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Temporal Distribution of Bird Species in the Sarinah Island Porong Sidoarjo Adrinanda, Vendy; Kurniawan, Nia
Biotropika Vol 1, No 6 (2013): Biotropika
Publisher : Jurusan Biologi Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam

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Temporal Distribution of Bird Species in the Sarinah Island Porong Sidoarjo Vendy Adrinanda, Nia Kurniawan Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics And Natural Sciences Brawijaya University Birds are members of the vertebrate animals that have feathers and wings. It has given many useful in the human life, as such as many birds species and population in the nature can be used for tourist area. This study aims to determine the temporal distribution and bird species in the Sarinah island. This research use point count combination methode. Observation is done by explored island’s area which will be used as research’s location, and then devide the area with GPS become 4 location point (1,2,3,4). Observation is done 3 times: first, in the morning at 6.00-7.00 o’clock; second, in the afternoon at 12.00-13.00 o’clock; and third, in the evening at 15.30-16.30; during four days that’s two days between 10th-15th Javanese month and two days between 25th-30th Javanese month. Birds species which be found in every location point must be identified and administrated as field data. The identified methode is by taken the birds photoes for every species, count their number and administrate this data into observation data, birds species idetified by literature examination. Spreading map bird species and location that has found to tabulated into microsoft excel and then it is managed in Quantum GIS. Result of the research shows that has been found 44 bird species and divide 24 families. Species that often be found with many individual amount is walet linchi (Collocalia linchii). The bird species often be found in a great number beside 10-15 Javanese month more than beside 25-30 Javanese month, because beside 10-15 javanese month is tides occur and beach to be receding. And according their spreading status, can be devided into 33 species domestic and 11 species migrant. Keywords: birds, temporal distribution, family, species, distribution status.
TREUBIA Vol 41 (2014): Vol. 41, December 2014
Publisher : Research Center for Biology

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14203/treubia.v41i0.361


The Indonesian archipelago is an ideal setting for the study of speciation and biogeography. This archipelago is divided into three island groups based on zoogeography: Sundaland, Wallaceaand the Australian region. In this paper we used frogs in genus Fejervarya (Bolkay) to study biogeography and examine patterns of gene flow across proposed zoogeographic boundaries. Severalmolecular studies on Fejervarya species from Indonesia have been carried out, but comparative studies among members of the genus Fejervarya have yet to be performed. In order to elucidate genetic divergence and geographic distribution of these frogs, we conducted a molecular analysis of the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene using 179 frogs from five Fejervarya species. In total we collected from 32 localities in Sumatra, Kalimantan (Indonesian part of Borneo), Java, Bali, Sulawesi and Lesser Sunda Islands in Indonesia. Molecular phylogenetic analysis recovered 35 haplotypes and showed that frogs in the genus Fejervarya were divided into two well-supported clades. The first group were of three species, F. limnocharis, F. iskandari and F. cf. verruculosa and the other group clade consisted of Fejervarya cancrivora and Fejervarya sp. (Sulawesi-type). The average sequence divergence among these four species ranged from 1.09 to 16.03% (mean = 11.29±2.83%). The present results clearly show that there are five Fejervarya species in the Indonesian archipelago. Fejervarya limnocharis and F. cancrivora are widely distributed and sympatric in Sumatra, Borneo and Java. Fejervarya iskandari is not endemic to Java and also occurs in the Lesser Sundas. Fejervarya cf. verruculosa and Fejervarya sp. (Sulawesi-type) are endemic to Lesser Sunda and Sulawesi Island, respectively. Key words: Fejervarya, genetic divergence, geographic distribution, 16S rRNA gene
Struktur Komunitas Vertebrata dan Invertebrata Air pada Petak Sawah Organik di Kecamatan Lawang, Kabupaten Malang Kartini, Herlin Aprilia; Kurniawan, Nia
Biotropika: Journal of Tropical Biology Vol 1, No 4 (2013)
Publisher : Biotropika: Journal of Tropical Biology

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Sistem pertanian organik diharapkan tidak hanya menghasilkan produk pertanian yang baik namun juga tidak menimbulkan dampak buruk bagi lingkungan dan organisme yang hidup disekitar. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui diversitas dan struktur komunitas vertebrata dan invertebrata air pada petak sawah organik di Kecamatan Lawang, Kabupaten Malang. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif eksploratif dengan pengambilan data yang dilakukan sejumlah 5 kali. Metode pengambilan sampel vertebrata yang digunakan adalah ‘visual encounters surveys’, sedangkan hewan invertebrata diamati dengan membuat plot ukuran 1m2 pada petak sawah. Petak sawah yang diamati adalah sejumlah empat titik, dengan waktu pengamatan pada pagi hari sekitar pukul 06.00-11.00 WIB. Hasil pengamatan vertebrata air diperoleh 4 spesies meliputi 3 jenis ikan dan 1 jenis amfibi. Vertebrata perairan yang memiliki Indeks Nilai Penting (INP) tertinggi adalah katak sawah Fejervarya spp.. yaitu sebesar 109,9. Sedangkan invertebrata yang ditemukan antara lain berbagai jenis siput, arthropoda dan kerang. Invertebrata yang memiliki INP tertinggi adalah  siput Lymnaea truncatula dengan INP sebesar 59,98. Nilai indeks diversitas Shannon-Wienner (Hi) hewan air pada lokasi penelitian memiliki nilai yang sedang ( 1 - 3) yaitu vertebrata air sebesar 1,37 dan invertebrata air sebesar 2,38.   Kata Kunci: invertebrata sawah organik, struktur komunitas, vertebrata
Eksplorasi Ektoparasit Pada Ikan Famili Cyprinidae Di Kolam Rumah Makan Wilayah Malang Raya hanum wardany, Karina; Kurniawan, Nia
Biotropika: Journal of Tropical Biology Vol 2, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Biotropika: Journal of Tropical Biology

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Ectoparasites were common found on fishes. Ectoparasites often infect parts of the fins, scales, operculum and gills in fish. This research aims to determine the types of ectoparasites on fish family Cyprinidae and the influence of environmental conditions on the number of ectoparasites. This research was conducted in three pools restaurant in Malang Raya region, then measured abiotic factors of pool water. Fish as the host of ectoparasites, taken using nets and anesthetized by using 3 phenol chloroform. Fish scales and fins were observed. Ectoparasites that attach to the parts taken and put in 70% alcohol. Ectoparasites observed and identified under a microscope. Measurement data of water quality and quantity ectoparasites were analyzed using SPSS 16 program. Argulus japonicus is a species of ectoparasite was founds in B Batu restaurant and I Dau restaurant. While ectoparasites found in G Malang restaurant was Lernaea cyprinacea. Argulus japonicus and Lernaea cyprinacea were exotic species from Japan. The entry of ectoparasites caused by introduction of Koi fish to Indonesia. The results showed that there were significant differences in the number of ectoparasites I Dau with B Batu and G Malang restaurants respectively. The correlation result between the number of ectoparasites and the physico-chemical factors were showed that the pool water DO levels were positively correlated to the number of ectoparasites.   Key word: Ectoparasites, fish family Cyprinidae, restaurant pond at Malang Area, SPSS 16
Effect Variations of Fish Food on Growth in Catfish. (Clarias Garipinus) Nugraha, Lingga; Kurniawan, Nia
Biotropika: Journal of Tropical Biology Vol 1, No 3 (2013)
Publisher : Biotropika: Journal of Tropical Biology

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ABSTRAK This study was carried out faculty Mathematics UB Malang 1 June 2012. This study aims to determine the effect of variations of food to African catfish (Clarias Gariepinus) using pests (Gold snails) and poultry waste (feces gemak) on the growth of channel catfish as well as to reduce the cost of purchasing an expensive artificial feed, so need to note the retention and protein efficiency ratio of fish needs every day. The variables were observed in this study was the weight, length, body color. The study was conducted using completely randomized design (CRD) with three treatment that feeding by comparing the artificial fish feed plant, fish feed made ​​with gold snails and artificial feed with poultry manure with each ratio 100:0, 70:30, 70:30 @ weight of each fish and each made ​​repeated 4 times, with other factors such as pH equated, light intensity, water temperature, water quality, oxygen levels. The results showed that there was no significant difference between the treatment given to the growth of the weight and length of the fish, but mixed with dung feeding quail in the ratio of 70: 30 more profitable because the costs were less. Feeding pellets mixed with the ratio of 70:30 keongmas also beneficial although slightly larger than quail dirt. Although the number of calories produced is less than the controls, but not significantly different, and the provision of a varied diet had no effect on the shape and color of the fish where the fish are shown color remains black and shiny, which means normal. So dirt and keongmas quail can be a safe alternative to feed and to reduce maintenance costs.   Keywords: Lele Dumbo, food, growth, color  
Understanding Snake Bite Cases Pattern Related to Volcano-Seismic Activity: An Evidence in Bondowoso, Indonesia Kurniawan, Nia; Kadafi, Ahmad Muammar; Kurnianto, Agung Sih; Ardiansyah, Franky; Maharani, Tri
Biotropika: Journal of Tropical Biology Vol 5, No 3 (2017)
Publisher : Biotropika: Journal of Tropical Biology

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (313.864 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.biotropika.2017.005.03.8


Bondowoso located in a valley of Raung mountain roots in East Java, Indonesia. The eruption of Mt. Raung in 2015 not only cause loss of life, but also underlining the fact of unusual Snake Bite Cases (SBC), as recorded in the dr. Koesnadi Hospital. We conducted a thorough analysis of the SBC in 2015 along with the survey on all the incident location in January to March 2016. This study represented an improvement on the population of venomous snake in the agriculture area, and reached the highest peak before the eruption. The presence of continuous vegetation at the edge of watersheds become green corridor that functioned as the movement track for snakes in order to avoid the volcano effect.
Struktur Komunitas Serangga Nokturnal Areal Pertanian Padi Organik pada Musim Penghujan di Kecamatan Lawang, Kabupaten Malang. Aditama, Rudi Candra; Kurniawan, Nia
Biotropika: Journal of Tropical Biology Vol 1, No 4 (2013)
Publisher : Biotropika: Journal of Tropical Biology

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Pertanian organik merupakan sistem pertanian berkelanjutan dengan menekankan pada kestabilan lingkungan. Indikator kestabilan pertanian organik tersebut dapat diketahui dari keragaman dan kelimpahan serangga salah satunya serangga nokturnal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui diversitas dan struktur komunitas serangga nokturnal pada areal pertanian padi organik di musim penghujan. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif eksploratif dengan pengambilan sampel sebanyak enam kali dengan mengunakan metode Light Trap (LT) pada enam titik serta dilakukan pengukuran faktor abiotik. Data ditabulasi dalam Microsoft Excel. Struktur komunitas didapatkan dari indeks nilai penting (INP) dan indeks diversitas Shannon-Wienner. Serangga nokturnal di areal pertanian organik terdiri dari 10 ordo yang terbagi atas 42 famili dengan lima famili tertinggi berdasarkan indeks nilai penting (INP) yaitu Culicidae (23 %), Delphacidae (19 %), Pyralidae (13 %), Chrysomelidae (12 %), dan Formicidae (12 %). Diversitas serangga nokturnal yang diperoleh berdasarkan indeks diversitas Shannon-Wiener menunjukkan nilai (H=4,146). Komposisi peran ekologis serangga nokturnal yang ditemukan terdiri dari herbivora (122 %), predator (33 %), scavanger (23 %), dan parasitoid (22 %). Faktor abiotik memiliki nilai yang tidak berbeda jauh pada setiap lokasi pengambilan sampel dengan rata-rata suhu 22-24o C, intensitas cahaya 40 lux, kelembaban udara 88 %, dan curah hujan kumulatif 2663 mm/tahun. Kata kunci : Komunitas,  Light Trap (LT),  Pertanian organik, Serangga nokturnal.
The Predicted Distribution of Javan Munia (Lonchura leucogastroides) in Indonesia based of Behavior Analysis in Kalibaru, Banyuwangi, East Java Kurnianto, Agung Sih; Kurniawan, Nia
Biotropika: Journal of Tropical Biology Vol 1, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Biotropika: Journal of Tropical Biology

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Javan Munia is one of the common species of birds that found in west area of Indonesia (Sunda land). This species is endemic to Indonesia (Lombok, Bali, Java, and South Sumatra). The large population, especially during the harvest season makes this bird became a major pest for agriculture. This research aims to determine the adaptive behaviors of Javan Munia that become major reasons of widely spreads and the influence of these factors to the distribution. Observations made in Kalibaru, Banyuwangi, East Java, which is a mostly agricultural area. Any form of behavior in the territorial area (nesting and courtship areas) and range area (where colonize and feed) were observed periodically in the past 12 months. Sunbathing is known as a activity that undertaken by many species of birds, including the Javan Munia. This munia has specific mating and nest construction behaviour. The development of Javan Munia is very quickly, in 40 days, child will become a new adult. Javan Munia is very easy to adapt to the surrounding environment, including the used of oil palm (Elais guineensis) fiber and paper receipts as nest material. There are a possibility of invasive occurrence to the entire island of Sumatra by this species. It is quite possible because of the opening of oil palm plantations and settlements continue, until Aceh. The spread possibilty to east end of distribution (Lombok) can occur up to Nusa Tenggara Island, because of short distances between the islands and similiar vegetation circumstances.
Effect of Iodine Solution Treatment With Different Dosage And Exposed Duration to Metamorphosis Rate and Survival of Bullfrog Tadpoles (Rana Catesbeiana Shaw) Rahman, Lutviyana; Kurniawan, Nia
Biotropika: Journal of Tropical Biology Vol 2, No 3 (2014)
Publisher : Biotropika: Journal of Tropical Biology

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Objective of this research was to know the role of iodine with different doses and exposed duration to against the rate metamorphosis and survival of bullfrog’s tadpoles. Methods on this research are acclimatization of bullfrog’s tadpoles, given iodine solution such as doses 3 mg/L, 4 mg/L, 5 mg/L and control (0 mg/L). It observe on 7th, 14th and 21st day of to exposed. The parameters that observed there are tadpole metamorphosis, survival rate and water quality. Data were analyzed using two-way ANOVA and continued with Tukey test. The results showed that water quality on a  good category for bullfrog of natural environment. ANOVA for bullfrog metamorphosis rate obtained at p-value (< 0.05). Duration of exposed and doses are significantly influent to against bullfrog’s tadpoles metamorphosis. Although survival rate of bullfrog tadpoles was decline at 21th duration and survival rate of bullfrog’s lowest in doses 5 mg/L. The conclusion is treatment of iodine solution at given in the medium of life bullfrog’s tadpoles and exposed duration of iodine can increase the rate of metamorphosis, but inclined decrease survival rate of bullfrog’s tadpoles. Iodine solution most effect on the rate metamorphosis bullfrog’s tadpoles on exposed 7th, 14th and 21st days on the doses of iodine solution 5 mg/L (5 ppm), while survival rate of bullfrog’s tadpoles is the highest on treatment control (0 mg/L).
Pengaruh Hormon Hipofisa dan Ovaprim Terhadap Ovulasi Serta Pengaruh Pakan Terhadap Pertumbuhan Berudu Katak Fejervarya cancrivora Putri, Ardyah Ramadhina Irsanti; Kurniawan, Nia; W.M, Agung Pramana
Biotropika: Journal of Tropical Biology Vol 1, No 5 (2013)
Publisher : Biotropika: Journal of Tropical Biology

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Katak Fejervarya cancrivora merupakan kelompok dari kelas amfibi yang habitatnya sangat dipengaruhi oleh perubahan kondisi habitat dan aktivitas manusia. Salah satu upaya untuk mempertahankan keanekaragaman hayati yaitu memanfaatkan teknologi reproduksi buatan dengan melakukan induksi pematangan gonad menggunakan hormon hipofisa dan ovaprim. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian hormon hipofisa dan ovaprim terhadap pematangan gonad dan keberhasilan fertilisasi pada katak Fejervarya cancrivora, serta mengetahui pengaruh perbedaan pemberian pakan pada pertumbuhan berudu katak Fejervarya cancrivora. Injeksi dilakukan pada katak betina yang  hampir matang gonad dengan total dosis injeksi 250 µl secara intraperitonial. Setelah dipijahkan dan difertilisasi, telur dipelihara sampai menetas dan diberikan dua perlakuan pakan, yaitu pakan bayam  rebus (P1) serta  pakan bayam rebus dan kuning telur rebus (P2). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pada perlakuan injeksi hipofisa dihasilkan telur 632 butir sel telur dan berhasil menetas 65,67%  dan perlakuan injeksi ovaprim sebanyak 108 butir sel telur dan dapat menetas 75,92%. Hasil  perlakuan P1 dan P2 pada kedua jenis injeksi tidak terdapat perbedaan panjang (p>0,05) namun terdapat perbedaan berat (p<0,05) pada perlakuan selama masa metamorfosis. Persentase jumlah berudu yang berhasil bermetamorfosis sempurna pada perlakuan injeksi hipofisa sebanyak 41,12%, sedangkan pada perlakuan injeksi ovaprim sebanyak 31,67%.
Co-Authors Achmad Dadang Burhanuddin Adityas Arifianto Agung Nugroho Agung Pramana W.M Agung Pramana W.M Agung Pramana Warih Marhendra Agung Sih Kurnianto Agung Sih Kurnianto Agung Sih Kurnianto Agus Nurrofik Agus Suryanto Aguung Sih Kurnianto Ahmad Muammar Kadafi Amin Setyo Leksono AMIR HAMIDY Amir Hamidy Andri Maulidi Andri Maulidi Anggun Sausan Firdaus Ardiansyah, Franky Ardiantoro, Ari Ardyah Ramadhina Irsanti Putri Arief Sugiharto Asmaul Khusnah Asmaul Khusnah Azrianingzih, Rodiyati Azrianingzih, Rodliyati Badiul Ulum Badiul Ulum Bagus Priambodo Bayu Hendra Prakosa Catur Retnaningdyah Djong Hon Tjong Dwi Anggorowati Rahayu Elsa Mufti Endik Deni Nugroho Estri Laras Arumingtyas Faldy Alifianto fatchiyah . Fauzi, Muhammad Alif Firdaus, Anggun Sausan Fitra Arya Dwi Nugraha Fitra Arya Dwi Nugraha Franky Ardiansyah Haryono Haryono Herlin Aprilia Kartini Herlin Aprilia Kartini Imti Yazil Wafa Karina hanum wardany Karina hanum wardany Karuniawan Puji Wicaksono Kholilah, Tsaniyah Nur Kurnianto, Aguung Sih Lingga Nugraha Luchman Hakim Lutfita Fitriana Lutviyana Rahman Lutviyana Rahman Maharani, Tri Mahmudul Hasan, Mahmudul Maisuroh, Dalilatul Masayuki Sumida, Masayuki Mohamad Nasirudin Mumpuni Mumpuni Nashi Widodo Nobukazu Nakagoshi Pramudya, Muhammad Alif Imam Qothrun Izza Qothrun Izza Rijalullah, Muhammad Asyraf Rudi Candra Aditama Rudi Candra Aditama Shima Ramadani Sugiharto, Arief Takeshi Igawa, Takeshi Tesri Maideliza Tri Maharani Vendy Adrinanda Vendy Adrinanda Zain, Dhiyaa Syahlaa Bianca Febrinnisa