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QUANTUM: Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan Sains Vol 12, No 2 (2021): Oktober 2021
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/quantum.v12i2.10364


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tingkat keterampilan berpikir kreatif materi aditif dan adiktif. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas VIII SMP di salah satu sekolah di Kabupaten Ngawi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan metode tes. Tes terdiri dari dua belas soal dengan empat aspek keterampilan berpikir kreatif yaitu fluency, flexibility, originality dan elaboration. Tes dilakukan online selama pandemi covid-19 menggunakan google form. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persentase keterampilan berpikir kreatif siswa adalah: fluency (28,02%), flexibility (24,43%), originality (37,36%), dan elaboration (27,59%). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh rata-rata kemampuan berpikir kreatif siswa sebesar 29,35%. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa tingkat keterampilan berpikir kreatif siswa pada materi aditif dan adiktif selama pandemi Covid-19 tergolong rendah. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan pengembangan dalam desain pembelajaran ataupun bahan ajar yang dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kreatif siswa
Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Laboratorium Virtual Berbasis Discovery Learning Materi Sistem Imun Kelas XI MIPA Risqi Irvani Wulandari; Harlita Harlita; Nurmiyati Nurmiyati
Media Penelitian Pendidikan : Jurnal Penelitian dalam Bidang Pendidikan dan Pengajaran Vol 14, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (274.506 KB) | DOI: 10.26877/mpp.v14i1.5640


This study aims to develop virtual laboratory learning media based on discovery learning of the immune system and to determine the feasibility of a virtual laboratory learning media based on discovery learning of the immune system. This study is a research and development adopting the 4-D device development model. In this study the design of the 4-D development was modified into 3 steps (3-D) namely Define, Design, and Develop. The study was conducted at one of the state high schools in Sragen Regency. The research subjects were divided into two, namely limited trial subjects and field trials determined using simple random sampling. The data was analized by using qualitative and quantitative techniques. The results of the study stated that virtual laboratory media based on discovery learning of immune system was created by using adobe animate CC 2017 with a design concept writing, images, animation, and video with characteristics of discovery learning models and virtual laboratory media based on discovery learning of immune system feasible to be used in learning based on validity tests from several experts with a very valid level of validity.
Publisher : Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Hasanuddin University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20956/bioma.v7i1.19294


Perubahan kondisi lingkungan akibat pembangunan sarana dan prasarana akan mempengaruhi kehidupan bagi beberapa organisme termasuk burung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membedakan keanekaragaman burung pada dua habitat yang berbeda di lingkungan kampus UNS sehingga data yang dihasilkan memberi gambaran kualitas daya dukung lingkungan UNS. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan April - Mei 2021 di Danau Fakultas Pertanian (FP) UNS dan kawasan Hutan Fakultas Kedokteran (FK) UNS. Subjek penelitian merupakan burung-burung yang terdapat di kedua lokasi. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan metode pointcount yakni mengamati subjek penelitian dengan diam di suatu tempat dengan batasan jarak tertentu. Analisis data menggunakan deskripsi kualitatif untuk menguraikan jenis spesies, dan analisis secara kuantitatif untuk mengetahui indeks keanekaragaman jenis, indeks kelimpahan jenis, dan indeks dominansi. Prosedur penelitian dilakukan mulai dari penentuan lokasi, penentuan transek, penentuan titik hitung, pengamatan, akumulasi data, analisis data, dan terakhir kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak terdapat perbedaan nyata keanekaragaman jenis burung dari kedua lingkungan yang diamati. Danau FP UNS memiliki keanekaragaman sebesar 2,016 sedangkan Hutan FK sebesar 2,086. Kategori keanekaragaman tergolong sedang sehingga dapat disimpulkan daya dukung Danau FP dan Hutan FK UNS cukup dengan kestabilan ekosistem yang cukup dan tekanan ekologis rendah.
Proceeding Biology Education Conference: Biology, Science, Enviromental, and Learning Vol 18, No 1 (2021): Proceeding Biology Education Conference
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


This research aims to find out the effect of coffee beans shell extract as vegetable pesticides seen by the capability of pressing food activity and increasing caterpillar mortality to mustard greens. This research took place in the Biology Education Laboratory University of Sebelas Maret from May until July 2021. This research using an experimental method and Completely Randomized Design with two steps of tests there are preliminary test and primary test. The Preliminary test is a toxicity test to find out LC50 that is 15%, for the next is used to determine primary test concentration. There are five treatments of mortality test and food activity test that is an increment of coffee beans shell extract with the concentrations 0% (P1), 10% (P2), 15% (P3), 20% (P4), and 25% (P5) with five repetitions of a caterpillar. Toxicity test data were analyzed by probit analysis. Mortality test data is analyzed with regression linear and food activity test is analyzed by one-way Anova at significance level 5%, and continued with Tukey test. The research result is coffee beans shell extract has a significant effect on caterpillar mortality, with the higher mortality is P4 treatment that is 1005. The extract is also has a significant effect on food activity with the lower food activity at P5 treatment that is 8%.
Improving Observing Skills of High School Students through Guided Inquiry Model Shafila Sahnaz; Harlita Harlita; Murni Ramli
International Journal of Pedagogy and Teacher Education Vol 2, No 1 (2018): International Journal of Pedagogy and Teacher Education
Publisher : The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (185.301 KB) | DOI: 10.20961/ijpte.v2i1.16608


   Observation skill is one of the fundamental science process skills should mastered by students in the primary level. In fact, due to the lack of experiences of observation, high school students in the observed class showed the low level of observations skills. This study was three cycles-collaborative action research aims to improve the observation skills of high school students in biology through the implementation of guided inquiry learning integrated with a series of observation activities. The participants were 30 students of grade 11 of one public high school in Karanganyar, Indonesia. Six indicators of observation skills were used to assess the performance of students. In the pre-cycle stage, students showed relatively moderate performance on two aspects, e.g., identifying the differences and similarities of objects (45.83), and using of multiple senses to observe (45.83). But, they performed low in uses the apparatus correctly (4.17). On the skills of classifying the differences or the similarities, they scored 25, and for collecting relevant data they got 29.17 in average. After three iterative cycles, all indicators have increased significantly.  
Validitas dan Praktikalitas E-Modul Berbasis Guided Inquiry disertai Virtual Laboratory pada materi Sistem Pencernaan untuk Memberdayakan Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis Natalia Ravista; Sutarno Sutarno; Harlita Harlita
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA Vol. 7 No. SpecialIssue (2021): December
Publisher : Postgraduate, University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jppipa.v7iSpecialIssue.1083


This study aims to determine the validity and practicality of guided inquiry-based e-modules accompanied by virtual laboratories on digestive system materials to empower critical thinking skills. The type of research used is research and development (R&D), by applying the Borg and Gall development model consisting of 10 steps and grouped in four stages including: preliminary study stage, development, testing, and deployment. This study is limited to e-modules validity and practicality testing. The instruments used are the validity and practicality questionnaires. The assessment of the results of the validity and practicality questionnaire is interpreted with the likert scale. Based on the analysis of the data obtained the following results: 1) Test validity by material experts, learning device experts, media experts, and education practitioners obtained a value in a row that is, 85.30%, 95.40%, 88.30%, and 93.20% with very good category, 2) Practicality tests by small-scale student groups, large-scale student groups, and biology teachers from 3 schools obtained consecutive grades, i.e., 87.60%, 89.50%, and 90.00% with very good category. Based on the validity and practicality tests, it can be concluded that the e-modules developed are valid and practical to use
Validity and Practicality of Discovery Learning E-Modules on environmental change material to Empower Critical Thinking Skills Wulan Aprilia Utami; Harlita Harlita; Puguh Karyanto
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA Vol. 8 No. 3 (2022): July
Publisher : Postgraduate, University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jppipa.v8i3.1726


Critical thinking ability is a way of thinking to determine the right decision or action by logically considering things related to information. Therefore, it is necessary to update what supports learning activities, such as updating the suitable media by utilizing technological sophistication. This study aims to determine the validity and practicality of the discover learning e-module on environmental changes to empower critical thinking skills. This research type uses the ADDIE model development (Analysis, Design, Development Implementation, Evaluation). This study is limited to testing the validity and practicality of the e-module. The instrument used is a validity and practicality questionnaire. Assessment of the results of the validity and practicality of the questionnaire was interpreted with a Likert scale. Based on data analysis, the results of the validity test by material experts, and media experts, obtained an average score of 89% and 92%, respectively, in the very good category. And on the test of education, practitioners by teachers and students obtained an average value of 91% and 88%, which fall into the very good category. Based on the validity test and practicality test, it can be concluded that the e-module developed is valid and practical for use in further research
Effect of the Problem Based Learning and Double Loop Problem Solving Learning Models on Problem Solving Ability in Term of Creative Thinking on Environmental Pollution Material Silva Ayu Indah Permata; Widha Sunarno; Harlita Harlita
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA Vol. 8 No. 6 (2022): December
Publisher : Postgraduate, University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jppipa.v8i6.1996


This type of research is quasi-experimental research that aims to 1) Determine the influence of problem-based learning (PBL) and Double Loop Problem Solving (DLPS) learning models on improving students' problem-solving ability. 2) Knowing the difference in the problem-solving ability of students with high creative and low creative thinking abilities. 3) Knowing the interaction of PBL and DLPS models with the ability to think creatively about problem solving. The population used in this study was grade VII students of state junior high schools in Lamongan Regency for the 2021/2022 academic year. The samples in this study consisted of 4 classes. The experimental class uses 1 PBL model for as many as two classes, and the experimental class 2 DLPS models for as many as two classes. Data collection using problem-solving ability test instruments and creative thinking test instruments. Hypothesis testing of the study using a two-way anava test with the study's results 1) There was no influence of the PBL and DLPS learning models on improving students' problem-solving ability. 2) there are differences in the problem-solving ability of students with high and low creative thinking abilities. 3) there is no interaction of the PBL and DLPS models with the ability to think creatively about students' problem-solving abilities.