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Literature Review: Gangguan Saluran Penapasan Akibat Pencemaran Udara di Lingkungan Tempat Pembuangan Akhir (TPA) Farisa Hidayatullah; Surahma Asti Mulasari
Jurnal Kesehatan Vol 13, No 2 (2020): Jurnal Kesehatan
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/jk.v13i2.11114


Masyarakat di lingkungan TPA merupakan kelompok yang berisiko mengalami gangguan saluran pernapasan akibat pencemaran udara oleh sampah. Sampah mengalami proses pembusukan dan menghasilkan komponen gas yang bersifat toksik bagi tubuh. Tujuan studi literatur ini adalah untuk membahas mengenai gangguan saluran pernapasan yang dirasakan masyarakat di lingkungan TPA beserta faktor risiko yang meningkatkan gangguan pernapasan tersebut. Metode yang digunakan adalah literature review. Literatur berupa Jurnal Nasional yang diterbitkan dari tahun 2010 sampai 2020. Pengumpulan literatur menggunakan database google scholar dan dengan kata kunci “risiko kesehatan akibat sampah”, “risiko kesehatan paparan gas” “gangguan pernapasan akibat sampah”, “keluhan pernapasan akibat sampah”, serta “pengaruh paparan gas TPA”. Hasil pencarian diperoleh 58 artikel sesuai kata kunci. Setelah disaring menggunakan kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi seperti pencemaran udara dan gangguan pernapasan akibat sampah pada masyarakat di lingkungan TPA, diperoleh 13 artikel yang direview. Hasil review menunjukkan adanya komponen gas yang mengakibatkan gangguan pernapasan seperti batuk, pilek, nyeri dada, pusing, mual, iritasi mata, demam, sakit tenggorokan, mengi, sesak napas, maupun mengakibatkan gangguan tidur. Terdapat faktor risiko yang meningkatkan gangguan pernapasan yaitu umur, waktu paparan, konsentrasi gas dan kualitas mikrobiologi udara yang melebihi standar, tingkat pendidikan, jarak tempat tinggal dengan TPA, penggunaan APD saat bekerja, serta kebiasaan merokok.
Pelatihan Kesehatan Dan Keselamatan Kerja (K3), Service Excellent, Serta Pengelolaan Sanitasi Lingkungan Tempat Wisata Desa Caturharjo, Pandak, Kabupaten Bantul Surahma asti mulasari; Annisa Nurul Izza; Masruddin Masruddin; Farisa Hidayatullah; Franciscus De P.B.M.A; Astry Axmalia
Jurnal Pemberdayaan: Publikasi Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 4 No. 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/jp.v4i1.1674


The purpose of empowerment program is to make community ready to as a tourist destinations nature and culture while maintaining the value health , the community be able to apply occupational health and safety ( K3 ) And visitors to theofficers and The community can provide the best services in fulfilling the needs and expectations of tourists. The society such as the target counseling consisting of cadres, youth and Pokdarwis. Counseling and training done by using the method Lectures , the screening of video , follow up of the discussion as well as filling out of the questionnaires pre-post test About public knowledge that deals with tourism activities to be built by caturharjo village. The impact of this activity is to the local community and the village administration who want to embodying a tourist village this is Having knowledge of occupational health and safety In the tourism, So that the community or the management tours can give first aid and education to visitors when the accident on a visitor or a disaster happened.
JURNAL KESEHATAN LINGKUNGAN: Jurnal dan Aplikasi Teknik Kesehatan Lingkungan Vol 18 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan Volume 18 No. 2, Juli 2021
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Banjarmasin Jurusan Kesehatan Lingkungan Banjarbaru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (387.373 KB) | DOI: 10.31964/jkl.v18i2.338


Piyungan landfill is a waste final processing site that is still active now. Waste in the Piyungan landfill produces hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and ammonia (NH3) gases. The gas comes from the anaerobic decomposition of waste by microorganisms. The purpose of this study is to analyze the health risks of hydrogen sulfide and ammonia exposure in the community at Piyungan landfill. This study was descriptive research and used quantitative analysis. The research design was cross-sectional with the environmental health risk analysis approach. The research sample is the people of Ngablak hamlet, which live in a zone of ± 600 meters from the Piyungan landfill. The sampling technique used purposive sampling, and the sample size was 59 people. The results showed that the risk level (RQ) of hydrogen sulfide was 1.2163 (RQ > 1), while the ammonia level was 0.0203 (RQ ≤ 1). Based on these results, the level of risk due to exposure to hydrogen sulfide is said to be unsafe. However, exposure to ammonia is said to be safe or not at risk of causing health problems in the community. The research is expected to be useful for improving the waste management system at TPA Piyungan and public awareness of processing waste.