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E-Journal Graduate Vol 1, No 2 (2014): Part D - Architectur
Publisher : E-Journal Graduate

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (515.749 KB)


Abstrak :Penelitian ini berfokus pada konsep ruang arsitektur tradisional. Konsep ini diyakini akandapat melahirkan teori-teori lokal untuk kontribusi pada perancangan yang dapat bertahan dalamkurun waktu yang cukup lama atau dengan kata lain adalah dapat berkelanjutan. Penelitian inimenganalisis hasil karya arsitektur (permukiman) tradisional yang telah berumur lebih dari seratustahun tetapi masih tetap dapat dikatakan permukiman yang mempunyai nilai arsitektur tinggisampai sekarang. Alat baca yang digunakan berlandaskan pada elaborasi paradigma fenomenologi-Schulz dan teori ordering principles-Salura. Tujuan penelitian adalah menghasilkan pemahamanmendalam (verstehen) tentang budaya bermukim di kalangan suku Atoni di kampung adatTamkesi dan menemukan konsep serta relasi ruang dalam dan ruang luar arsitektur permukimantradisional mereka. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa relasi lingkungan sekitar, tapak, bentuk,sosok, dan siklus alam-budaya dipegaruhi oleh konsep hirarki atas-bawah serta adanya pengikat(datum) yang didukung oleh konsep spesifik, yaitu (1) tata suku-tata gender, (2) persaudaraanetnis, (3) ketaatan tradisi, simbol budaya, spiritual, dan (4) konsep menyatu dengan alam. Konseptersebutlah yang membuat arsitektur permukiman adat Tamkesi dapat terus bertahan sampai saatini.Kata Kunci: Permukiman Tradisional Suku Atoni, dan Arsitektur Tradisional Tamkesi Abstract :This research focuses on the concept of the traditional architectural space. The concept isassured to convey local theories for the contribution of an enduring planning which stays for a longperiod in other words; sustainable. This research will analyze the outcome of a hundredth yearstraditional architecture (settlement) which is said comprises a high architecure‟s value even untillnow. The measurement used will be based on the paradigm elaboration of Schulz phenomenologyand Salura Ordering Principles Theory. However the purpose of this research is to create a deepcomprehension (verstehen) about the culture of adaptation in Atony tribe community at TamkesiVillage and to find the concept along with the relation between interior and exterior of theirtraditional settlement architecture. So the result showed that the enviroment relationship, siting,form, figure, and the cycles of nature-culture influenced by the concept of top-down hierarchy andthe presence of a binder (datum) which supported by specific concept: (1) governance-governancetribes of gender, (2) ethnic fraternity, (3) obidience traditions, cultural symbol, spiritual, and (4)the fused-with-nature concept. In short, this concept will makes the custom settlement architectureof Tamkesi Village can continue to survive untill today.Keywords: Traditional Settlement Atoni Tribe, and Traditional Architecture of TamkesiKampong
ARTEKS Jurnal Teknik Arsitektur Vol 2, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Program Studi Arsitektur Fakultas Teknik Universitas Katolik Widya Mandira, Kupang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30822/artk.v2i2.150


Taman Nostalgia Kota Kupang menjadi salah satu ciri kota Kupang sebagai satu-satunya taman yang cukup representatif di kawasan Kota Kupang. Namun jiwa tempat merupakan kekuatan nonfisik yang mampu membentuk kesan dalam kota. Apakah taman Nostalgia berhasil memberi makna sebagaimana konsep awal perencanaan dan pembangunannya guna membawa manfaat yang luas bagi Kota Kupang dan warganya. Oleh karena itu, tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui sejauh mana pemanfaatan taman Nostalgia sebagai ruang publik dan bagaimana maknanya bagi warga kota. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Pengamatan dilakukan diruang taman pada waktu-waktu yang telah ditentukan untuk mendapatkan gambaran pola pemanfaatannya. Adapun hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemanfaatan ruang terbuka publik taman Nostalgia masih belum maksimal sesuai konsep awal, dimana tujuan pemanfaatan taman pada skala yang lebih besar belum tercapai ditandai dengan belum berhasilnya upaya menjadikan taman sebagai paru-paru kota/hutan kota dan belum memberi makna yang demokratis bagi pengunjung taman sebagai ruang terbuka publik yang bebas dan bisa diakses oleh semua warga terutama oleh pengunjung lanjut usia dan balita.Kata kunci: pemaknaan, ruang terbuka publik, taman nostalgia Title: The Meaning of Public Space of Kupang City Nostalgia Park Kupang City Nostalgia Park became one of the characteristics of the city where the park is located in the city center and became the only representative representative park in the city of Kupang. But the soul is unreliable. Is Nostalgic Park able to give meaning to the initial concept of planning and development in order to provide broad benefits for the city of Kupang and its citizens. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to know the extent to which Nostalgia parks as a public space and how its meaning for the citizens of the city. This research was conducted by qualitative descriptive method. Observations were made in the park room at predetermined times to get an overview of the utilization pattern. The results show that the utilization of open space Nostalgia public park is still not maximized according to the initial concept, where the purpose of utilization of the park on a larger scale has not been integrated with the unsuccessful efforts to make the park as the lung of the city / forest city and has not given a democratic meaning to visitors park as a public open space that can be accessed by the visitors. Keywords: meaning, public open space, Nostalgia park
ELEMEN-ELEMEN PEMBENTUK SISTEM KOTA-LAMA KUPANG Lake, Reginaldo Christophori; Mberu, Yuliana Bhara; Diaz, Avitu
Jurnal Arsitektur Komposisi Vol 12, No 3 (2019): Jurnal Arsitektur KOMPOSISI
Publisher : Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1367.855 KB) | DOI: 10.24002/jars.v12i3.2235


Abstract: This research focuses on the old city-area of Kupang as a historical area formed based on the typology and morphology of the city of Kupang in the past. In the study of the existence of the city-old Kupang is associated with aspects of the function and development of the city. The problems studied are what physical elements exist in the old city area that needs to be emphasized in order to be able to support the activities and functions of the old city-area of Kupang and its preservation. The purpose of revealing the physical elements of the old city of Kupang is to become a concept or direction for the design of the morphology of the city of Kupang on an ongoing basis. The results of the study indicate that changes in the Kupang city-old region are influenced by the elements forming the urban area that are in line with the socio-cultural and economic development of the community in the region.Keywords: physical elements, morphology, heritage, city of KupangAbstrak: Penelitian ini berfokus pada kawasan kota-lama Kupang sebagai kawasan bersejarah yang terbentuk berdasarkan tipologi dan morfologi kota Kupang tempo dulu. Dalam kajian keberadaan kota-lama Kupang dikaitkan dengan aspek fungsi dan perkembangan kota. Permasalahan yang dikaji adalah apa saja elemen fisik yang terdapat pada kawasan kota-lama yang perlu dipertegas agar mampu mendukung kegiatan dan fungsi kawasan kota-lama Kupang dan pelestariannya. Tujuan dari mengungkapkan elemen fisik dari kota-lama Kupang dijadikan sebuah konsep atau arahan desain morfologi kota Kupang secara berkelanjutan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perubahan pada kawasan kota-lama Kupang dipengaruhi oleh elemen-elemen pembentuk kawasan kota yang sejalan dengan perkembangan sosial budaya dan ekonomi masyarakat dalam kawasan.Kata Kunci: elemen fisik, morfologi, kota-lama, kota Kupang
KONSEP EKOLOGIS PADA PERMUKIMAN SUKU LAWALU DI KAMANASA KABUPATEN MALAKA, NUSA TENGGARA TIMUR Bebhe, Kristiana; Daton, Richardus; Lake, Reginaldo Christophori; Lapenangga, Apridus
Jurnal Arsitektur Komposisi Vol 12, No 3 (2019): Jurnal Arsitektur KOMPOSISI
Publisher : Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1154.271 KB) | DOI: 10.24002/jars.v12i3.2187


Abstract: Kamanasa Village in Malaka Regency is a vernacular village inherited based on the knowledge and local wisdom of the Lawalu tribe. Kamanasa people obey traditions and customs for obedience to tribal ancestors. The concept of obedience arises in settling cultures, in village spatial planning and residential and material use. The architectural concepts that exist in the village of Kamanasa have ecological characteristics in the form, structure and use of materials, also in the behavior of the Kamanasa people. This study focuses on identifying the economic concepts of Kamanasa vernacular architecture and how the sustainability of ecological concepts is maintained. Field observations and literature studies of ecological design principles were used in this study. The results of the study showed that the vernacular village of Kamanasa applied an ecological concept of architecture in accordance with the principles of ecological design that were inherited through the tradition of building houses, linkages with the environment, and social relations in mutual cooperation. The Kamanasa vernacular village is still supported by aspects of traditional beliefs and norms, so the ecological concept of the Kamanasa vernacular architecture deserves to be an ecological concept of cultural architecture.Keywords: Ecological, Vernacular Architecture, Kamanasa VillageAbstrak: Desa Kamanasa di Kabupaten Malaka merupakan desa vernakular yang diwarisi berdasarkan pengetahuan dan kearifan lokal suku Lawalu. Orang Kamanasa taat tradisi dan adat istiadat demi ketaatan terhadap leluhur suku. Konsep ketaatan muncul pada budaya bermukim, pada tata keruangan desa dan rumah tinggal maupun penggunaan material. Konsep berarsitektur yang ada pada desa Kamanasa memiliki ciri-ciri ekologis pada tata bentuk, struktur dan penggunaan material, juga pada perilaku orang Kamanasa. Kajian ini berfokus pada identifikasi konsep eklogis arsitektur vernakular Kamanasa dan bagaimana keberlanjutan konsep ekologis dipertahankan. Observasi lapangan dan kajian pustaka prinsip-prinsip desain yang ekologis digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, desa vernakular Kamanasa menerapkan konsep ekologis arsitektur sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip desain ekologis yang diwariskan melalui tradisi membangun rumah,  keterkaitan dengan lingkungan, dan hubungan sosial bergotong royong. Desa vernakular Kamanasa masih didukung oleh aspek kepercayaan dan norma-norma adat, sehingga konsep ekologis arsitektur vernakular Kamanasa layak dijadikan konsep arsitektur kiwari yang ekologis. Kata kunci: Ekologis, Arsitektur Vernakular, Desa Kamanasa
Architecture expression: Synthesized architectural expressions in Mayor’s office building of Kupang City Lake, Reginaldo Christophori; Arinto, Fransiscus X. Eddy; Purbadi, Yohanes Djarot; Dwisusanto, Yohanes Basuki; Bin Toni, Elvis Albertus; Rayawulan, Robertus Mas
Local Wisdom : Jurnal Ilmiah Kajian Kearifan Lokal Vol 12, No 2 (2020): July 2020
Publisher : Merdeka Malang University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26905/lw.v12i2.4302


Efforts to display the expression of the functions and local identities of buildings are merely copying ornamental variations of vernacular architectural elements. As a result, the relation among function-form-meaning remain unseen. This study aims to explain the application of the concept of synthesized architectural expressions on government owned buildings. Based on the research objectives, the Mayor’s office building of Kupang City was chosen as the object of this case study. The initial step of this research is to elaborate the theory of archetypal anatomy and the relation of architectural function-meaning-functions. Furthermore, the observation unit is redrawn in three dimensions and analyzed based on ordering principle of balance and orientation. The analysis shows that the interpretation of the appearance of Mayor's office building of Kupang City displays monumental, formal, local expressions and represents democratic ideologies. Interpretation of synthesized expressions occurs in the dominant aspects of local architecture in the elements of the roof, walls and entrance columns. The results of this study confirm that the concept of synthesized expression plays an important role in the midst of change pressure and for the sustainability of architecture nowadays. DOI:
Identification and Orientation on Spatial Arrangement of Wajo Traditional Village, Keo Tengah, Nagekeo Regency Lake, Reginaldo Christophori; Purbadi, Yohanes Djarot; Harmans, Herman Florianus
Local Wisdom : Jurnal Ilmiah Kajian Kearifan Lokal Vol 12, No 1 (2020): January 2020
Publisher : Merdeka Malang University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26905/lw.v12i1.3581


The purpose of this paper is to describe the uniqueness of spatial arrangement of Wajo traditional villages in Nagekeo district, which is designed based on local wisdom. Traditional settlements in Indonesia have a spatial concept that has the potential to become the basis of contemporary architecture. The spatial arrangement of traditional settlements of Wajo village is interesting to disclose the principle and its constituent elements as one of Indonesia's architectural properties that maintaining local culture. The problem under study is the dominant (important) aspects underlying the spatial concept of traditional village settlements Wajo custom. The method used is to study literature in various writings on the spatial layout phenomenon of traditional settlements, as well as the elaboration of physical theories (structuring principles) and non-physical theories (identification and orientation) to find the dominant relationships that form the spatial layout of the Wajo traditional village. The analysis is based on Schulz's phenomenological paradigm and Salura's design principle theory. From the results of the analysis, it was found that the spatial concept of the Wajo traditional village is a relation of the perception of the surrounding environment, site, shape, figure and natural-cultural cycle influenced by dominant factors namely the top-down orientation (sacred and profane) and physical adaptation of the topography of the place, as well as elements binding (datum) in the form of tribal order (the existence of mosalaki), cultural symbols (customs), and spiritual (ancestors). DOI:  
E-Journal Graduate Unpar Vol. 1 No. 2 (2014): Part D - Architectur
Publisher : E-Journal Graduate Unpar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (515.749 KB)


Abstrak :Penelitian ini berfokus pada konsep ruang arsitektur tradisional. Konsep ini diyakini akandapat melahirkan teori-teori lokal untuk kontribusi pada perancangan yang dapat bertahan dalamkurun waktu yang cukup lama atau dengan kata lain adalah dapat berkelanjutan. Penelitian inimenganalisis hasil karya arsitektur (permukiman) tradisional yang telah berumur lebih dari seratustahun tetapi masih tetap dapat dikatakan permukiman yang mempunyai nilai arsitektur tinggisampai sekarang. Alat baca yang digunakan berlandaskan pada elaborasi paradigma fenomenologi-Schulz dan teori ordering principles-Salura. Tujuan penelitian adalah menghasilkan pemahamanmendalam (verstehen) tentang budaya bermukim di kalangan suku Atoni di kampung adatTamkesi dan menemukan konsep serta relasi ruang dalam dan ruang luar arsitektur permukimantradisional mereka. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa relasi lingkungan sekitar, tapak, bentuk,sosok, dan siklus alam-budaya dipegaruhi oleh konsep hirarki atas-bawah serta adanya pengikat(datum) yang didukung oleh konsep spesifik, yaitu (1) tata suku-tata gender, (2) persaudaraanetnis, (3) ketaatan tradisi, simbol budaya, spiritual, dan (4) konsep menyatu dengan alam. Konseptersebutlah yang membuat arsitektur permukiman adat Tamkesi dapat terus bertahan sampai saatini.Kata Kunci: Permukiman Tradisional Suku Atoni, dan Arsitektur Tradisional Tamkesi Abstract :This research focuses on the concept of the traditional architectural space. The concept isassured to convey local theories for the contribution of an enduring planning which stays for a longperiod in other words; sustainable. This research will analyze the outcome of a hundredth yearstraditional architecture (settlement) which is said comprises a high architecure‟s value even untillnow. The measurement used will be based on the paradigm elaboration of Schulz phenomenologyand Salura Ordering Principles Theory. However the purpose of this research is to create a deepcomprehension (verstehen) about the culture of adaptation in Atony tribe community at TamkesiVillage and to find the concept along with the relation between interior and exterior of theirtraditional settlement architecture. So the result showed that the enviroment relationship, siting,form, figure, and the cycles of nature-culture influenced by the concept of top-down hierarchy andthe presence of a binder (datum) which supported by specific concept: (1) governance-governancetribes of gender, (2) ethnic fraternity, (3) obidience traditions, cultural symbol, spiritual, and (4)the fused-with-nature concept. In short, this concept will makes the custom settlement architectureof Tamkesi Village can continue to survive untill today.Keywords: Traditional Settlement Atoni Tribe, and Traditional Architecture of TamkesiKampong
Konsep Kampung-Wisata Sejahtera, Kreatif, Cerdas dan Lestari Berkelanjutan: Kasus Studi di Karangwaru Riverside, Yogyakarta Yohanes Djarot Purbadi; Reginaldo Christophori Lake
EMARA: Indonesian Journal of Architecture Vol. 5 No. 1 (2019): EIJA | August ~ October 2019 Edition
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1085.45 KB) | DOI: 10.29080/eija.v5i1.641


Pariwisata merupakan salah satu model dalam strategi pembangunan yang semakin banyak digunakan. Pariwisata berbasis masyarakat dan ekonomi kreatif merupakan trend konsep yang diyakini mampu menyejahterakan masyarakat dan melestarikan lingkungan. Desa wisata berkembang di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta sejak tahun 2010 dan terus meningkat jumlahnya. Pada sisi lain, kampung-kampung-wisata juga tumbuh di kawasan perkotaan dan perdesaan sejalan dengan pertumbuhan desa-desa wisata. Karangwaru Riverside terletak di Kalurahan Karangwaru sejak tahun 2012 telah dikenal sebagai destinasi wisata baru di Yogyakarta, sebagai ruang publik yang memanfaatkan sungai dan kawasan sekitar sungai. Idealnya, konsep kampung-wisata berbasis masyarakat dan potensi lokal menjadi dasar pengembangan Karangwaru Riverside sebagai kampung-wisata yang hijau, lestari, sejahtera berkelanjutan. Permasalahan yang dikaji adalah bagaimana konsep pengembangan Karangwaru Riverside yang berbasis masyarakat dan potensi lokal untuk menciptakan kemakmuran masyarakat dan kelestarian lingkungan secara berkelanjutan. Tujuan tulisan adalah merumuskan konsep pengembangan kawasan tepian sungai berbasis potensi lokal, ekonomi kreatif dan ekonomi digital pada kasus Karangwaru Riverside. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode observasi lapangan, wawancara dan studi pustaka tentang kampung-wisata, ekonomi kreatif dan pembangunan pariwisata hijau lestari. Hasilnya, Karangwaru Riverside sebagai kampung-kota berpotensi dikembangkan lebih maju dengan konsep kampung-wisata berbasis pada potensi lokal, partisipasi masyarakat, ekonomi kreatif, pembangunan hijau ramah lingkungan dan didukung ekonomi digital.
Perkembangan morfologi kawasan Kota Lama Kupang Rudini A. R. B. Lamahoda; Amos Setiadi; Reginaldo Christophori Lake; Ricky Samara
EMARA: Indonesian Journal of Architecture Vol. 6 No. 2 (2020): December 2020 ~ February 2021
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29080/eija.v6i2.1010


Kupang is the capital of East Nusa Tenggara Province, located on the coast of Kupang Bay, northwest of Timor Island. The development of Kupang old city area began in the 15th century, starting as a city initiated by King Helong until the Dutch, Portuguese, and Chinese governments' intervention. It has a unique morphology of the city area to research. The purpose of this study is to identify the development of the Kupang Old City area over several periods and analyze any changes and comparisons related to the morphology of the Kupang Old City area. Exploratory, descriptive research with tissue analysis method is used in this study to read the history that occurred in Kupang old city area from the early period formed the 15th-century area until the 21st century.Furthermore, the historical reading method wasused to find changes and morphological comparisons of the Kupang Old City area from the 15th to the 21st century and explain how Kupang old city spaces began to grow and develop. This research concluded that the Kupang old city area began to develop because it has the foremost generator that is the entry of King Helong's power to make Kupang Old City a city on Timor Island. The findings of changes and comparisons of the morphological development of Kupang Old City area are due to the influx of Dutch, Portuguese, and ethnic Chinese,and there is a change after Indonesia's independence, namely the change in the status of Kupang old city area based on the evolving political aspects
Architecture expression: Synthesized architectural expressions in Mayor’s office building of Kupang City Reginaldo Christophori Lake; Fransiscus X. Eddy Arinto; Yohanes Djarot Purbadi; Yohanes Basuki Dwisusanto; Elvis Albertus Bin Toni; Robertus Mas Rayawulan
Local Wisdom : Jurnal Ilmiah Kajian Kearifan Lokal Vol 12, No 2 (2020): July 2020
Publisher : University of Merdeka Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26905/lw.v12i2.4302


Efforts to display the expression of the functions and local identities of buildings are merely copying ornamental variations of vernacular architectural elements. As a result, the relation among function-form-meaning remain unseen. This study aims to explain the application of the concept of synthesized architectural expressions on government owned buildings. Based on the research objectives, the Mayor’s office building of Kupang City was chosen as the object of this case study. The initial step of this research is to elaborate the theory of archetypal anatomy and the relation of architectural function-meaning-functions. Furthermore, the observation unit is redrawn in three dimensions and analyzed based on ordering principle of balance and orientation. The analysis shows that the interpretation of the appearance of Mayor's office building of Kupang City displays monumental, formal, local expressions and represents democratic ideologies. Interpretation of synthesized expressions occurs in the dominant aspects of local architecture in the elements of the roof, walls and entrance columns. The results of this study confirm that the concept of synthesized expression plays an important role in the midst of change pressure and for the sustainability of architecture nowadays. DOI: