on the slopes sindoro ( 3153 mdpl ). Galeh river in length a major river more or less 18,3 km with broad das 41,05 km². The distance landscapes of the river galeh is ± 35 m, and slope the river that is 12,35 %. With a baseline a river that relatively precipitous, so the flow of high speed would be easy gradually crushed, especially on the basis, the river wall, who has resulted in the erosion and sedimentation. To reduce the potential this danger, attempts to prevention of building construction control sediment (Check Dam). From the data hydrology in the form of rainfall daily, DAS map, topographical maps and map geometry the discharge flood get the target 283,044 m3/seconds. Data hydrological and reference is to be cultivated as the basis for planning main dam, sub dam, apron, and support buildings other, obtained the results of the total in the form of high Main Dam 3,55 meters as much as, high total Sub Dam 2.2 meters, long an apron of about 20 m and volume tampungan 5.478,27 m³ as much as, with a total cost amounting to Rp 2.362.300.000,-. Check Dam development will be more optimal if accompanied by a system of the observance of which either by other relevant offices prosentase it is expected that the affected areas the flow of sedimentation can be reduced significantly..