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Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Penilaian Kinerja Pegawai Berdasarkan Prestasi Kerja Pada PDAM Surya Sembada Kota Surabaya Syamsiah, Shirly; Amelia, Tan; Wulandari, Sri Hariani Eko
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 4, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA)

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PDAM Surya Sembada is a local company that is responsible for providing clean water in the city of Surabaya. As a local company that is responsible for serving the community, then PDAM Surya Sembada seeks to monitor the development of enterprise organizations that are useful to improve the quality of the company.To see the development of an organization is to assess the performance of Human Resources (HR), its called the assessment of performance based employee performance. Performance appraisal results can indicate whether HR (employees) on stretcher organization has met the objectives / targets as requested by the organization, both in quantity and quality, how the behavior of employees in carrying out their work, how the use of working time and so on.The benefits obtained by the application of employee performance evaluation based on job performance, among other things: work units can take into account the results of the work program achievement compared with the results achieved, the expected performance of employees will be more measurable, their feedback to improve performance, and the monitoring and evaluation of leadership in order to improve employee performance.
Aplikasi Pembelajaran Aksara Jepang Berbasis Android Sumarlin, Herlan Zendy; Sutanto, Teguh; Wulandari, Sri Hariani Eko
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 4, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA)

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Abstract: Reading and writing in Japanese isn't easy for foreigners especially Indonesian because of its script that were very different from Indonesian that uses latin script. It is said that the Japanese writing system is one of the most complex writing system in the world. Japanese language uses mixed of three script, the hiragana, katakana, and the chinese characters. We don't have a choice what script we wanted to use because each script has their own uses so even in a simple sentence, that three script could appear together. Because of that, in order to be able to read and learn Japanese language, one should learn the three of Japanese script.While Japanese learn these script at school, Indonesian should be helped by good teaching materials and peripherals. One of the peripherals that could aid the Indonesian to learn the script effectively is the touch screen smartphone. Smartphone as an aid peripheral has a benefit because it's cheap, fast, and easy to use. It has a touchscreen to aid the user how to write the script because the way to write the script matters.The evaluation showed that this application could provide convenience and greater good to aid Indonesian to learn the three Japanese scripts. 
Faktor-Faktor Yang Berpengaruh Terhadap Penerimaan Aplikasi Brilian Dengan Model Utaut Banjuradja, Andre Mentaya; Sunarto, M.J Dewiyani; Wulandari, Sri Hariani Eko
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 4, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA)

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According to a decree number 290/KPT-03B/VII/2014 about implementation of Hybrid Learning Model clause six, lecturer Stikom required to implement Brillian as a learning medium. This is not the first time Stikom Surabaya implementing an e-learning application. From many kinds of e-learning that has been applied previously, none of application that can be accepted as a medium of teaching and learning, whereas already a lot of material and non-material sacrificed to implement a variety of e-learning. Try to overcome these problems by conducting a comprehensive evaluation and adequate empirical studies in accordance with theories. One theory could be used to evaluate the acceptance of information technology is the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) which was developed by Venkatesh in 2003. The result of this study case found the opposite result with Venkatesh theory. The four factors (Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, Social Influence, and Facilitating Condition) does not influence significantly to increase Behavioral Intention or Use Behavior. Only Behavioral Intention proven to have significant influence on the Use Behavior. Besides moderating variables (age, gender, experience and volunteerism) was not found to have a significant influence in intent and actual use of Brilliant.
Analisis dan Desain Sistem Informasi Akademik Pada SMP Al-Falah Assalam Tropodo 2 Sidoarjo Puspitarini, Meidiana; Sunarto, Dewiyani; Wulandari, Sri Hariyani Eko
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 5, No 6 (2016)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA)

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Junior high school Al-Falah Assalam Tropodo 2 has a number of students ranging from grade 7 to grade 9 as many as 630 students, at any level of the hierarchy there are 7 classes and each class has 30 students. With the current number of students, the school experienced a problem with timeliness and accuracy of the content. Timelinessand accuracy of the content in question is the number of data that must be processed at the time when the school administration management processes such as data processing value data of students, students ' attendance data, data ontuition and student report cards processing is done manually. This resulted in a report on the administration of the school could not be completed on time and the result ofthe process of charging data become less accurate. Based on the above issues, the school wanted to devise a system of academic information wake. Analysis and designof academic information systems on SMP Al-Falah Assalam Tropodo 2 it generatesdocuments in the form of specification of the needs oftheDeviceSoftware (SKPL)Designand software architecture (DAPL). The document can be used as the basis for software development. The hope, after the designwas developed to overcome existing problems on SMP Al-Falah Assalam Tropodo 2 Sidoarjo.
Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Manajemen Lagu Pada Radio Republik Indonesia (RRI) PRO 2 FM Surabaya Agustinus, Ariocky; Sudarmaningtyas, Pantjawati; Eko Wulandari, Sri Hariani
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 5, No 3 (2016)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA)

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Based on the primary functions of radio RRI (Radio Republik Indonesia) as the broadcast of music, where there are still many errors in the playback songs that are not in accordance with the rules and policies established by RRI Pro 2 FM. The subject matter is already made a determination and a standard rule in rotating track but in the implementation process track management is not going well because they MD (Music Director) less obey the rules that have been established, while the need for an arrangement of the song should be in accordance with the rules and daily needs of each event on broadcast activities. The resulting consequence is the ineffectiveness of the rules and affect the request or sms from radio listeners.The solution is to design management applications track PRO 2 FM. This application is able to facilitate MD in presenting or rotate songs with songs based on the rule of RRI PRO 2 FM so as to produce a daily or weekly playlist of songs that fit to the RRI PRO 2 FM. From the evaluation results can be concluded in this research is to produce applications that can help head of programming and Music Director in managing the song in order to avoid mistakes and have been able to meet the rules of the rotation track up to 100%.
Demand Management Plan For It Services At PPTI Stikom Surabaya Using Standard Service Strategy ITIL V3 Rochdiansyah, Zhulfiki Arbhi; Sutomo, Erwin; Wulandari, Sri Hariani Eko
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 5, No 9 (2016)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA)

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Development and Application of Information Technology (PPTI) is one part in the Institute of Business and Information Stikom Surabaya (Surabaya Stikom), PPTI an important role in ensuring the course of Systems and Information Technology (STI) for each civitas. Conditions in the PPTI currently do not have users demand patterns of IT services, so thats make PPTI can not understand and know the effect of user demand on services and availability of service capacity to meet that demand. Solutions to these problems, it needs to be planning IT services for needs of Demand Management for IT Services, this process has the objective to anticipate and influence the demand for IT services in PPTI. Plan of Demand Management for IT Service Management, we conducted research with reference to the standard Service Strategy in the framework of the Information Technology Infrastructure Library V.3 (ITIL), especially on Service Strategy which is used as a foundation to support the development process. outcome of the Demand Management for IT Service is create documents Patterns of Business Activity (PBA), User Profile (UP), standards and procedures, and policies Demand Management. The document can function in the process of sorting and managing user requests the service properly and according to the needs, service levels and asset services.
Analisis Pengaruh Kualitas Website Terhadap Kepuasan Pengguna Pada Website Perpustakaan Institut Bisnis Dan Informatika Stikom Surabaya Junaidi, Fajjrul; Sulistiowati, Sulistiowati; Eko W, Sri Hariani
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 5, No 6 (2016)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA)

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Library Institut Bisnis dan Informatika Stikom Surabaya as part of Institu Bisnis dan Informatika Stikom Surabaya utilizing website to provide information quickly and easily to the user library. As long as this has not been done in the implementation of evaluation about website quality based on perception en user as a feedback to website management so that the user be satisfied against services.Based on analysis problems of relation between website quality and customer satisfaction. From dissemination of questionnaires conducted to end user website retrieved samples as many as 70 respondents. Data from the results questionnaire done testing variable with test validity and reliability. Next do a test data and test normality assumption as a condition for the next step, namely the multiple linear regression analysis.The results of test are obtained that the variable include usability, information quality and interaction quality a positive and significant effect against customer satisfaction.
Analisis dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi Pemasaran pada PT Bahtera Global Solusi Suparman, Falerianus Hendratno; Nurcahyawati, Vivine; Wulandari, Sri Hariani Eko
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 5, No 8 (2016)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA)

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PT. Bahtera Global Solutions is a company engaged in the provision of services and sales of IT products. IT products in the form of audio-visual products, computer, network solutions, security products, software telecommunications products and other office supplies. Marketing is one of the main factors that could affect the interests of the customer. Good marketing system and on target, may increase the purchasing power of customers and customer loyalty to the company. Thus it can increase profits for the company. Currently, the company still has obstacles in the marketing process is the lack of information regarding the products of the company making the customer trouble knowing what products are sold by the company. The company also difficult to know what products are needed promotions regularly, goods and services are most desirable, what are the needs of each customer, and promotions such as what is required of each customer. Of the above problems, the company wants to increase its marketing system. Marketing information system based 4p ie, place, price, promotion, and product marketing are needed to address the problems that occur in the company. The early stages of the design of information systems in the form of information system design can be used as a cornerstone in building a marketing information system.
Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Administrasi Rawat Jalan Pada Kliniki Geo Medika Yamanta, Ongky Anjar; Amelia, Tan; Wulandari, Sri Hariani Eko
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 5, No 7 (2016)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA)

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Primary health care provided by the Geo Medical Clinic is an outpatient practice General Practitioners and Physician Specialist. With outpatient practice as primary health care, the administration of outpatient become an important function in the process. The existing problems in the system of outpatient administration is currently in the registration process still found the quest difficulty to lose the medical records of patients who have an impact on delays in the registration process, the data redundancy, and fault diagnosis of the doctor. The doctor activity that brings patient records to the cashier to make the process of further examination of patients can not be directly performed. It certainly could have an impact on the loss of medical records and patient does not perform the payment process. Of the problem analysis found that the use of the card in the manufacture of patient data and medical records, and not integrated administrative system there is a major problem in the practice of outpatient clinic services Medika Geo. Those problems can be overcome with the integrated applications ranging from registration until the payment. This application can assist in the registration process until the payment process, as it can help in recording patient data and medical records and can reduce registration queues and help doctors to consider the track record of the patient at the outpatient medical record so as to produce an accurate and easy. To process payments become computerized and integrated in order to prevent loss of data and medical records of patients and assist in making clinical report
Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Penjualan Ritel Untuk Usaha Mikro dan Kecil Berbasis Web Permadi, Ageng; Amelia, Tan; Wulandari, Sri Hariani Eko
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 5, No 7 (2016)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA)

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One type of business that a lot of work at the Indonesian population is in the form of retail (Soliha, 2008). Retail in Indonesia is divided into two, namely traditional retail and modern retail. Traditional retail itself in the category of Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM). Retail Indonesian population spread in the community thrives. However, intense competition, especially in the face of large modern retailers, traditional retailers are making in a less favorable position. The problem faced by traditional retailers are; (1) the owner can not determine sales trends; (2) purchase a product that is not sold in large quantities; (3) the difficulty of knowing the available stock; (4) does not have the data history of sales transactions; (5) often experience problems in the procurement costs of information technology devices; The solution to the above problems is an information system retail sales web-based that can produce information as up to date as sales turnover, the products most frequently purchased by customers, products sold less that needs to be promoted, benefits and can promote products sold in the form of a web product catalog. All the information can be used as a basis for business owners in making decisions for managing merchandise products as quickly as it can be accessed anytime, anywhere through the Internet.
Co-Authors A. B. Tjandrarini Adiarnita, Dini aditya anugrah pratama Adzkar, Qowiyyu Ageng Yudha Priyawan Agus Dwi Churniawan Agus Dwi Churniawan, Agus Dwi Agustinus, Ariocky Al Arif Rahmadika Putra Wicaksono Alam, Yholandha Martha Rhisma Alfianto, Fatkur Alfianto, Fatkur Althov Zhorif Naufal Ambo Paerah Amiyantho, Eko Amiyantho, Eko Andy Kurniawan Andy Kurniawan, Andy Anjik Sukmaaji Arfilia Septianasari Ariocky Agustinus Arlisa Kumala Rofik Ayouvi Poerna Wardhanie Aziz, Alifudin Azizi, Farsha Azzah Oktavian Kuncahyo Bambang Hariadi Banjuradja, Andre Mentaya Banjuradja, Andre Mentaya Baya, Novi Riyanto Dwi Putra Bisri, Mohammad hasan Brilliani Ayunda Putri K. K. Cendrakasih, Titis Cendrakasih, Titis Choliq, Muhammad Decka Alifando Setiawan Dewi yani Sunarto Dimas Fitrah Maulana Donny Bustan Fauzi Dwi Aristyo Rahadiyan Dwiky Rachman Hidayat Edelwy Apriliana Wawolumaya Eka Febryan Prayitno Erwin Sutomo Erwin Sutomo Fajjrul Junaidi Farsha Azizi Fatkur Alfianto Fauzi, Donny Bustan Fauzi, Donny Bustan Ferry Ferry Firmanto, Rendy Destara Firmanto, Rendy Destara Fuad Asyhary, Mochamad Fuad Asyhary, Mochamad Habiburrohman Habiburrohman Handyono, Kentdra Haris Imansya Haryanto Tanuwijaya Henry Bambang Setyawan Ignatius Adrian Mastan Imansya, Haris Imansya, Haris Imelda, Maritha Ismail Ismail Jamhari Jamhari Julianto Lemantara Junaidi, Fajjrul Junaidi, Fajjrul Kadarisman, Hendry Haryo Kadarisman, Hendry Haryo Kadek Dwi Mahesayasa Kentdra Handyono Kurniasari, Novita Kurniasari, Novita Lutfiyah Lutfiyah Lutfiyah Lutfiyah M. J. Dewiyani Sunarto Mahesayasa, Kadek Dwi Mahesayasa, Kadek Dwi Miftahussalam, Moh. Miftahussalam, Moh. Mochamad Fuad Asyhary Mochammad Arifin Moh. Miftahussalam Muhammad Choliq Nanang Sugiono Nina Setyawati Ningsih, Norma Ningsih, Norma Norma Ningsih Novi Riyanto Dwi Putra Baya Novianti, Fenty Dwi Novita Kurniasari Nugraha Caturriyanto Utama Nugroho, Riski Wahyu Onastatia Sahartian Pantja Wati Sudarmaningtyas Pantjawati Sudarmaningtyas Perdana, Sandy Permadi, Ageng Permadi, Ageng Pradhana, Ilham Gilang Prasetyo, Mochamad Yudi Prasetyo, Mochamad Yudi Prasetyo, Wildan Harits pratama, aditya anugrah pratama, aditya anugrah Prayitno, Eka Febryan Priyawan, Ageng Yudha Puspita Kartikasari Puspita Kartikasari Puspitarini, Meidiana Putra, Rendra Pratama Putra, Rendra Pratama Putri K. K., Brilliani Ayunda Putri K. K., Brilliani Ayunda Rahardiyan Arya Yudha Rahmawati, Endra Rendra Pratama Putra Riski Wahyu Nugroho Rochdiansyah, Zhulfiki Arbhi Rochmawati, Dian Rochmawati, Dian Romadhony, Ludfiandy Rudi Santoso Rudi Santoso, Rudi Rudy Santoso Rudy Santoso, Rudy Septianasari, Arfilia Septianasari, Arfilia Setiawan, Decka Alifando Setiawan, Decka Alifando Shirly Syamsiah Sudarmaningtyas, Pantja Wati Sugiono, Nanang Sulistiowati Sulistiowati Sulistiowati Sulistiowati Sumarlin, Herlan Zendy Sumarlin, Herlan Zendy Sunarto, Dewi yani Suparman, Falerianus Hendratno Suparman, Falerianus Hendratno Supiati Supiati Susianawati, Hesty Syamsiah, Shirly Syamsiah, Shirly Tan Amelia Tanujaya, Wisnu Ramadhani Teguh Sutanto Tirta Yoga Tri Sagirani Tutut Wurijanto Valentinus Roby Hananto Vivine Nurcahyawati Wachid, Fadilah Alfan Wahyuningtyas, Nunuk Wawan W Efendi Wawolumaya, Edelwy Apriliana Wibowo, Septian Agung Wicaksono, Al Arif Rahmadika Putra Yamanta, Ongky Anjar Yoppy Mirza Maulana Yoppy Mirza Maulana Yudha, Rahardiyan Arya Yundari, Yundari Yusuf Ongky Alexsander