Elvis Elvis
Institut Seni Indonesia Padangpanjang

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Gorga : Jurnal Seni Rupa Vol 8, No 2 (2019): Gorga : Jurnal Seni Rupa
Publisher : Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/gr.v8i2.16143


AbstrakPenelitian ini membahas tentang penelusuran Arby Samah yang dikenal sebagai pelopor seni patung abstrak di Indonesia, serta mengungkap alasan Arby Samah memilih berkarya patung. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui sosok Arby Samah sebagai perintis seni patung abstrak di Indonesia, dan sangat berjasa dalam perkembangan seni patung di Indonesia serta Sumatera Barat khususnya. Kajian teori menggunakan seleksi dan fokus gejala berdasarkan jiwa zaman, menitikberatkan pada perspektif historis mempunyai dua dimensi: aspek masa kini, dan Aspek masa lampau. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif analisis. Adapun teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui teknik observasi lapangan dan wawancara, pengambilan dokumen yang terkait. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Arby Samah berkarya seni patung abstrak dilatarbelakangi oleh  faktor: 1) Budaya di Sumatera Barat yang membuat seni patung sulit berkembang. 2) Adat di Sumatera Barat yang mengikat setiap ruang gerak masyarakatnya. 3) Masyarakat di Sumatera Barat mayoritas memeluk Islam yang sangat mengikat dengan hadis dan Al-quran yang melarang membuat patung dalam wujud realis.Kata Kunci: arby samah, patung abstrak, budaya.AbstractThis research discussed about a person namely as Arby Samah that has known as a pioneer of art sculpture in Indonesia, it was also to reveal the reason of Arby Samah why choosing sculpture as his work of art. The aim of the research was too see the figure of Arby Samah as a pioneer of art sculpture in Indonesia, and also his contribution to the growth of art sculpture in indonesia especially in west sumatera province. Theory of the research used  the selection and observation of the nature symptom. This research focused to the historic perspective that consist of two dimensions, present aspect and past aspect. The method that used in this research was qualitative with descriptive analysis approach. The technique that used in collecting data were field observation, interview and taking the related documents. The result showed that when in producing abstract art sculpture, Arby Samah was influenced by factors: 1) West Sumatera culture that made art sculpture  difficult to growth. 2) the tight tradition or the custom of West sumatera, it limited the people to create art sculpture. 3) Islam is the majority religion of the people in west sumatera were in Al Qur’an and Al Hadist has stated that creating sculpture in realist form was prohibited.  Keywords: arby samah, abstract sculpture, culture.
Karya Patung Abstrak Lisa Widiarti Ditinjau Dari Bentuk Dan Medium Khairun Nisa; Elvis Elvis; Armen Nazaruddin
V-art: Journal of Fine Art Vol 1, No 1 (2021): Juli - Desember 2021
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Padang Panjang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (470.48 KB) | DOI: 10.26887/vartjofa.v1i1.2219


This study discusses the form and medium used by Lisa Widiarti in making abstract sculptures. This study also briefly discusses Lisa Widiarti's short artistic journey. The discussion uses qualitative research methods, which include: observation, interviews, and literature study as well as research conducted in the city of Padang, West Sumatra. Based on the results of research on Lisa Widiarti's abstract sculpture, Lisa has produced dozens of abstract sculptures and almost every year always participates in exhibition events. Lisa tends to bring objects with the themes of love, social, everyday life, and beauty into her sculptures which are made with abstract shapes, and the mediums used in her work are various such as resin, stone, wood, cement, gypsum, metal plate and slurry. paper. Lisa is a female sculptor who is also a lecturer at Padang State University. Lisa is still able to survive with her abstract sculptures and become a resilient, creative, and active female sculptor in West Sumatra. Much can be learned andresearched from Lisa Widiarti's sculptures, especially abstract sculptures in terms of form and medium. It is hoped that research on Lisa Widiarti's abstract sculpture can be a reference so that there are opportunities for other researchers to research from a different scientific point of view. 
Kopi Arabika Sebagai Ide Penciptaan Karya Seni Grafis Septian Pebin Putra; Rajudin Rajudin; Elvis Elvis
V-art: Journal of Fine Art Vol 2, No 2 (2023): Januari-Juni 2023
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Padang Panjang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26887/vartjofa.v2i2.3377


ABSTRACTThis article discusses the creation of five graphic artworks that use Arabica coffee as a creative subject. The reason for choosing Arabica coffee as the main subject is because it is extensively cultivated in the Kerinci region. Additionally, Arabica coffee fruits have diverse and attractive shapes and colors, such as light green, dark green, yellow, and red. Arabica coffee is transformed into graphic artworks by combining the techniques of hardboardcut and stencil. A representational form is the approach used in the creation of these artworks. The concepts of distortion and disformation are applied in shaping the artworks. The result of this creation is five graphic artworks titled "Ingak," "Proses," "Bakumpao," "Antae," and "Sabae." Each artwork presents a unique interpretation of Arabica coffee, with emphasis on the aspects of shape and color of the coffee fruits. This creation offers a fresh perspective on Arabica coffee through graphic art and depicts the diversity and visual appeal of Arabica coffee fruits. These graphic artworks can provide a deeper appreciation for Arabica coffee as a creative subject and enrich the understanding of graphic art within the cultural context of coffee.Keywords: arabica coffee, representational, distortion, printmakingABSTRAKArtikel ini membahas penciptaan lima karya seni grafis yang menggunakan kopi arabika sebagai objek kreatif. Alasan pemilihan kopi arabika sebagai objek utama adalah karena kopi arabika banyak dibudidayakan di daerah Kerinci. Selain itu, buah kopi arabika memiliki beragam bentuk dan warna yang menarik, seperti hijau muda, hijau tua, kuning, dan merah. Kopi arabika diwujudkan dalam bentuk karya seni grafis dengan menggabungkan teknik hardboardcut dan stencil. Bentuk representasional merupakan pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penciptaan karya ini. Konsep distorsi dan disformasi diterapkan dalam penggarapan bentuk karya. Hasil dari penciptaan ini adalah lima buah karya seni grafis yang diberi judul "Ingak", "Proses", "Bakumpao", "Antae", dan "Sabae". Setiap karya menampilkan interpretasi unik dari objek kopi arabika, dengan penekanan pada aspek bentuk dan warna buah kopi. Penciptaan ini memberikan pandangan baru tentang kopi arabika melalui seni grafis dan menggambarkan keberagaman dan daya tarik visual buah kopi arabika. Karya seni grafis ini dapat memberikan apresiasi yang lebih dalam terhadap kopi arabika sebagai objek kreatif, serta memperkaya pemahaman tentang seni grafis dalam konteks budaya kopi.Kata Kunci: kopi arabika, representasional, distorsi, seni  grafis