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Essence of Scientific Medical Journal Vol 18 No 1 (2020): Volume 18 No. 1 (Januari - Juni 2020) Essential: Essence of Scientific Medical J
Publisher : Kelompok Ilmiah Hippocrates Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/ESTL.2020.v18.i01.p05


ABSTRAK Pendahuluan: Besarnya kelompok penderita DM tipe II beresiko tinggi terhadap terjadinya komplikasi DM. Komplikasi pada pasien DM tipe II akan menurunkan kualitas hidup penderita DM. Dalam pengendalian penyakit DM diperlukan adanya manajemen diri diabetes. Manajemen diri diabetes akan menurunkan terjadinya resiko komplikasi pada penderita DM. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan manajemen diri diabetes dengan kontrol gula darah pasien DM tipe II pada peserta Prolanis di Bandar Lampung. Metode: Penelitian ini adalah penelitian observasional dengan menggunakan desain penelitian cross sectional study. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode cluster sampling alat ukur berupa Accu Check Blood Glucose Meter dan kuesioner . Analisis data dilakukan dengan uji chi-square. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap 97 responden pasien DM tipe II pada peserta Prolanis di Bandar Lampung. Hasil: Tingkat manajemen diri diabetes sebesar 80,41% tinggi dan 19,58% rendah. Kontrol gula darah sebesar 54,63% terkontrol dan 45,36% tidak terkontrol. Hasil uji chi-square didapatkan nilai p yaitu 0,034. Pembahasan: Penelitian ini memiliki hubungan yang bermakna antara manajemen diri diabetes dengan kontrol gula darah pasien DM tipe II pada peserta prolanis di Bandar Lampung Simpulan: Terdapat hubungan antara manajemen diri diabetes dengan kontrol gula darah Kata kunci: Kontrol gula darah, manajemen diri diabetes, pasien DM tipe II, peserta prolanis
Medula Vol 12 No 2 (2022): Medula
Publisher : CV. Jasa Sukses Abadi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53089/medula.v12i2.430


Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative disease of the joints that involves the cartilage, joint lining, ligaments and bones causing pain and stiffness in the joints. The causes of osteoarthritis are multifactorial, including gender, obesity, genetic factors, race, family history, joint injury, strenuous physical activity, work, and repetitive movements of the same joints. Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease based on chronic inflammation which results in obstruction and hyperreaction of the respiratory tract as a result of the interaction between genetic, host, and environmental factors. Both osteoarthritis and hypertension are diseases that must be managed comprehensively because they are chronic.To apply the principles of family doctor medicine according to the problems found in patients in various aspects and carry out a holistic and comprehensive management that includes patient-centered, family approached, and community-oriented based on evidence-based medicine. Patient Mrs. I, 62  years, with complaints of knee pain since about 5 day ago. Knee pain is felt especially when the patient does strenuous activities or when in a squatting position and then stands up, and when the patient goes up and down stairs, but the complaint improves when the patient rests.  The patient was diagnosed with osteoarthritis.  The patient has a history of asthma since childhood and asked for asthma medication because he was worried that in the rainy season with cold weather his asthma could recur. Several factors can affect the patient's condition, namely internal and external risk factors. In this case, diagnosis and treatment have been carried out according to the latest theory and journals. After the intervention, there was a decrease in clinical symptoms and an increase in the knowledge of patients and their families.
Analysis of Frailty Syndrome in Elderly Farmers TA Larasati; L. Ristia Eiska
Review of Primary Care Practice and Education (Kajian Praktik dan Pendidikan Layanan Primer) Vol 6, No 1 (2023): January
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/rpcpe.76333


Background: Lampung with a high population of farmers has entered with an old population. That inpacted Increasing age on several health problems, one of which is Frailty Syndrome / geriatric syndrome. This study aims to determine sociodemographic aspects, family functions, marital status, educational status, psychology, cognitive, and sleep quality on frailty syndrome. Methods: The research used an analytic observation method and a cross-sectional approach. Pusposive cluster sampling technique. This research was conducted in 7 villages in Muara Sungkai sub-district, North Lampung district, on 77 elderly farmers with the inclusion criteria agreed to the informed consent, aged >60 years, and did not have a disability. Frailty Syndrome based on  the FRAIL-J instrument. Family function was assessed from Smilkstein's Family System APGAR Items, Cognitive function based on MMSE (Mini Mental State Examination) instrument, Psychological based on GDS (Geriatric Depression Scale) instrument and Sleep Quality based on  Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). Results: The results showed that there were 80.5% old farmers with Frailty Syndrome and 19.5% experienced pre-frailty. Variables related to frailty syndrome were age (p=0.014 ; 95% CI = 0.013 – 0.871), Family Function (p= <0.01 ; 95% CI = 2.998 – 28.038) , Educational Status (p=0.008; CI 95 % = 1.164-29.353) and sleep quality (p=0.033 ; 95% CI = 1.133-11.154) had a significant relationship with Frailty Syndrome. Conclusion: Age, family function, educational status and sleep quality are significantly associated with frailty syndrome.
Hipotiroid Kongenital: Literature Review Gede Sukma Setiawan; TA Larasati; Tendry Septa
Jurnal Kedokteran Universitas Lampung Vol 7, No 1 (2023): JURNAL KEDOKTERAN UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23960/jkunila71%p


Hipotiroidisme kongenital adalah suatu kondisi akibat kekurangan hormon tiroid pada bayi baru lahir. Hipotiroidisme kongenital tidak memiliki tanda dan gejala spesifik saat lahir. Ini dapat menyebabkan keterbelakangan mental dan pertumbuhan yang parah, dan gangguan perkembangan. Oleh karena itu, penting untuk melakukan tes skrining laboratorium bayi baru lahir untuk diagnosis dan pengobatan yang cepat untuk meminimalkan gejala sisa. Tes skrining laboratorium dilakukan dengan mengambil darah tusukan dari tumit bayi baru lahir dan menguji TSH atau T4 atau keduanya. Manifestasi klinis seringkali halus atau tidak ada saat lahir. Hal ini mungkin disebabkan oleh pelepasan beberapa hormon tiroid ibu melalui plasenta, sementara banyak bayi memiliki produksi tiroidnya sendiri. Gejala umum termasuk penurunan aktivitas dan peningkatan tidur, kesulitan makan, sembelit, dan penyakit kuning yang berkepanjangan. Pada pemeriksaan, tanda-tanda umum termasuk wajah myxedematous, fontanel besar, macroglossia, perut buncit dengan hernia umbilikalis, dan hipotonia. CH diklasifikasikan menjadi bentuk permanen dan sementara, yang pada gilirannya dapat dibagi menjadi etiologi primer, sekunder, atau perifer. Di negara-negara dengan program skrining bayi baru lahir, bayi dengan CH didiagnosis setelah terdeteksi melalui tes skrining. Diagnosis harus dikonfirmasi dengan menemukan peningkatan TSH serum dan kadar T4 atau T4 bebas yang rendah. Tes diagnostik lainnya, seperti pengambilan dan pemindaian radionuklida tiroid, sonografi tiroid, atau penentuan tiroglobulin serum dapat membantu menentukan etiologi yang mendasarinya, meskipun pengobatan dapat dimulai tanpa tes ini.Kata Kunci: Anak-anak, Hipotiroid Kongenital, Diagnosis
Penatalaksanaan Holistik Hiperkolesterolemia pada Ibu Rumah Tangga Semadela Solichin Putri; TA Larasati
MAJORITY Vol 9 No 2 (2020): MAJORITY
Publisher : Majority

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Hypercholesterolemia is a common metabolic condition and is characterized by a high level of plasma cholesterol, also a risk factor for developing cardiovascular diseases. Cardiovascular diseases is included in Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD). The highest proportion of deaths from NCD are cardiovascular diseases (39%), followed by cancer (27%), other NCD (30%) and diabetes mellitus (4%). The incidence of hypercholesterolemia is associated with risk factors due to unhealthy lifestyle. Proper management besides pharmacological therapy is balanced with lifestyle interventions, such as diet, exercise, smoking cessation and weight loss. Implementation of family doctor services based on evidence based medicine in patients by identifying risk factors, clinical problems, and providing holistic and comprehensive management with patient centered and family focused approach. This study is a case report with primary data sources is obtained through anamnesis (autoanamnesis and alloanamnesis), physical examination and laboratory test. Activities that this study carried out are home visits and completing family fostered sheets, from the data obtained determined a holistic diagnosis and appropriate management. A 48-year-old housewife with hypercholesterolemia, functional degree one, lack of knowledge about her illness, poor diet and exercise patterns and her treatment pattern is still curative. Identification of internal factors, i.e genetic, overweight, lifestyle and psychological. External factors, the cultural aspects of the family that do not depend with the medicine prescribed by doctors as well as environmental aspects that do not support physical activity. The patient and her family have been educated about the disease, medicine, lifestyle, and proper diet. After evaluation, found that there are changes in lifestyle and patient perceptions regarding the disease. Patient management with the principles of family medicine care is helpful to reduce health problems in patients with hypercholesterolemia.