Awalia Azis
Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar

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Journal : Journal of Computer Interaction in Education (JCIE)

STUDENTS’ PERCEPTION ON THE USE OF HOT POTATOES IN ENGLISH SUBJECT: A Descriptive Qualitative Research Amelia Askin; Erwin Akib; Awalia Azis
Journal of Computer Interaction in Education Vol. 1 No. 1 (2018): JCIE:Perception, Music Video, Mobile Learning and Social Media toward Language
Publisher : FKIP Unismuh Makassar

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This research was aimed at revealing students’ perceptions on the use of hot potatoes in English subject at the 5th semester students of English Education department at Makassar Muhammadiyah University. This research applied descriptive method that spending one month period of time for the data collection by using questionnaire as well as focus group discussion consisting 8 statements to be analyzed. The data was taken from 15 students by using purposive sampling technique of the 5th semester students of English Education department in order to find out students’ perception on the use of hot potatoes in English subject. The result of data analysis revealed that all participants had positive perception toward hot potatoes. The first variable revealed students’ perception on the use of hot potatoes where the average participants clarified that the program was suitable for language testing. The second variable revealed students’ perception on the teacher strategy in teaching English by using hot potatoes. With the regard of this program, participants clarified that was an appropriate strategy for English evaluation. Based on the result above, it can be concluded that according to students’ perception, hot potatoes was user friendly program and appropriate strategy for English subject
STUDENTS’ PERCEPTION TOWARD THE USE OF VIDEO- RECORDED SPEAKING ASSIGNMENT IN SPEAKING SUBJECT: Descriptive Study at the Sixth Semester Students of English Education Department Muhammadiyah University of Makassar Ardiya Paramesti; Sulfasyah; Awalia Azis
Journal of Computer Interaction in Education Vol. 4 No. 2 (2021): JCIE : Virtual Learning and Asynchronous Learning
Publisher : FKIP Unismuh Makassar

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The purposes of this research are: (1) To know students’ perception toward the use of video-recorded speaking assignment in speaking subject. (2) To find out students’ challenges the use of video-recorded speaking assignment in speaking subject. This research is categorized as quantitative research with took two period of time for the data collection by using questionnaire. The total sample are 46 students used by Purposive Sampling technique. The result of analyze of questionnaire consist of two indicators. Based on the result of this research showed that in table 4.1 the mean 3.29 with Std .49 in level very high (strongly positive), in table 4.2 the mean 2.5 with Std .79 in level Low (Negative). And for the students’ challenges showed that the highest percentage in adequate gadget quality factor with 52,2% or 24 students followed by preparation in conducting material factor with 41,3% or 19 students, and video size to upload factor with 39,1% or 18 students, and the lowest percentage is insufficient knowledge in editing video with 4,3% or 2 students. As a result, the students’ Perception toward the use of video-recorded speaking assignment at Sixth Semester English Education Department of Muhammadiyah University of Makassar categorized was Positive/strongly agree and the dominant challenges factor was inadequate gadget quality