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HUBUNGAN PERILAKU PICKY EATER DENGAN TINGKAT KECUKUPAN PROTEIN DAN LEMAK PADA ANAK PRASEKOLAH [Correlation of Picky Eater Behavior to Protein and Fat Intake in Adequacy Pre-School Children] Aditia Rida Purnamasari; Merryana Adriani
Media Gizi Indonesia Vol. 15 No. 1 (2020): JURNAL MEDIA GIZI INDONESIA
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/mgi.v15i1.31-37


Anak prasekolah membutuhkan zat gizi yang adekuat untuk pertumbuhan yang pesat. Perilaku pilih-pilih makan sering terjadi pada anak prasekolah. Perilaku ini akan mempengaruhi jenis makanan yang dikonsumsi menjadi kurang beragam. Apabila hal ini terjadi terus menerus akan mempengaruhi tingkat kecukupan zat gizi dan status gizi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan perilaku picky eater dengan tingkat kecukupan protein dan lemak pada anak prasekolah. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional dengan desain desain cross sectional. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa PAUD Anggrek 1 Siwalankerto Surabaya dengan jumlah sampel sebesar 73 siswa. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan simple random sampling yang dilakukan pada bulan Juli 2018. Pengumpulan data dengan wawancara menggunakan kuesioner karakteristik anak, perilaku picky eater, dan data recall 2×24 jam. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji statistik chi square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan mayoritas anak prasekolah mengalami perilaku picky eater (58,9%). Picky eater tidak menentukan tingkat kecukupan protein (p= 0,400) maupun lemak (p=0,086). Anak prasekolah mengonsumsi susu lebih dari 3 kali sehari dan orang tua memberikan makanan yang kurang variatif kepada anak. Ibu atau pengasuh perlu memberikan makanan yang variatif secara berkala agar anak mengenal dan mudah menerima makanan serta mengurangi konsumsi susu yang berlebihan. PAUD Anggrek 1 perlu melakukan penyuluhan yang bekerja sama dengan puskesmas maupun universitas tentang penanganan perilaku picky eater yang tepat pada anak.
Media Gizi Indonesia Vol. 16 No. 1 (2021): JURNAL MEDIA GIZI INDONESIA (National Nutrition Journal)
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/mgi.v16i1.53-61


Futsal is one of the sport that begin to be popular in Indonesia. Physical condition in futsal is an important aspect because it directly aff ects athlete performance especially for speed and cardiorespiratory. One of the factor that aff ect physical condition is percentage of body fat. The purpose of this study is to analyze the correlation between percent body fat with physical condition of futsal athletes in Surabaya. This study was an observational analytic study with cross sectional design. The population were sixty-eight peoples from members of Buana Mas FC, Garuda Emas FC, Nisrina FC and Surabaya Porprov team 2019. Fifty-four peoples were selected as subject of this study by proportional random sampling method. Data collection included questionnaires for respondent characteristics namely age, occupation, education, smoking history and sports activity, and then, measurement of subcutaneous fat thickness using skinfold calliper, and measuring speed and cardiorespiratory endurance using sprint 20m and yoyo test. Data analyze used Spearman correlation test. The result of this study showed most of respondent have normal percentage of body fat (59.3%). Respondents speed mostly classifi ed as lacking (50.0%) and cardiorespiratory endurance respondents mostly classifi ed as suffi cient (59.3%). The results showed an positive correlation (p = 0.001; R=0.732) between percent body fat with speed, it was mean that the higher percentage of body fat, the slower sprint time. And there was negative correlation (p = 0.001; R=-0.639) between percentage of body fat and cardiorespiratory endurance, so the higher percentage of body fat, the lower cardiorespiratory endurance. This contradictory conclusion is due to increasing sprint time, the respondent speed will decrease while V02Max increase so the cardiorespiratory endurance will increase.
Red Rosella Calyx Extract Prevent the Increase of Malondialdehyde of Wistar Rats Exposed to Cigarette Smoke ARYA ULILALBAB; BAMBANG WIRJATMADI; MERRYANA ADRIANI
Publisher : Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Pancasila

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (224.991 KB)


Saat ini, jumlah perokok di Indonesia masih tinggi. Asap rokok mengandung radikalbebas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dampak pemberian ekstrak rosella merah terhadappencegahan kenaikan malondialdehid (MDA) serum tikus wistar yang dipapar asap rokok. Total sampel20 tikus jantan dan dibagi menjadi empat kelompok: kontrol negatif, kontrol positif, perlakuan ekstrakkelopak rosella merah dosis 270 mg/bb dan ekstrak kelopak rosella merah dosis 540 mg/bb. Kontrolnegatif hanya diberi pakan standar. Kontrol positif diberi pakan standar + dipapar 2 rokok per hari.Kelompok perlakuan diberi pakan standar + ekstrak kelopak rosella merah di pagi hari dan setelah itudipapar 2 rokok. Penelitian ini dilakukan selama 28 hari. Di akhir penelitian, serum darah dianalisisuntuk menentukan nilai MDA. Hasil penelitian uji MDA serum dianalisis dengan One Way ANOVA dandiikuti oleh uji Tukey HSD pada level 5%. Pemberian ekstrak kelopak rosella merah dosis 270 mg/kgbb dan ekstrak kelopak rosella merah dosis 540 mg/bb dapat mencegah peningkatan MDA serum secarasignifikan pada tikus wistar yang dipapar asap rokok.
Hubungan antara Kebiasaan sarapan dengan Status Gizi pada siswa SMP Negeri 5 Banyuwangi Sheila Monica Kelly Amalia; Merryana Adriani
Amerta Nutrition Vol. 3 No. 4 (2019): AMERTA NUTRITION
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga, Kampus C, Mulyorejo, Surabaya-60115, East Java, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (301.007 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/amnt.v3i4.2019.212-217


 Background: The increase prevalence in obesity by 14.8 percent according to Riskesdas 2018 needs to be a public concern. Obesity in adolescents can result in a high risk of degenerative diseases in later life. One cause of obesity is breakfast habits that are often left abandoned.Objective: This study was aimed to analyze the relationship between habits of breakfast and nutritional status of students in SMP Negeri 5 Banyuwangi.Method: This study was an observational study using design of cross sectional. The sample size of this study was 37 seventh grade students of SMP Negeri 5 Banyuwangi. The method of sampling was Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling. The data were collected by interviewing using food recall 3x24 hours, habits of breakfast questionnaire, and nutritional status was determined based on BMI for age measurements. Data analysis was performed to determine the frequency distribution and the percentage of each variable studied. The statistical analysis used is a regression test.Results: The results showed that most students had good habits of breakfast (91.9%), normal nutritional status (72.9%). The regression test results show that there was a correlation between habits of eating breakfast and nutritional status (p=0.049). Conclusion: Breakfast habits related to nutritional status of students of SMP Negeri 5 Banyuwangi.Keywords: breakfast habits, nutritional status, adolescentsABSTRAKLatar Belakang: Salah satu masalah yang dapat mengancam masa depan remaja di Indonesia yaitu masalah yang terkait dengan status gizi yakni kurus atau kurang energi kronis (KEK) dan kegemukan atau obesitas.Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis hubungan antara kebiasaan sarapan dengan status gizi pada siswa SMP Negeri 5 Banyuwangi.Metode: Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional dengan metode pendekatan cross sectional. Besar sampel penelitian ini adalah 37 siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 5 Banyuwangi. Cara pengambilan sampel dengan Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan wawancara menggunakan kuesioner kebiasaan sarapan, dan status gizi ditentukan berdasarkan pengukuran IMT/U.Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebagian besar siswa memiliki kebiasaan sarapan baik (91,9%), status gizi normal (72,9%). Hasil uji regresi menunjukkan bahwa adanya hubungan pengetahuan gizi dengan kebiasaan sarapan (p=0,049).Kesimpulan: Kebiasaan sarapan berhubungan dengan status gizi siswa SMP Negeri 5 Banyuwangi. 
Effect of Single Clove Garlic Extract (Allium Sativum Linn) on Blood Sugar Levels, Malondialdehyde, Insulin Levels and Insulin Resistance (Experiments in Rats (Rattus Novergicus) Induced by Streptozotocin Yeni Susanti; Merryana Adriani; Annis Catur Adi
STRADA Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Vol. 9 No. 2 (2020): November
Publisher : Institut Ilmu Kesehatan STRADA Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (287.093 KB) | DOI: 10.30994/sjik.v9i2.411


Oral antidiabetic drugs mostly give unwanted side effects, so it is necessary to develop a traditional treatment system for diabetes mellitus which is relatively safe. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of single clove garlic on decreasing blood sugar levels, decreasing malondialdehyde levels, increasing insulin levels, and decreasing insulin resistance in experimental rats induced by streptozotocin 50 mg / KgBB. (P1) therapy of single clove garlic 50 mg/kgBB, (P2) therapy of single clove of garlic 75 mg/KgBB, (P3) therapy of single clove of garlic 125 mg/KgBB. The most effective dose in this study was 125 mg/KgBB. Comparison test the mean of each group with the Manova test. The flavonoids in single clove garlic have been shown to be powerful agents to reduce the pathogenesis of diabetes and its complications.