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Rancangan Penilaian Kinerja Operator Painting Body Komponen Caliper Guna Pemberian Insentif dengan Menggunakan Metode Rating Scale dan Urutan Kerja Standar Rukmi, Hendang Setyo; Yunita, Yoanita; Kurniawan, Yoga
Publisher : Jurnal ITENAS Rekayasa

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ABSTRAKBody caliper merupakan komponen sistem pengereman kendaraan roda dua yang dibuat PT. Tri Dharma Wisesa. Menurut Bagian Quality Assurance proses pengecatan body caliper menghasilkan cacat terbesar. Penyebabnya operator painting kurang termotivasi menjalankan Urutan Kerja Standar (UKS) dengan benar karena upahnya tetap per bulan dan insentif didasarkan atas pencapaian target jumlah produk tanpa dilihat kualitasnya. Untuk memotivasi operator painting menjalankan UKS dengan benar sehingga jumlah cacat turun, perlu dirancang sistem penilaian kinerja baru yang dapat digunakan sebagai pertimbangan dalam pemberian insentif. Metode yang digunakan adalah rating scale karena mudah dan praktis untuk menilai kinerja karyawan yang jumlahnya banyak. Kriteria penilaian ditentukan berdasarkan UKS. Aktivitas-aktivitas dalam UKS diuraikan dan diidentifikasi jenis cacat yang bisa terjadi serta biaya kualitasnya. Skala penilaian setiap kriteria ditentukan berdasarkan jumlah cacat, sedangkan bobot kriteria ditentukan berdasarkan perbandingan biaya kualitas. Pemberian insentif tergantung pada kategori nilai kinerjanya. Hasil rancangan penilaian kinerja menggunakan 6 kriteria. Setiap kriteria memiliki bobot tertentu. Skala penilaian yang digunakan dari sangat buruk sampai dengan sangat baik. Nilai setiap kriteria merupakan perkalian bobot kriteria dengan skala penilaian. Total nilai kinerja merupakan jumlah seluruh nilai setiap kriteria. Kategori total nilai kinerjanya adalah sangat kurang sampai istimewa. ABSTRACTThe body caliper, a motorcycle braking component, is one of the products manufactured by PT. Tri Dharma Wisesa. According to Quality Assurance Department, it was recognized that body caliper painting gave the biggest contribution to the number defective products. The cause was that the painting operators were dismotivated to perform Urutan Standar Kerja (UKS, Standard Works Sequence) correctly, due to the fixed-salaries and the quantity-only (non quality) based incentives. In order to motivate the painting operators in performing UKS correctly, thus reducing the number of defective products, a new performance appraisal system was needed for the basis of incentives program. The method was based on rating scale, due to its simplicity and practicality for a large number of employees. Evaluation criteria were determined by the UKS. The activities in the UKS were decomposed, the defect types and the cost of quality were identified. The rating scale for each criterion was determined based-on the number of defectives, while the weights of criteria were determined by the comparison of their cost of quality. The incentives were based-on the performance rating category. The designed performance appraisal system is based on 6 criterias. All of them have certain weight. Rating scale is from “very bad” to “very good”. The value of each criterion is the multiplication of the weight and the rating scale. The total performance value is the sum of all criterion values. The performance categories are “very poor” to “excellent”.