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Gorga : Jurnal Seni Rupa Vol 10, No 2 (2021): Gorga : Jurnal Seni Rupa
Publisher : Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/gr.v10i2.26219


The Merarik tradition is one of the customs of the Sasak tribe, which means eloping or kidnapping. This interesting phenomenon is very unique because a man has to kidnap his woman without being noticed by the parents of the woman. In this case, the research subject is in Sade Village. To obtain the desired information, researchers used interview techniques with this type of qualitative research (Interview with the Traditional Village (Sade Village), the Chairperson of the Sasak Indigenous Community (MAS), and a couple who married with the traditional merarik) The results of the study found that the first stage in the merarik tradition was the Merarik stage. A sketch is a rough and light drawing or just an outline of an unfinished drawing or painting. Or a sketch can also be interpreted as a plan for a picture or painting to be made. The Design Thinking method is the method used to solve this problem, which has several stages such as empathize, define, ideate, prototype, test, and implement. Aesthetic theory is a theory that is used to strengthen the work of the creator. According to Bruce Allsopp, Aesthetic theory is a theory that studies the processes and rules in creating a work of art, which is expected to generate positive feelings for people who see and feel it. The creator hopes that the sketch of several stages in this drawing can help the creator to simplify the work to be made and provide additional ideas to the creator and make it easier for the creator to sort or select layer by layer from the sketch.Keywords: merarik, qualitative, acrylic, sketches, aesthetics.AbstrakTradisi Merarik adalah salah satu adat istiadat dari suku sasak, yang berartikan kawin lari atau penculikan. Fenomena merarik ini sangatlah unik dikarenakan seorang pria harus menculik wanitanya tanpa diketahui oleh orang tua dari wanitanya. Dalam hal ini yang menjadi subjek penelitian berada di Desa Sade. Untuk mendapatkan informasi yang di inginkan peneliti menggunakan teknik wawancara dengan jenis penelitian kualitatif (Wawancara dengan Desa Adat (Desa Sade) , Ketua Masyarakat Adat Sasak (MAS), dan Pasangan yang menikah dengan adat merarik). Hasil penelitian mendapati bahwa tahapan pertama dalam tradisi merarik ialah tahapan Merarik. Sketsa adalah gambar yang kasar dan ringan atau gambaran garis besarnya saja dari suatu gambar atau lukisan yang belum selesai. Atau sketsa dapat diartikan juga sebagai rencana dari suatu gambar atau lukisan yang akan dibuat. Metode Design Thinking adalah metode yang digunakan untuk penyelesaian masalah ini, yang terdapat beberapa tahapan seperti empathize, define, ideate, prototype, test, dan implement. Teori Estetika adalah teori yang digunakan untuk memperkuat hasil karya pencipta., Menurut Bruce Allsopp Teori estetika adalah teori yang mempelajari tentang proses dan aturan dalam menciptakan suatu karya seni, yang diharapkan bisa menimbulkan perasaan positif bagi orang yang melihat dan merasakannya. Pencipta berharap dengan adanya sketsa dari beberapa tahapan dalam merarik ini dapat membantu pencipta dalam mempermudah karya yang akan dibuat dan memberikan ide-ide tambahan kepada pencipta dan mempermudah pencipta untuk memilah atau memilih layer by layer dari sketsa tersebut.Kata Kunci: merarik, kualitatif, akrilik, sketsa, estetika. Authors:Christofer Satria : Universitas BumigoraHasbullah : Universitas BumigoraI Nyoman Subudiarta : Universitas Bumigora References:Adnan, S. (2004). Pergeseran Nilai-nilai Adat Marari Pada Masyarakat Suku Sasak Lombok (Studi Pada Kecamatan Ampenan, Kota Mataram, Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat). Semarang:  Program Pascasarjana Universitas Diponegoro. 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Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26618/exposure.v9i2.4194


This study is the process of English curriculum development aims at analyzing the targets needs, learning needs, and the patterns of local wisdom insertion. This study was conducted through Focused Group Discussion (FGD), semi-structured interview, and content analsysis were used for 12 vocational school teachers and 2 officals of the state and private government institutions (The Department of Education and Culture, NTB Province the Institute of ROWOT Nusantara Lombok). Necessity, the results of the target need analysis on local knowledge and language competence for developing skills and abilities, needs based, and contextual learning. Lacks, the gaps as the fundamental problems elicited from the current curriculum. Wants, the students’ desire to knowledge and vocational background-based curriculum contents. English learning design is associated with tourism competencies embedded with local wisdoms. The local wisdoms’ elements which can be developed into the English curriculum, that is, values of knowledge, social norms, and cultural acculturations, the marriage systems, patterns of family, and the other social cultural activities, and the elements of aesthetics. The patterns of insertion can be done through designing with paradigm of pedagogical orientation, insertion models, insertions in content of materials designed by developing the language skills, the use of teaching-learning methods with local insertions, developing student exercises-based insertions.
Komunikasi Estetik Dalam Visual Lukisan Karya I Wayan Pengsong I Nyoman Subudiartha; Sasih Gunalan; Susi Handayani
Sadharananikarana: Jurnal Ilmiah Komunikasi Hindu Vol 3 No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Program Studi Magister S2 Ilmu Komunikasi Hindu Institut Agama Hindu Negeri Gde Pudja Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53977/sadharananikara.v3i2.360


The occurrence of dialogue between artists, works of art, and devotees, makes works of art become an important medium in a communication process. The communication process that occurs in the activity of interpreting works of art is called aesthetic communication. The term aesthetic communication is an option in the activity of interpreting the use of a work of art. Although a work of art is a personal expression of every artist, after the work is born, it will become a form that is ready to be enjoyed by the art public. To capture the value contained in existing works of art, the aesthetic communication process is very important, as we can see in I Wayan Pengsong's painting. One of the strengths of Pengsong's painting lies in his efforts to build and record various aspects of the culture on the island of Lombok as the subject matter of his work. The aesthetic communication process in Pengsong's painting is in the process of using the cultural and visual values ​​that exist in the artist's work, which is presented in a work. The process of meaning that exists in Pengsong's works is handed back to all appreciation in an effort to interpret and give meaning to these works, based on various aspects of the process of interpreting the works of art.
Medibang Paint Sebagai Media Digital Painting I Nyoman Subudiartha; I Nyoman Yoga Sumadewa; Ni Luh Kadek Mei Ananda Sari
JISHUM : Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): Maret (JISHUM Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora)
Publisher : CV Insan Kreasi Media

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1467.382 KB) | DOI: 10.57248/jishum.v1i3.92


Digital painting merupakan salah satu kekaryaan baru dalam seni rupa dimana seniman melukis menggunakan perangkat digital seperti handphone, tablet, laptop atau komputer. Metode ini lumayan banyak digunakan dalam membuat sebuah karya dan desain. Salah satu kelebihan digital painting adalah seniman dapat membatalkan kesalahan pengerjaan tanpa harus mengganti media pengerjaannya. Salah satu software yang dapat digunakan dalam proses membuat digital painting adalah medibang paint. Medibang paint adalah salah satu aplikasi yang cukup terkenal di kalangan seniman digital. Tujuan dari penulisan artikel ini adalah untuk mengetahui software medibang paint serta jenis tools yang ada didalamnya. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan memanfaatkan teknik dokumentasi. Sumber data diperoleh dari software Medibang paint sebagai sumber primer, dan penelusuran kepustakaan sebagai sumber sekunder. Hasilnya adalah medibang paint adalah software melukis secara digital yang didalam terdapat berbagai tool-tool. Kesimpulannya adalah Medibang Paint sebagai software yang dapat digunakan dalam proses pembuatan Digital Painting dengan pemanfaatan tool-tool yang tersedia dalam interfacenya dimana software ini dapat dipasang di berbagai gadget untuk memudahkan pengguna mengaksesnya.
Implementasi Penelitian Participatory Action Research Dalam Disiplin Keilmuan Desain Komunikasi Visual I Nyoman Subudiartha
JISHUM : Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): Desember (JISHUM Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora)
Publisher : CV Insan Kreasi Media

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57248/jishum.v2i2.332


Visual Communication Design is one of the design sciences that studies graphic processing procedures to convey messages visually. Visual Communication Design is also a major in tertiary institutions, both public and private. In Indonesia itself, the term DKV was popular in the 80s where DKV was popularized by Gert Dumbar. The aim this research is to find out whether PAR research can be used in the science of Visual Communication Design by giving examples of the application of PAR research in the science of Visual Communication Design. Like other lecture majors that are closely related to research, Visual Communication Design has many choices of research methods that can be used to research and design. One of the research methods that can be used in the science of Visual Communication Design is applied research or Participatory Action Research (PAR). This research is one of the qualitative research methods in which this research involves participation in its implementation. When Visual Communication Design is associated with Applied Research, the question arises whether Applied Research can be used in Visual Communication Design scholarship. By using a qualitative descriptive method, these two things become interesting topics to discuss. Through a qualitative descriptive method by collecting data through written sources in the form of books and online journals as well as describing and explaining the results of the research. After conducting research, the authors conclude that Applied Research can be used in Visual Communication Design science because there are other researchers who use this method.