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JURNAL PENELITIAN SAINTIKA Vol 14, No 1 (2014): Maret 2014

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Conjugated Linoleic acid (CLA) was sepereted by usingcolomn chromatography with silicagel – AgNO3 as stationaryphase. Seperation based on the differences reversibility ofcoordination bond between double bond and silver ion. Theindreasing number of double bond and trans isomers morestrongly the molecule is retained. Gradien elution was carried outby various n-hexane (H) and Acetone (A) (v/a) e. g: 97.5/2.5; 95/5;90/10; 80/20; 70/30 and 60/40 in 8 vial x 2.5 mL. Each of fractionwas analyzd by using GC,FTIR, UV and GC-MS and It’s comparewith authentic CLA standard and the best was ratio (v/v) of eluen(H/A) 95/5. The composition of product ratio of CLA/linoleic was0,85 : 1 or 77.6 % compared to the authentic standar 1.45/1. 
POTENSI ANTIBAKTERI EKSTRAK n-HEXANA, ETIL ASETAT, ETANOL DAUN SARANG BANUA (Clerodendrum fragrans VENT WILLD) TERHADAP Salmonella enterica Murniaty Simorangkir; Bajoka Nainggolan; Saronom Silaban
JBIO: jurnal biosains (the journal of biosciences) Vol 5, No 2 (2019): Jurnal Biosains
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/jbio.v5i2.13157


ABSTRAKEksplorasi antimikroba berbasis tanaman sangat diperlukan saat ini sebagai upaya pengembangan penyediaan bahan baku alternative obat infeksi bakteri alami. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis ekstrak daun tumbuhan local sarang banua (Clerodendrum fragrans Vent Willd) yang berpotensi sebagai antibakteri terhadap Salmonella enterica. Sampel daun C. Fragrans diperoleh dari desa Raya Usang, Kecamatan Dolok Masagal, Kabupaten Simalungun, Sumatera Utara. Serbuk daun C. Fragrans dimaserasi dengan pelarut bertingkat kepolarannya sehingga diperoleh ekstrak etanol (polar), etil asetat (semi-polar) dan n-heksana (non-polar). Masing-masing jenis ekstrak diuji dengan variasi konsentrasi 10%, 5%, 2,5%, dan 1,25%. Kloramfenikol digunakan sebagai kontrol positif dan DMSO sebagai kontrol negative. Metode uji antibakteri dilakukan dengan metode difusi cakram. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aktivitas antibakteri (diameter zona hambat) terbesar terhadap Salmonella enterica secara berurutan adalah ekstrak etanol 5% (polar) sebesar 14,0 mm, ekstrak n-heksan 10% (non-polar) sebesar 11,6 mm, dan ekstrak etilasetat 10% (semi-polar) sebesar 10,5 mm. Ekstrak etanol daun C. fragrans Vent Willd  memiliki potensi antibakteri yang sangat baik terhadap Salmonella enterica. Hasil penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai bahan pertimbangan pemilihan jenis ekstrak pelarut dalam penyediaan daun C. fragrans sebagai bahan baku obat antibakteri alami.
Pengaruh Penerapan E-Modul Kimia Berbasis Cooperative Learning Type NHT Pada Pembelajaran Ikatan Kimia Kelas X SMA Yovanka Melinda Samosir; Bajoka Nainggolan
Educenter : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Vol. 1 No. 3 (2022): Educenter : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (240.507 KB) | DOI: 10.55904/educenter.v1i3.64


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengetahui apakah peningkatan hasil belajar siswa dengan penerapan e-modul kimia berbasis cooperative type NHT lebih tinggi dari pembelajaran NHT disertai media bahan ajar refrensi siswa.(2) mengetahui apakah ada pengaruh penerapan e-modul kimia berbasis cooperative type NHT terhadap hasil belajar siswa. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SMA Swasta Harapan Baru Medan pada bulan November-Desember 2021. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh nilai rata-rata pretest kelas eksperimen sebesar 36 dan kontrol sebesar 28,167. Sedangkan nilai rata-rata posttest kelas eksperimen sebesar 82,667 dan kelas kontrol sebesar 77,5. Nilai N-Gain ternormalisasi kimia siswa kelas eksperimen lebih tinggi dari kelas kontrol yaitu 0,7254>0,685 atau berdasarkan persentase N-Gain yaitu 72,54% untuk kelas eksperimen dan 68,5% untuk kelas kontrol. Selisih dari peningkatan hasil belajar dari kedua kelas yaitu 4,09% maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan e-modul kimia berbasis cooperative type NHT lebih tinggi dari pembelajaran NHT disertai media bahan ajar refrensi siswa pada materi ikatan kimia. Pada uji hipotesis yaitu uji-t satu pihak (pihak kanan) pada taraf signifikansi 0,05 diperoleh thitung > ttabel yakni 3,004>2,002 maka Ha diterima dan Ho ditolak. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada pengaruh penerapan e-modul kimia berbasis cooperative type NHT terhadap hasil belajar kimia siswa pada materi ikatan kimia.
Pengaruh Implementasi Model Pembelajaran Inkuiri Terbimbing (Guided Inquiry) Berbantuan Video Pembelajaran Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas Xi SMA Pada Materi Trmokimia Nancy Davici Tamba; Bajoka Nainggolan
Educenter : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Vol. 1 No. 4 (2022): Educenter : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55904/educenter.v1i4.88


This research was conducted to analyze the effect of the implementation of Guided Inquiry and Direct Instruction learning models assisted by learning videos. The learning outcomes of students taught by the guided inquiry were higher than those taught by Direct Instruction. This research was carried out at SMA Negeri 1 Ronggurnihuta, Samosir Regency. This research is quasi-experimental research (Quasi-Experimental Design), which consists of an experimental class with a Guided Inquired learning model and a control class with Direct Instruction. The data is processed descriptively and quantitatively analyzed using the SPSS 20 for the windows program. 34.17, and the average value of the Posttest is 82.36. While in the control class, the average value of the pretest was 25.42, and the post-test value was 76.94. From the data processing and analysis, it was obtained that the experimental class learning outcomes with N-Gain increased by 74.28% (in the high category) and the control class with N-Gain by 69.81% (in the medium category). It can be concluded that the guided inquiry learning model assisted by video learning is better and more effective in improving student learning outcomes than the Direct Instruction model.
Pengajaran Materi Kesetimbangan Kimia Menggunakan Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning Disertai Macromedia Flash Hasil Pengembangan Bajoka Nainggolan; Raudatus Mutiah
Jurnal Inovasi Pembelajaran Kimia (Journal Of Innovation in Chemistry Education) Vol 2, No 2 (2020): OKTOBER 2020
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (865.433 KB) | DOI: 10.24114/jipk.v2i2.19403


This research is a research and development (R&D) using ADDIE (Ananlysis, design, development, implementation and evaluate) method, aimed at developing Macromedia Flash learning media and knowing the improvement of students' chemistry learning outcomes. The sample consisted of 3 chemistry validator lecturers, macromedia flash, class XI  Science -1 (27 students) for the experimental class and XI  Science -2 (27 students) for the control class from High School Muhammadiyah 1 Medan. Learning in the experimental class problem-based learning model (PBL) with Macromedia Flash is the result of development, and in the PBL control class without Macromedia Flash. Macromedia Flash validation developed using the BSNP instrument, obtained an average content worth of 4.39; language 4.66; presentation 4.39; and graphic 4.33; on average all aspects are 4.44 (very feasible category). Learning outcomes data were processed descriptively and analyzed with one-party t-test, obtained an increase in student chemistry learning outcomes with the experimental class gain 80.00%, and the control class 72.00%. Hypothesis testing obtained tcount> ttable is 4.396 > 1.672. Conclusions that the application of macromedia flash learning media as a result of development in PBL can significantly improve student learning outcomes in equilibrium material in class XI Science High School.
Pengembangan Penuntun Praktikum Kimia Inovatif Terintegrasi Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek dan Karakter Pada Materi Koloid Bajoka Nainggolan; Wesly Hutabarat; Liemmy Gultom
Jurnal Inovasi Pembelajaran Kimia (Journal Of Innovation in Chemistry Education) Vol 1, No 2 (2019): OKTOBER 2019
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (527.773 KB) | DOI: 10.24114/jipk.v1i2.14760


Descriptive research and development using the ADDIE method aims to Innovatiive develop project-based and character practical guides of Colloidal material according with BSNP standards. The sample of 2 lecturers and 2 chemistry teachers, practical guides for Erlangga (A), Bumi Aksara (B), Pudak Saintifk (C), 26  students XI IPA-5 (experiment) and 26 students XI IPA-6 (control) at the  Medan 3th Senior High School. Data was processed descriptively, obtained the results of feasibility validation contents 3.53; language 3.46; presentation of 3.50, score of 3.53, average of 3.32; it means that the  practical guides resulting from the development is very valid according to the BSNP standard. Data analysis with ANOVA, obtained the average scores of student outcomes in experimen > control class or 81.5% > 73.8%. Then the average phsychomotor scores of experimen was larger than control class or 84, 64 > 82.78. In addition, the affective scores of experimen was larger than control class or  78.42 > 76.38. The hypothesis tested with one way ANOVA at the significant level of α  0.05, and found that tcount> ttable, (4.536 > 1.697). It is concluded that the Innovative Chemistry Practicum Guides developped is highly very good, suitable for use in Senior High School.
Chemical Analysis of Effectiveness of Integrated Practicum Learning in Class XII-IPA SMA on The Implementation of Curriculum 2013 in Medan Bajoka Nainggolan
Jurnal Pendidikan Kimia (JPKim) Vol 8, No 2 (2016): Agustus
Publisher : Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (415.972 KB) | DOI: 10.24114/jpkim.v8i2.4436


Abstract, Execution learning integrated chemical lab on the implementation of the curriculum in 2013 focused on the development of the balance of the ability to form good human (soft skills), with life skills appropriately (hardskills) on the competence of the knowledge, skills, and spiritual attitudes through learning is planned and effective, do scientific approach (scientific approach), through the competence of attitudes, knowledge, and skills to observe, ask questions, reason, analyze, innovate and communicate appropriately and effectively. The effectiveness of the implementation of the integrated chemical lab learning is defined as the thoroughness and success achieved after the implementation of learning. For it to do research with the aim to find out how the effectiveness of the integrated chemical lab learning in class XII-IPA on curriculum implementation in 2013 in SMA Medan in 2016. Samples were taken from the population as much as 5 purposiv chemistry teacher class XII-Science, 15th graders XII-IPA, and laboratory 5 of 5 SMA. Data obtained through questionnaires, interviews, and observations based on the frequency distribution persentatif processed and analyzed descriptively qualitative. The results of the questionnaire obtained a majority (60%) and chemistry teacher (66.67%) students less effective category. The results of the interview (60%) chemistry teacher, (53.33%) sisiwa, and (80%) laboratory majority of categories less effective in teaching practices integrated chemical lab. Results observation documentation, laboratory facilities and infrastructure gained less support and less effective category. Of the 10 topics that should be practiced practicum students, the results obtained; two high schools implement complete practicum title 5 (50%), a high school title completed executing 3 (30%), and two high schools did not carry out a practicum (completeness 0%). From the results it can be concluded that the implementation of the integrated chemical lab learning in class XII IPA SMA-on curriculum implementation in 2013 in the city of Medan category less effective.Keywords: effectiveness, implementation of integrated chemical lab learning, curriculum 2013
Development of chemical element practical workbook based on projects and characters for class xii senior high school Bajoka Nainggolan; Martin Simamora; Wesly Hutabarat
Jurnal Pendidikan Kimia (JPKim) Vol 11, No 3 (2019): December
Publisher : Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (513.074 KB) | DOI: 10.24114/jpkim.v11i3.15733


This investigation based on analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation (ADDIE) method intended to develop an innovative chemistry laboratory workbook of Chemistry Element integrated with project-based learning and characters. Two chemistry lecturers and teachers respectively selected to validate three local chemistry laboratory workbook and chemistry laboratory workbook developed. Questionnaires distributed to the lecturer and teacher samples and found that content, language, presentation, and feasibility of graphics scores were 3.31, 3.37, 3.22, 3.15 and 3.15 respectively and the average score was 3.26 which means that the chem. Lab workbook developed is very valid. In addition, student samples consisted of 2 classes of grade XII of science students which classified into experimental group  and Controled group. The developed chemistry laboratory workbook and the conventional workbook were tried out to group Experiment and group Controlled respectively. The average scores of student outcomes in group Experiment was higher than group Controled or 87.5%>73.8%. Then the average psychomotor scores of group  Experiment was larger than group controled or 84.64>78.42. In addition, the affective scores of group Experiment was larger than group Controled or 82.78>76.38. The hypothesis tested with one way ANOVA at the significant level of α = 0.05, and found that tCalc > tTable or 4.536 > 1.697 It is concluded that the Innovative chemistry laboratory workbook is highly very good.Keywords: Chemistry laboratory workbook; chemistry element; project-based learning
Uji Kelayakan Minyak Goreng Curah dan Kemasan yang Digunakan Menggoreng Secara Berulang Bajoka Nainggolan; Nora Susanti; Anna Juniar
Jurnal Pendidikan Kimia (JPKim) Vol 8, No 1 (2016): April
Publisher : Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1102.048 KB) | DOI: 10.24114/jpkim.v8i1.4424


Abstrak. Penelitian ini dilakukan bertujuan untuk mengetahui angka peroksida dan asam lemak bebas (FFA = free fatty acid) minyak goreng curah dan kemasan merek A, B, dan C yang dipakai masyarakat menggoreng secara berulang menggunakan metode titrasi alkalimetri dan iodometri. Populasi penelitian adalah minyak goreng curah dan kemasan dan sampel diambil secara  acak 2 kg minyak curah,dan 2 kg masing-masing minyak kemasan merek A, B, dan C yang dijual di pasar tradisional di Medan. Metode penelitian menggunakan titrasi alkalimetri dan iodometri. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan cara membandingkan angka peroksida dan FFA minyak goreng yang dipakai menggoreng secara berulang (minyak jelanta) terhadap minyak goreng control (sebelum digunakan menggoreng) dan standar mutu minyak goreng SNI 01-3741-2013. Dari analisis data diperoleh hasil sebagai berikut: Angka peroksida sebelum dipakai menggoreng (mek O2/kg); minyak curah: 2,718; minyak kemasan merek A: 2,039; merek B: 2,039; merek C: 2,039; setelah penggorengan I - IV (150-200oC): minyak curah: 6,796; 9,588; 13,659; 17,669: merek-A: 4,757; 8,835; 10,873; 14,951; merek-B: 5,437; 8,834; 11,553; 14,951; merek-C:  4,757; 8,155; 12,912; 15,696. Angka FFA sebelum dipakai menggoreng (mg KOH/gr): minyak curah: 0,0686; minyak kemasan merek A: 0,0480; merek B: 0,0480; merek C: 0,0412; setelah penggorengan I-IV: minyak curah: 0,3981; 0,5215; 0,7007; 1,1262; minyak kemasan merek-A:  0,3294; 0,4187; 0,6451; 0,9540; merek-B: 0,3562; 0,4392; 0,6931; 0,8853; merek-C: 0,3232; 0,3843; 0,6958; 0,8586. Ambang batas standar mutu minyak goreng yang layak dipakai menurutSNI 01-3741-2013: angka peroksida 10 mek O2/kg; FFA. 0,6 mg KOH/g. Dari  analisis data dapat disimpulkan bahwa: Minyak goreng curah dan kemasan merek A, B, C yang dijual di pasartradisional di Medan memenuhi standar kualitas SNI 01-3741-2013 sebelum digunakan untuk menggoreng, dan bila digunakan maka hanya dua kali layak dipakai untuk menggoreng bahan pangan. Disarankan kepada masyarakat khususnya di kota Medan agar pemakaian minyak goreng curah dan kemasan merek A, B, dan C yang dijual di pasar tradisional di Medan cukup hanya dua kali dipakai untuk menggoreng bahan pangan demi menjaga kesehatan masyarakat  yang menggunakannya. Kata kunci: minyak goreng, angka peroksida, angka asam lemak bebas (FFA)
Penerapan Model Quantum Teaching Menggunakan Media Peta Konsep dalam Pembelajaran Struktur Atom di Kelas X SMA Bajoka Nainggolan; Ruth Dharmayana Sinaga
Jurnal Pendidikan Kimia (JPKim) Vol 7, No 3 (2015): Desember
Publisher : Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (509.859 KB) | DOI: 10.24114/jpkim.v7i3.4259


Abstract. This study aims to determine learning outcome and collaborative character of students who are taught with Quantum Teaching Learning model  using concept maps media on Atomic Structure. Research population is science students of grade X , and samples selected were 30 students of experimental  and  control classes respectively. The test instrument 20 multiple choice questions, and a non-test observation sheet. Soft ware data is processed with SPSS 16.0 for Windows, acquired pre-test experimental class = control, post-test experimental> control (90 > 85). The mean gain experimental > control (0.805 > 0.693), improvement of learning outcomes experimental > control (80.5% > 69.6%). Hypothesis test (α = 0.05) t test ≥ t tab.. (5.563 > 0.687), mean improvement of learning outcomes chemistry student with QT > conventional. The mean of the experimental character of student collaboration 67.75 (good), control 57.00 (enough). Correlation of learning outcomes with student collaboration experiment 90.4% (very high), controls 60.5% (high), QT contribution to the learning outcomes and cooperation experimental class 81.7%, 36.6% control. Conclusions: The increase in the value of learning outcomes chemistry atomic structure and character of students taught by cooperative learning model QT higher than conventional methods. Keywords: quantum teaching learning, media concept map, atomic structure