Tarigan, Riswan E;
Christianto, Kevin;
Hery, Hery
Prosiding SNATIF 2017: Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi dan informatika (BUKU 3)
Publisher : Prosiding SNATIF
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AbstrakKajian ini bertujuan mengetahui apakah e-Service Quality dapat mempengaruhi kepuasan mahasiswa secara positif dan secara tidak langsung menghasilkan Word of Mouth marketing. Pengukuran dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Structural Equation Modelling. Selain itu, akan diberikan juga hasil rekomendasi strategi pengembangan yang cocok untuk mengoptimalkan e-service dan analisanya dengan menggunakan value shops dan analisa SWOT. Hasil kajian ini membuktikan seluruh hipotesis memiliki indikasi positif bahwa kualitas e-Service menjadi faktor penting untuk membangun Word of Mouth marketing. Simpulan dari kajian ini menjadi hal yang perlu diperhatikan oleh institusi pendidikan guna meningkatkan layanannya. Kata kunci: e-Service Quality, Word of Mouth, Kepuasan Mahasiswa, SWOT, Value Shops
IT Governance Audit with COBIT 5 Framework on DSS Domain
Jarsa, Vernando;
Christianto, Kevin
Kinetik: Game Technology, Information System, Computer Network, Computing, Electronics, and Control Vol 3, No 4, November 2018
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
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DOI: 10.22219/kinetik.v3i4.665
Information technology in organizations plays an important role for the continuity of their current business processes. Almost every organization already has information technology and dependence on their information technology. With the existence of information technology, it can help business process in the organization runs smoothly, and according to desired by every organization. But not infrequently the information technology that has been operating has problems that are very annoying and hinder the business process of the organization. Problems that exist in this company is at the time of maintenance and custom or repair process undertaken by the company. With the existence of the problem, the writer wanted to audit the existing governance in companies that have problems regarding aspects of information technology delivery. The author uses the COBIT 5 framework on the DSS domain (Deliver, Service, and Support) and focuses on the sub domains of DSS01 Manage Operations, DSS02 Manage Service Requests and Incidents, DSS03 Manage Problems, and DSS06 Manage Business Process Controls. The assessment method used is a capability model consisting of five capability levels. Based on the audit of information technology governance conducted by researchers using COBIT 5, then the conclusion of this study is the average capability level of the overall process obtained most of the process has reached level 1 performed process.
Audit Operasional Pelayanan Pada PT. XYZ Dengan Menggunakan Kerangka Kerja ITIL Service Operation
Loisa, Julia;
Christianto, Kevin;
F. Andry, Johanes
KALBISCIENTIA Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Vol. 6 No. 1 (2019): Sains dan Teknologi
Publisher : Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Kalbis
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This research was investigated to conduct an audit operational IT service management. Service has become a special key in forming a good organizational environment, there have been many studies that prove that a good level of service is directly proportional to loyalty, productivity, etc. from end users. In this study focused on the operational processes of the information system services provided by the company to all stakeholders of the information system users, because the operational side is the spearhead of the service process that is reached by stakeholders. The researcher conducted a literature study, interviews, observations, questionnaires, examined documents and analyzed the results of questionnaires and document checks to obtain factual data from the field which would later be used as risk analysis and recommendations for solutions to be provided by researchers. The researcher himself uses the ITIL v3 framework which focuses on the Service Operation which will be matched with the information system service commitments contained in the Service Level Agreement.
Using Webqual 4.0 and Importance Performance Analysis to Evaluate E-Commerce Website
Johanes Fernandes Andry;
Kevin Christianto;
Fuji Rahayu Wilujeng
Journal of Information Systems Engineering and Business Intelligence Vol. 5 No. 1 (2019): April
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga
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DOI: 10.20473/jisebi.5.1.23-31
Background: The success of E-Business brings the highlight to websites as a tool to interact between company and customer. And recent studies indicate that quality of the website becomes something to be concern for company. Just like Huang pointed out that if company wants to build loyalty from their customer to get customer retention, one of much aspect that has to be noticed is the service quality from website.Objective: This study examines quality of website, such as Lazada. Website that author used in this research, to see what quality that website has and what the importance of that quality has. Methods: This study used Webqual 4.0 methodology to evaluate the website quality and see the importance of that quality using IPA (Importance Performance Analysis) to see how Lazada maintain that user expectations.Results: From three dimension that Webqual 4.0 provide for this research and total of 124 students as sample this research, authors found that all of three has significance result to satisfied customer with specific aspect on facilities, menus and contents from the website.Conclusion: Average respondent from students Bunda Mulia University was satisfied with the facilities, menus and contents in the web both from the value of all respondents and each research variable. The existing results from website user can be used as feedback on evaluation and development of Lazada website to be more accommodating to the wishes and in accordance with the expectations of website users.
Kevin Christianto;
Denny Denny;
Agus Santoso;
Chabelita Chabelita;
Jonathan Gonawan
Jurnal Informatika Vol 6, No 1 (2022): JIKA (Jurnal Informatika)
Publisher : University of Muhammadiyah Tangerang
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DOI: 10.31000/jika.v6i1.5298
Competition throughout the business world is currently very tight and also the development of information technology is very fast by requiring companies to have new innovations and creations and to use all technology which can certainly maintain the market and consumers they have, then each industry must formulate strategic plans so that policies taken to be effective and efficient, not only strategic planning in the general field, but strategic planning in the field of information systems also greatly influences the sustainability of a company's success. Information systems are an important part of the company to support company performance. Of course, pharmaceutical companies must always try to improve their ability to compete by utilizing existing technology. To achieve this goal, company has strategically designed information systems that can help improve company performance. To make a good Information System strategic plan, an information system strategic plan is needed that can help optimize the strategic role of the company's organizational information system and increase the value of competitive ability and create competitive advantage. This research was conducted to make strategic planning of information systems to increase company sales and describe the Ward and Peppard methodology.
System Information Audit with COBIT 4.1 and Balanced Scorecard Framework (Case Study: PT. Boga Dimsum Indonesia)
Handy Ghasali;
Kevin Christianto
Jurnal RESTI (Rekayasa Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi) Vol 2 No 2 (2018): Agustus 2018
Publisher : Ikatan Ahli Informatika Indonesia (IAII)
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DOI: 10.29207/resti.v2i2.481
The advancement of information technology has led people more easily to connect with each other and provide value added in the form of efficiency and effectiveness that produce something for meeting purposes, record customer complaints, answer customer questions, convey information to customers, provide warranty, and seek profit by this utilization. The reason for the audit of SI in this study is PT. Boga Dimsum Indonesia where the company needs an audit on the inventory and accounting intregrated system because there is an error in the purchase application. In this research, the method used is qualitative research method that is research about descriptive research and tend to use analysis. The purpose of the audit is to know whether the information technology governance applied by PT. Boga Dimsum Indonesia has gone well. The research consists of 4 stages: planning, Field Work, Reporting, Follow Up. Based on the results of this study can be concluded that the IT functions contained in PT. Boga Dimsum Indonesia is not yet optimal.
Aplikasi AturKost Berbasis Web Untuk Pengelola dan Penghuni Kost (Studi Kasus: Kost Jura)
Steven Steven;
Kevin Christianto
JBASE - Journal of Business and Audit Information Systems Vol 4, No 2 (2021): JBASE - Journal of Business and Audit Information System
Publisher : Universitas Bunda Mulia
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DOI: 10.30813/jbase.v4i2.3003
Indekos atau kost adalah sebuah jasa yang menawarkan sebuah kamar atau tempat untuk ditinggali dengan sejumlah pembayaran tertentu untuk setiap periode tertentu (umumnya pembayaran per bulan). Penghuni kost sering kesulitan dalam menginformasikan kendalanya kepada pengelola kost. Sistem manajemen “AturKost” dirancang untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut dengan membantu pemilik kost untuk lebih baik lagi dalam mengelola gedung kost. Sistem “AturKost” juga dirancang untuk dapat diakses secara real-time oleh pengelola dan penghuni kost sehingga mendapatkan informasi yang akurat terkait operasional yang terjadi di gedung kost. Sistem manajemen “AturKost” diharapkan dapat memudahkan interaksi antara pengelola kost dengan penghuni kost. Metode yang digunakan dalam perancangan sistem manajemen “AturKost” adalah System Development Life (SDLC) dengan siklus pengembangan sistem waterfall. SDLC berfungsi untuk menggambarkan tahapan-tahapan utama dan langkah-langkah dari setiap tahapan yang secara garis besar terbagi dalam lima kegiatan utama yaitu analisis, desain, implementasi, pengujian, dan pemeliharaan. Pada siklus waterfall, perancangan sistem akan lebih mudah dikontrol dan dapat dijadwalkan dengan baik karena perancangan dilakukan secara bertahap mulai dari analisis hingga pemeliharaan. Hasil yang didapatkan dari perancangan sistem manajemen “AturKost” adalah sistem ini dapat memfasilitasi setiap pencatatan aktifitas yang terjadi pada gedung kost. Pengelola kost juga dapat melihat data penghuni, komplain, permintaan layanan tambahan, dan pembayaran yang terjadi pada gedung kost. Sistem manajemen “AturKost” juga dibuat secara sederhana dengan hanya menampilkan fungsi-fungsi yang diperlukan saja. Penghuni kost juga dapat dengan mudah berinteraksi dengan pengelola kost dengan menggunakan fungsi-fungsi yang tersedia
Sistem Informasi Pada Toko Kelontong Diamond Berbasis Website
Agus Budiyantara;
Honni Honni;
Jovita Sutanto;
Kevin Christianto
JBASE - Journal of Business and Audit Information Systems Vol 3, No 2 (2020): JBASE - Journal of Business and Audit Information Systems
Publisher : Universitas Bunda Mulia
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DOI: 10.30813/jbase.v3i2.2270
Toko Kelontong Diamond adalah toko yang bergerak dibidang penjualan produk makanan dan minuman. Toko ini bergerak di bidang penjualan berbagai makanan, minuman dan kebutuhan lainnya seperti beras, roti, indomie, air mineral, dan lain – lain. Toko Kelontong Diamond masih menggunakan cara manual dalam menjual dan mencatat laporan – laporan barang dari supplier. Untuk meningkatkan perkembangan pada Toko Kelontong Diamond Maka dirancang Aplikasi Berbasis web untuk menangani masalah tersebut. Hasil dari metode yang di gunakan berupa proses bisnis pada toko, dan nota pengiriman dari supplier. Dalam pembuatan ini hasil yang didapat berupa aplikasi berbasis web untuk menangani masalah dalam bisnis Toko Kelontong Diamond. Berdasarkan perancangan Aplikasi berbasis web pada Toko Kelontong Diamond, diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa aplikasi yang dibuat telah berhasil memberikan proses tampilan aplikasi berbasis web sehingga dengan di terapkannya system berbasis web dapat sangat menunjang bisnis pada Toko Kelontong Diamond. Dengan dibuatnya aplikasi ini diharapkan dapat berjalan dengan baik pada Toko Kelontong Diamond.
Kevin Christianto;
Leonard Davinci;
Titus Zefanya Ivgantius;
Yosep Prasetyo Setiawan;
Timothy Jason Andreas
JBASE - Journal of Business and Audit Information Systems Vol 2, No 2 (2019): JBASE - Journal of Business and Audit Information Systems
Publisher : Universitas Bunda Mulia
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DOI: 10.30813/jbase.v2i2.1729
Information technology is an important part for companies or institutions as a thing that can support the achievement of strategic plans to achieve the goals of vision, mission and corporate goals PT.Central Mega Kencana. By increasing the role of information technology, investment in information technology is getting bigger and more complex in its management. Therefore To organize, evaluate the required information technology governance by using standardized obeject approach. The governance of this information system audit is done using the AI (acquired and implemented) Cobit 4.1 framework and the final result of this analysis yields how far the level of maturity level governance maturity and recommendations for PT. Central Mega Kencana proposed.
Kevin Christianto;
Deny Deny
Infotech: Journal of Technology Information Vol 6, No 1 (2020): JUNI
Publisher : STMIK WIDURI
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DOI: 10.37365/jti.v6i1.73
Employee official travel activities in a company have an important role in supporting business operations and developing the business wing of the company, especially for large companies that have many branch offices in various regions in Indonesia. With more and more official trips requiring official travel tickets, a system that can internally regulate how tickets are purchased and paid is needed. The system is needed to reduce unnecessary official travel activities and valid data to be compared with data from third-party systems in terms of payment of ticket reservations. Researchers conduct literature studies, interviews, and observations. Literature study conducted by researchers to find the concept of an appropriate methodology to develop the Internal Ticketing System application. Interviews are used to examine important input on the Internal Ticketing System application of several companies that have quite intensive business travel activities, so that they are suitable and useful to be implemented later in the field, and business observations are empowered by researchers to look directly at the ticket booking business process on official trips and conduct individual understanding from researchers. The results of this study were successfully made a prototype of the Internal Ticket System application called Business Travel by using a V-Shaped SDLC method. The prototype making method is more detailed because it has 4 rounds, namely requirements, specifications, high level design and low level unit design.