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The Role of Social Cohesion to Reduce Social Conflict in Tourist Destination Area Sari, Suzanna Ratih; Suwarno, Nindyo; Nuryanti, Windu; Diananta, Diananta
Jurnal Komunitas: Research and Learning in Sociology and Anthropology Vol 6, No 2 (2014): Komunitas, September 2014
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/komunitas.v6i2.3308


There are some concerns that tourism development may result in the losing of cultural identity including social cohesion of local people. This research gives different evidencees. The research found that people in Borobudur maintain their traditional value to reduce social conflict. Through direct interaction between tourists and Borobudur people, many of traditional values including social cohesion of the society are eroded.  This becomes the fact that each people only tried to collect dollar from tourists as much as possible by ignoring togetherness as traditional principle of their live. This may create disharmony among the society. To eliminate this gap, people tried to tighten the relationship through re-empowering traditional social cohesion called “guyub” and “gotong-royong”. It is expected that integrity  and cohesiveness in a social structure could always be maintained. Along with this, satisfying and maintaining at least the traditional social cohesions of  destination community is vital to reduce social conflict.Ada beberapa kekhawatiran bahwa pengembangan pariwisata dapat menyebabkan daerah tujuan wisata kehilangan identitas budaya mereka termasuk kohesi sosial masyarakat. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode studi kasus. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa masyarakat Borobudur sangat peduli terhadap nilai-nilai tradisional untuk mengatasi masalah yang dimunculkan pariwisata. Melalui interaksi langsung antara wisatawan dan masyarakat sebagai host tujuan wisata, banyak nilai-nilai tradisional termasuk guyub sebagai kohesi sosial masyarakat yang terkikis. Hal ini menjadi fakta bahwa setiap orang memikirkan diri sendiri mencoba untuk mengumpulkan dollar dari wisatawan sebanyak mungkin dengan mengabaikan kebersamaan/guyub sebagai prinsip dalam hubungan sosial mereka. Hal ini dapat membuat ketidakharmonisan di antara masyarakat. Untuk menghilangkan kesenjangan ini, orang mencoba mempererat tali silaturahmi dengan memberdayakan kembali kohesi sosial yang disebut “guyub” dan “gotong-royong”. Diharapkan integritas dan kekompakan dalam struktur sosial dapat selalu dipertahankan. Seiring dengan ini, mempertahankan peran kohesi sosial tradisional dari masyarakat di daerah tujuan wisata sangat penting untuk mengurangi konflik sosial.
Pengaruh Tipologi Desain Arsitektur Las Vegas Boulevard Terhadap Ketertarikan Wisatawan Suzanna Ratih Sari; Tri Susetyo Andadari
Jurnal Planologi Vol 19, No 1 (2022): April 2022
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sultan Agung Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30659/jpsa.v19i1.20625


Abstrak                                                                         Sebagai kota resor terbesar di dunia, Las Vegas dipenuhi dengan karya arsitektural yang cukup beragam dan megah, terutama disepanjang Las Vegas Boulevard. Sebagian besar resor dan hotel tersebut selalu dipenuhi dengan wisatawan baik yang hanya untuk berwisata atau untuk urusan bisnis. Menarik untuk dikaji apakah tipologi karya arsitektur pada Las Vegas Boulevard ini, mempunyai peran dalam menunjang kedatangan wisatawan pada locus kajian.Selain untuk mengidentifikasi dan mengkaji tipologi desain arsitektur pada Las Vegas Boulevard, penelitian ini juga bertujuan mendapatkan satu simpulan terkait potensi pengaruh tipologi desain arsitektur terhadap loyalitas wisatawan yang berkunjung. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan paradigma kuantitatif dengan analisis statistik deskriptif menggunakan Pearson Correlation untuk mengetahui apakah variabel yang diteliti saling mempengaruhi. Hasil akhir menunjukkan bahwa ternyata tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara tipologi desain arsitektur pada Las Vegas Boulevard dengan loyalitas wisatawan yang berkunjung.                                                                          Kata kunci: tipologi arsitektur, desain arsitektur, loyalitas wisatawan                                                                           Abstract As the largest resort city in the world, Las Vegas is filled with architectural works that are quite diverse and magnificent, especially along Las Vegas Boulevard. Most of these resorts and hotels are always filled with tourists either just traveling or on business. It is interesting to study whether the typology of architectural works on the Las Vegas boulevard has a role in supporting tourist arrivals at the study locus.In addition to identifying and studying architectural design typology on Las Vegas Boulevard, this study also aims to obtain a conclusion regarding the potential influence of architectural design typology on the loyalty of visiting tourists. The research method used in this study is a quantitative paradigm with descriptive statistical analysis using Pearson Correlation to determine whether the variables studied influence each other. The final result shows that there is no significant relationship between architectural design typology on Las Vegas Boulevard and the loyalty of visiting tourists. Keywords:.architectural typology, architectural design, tourist loyalty
The Conservation in Local Wisdom Valuesof ‘Huma Hai’ Djaga Bahen Layout Pattern Case Study: ‘Huma Hai’ Djaga Bahen at Bahu Palawa Village, Central Kalimantan Fristy Sulistiani; R. Siti Rukayah; Suzanna Ratih Sari
Tesa Arsitektur Vol 16, No 2: 2018
Publisher : Unika Soegijapranata Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24167/tesa.v16i2.517


Huma Hai (the big house) Djaga Bahen is located on Bahu Palawa village, Kecamatan Kahayan Tengah, Pulang Pisau, Central of Borneo, build in 1933 by Djaga Bahen. This house become the historical witness of the third Serikat Kaharingan Dayak Indonesia (SKDI) III at 1953. In this house is four changes experience at layout pattern the since 1938-1995. Although had experienced such change but there are spaces are still survive and don’t have alteration. It is because of the values of eterily that still hold and maintained by the occupant.In the layout Huma Hai Djaga Bahen than used methods descriftive cualitative. The did occupant about local wisdom values at layout pattern of Huma Hai Djaga Bahen. This based analysis the layout, space organitation, characteristic and space fungtion.The local wisdom values of layout pattern Huma Hai Djaga Bahen is the arrangement or religious advice ancestor of good and bad placement space based on the flow of the river (upstream and downstream) and the sun (east-west). The conservation effort that is by passing arrangement or religious advice ancestor to the next generation hereditary (hereditary Djaga Bahen), without the interference of other parties. By bequeathing it to his descendants, then this historic home can stick either with originality arrangement or religious advice ancestor.
Prosiding SNST Fakultas Teknik Vol 1, No 1 (2016): PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI 7 2016
Publisher : Prosiding SNST Fakultas Teknik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (351.238 KB)


Kepadatan bangunan adalah merupakan satu dari faktor-faktor prinsip yang mempengaruhi kondisi iklim mikro dan menentukan kondisi ventilasi maupun kondisi suhu udara. Gejala pemanasan kota utamanya agak dipengaruhi oleh kepadatan kota daripada ukuran dari kota itu sendiri, semakin padat bangunan semakin buruk kondisi ventilasi. Beberapa hunian di Kampung Pendrikan Semarang mempunyai bentuk atap pelana yang memanjang kebelakang dengan dilengkapi bukaan pada keongan atap yang bervariasi di tiap rumah.Lubang pada keongan atap ini ditengarai mempunyai fungsi untuk mengalirkan udara yang dikenal dengan ventilasi atap. Bentuk atap yang tinggi dengan ventilasi atap akan mengusir udara panas yang terjebak diatap bangunan. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada tatanan lingkungan yang tidak terencana (kampung kota) untuk mengetahui efektivitas fungsi bukaan pada keongan atap sehingga mempunyai kontribusi dalam menurunkan suhu ruangan di bawah atap.Bukaan pada keongan atap tidak hanya merupakan elemen estetis tetapi mempunyai fungsi lain untuk ventilasi atap. Penelitian ini mendapatkan bahwa bukaan pada keongan atap dapat dimanfaatkan untuk mengalirkan udara yang berguna untuk mendinginkan udara panas dibawah atap yang sekaligus akan menurunkan suhu di dalam atap rumah. Kata kunci: kampung kota, keongan atap, ventilasi atap
TATALOKA Vol 14, No 3 (2012): Volume 14 Number 3, August 2012
Publisher : Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (377.843 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/tataloka.14.3.224-237


Klipoh is located in the northern part of Borobudur Central Java province,  is a famous pottery village after Nggundi village. Based on data,almost 80% of the people are making pottery. This become unique because the pottery they made similar to manuscript that stipulated at one of the relief Borobudur Temple.It means that the pottery tradition is actually inheritance by the anchestor. As one of villages in Borobudur, Klipoh is still remain traditional eventhough there are many changes and effects forced local value to be changed. But if we take a look into detail, there are some traditional values are still remain and some were already changed. They changed and rearrangedtheir house from ordinary living  to become pottery production  house. There were many rooms and spaces changed functionally based on their pottery needs that caused crowded and made inconfinience of the room user. From this phenomena, therefore, it was needed to focus the study more on the space transformation of traditional houses as one of the significant changes that made trouble for the room users occurred in Klipoh. By using qualitative research, it is expected to look into detail the space transformation due to some aspects.
TATALOKA Vol 21, No 1 (2019): Volume 21 No. 1, February 2019
Publisher : Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1071.084 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/tataloka.21.1.170-179


Traditional Javanese architecture, especially in rural areas, has undergone a major transformation. Transformation is owner’s response to various conditions, such as the increasing number of family members, the improvement of social status and economic conditions, the needs of modernization and the consequences of being involved in government’s programs.  This paper aim is to examine how the owners of traditional houses respond to nowadays changes reflected through their houses designs. Brayut tourism village is a traditional settlement located at Yogyakarta’s downtown area which is well known for its unique and well-preserved traditional Javanese houses. The transformation of traditional houses in Brayut is a combination of the need for change and persistence. On the one side, strong local traditions play a role in maintaining the elements of traditional houses and on the other side, dynamic modern needs play a role as a trigger for change. Adaptive space in the traditional house is a solution to this problem. The method used in this research is a case study on some Javanese traditional houses. An in-depth interview with the owners and mapping are also used to examine the chronology of traditional houses transformation.  Transformation aspects are defined on the affected physical architecture elements. The result of this study is the transformation occurs on function and meaning of space as an adaptive response from the owners. While the shape of space and buildings, generally preserved as an effort to maintain the bond of traditions and trust.
TATALOKA Vol 20, No 4 (2018): Volume 20 Number 4, November 2018
Publisher : Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (747.043 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/tataloka.20.4.384-398


Pekalongan formed through a long and unique history, which is characterized by a variety of historical relics and ancient buildings the main building. Starting from this, it seems we need a comprehensive conceptual thinking to handle the pearls in Pekalongan city, which still looks dull and does not appear to shine. Pekalongan city government itself also can not see that the potential of the region and the ancient building is of pearls are still dull and hidden, which can be polished so shiny and attract attention. They prefer talkative build buildings and malls without careful planning, and often displacing precisely these historic buildings. From sentences above, presumably, this research is needed to handle the pearls through the development of the concept of conservation, namely the concept of the arrangement, preservation, and development of the areas historic city of Pekalongan, and certainly is one of the bases for planning and development of culture and tourism city. Regulation on the protection of historic buildings the city is already there, but it is still necessary regulatory or conservation regulation in order to historic district Pekalongan sustainable, not just the building alone.
Nature : National Academic Journal of Architecture Vol 8 No 1 (2021): Nature
Publisher : Department of Architecture, Faculty of Science and Technology, Alauddin State Islamic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/nature.v8i1a5


Abstrak_Ruang terbuka publik memiliki efek yang sangat besar terhadap kesejahteraan masyarakat perkotaan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan rekomendasi desain untuk membangun kembali fasilitas alun-alun menjadi lebih baik, dalam hal memberikan dampak positif terhadap kesejahteraan. Karena meningkatnya kebutuhan masyarakat terhadap ruang publik, alun-alun Andi Makkasau yang berada di kota Parepare mengalami perubahan yang signifikan dalam mengakomodasi aktivitas penggunanya. Beberapa fasilitas ditambahkan seperti alat kebugaran, tempat duduk komunal, panggung utama, panggung musik dan toilet. Membuat alun-alun ini menyediakan pemanfaatan yang beragam. Namun, ketersediaan pemanfaatan tersebut tidak mengungkap efektivitas yang ada pada ruang tersebut. Renovasi alun-alun Andi Makkasau diharapkan memperhatikan dampak dari perubahan pengaturan fasilitas-fasilitas yang tersedia. Dengan menggunakan metode behavioral mapping, penelitian ini dapat menjelaskan hubungan antara pengguna dan fasilitas sebuah ruang publik. Melalui hasil sketsa dan simbol dari hasil observasi yang dilakukan pada pagi hari dan sore hari dengan menggunakan metode placecenter map, diketahui respon dari perilaku pengguna terhadap fasilitas yang digunakan di alun-alun Andi Makkasau. Adapun metode yang digunakan untuk menganalisisperforma fasilitas, penelitian ini menggunakan evaluasi purnahuni (EPH). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa renovasi alun-alun ini tidak mendukung atribut sebagian besar penggunanya, sehingga rekomendasi terhadap rancangan kedepannya sangat diperlukan.Kata kunci: Behavioral Mapping; Ruang Terbuka Publik; Place Centre Map; Fasilitas Publik. Abstract_ Public open space has a significant effect on the welfare of urban communities. The objective of this study was to produce design recommendations for rebuilding the square facilities for the better, in terms of having a positive impact on welfare. Due to the increasing public need for public space, the Andi Makkasau square in the city of Parepare has undergone significant changes in accommodating the activities of its users. Some facilities were added, such as fitness equipment, communal seating, main stage, music stage, and toilet. As a result, this square provided multiple uses. However, the availability of these uses did not reveal the effectiveness of that space. The renovation of Andi Makkasau square was expected to pay attention to changes in the arrangement of available facilities. By using the behavioral mapping method, this study could explain the relationship between users and facilities of open space. Through the sketches and symbols from the observations made in the morning and evening using the place center map method, user behavior was known to the facilities used in the Andi Makkasau square. The method used to analyze the facility's performance; this study used the post-occupancy evaluation (POE). The results showed that the renovation of this plaza did not support the attributes of most of its users, so recommendations for future designs were needed.Keywords: Behavioral Mapping; Public Open Space; Place Centre Map; Public Facilities.
PURWARUPA Jurnal Arsitektur Vol 2, No 1 (2018): Purwarupa Vol 2 No 1 Maret 2018
Publisher : Arsitektur UMJ

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


ABSTRAK.Ruang terbuka publik merupakan suatu hal yang diharuskan keberadaannya dalam sebuah kota. Kota Semarang yang memiliki kepadatan penduduk yang cukup tinggi menjadikan kebutuhan masyarakat akan ruang terbuka publik juga tinggi sebagai tempat hiburan dan berkegiatan di sela – sela waktu luang. Taman kota adalah salah satu ruang terbuka publik yang bukan hanya berfungsi sebagai tempat hiburan, namun juga sebagai ruang hijau untuk paru - paru kota. Kota Semarang memiliki beberapa taman kota yang berperan sebagai ruang terbuka aktif publik, diantaranya adalah Taman Menteri Supeno. Pada awalnya, Taman Menteri Supeno merupakan ruang terbuka publik aktif yang memiliki keterbatasan fasilitas sehingga menyebabkan kurangnya kenyamanan pengunjung yang datang ke taman tersebut. Namun setelah dilakukannya renovasi, Taman Menteri Supeno kini memiliki fasilitas - fasilitas pendukung untuk menunjang kegiatan para pengunjung taman yang berasal dari berbagai kalangan usia. Pengadaan fasilitas – fasilitas baru itulah yang menyebabkan terjadinya perubahan fungsi ruang.Untuk mengetahui tentang perubahan fungsi ruang tersebut, maka dilakukan penelitian untuk mencari faktor – faktor yang menjadi penyebab terjadinya perubahan fungsi ruang di TamanMenteri Supeno.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif sebagai metode analisisnya. Dari keseluruhan proses penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa karakter pengunjung taman menjadi faktor utama penyebab terjadinya perubahan fungsi ruang yang antara lain meliputi faktor kenyamanan sebuah ruang, kedekatan dengan fasilitas tertentu, dan kebutuhan akan tempat berkumpul.  Kata Kunci: ruang publiik, fasilitas, perubahan fungsi  ABSTRACT.Public open space is a necessity of existence in a city. Semarang city which has a high enough population density makes the public need for public open space is also high as a place of entertainment and public activity on the sideline. City park is one of the public open space that not only serves as a place of entertainment, but also as a green space for the lungs of the city. The city of Semarang has several urban parks that act as public open spaces, among them are Menteri Supeno park. In the beginning, Menteri Supeno park is an active public open space that has limited facilities, causing the lack of comfort of visitors who come to the park. But after the renovation, Menteri Supeno park now has supporting facilities to support the activities of park visitors who come from various age groups. The procurement of new facilities is what causes the change of function space. To know about the change of function of the space, then conducted research to find the factors that cause the change of function of space in Menteri Supeno park. This research uses qualitative method as the method of analysis. From the whole research process, it can be concluded that the character of the park visitors become the main factor causing the change of function of space which among others include the comfort factor of a space, the proximity to certain facilities, and the need for place to gather.  Keywords: public space, facility, function transformation
Konservasi Kampung Pecinan Semarang sebagai Media Integrasi yang Berdemensi Multikulturalism Suzanna Ratih Sari; Eko Punto Hendro
Endogami: Jurnal Ilmiah Kajian Antropologi Vol 4, No 1: Desember 2020
Publisher : Prodi Antropologi Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/endogami.4.1.93-108


This research aims to preserve the historic Chinatown of Semarang with the concept of preserving cultural heritage areas as mandated by Law No. 11/2010 on Cultural Heritage. Of course this effort is also a form of collective memory maintenance, because this village is very historical. The research method was carried out by observation, interviews and conservation planning. In the effort of preserving or conserving the cultural heritage areas, the concept of spatial planning with multiculturalism dimensions is also developed, meant that spatial planning is pursued in conjunction with cultural acculturation activities to reduce stereotypical social problems that still exist today.