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Kontemplasi: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Ushuluddin Vol 9 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Kontemplasi
Publisher : IAIN Tulungagung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21274/kontem.v9i2.5588


Violence in the name of religion seems to be being carried out by all groups of Indonesian society. Even in some cases, there are strong nuances to amplify the desecration. Religion that is not inclusive with one-sided truth claims still shows its existence which is quite strong among religious people, especially Muslims. They consider their religious understanding to be an undeniable truth, and is considered a definite reflection of the source of religious teachings. This brings religious people to a life where conflicts often occur between fellow human beings, both fellow believers of same religion but different sects, as well as fellow believers of different religions. In addition, understanding this model will make religious people fall into an extreme religious understanding. Religion is understood as dead dogmas and only deals with the problems of the hereafter and divinity so that it does not have the ability to provide pleasant solutions in solving human problems that are manifested in today's life. This article tries to analyze the problems above by using a philosophy of law approach so that the reader is able to see the problem with an objective view without losing common sense. Keywords: Religious Violence, Indonesia, The Philosophy of Law. Abstrak Kekerasan atas nama agama hingga saat ini tampaknya masih terus dilakukan segenap kelompok dari masyarakat Indonesia. Bahkan pada sebagian kasus, ada nuansa kuat untuk menguatkan penodaan tersebut. Keberagamaan yang tidak inklusif dengan klaim kebenaran sepihak masih menampakkan keberadaannya yang cukup kuat di kalangan umat beragama, khususnya umat Islam. Mereka menganggap pemahaman keagamaan yang dianut mereka merupakan kebenaran yang tidak terbantah, serta dianggap pencerminan yang pasti dari sumber ajaran agama. Hal ini membawa umat beragama kepada kehidupan yang sering terjadi konflik antar sesama manusia, baik sesama pemeluk agama yang berbeda aliran, maupun sesama umat yang berbeda agama. Di samping itu, pemahaman model itu akan membuat umat beragama masuk dalam pemahaman keagamaan yang ekstrim. Agama dipahami sebagai dogma-dogma mati dan hanya mengurus masalah akhirat serta ketuhanan sehingga tidak memiliki kemampuan untuk memberikan solusi yang menyenangkan dalam penyelesaian problem kemanusiaan yang terwujud di kehidupan masa kini. Artikel ini mencoba menganalisis permasalahan di atas dengan menggunakan pendekatan filsafat hukum sehingga pembaca mampu melihat permasalahan tersebut dengan pandangan objektif tanpa kehilangan akal sehat. Kata Kunci: Kekerasan Agama, Indonesia, Filsafat Hukum.
Politik Hukum dalam Undang-Undang No. 38 Tahun 1999 Tentang Pengelolaan Zakat Perspektif Maqasid al-Risalah Muhammad Solikhudin; Oktaria Ardika Putri
Tafáqquh: Jurnal Penelitian Dan Kajian Keislaman Vol. 8 No. 1 (2020): Juni

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (566.314 KB) | DOI: 10.52431/tafaqquh.v8i1.262


This paper tries to explain the legal policy of the law carried out by the Indonesian government about zakat which is an obligation for capable Muslims as a manifestation of human empathy to others in need. Zakat has a noble goal, namely to alleviate poverty and eliminate social inequality in society. This objective is in line with one of the objectives of the Indonesian government which has been mandated in the opening of the 1945 Constitution, namely to advance public welfare. Thus, the management of zakat in Indonesia will be better, if implemented by the government, given that zakat is a very potential source of funds that can be used for public welfare for all Indonesian people. This article explains the process of formulating zakat laws in Indonesia, the substance of Islamic law in zakat, and the purpose of the Law (maqa>s}id al-risa>lah) about zakat in Indonesia, so that readers can fully comprehend the purpose of zakat law.
Penguatan Nilai Kebangsaan dalam Upacara Hormat Bendera Merah Putih: Reaktualisasi Konsep Kebangsaan Berbasis Maslahah Muhammad Solikhudin
Tafáqquh: Jurnal Penelitian Dan Kajian Keislaman Vol. 10 No. 1 (2022): Juni

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52431/tafaqquh.v10i1.712


This article seeks to explain the strengthening of national values in the red and white flag honoring ceremony: the re-actualization of the concept of nationality based on mas}lah}ah. The purpose of the flag salute ceremony is to strengthen love for the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia and realize the common benefit of living together in a pluralistic and multicultural nation-state. Therefore, it is necessary to re-actualize the concept of nationality, especially with regard to respect for the flag based on mas}lah}ah. Furthermore, the concept of nationality in the view of Islam is compatible and does not need to be contradicted. Regarding the pros and cons of information on the article competition respecting the flag in the view of Islamic law, this must be addressed wisely and actually this competition is organized by BPIP in commemoration of santri day, so the right theme is about Islam and nationality. Respect for the flag is the nation's way of showing respect for the symbol of the State of Indonesia and love for the homeland. Regarding the respect for the flag which is reviewed with mas}lah}ah, then this is included in the realm of mas}lah}ah mursalah because there is no clear explanation in the scriptures or Hadith and this practice is included in the realm of d}aruriyat which was originally only the needs of religious people and the state. as well as being a nation on a secondary basis, but by implementing it, national unity and integrity will emerge, this shifts from h}a>jiyat to d}aruriyat.   Kata Kunci: Kebangsaan, Hormat Merah Putih dan Maslahah.   Abstract: This article seeks to explain the strengthening of national values in the red and white flag honoring ceremony: the re-actualization of the concept of nationality based on maslahah. The purpose of the flag salute ceremony is to strengthen love for the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia and realize the common benefit of living together in a pluralistic and multicultural nation-state. Therefore, it is necessary to re-actualize the concept of nationality, especially with regard to respect for the flag based on maslahah. Furthermore, the concept of nationality in the view of Islam is compatible and does not need to be contradicted. Regarding the pros and cons of information on the article competition respecting the flag in the view of Islamic law, this must be addressed wisely and actually this competition is organized by BPIP in commemoration of santri day, so the right theme is about Islam and nationality. Respect for the flag is the nation's way of showing respect for the symbol of the State of Indonesia and love for the homeland. Regarding the respect for the flag which is reviewed with maslahah, then this is included in the realm of maslahah mursalah because there is no clear explanation in the scriptures or Hadith and this practice is included in the realm of daruriyat which was originally only the needs of religious people and the state. as well as being a nation on a secondary basis, but by implementing it, national unity and integrity will emerge, this shifts from hajiyat to daruriyat.   Keywords: Nationality, Respect for Red and White and Maslahah.
Islam as an Environmentally Friendly Religion: Critical Analysis of the Ecological Politics in the Establishment of a Cement Factory in Rembang, Indonesia Muhammad Solikhudin
International Journal of Social Science and Religion (IJSSR) 2020: Volume 1 Issue 1
Publisher : Indonesian Academy of Social and Religious Research (IASRR)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53639/ijssr.v1i1.4


Boisterous problems occur in Indonesia and other parts of the world. The issue of Cement Plant in Rembang spread in online and offline media is an example that can be disclosed here. People around the cement factory in Rembang who work as farmers attempt to stop the practice by casting the foot together. The reason is that food security must be maintained, and natural beauty also needs to be maintained. This problem is still a tug-of-war among government, employers, and the people. Islam as a religion of compassion, certainly teaches a sense of justice and humanity to all humanity. In direct proportion to Islam, green political reasoning also likes this. In this paper will be parsed study Cement Plant Perspective Green Politics, as an effort to maintain the continuity of human life and care for the beauty of nature. In a country that embraces a democratic system and applies green political theory, it should implement three aspects, namely: First, distributing justice, Second, committed to democratization process, Third, Efforts to achieve ecological sustainability.
Metodologi Politik Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia dan Implikasinya terhadap Nalar Nasionalisme Berbasis Keagamaan Muhammad Solikhudin
Proceedings of Annual Conference for Muslim Scholars Vol 6 No 1 (2022): AnCoMS, APRIL 2022
Publisher : Koordinatorat Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam Swasta Wilayah IV Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36835/ancoms.v6i1.333


This article attempts to explain the political methodology of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia and its implications for religious-based nationalism. As is known, the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia was built with great struggle. Indonesia was born based on a sincere and sincere intention to build an independent unitary state. At the same time to achieve a just, prosperous and prosperous society. A number of events have been passed by this nation. The task of the Indonesian people at this time is to take care of the common house (Indonesia) as a realization of devotion and love for the homeland. Taking care of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia today is by understanding the political methodology of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, if observed in the contemporary era in Indonesian localities, many political issues with religious nuances are developed. National political issues are strongly influenced by the controversy surrounding SARA (ethnicity, religion, race, and intergroup) wrapped in religious normative arguments. Religion, which should be the teaching and norms of living personality that enlightens every individual, is tainted by the issue of poor quality political interests. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the political methodology of the Republic of Indonesia which includes several aspects such as the harmonization of religion and state. Furthermore, aspects of the concept of democracy in Indonesia are in line with Islamic teachings and the last aspect of national politics is egalitarian and non-violent based which is also in line with religious teachings. All of these aspects will in turn give birth to the reasoning of religious-based nationalism as an ideal and logical implication in seeing the existence of Indonesia which is multicultural and diverse.
Islamic Banking Education in Maqasid Al-Mu'amalat’s Perspective Oktaria Ardika Putri; Muhammad Solikhudin
Journal of Islamic Economics Perspectives Vol 3 No 2 (2021): September (2021) The Journal of Islamic Economics Perspectives.
Publisher : Faculty of Economics and Islamic Business, IAIN Jember, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (564.231 KB) | DOI: 10.35719/jiep.v3i2.43


Abstract: This article explains the role of tertiary education in Islamic banking in Indonesia with a review of maqa>s}id al-mu'a>mala>t. As known, the development of Islamic banking is still being pursued today. Accordingly, the public's need for an understanding of Islamic banking and the need for experts in the field of Islamic banking cannot be denied. Therefore, it requires experts who have graduated from the Islamic banking study program from universities, including the Kediri State Islamic Institute, to answer this challenge. The contribution of higher education in the Islamic banking study program to produce excellent graduates is an important thing that must be realized. Islamic banking education, when viewed by maqa>s}id al-mu'a>mala>t, it is known that real certainty is manifested, such as a comprehensive understanding of Islamic banking in terms of compliance with Islamic banking principles which includes compliance with the principles of Islamic banking. Sharia principles, prudential provisions, increased operational efficiency which will have an impact on high competitiveness and stability of the Islamic banking system as well as benefits to the economy. There is also a universal dimension, namely the general benefit between the government, Islamic financial institutions and the public. Keywords: Education, Islamic Bank, Maqa>s}id al-Mu'a>mala>t. Abstrak: Artikel ini menerangkan peran pendidikan perguruan tinggi dalam perbankan syariah di Indonesia dengan tinjaun maqa>s}id al-mu’a>mala>t. Seperti diketahui, pengembangan perbankan syariah masih diupayakan sampai saat ini. Sesuai dengan itu, kebutuhan masyarakat terhadap pemahaman perbankan syariah serta kebutuhan tenaga ahli di bidang perbankan syariah tidak dapat dipungkiri. Oleh sebab itu, butuh tenaga ahli lulusan program studi perbankan syariah dari perguruan tinggi, termasuk Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kediri, untuk menjawab tantangan ini. Kontribusi pendidikan tinggi program studi perbankan syariah untuk melahirkan sarjana-sarjana yang unggul, merupakan hal penting yang harus direalisasikan. Pendidikan perbankan syariah, apabila ditinjau dengan maqa>s}id al-mu’a>mala>t, maka diketahui, terwujud kepastian yang nyata, seperti pemahaman yang menyeluruh tentang perbankan syariah dalam hal kepatuhan pada prinsip perbankan syariah yang meliputi kepatuhan pada prinsip-prinsip syariah, ketentuan kehati-hatian, peningkatan efisiensi operasional yang berdampak pada daya saing yang tinggi dan stabilitas sistem perbankan syariah serta kemanfaatan bagi perekonomian. Terwujud juga dimensi universal, yakni kemaslahatan umum antara pemerintah, lembaga keuangan syariah dan masyarakat. Kata Kunci: Pendidikan, Bank Syariah, Maqa>s}id al-Mu’a>mala>t.
Tinjauan Fungsionalisme Struktural Terhadap Tradisi Kirab Pendopo Pranikah di Gresik Noer Romi Amin Setiawan; Muhammad Solikhudin
Al-Qadlaya : Jurnal Hukum Keluarga Islam Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Al-Qadlaya
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Miftahul Ulum Lumajang

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Pernikahan merupakan salah satu perintah agama bagi yang memenuhi syarat untuk melakukannya, akan tetapi di Desa Kramat Kecamatan Bungah Kabupaten Gresik terdapat suatu tradisi yang harus dilakukan sebelum akad pernikahan yaitu tradisi kirab pendopo, di mana sebelum akad pernikahan harus mengelilingi pendopo sebanyak tiga kali dengan membawa makanan tradisional seperti, tetel, jadah, pisang, dan lain-lain. Adapun hasil penelitian ini ialah: pertama, tradisi kirab pendopo pranikah sudah lama dilakukan sejak zaman leluhur. Leluhur zaman dahulu jika hendak melakukan sesuatu yang sifatnya sakral seperti pernikahan harus meminta izin terlebih dahulu ke pendopo dengan melakukan kirab pendopo dan ini dirawat hingga saat ini. Kedua, hasil wawancara penulis dengan tokoh agama, tokoh adat, pelaku adat, dan beberapa masyarakat umum bahwa dalam hasil wawancara tidak ada perbedaan pendapat mengenai tradisi kirab pendopo pranikah yang ada di Desa Kramat, semua berpendapat bahwa masyarakat Desa Kramat mempercayai bahwa sebelum melaksanakan pernikahan harus melakukan kirab pendopo terlebih dahulu dan apabila tidak melakukan dapat mengakibatkan dampak buruk seperti keluarga tidak harmonis hingga menimbulkan perceraian. Apabila tradisi ini dihubungkan dengan teori fungsionalisme struktural, maka dapat dipahami terdapat aspek Adaption, yang bermakna penyesuaian dengan tradisi. Goal, bermakna memahami tujuan dari tradisi. Intregation, proses mendialogkan tradisi dan Latency, bermakna melakukan sosialisasi terhadap tradisi. Tradisi kirab pendopo tersebut dapat dipertahankan karena sesuai dengan ajaran Islam sebagaimana dikuatkan dalam kaidah fikih al-‘adah muhakkamah dan isti’mal al-nas hujjah yajibu al-‘amal biha.