Emmy Latifah
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Sebelas Maret

Published : 14 Documents Claim Missing Document
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E-Contract Dalam Perspektif Hukum Perdagangan Internasional Latifah, Emmy
Syiar Hukum Vol 9, No 3 (2007): Syiar Madani
Publisher : LPPM Unisba

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Perkembangan teknologi membawa efek signifikan terhadap sistem ekonomi global, terutama di bidang hukum perdagangan internasional. Hal itu juga dapat dilihat melalui pertumbuhan e-commerce dan e-contract dalam dunia maya. PBB merespon perkembangan tersebut dengan membuat UNCITRAL Model Law on E-Commerce pada tahun 1996 yang menjadi hal terpenting bagi masyarakat internasional
Dampak Ketiadaan Pengaturan Kuota Ekspor Hiu Tikus (Alopias Ssp.) di Indonesia Hardiningsih, Wahyu; Purwadi, Hari; Latifah, Emmy
PADJADJARAN Jurnal Ilmu Hukum (Journal of Law) Vol 4, No 3 (2017): PADJADJARAN Jurnal Ilmu Hukum (Journal of Law)
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Padjadjaran University

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Kuota ekspor merupakan salah satu mekanisme perlindungan ekosistem laut. Banyaknya perburuan Ikan Hiu Tikus (Alopias Ssp.) di Indonesia saat ini karena permintaan pasar yang tinggi, khususnya dari luar negeri. Tingginya permintaan menyebabkan ikan jenis ini masuk ke dalam daftar Convention on International Trade in Endanger Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES)  Appendiks II pada tahun 2016. Jika Ikan Hiu Tikus yang merupakan predator puncak pada rantai makanan di laut ini sampai terancam punah, maka ekosistem laut akan mengalami kerusakan parah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Indonesia belum memiliki perangkat hukum yang memadai terkait dengan penentuan komponen-komponen kuota ekspor Ikan Hiu, khususnya Ikan Hiu Tikus sebagaimana ketentuan yang diatur di dalam CITES. Keadaan ini menimbulkan dampak terhadap kelestarian Ikan Hiu Tikus itu sendiri, kepentingan masyarakat Indonesia, keberlangsungan lingkungan laut dan generasi yang memanfaatkannya, serta berdampak terhadap perdagangan internasional.The Consequencies of an Inexistence of Alopias Ssp Export Quota Regulation In Indonesia AbstractExport quota is one of mechanical ways to protect marine ecosystem. The huge number of Alopias Ssp. hunts has recently been caused by its international trade worldwide. Highly demands of Alopias Ssp. get this species to be listed on Convention on International Trade in Endanger Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES)  Appendix II in 2016. When Alopias Ssp. as the top predator have been endangered, the marine ecosystem will come to a serious damage. Research shows that Indonesia does not have yet the regulation on components of export quota of Alopias Ssp. as it is regulated on CITES. This condition has affected the preservation of Alopias Ssp. itself, Indonesians’ interest, marine ecosystem sustainability and the generation taking the benefit of it, also international trade as well.DOI: https://doi.org/10.22304/pjih.v4n3.a9  
Jurnal Privat Law Vol 5, No 1 (2017): JANUARI-JUNI
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/privat.v5i1.19368


AbstractThis paper purposes to analize the idea for establishing ASEAN cross border insolvency regulation as a solution of cross-border insolvency problem in ASEAN. It is a legal research viewed from descriptive analytic. The result of this paper indicates that the absence of uniformity or harmonization of insolvency law in ASEAN region will inflict some problems which are relating to the procedure of recognition and enforcement of a foreign insolvency. The regulation as a solution of cross-border insolvency in the ASEAN region is expected to become a facilitator for resolving problems and reducing uncertainty in cross-border insolvency cases. ASEAN Cross Border Insolvency Regulations in the form of a model law is the right solution to solve the problems of cross-border insolvency in the ASEAN region.Keyword (s)  :       ASEAN, ASEAN Cross Border Insolvency Regulation, Cross Border InsolvencyAbstrakArtikel hukum ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis gagasan pembentukan ASEAN cross border insolvency regulation sebagai solusi permasalahan kepailitan lintas batas di ASEAN. Jenis penelitian hukum ini adalah penelitian hukum normatif yang bersifat deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tidak adanya keseragaman atau harmonisasi hukum kepailitan di kawasan ASEAN menimbulkan permasalahan yang berkaitan dengan prosedur pengakuan dan pelaksanaan putusan kepailitan asing. Kehadiran sebuah pengaturan hukum sebagai solusi dari permasalahan kepailitan lintas batas di kawasan ASEAN sangat diharapkan untuk dapat menjadi fasilitator dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan dan dapat mengurangi ketidakpastian dalam perkara kepailitan lintas batas. ASEAN Cross Border Insolvency Regulation berupa model law merupakan solusi yang tepat dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan kepailitan lintas batas di kawasan ASEAN.Kata Kunci  : ASEAN Cross Border Insolvency Regulation, Kepailitan Lintas Batas
Eksistensi Prinsip-prinsip Keadilan dalam Sistem Hukum Perdagangan Internasional Latifah, Emmy
PADJADJARAN Jurnal Ilmu Hukum (Journal of Law) Vol 2, No 1 (2015): PADJADJARAN Jurnal Ilmu Hukum (Journal of Law)
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Padjadjaran University

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Ide mengenai keadilan telah berkembang seiring perkembangan kehidupan manusia, paradigma, dan nilai-nilai yang dianutnya. Dengan demikian, keadilan dapat diartikan berbeda-beda tergantung pada siapa, kapan, dimana, dan dalam konteks apa keadilan dimaknai. Demikian pula halnya yang terjadi pada sistem hukum perdagangan internasional, prinsip keadilan pada sistem perdagangan internasional yang dilakukan di bawah aturan dan prosedur WTO telah memainkan peran yang penting, terutama dalam kaitannya dengan pendistribusian hak dan kewajiban yang bersifat fundamental dan cara menentukan pembagian keuntungan dari kerja sama sosial yang ada didalamnya. Dalam hal ini prinsip keadilan diperlukan dalam rangka menanyakan apakah keputusan sosial yang dihasilkan oleh WTO benar dan konsisten dengan nilai-nilai yang ada di dalamnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa prinsip keadilan yang terdapat dalam aturan WTO mengandung dua makna yaitu makna “the equality of opportunity” dan “keadilan distributif”. Equality of opportunity dapat diwujudkan apabila prinsip reciprocity (timbal balik) ditegakkan baik dalam hal pengurangan hambatan perdagangan, akses pasar, maupun penyelesaian sengketa. Keadilan distributif berarti bahwa perdagangan internasional merupakan sarana untuk mewujudkan hubungan dagang yang saling menguntungkan diantara negara anggota. The Existence of Principles of Justice in International Trade Law System AbstractThe notion of justice has evolved along with the development of human being, paradigms, and their values. Therefore, justice can be interpreted differently, depends on who, when, where, and in what context people define it. It is also the case for the international trade law system. The principle of justice in the international trading system, conducted under the rules and procedures of the WTO, has played an important role; especially in relation to the distribution of obligations and fundamental rights, and the distribution of benefit from social cooperation within. In this case, the principle of justice is needed in order to inquire whether WTO’s social decisions are proper and consistent with the values that exist within The results show that the principle of justice in the WTO rules contains two meanings: “the equality of opportunity” and “the distributive of justice”. The Equality of opportunity can be realized if the reciprocity principle in the context of the reduction of trade barriers, market access, and dispute settlement are enforced. Distributive justice means that international trade is a tool to achieve a mutually beneficial trade among members.Keywords: distributive justice, reciprocity principle, international trade law system, the equality of opportunity, WTO.DOI: https://doi.org/10.22304/pjih.v2n1.a5
Jurnal Dinamika Hukum Vol 18, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20884/1.jdh.2018.18.2.2067


In Indonesia, the Corporation is already recognized as one of the perpetrators of criminal acts in a variety of specific criminal acts and regulations, including in the Fisheries Act. Article 1 paragraph (14) Act No. 31 of the year 2004 jo Act No. 45 of the year 2009 about fisheries States that every person is a person, the individual or Corporation. This research is normative juridical research. The approach used is statute approach.The results showed that in the theory of criminal law, there is some form of the position of the Corporation as the perpetrator of a criminal offence may be subject to iability. The purpose of this study is to examine how the legal position of the Corporation as the perpetrator of the criminal offence of fishing in Indonesia. This research is the normative legal research. The data used are secondary data, while data collection is done through the study of the literature. Data analysis techniques using the deductive approach of law and interpretation.Keywords: corporations, criminal act fisheries
The Roles of International Law on Technological Advances Latifah, Emmy; Imanullah, Moch Najib
Brawijaya Law Journal Vol 5, No 1 (2018): Culture and Technological Influence in Regulation
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1238.13 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.blj.2018.005.01.07


The study focuses on the roles of International Law in responding to the technological advances, particularly examining the International Law as a regulator on emerging technology. The technological advances, especially in the means and method of war and environmental issues, have been contributing to the development of International Law. It is a normative legal research using the secondary data including primary and secondary legal materials. While the primary legal materials consist of all the international agreement related to the development of technology both directly and indirectly, secondary ones included the references having correlation and support to the issues. The technique of analysis data used legal interpretation. The study concludes that as a regulator of technological advances, International Law has a role to play in regulating its development. Many facts showed that International Law has capability to respond to the challenges.  However, the scope and application of International Law is subject to a number of limitations inherent the nature of International Law itself.
Jurnal Bina Mulia Hukum Vol 1, No 2 (2017): Jurnal Bina Mulia Hukum
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Padjadjaran

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AbstrakDewasa ini, kegiatan eksploitasi sumber daya ikan secara berlebihan menjadi salah satu ancaman terbesar bagi pengelolaan perikanan dunia. Perkembangan teknologi di bidang industri perikanan menjadi salah satu pemicunya. Oleh sebab itu, menjadi sangat relevan untuk mengetahui bagaimana Hukum Internasional mengatur mengenai pengelolaan perikanan ini sehingga aturan Hukum Internasional ini dapat digunakan sebagai pedoman bagi negara dalam mengelola perikanan di tingkat nasional. Artikel ini ditulis secara normatif. Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder yang dikumpulkan melalui studi pustaka, terdiri dari bahan hukum primer, bahan hukum sekunder, dan bahan hukum tersier yang terkait dengan kelautan, perikanan dan pengelolaannya, serta konservasi laut. Teknik validasi data sekunder menggunakan metode kritik sumber, teknik analisis data menggunakan penafsiran hukum. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa pengaturan pengelolaan perikanan oleh Hukum Internasional mengalami perkembangan dari masa ke masa seiring dengan perkembangan manusia. Kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan, perkembangan teknologi, serta semakin besarnya kepentingan manusia terhadap sumber daya yang ada di laut merupakan beberapa faktor yang menjadikan pengelolaan perikanan perlu diatur bersama bangsa-bangsa di dunia dalam rangka menciptakan keadilan melalui instrumen hukum internasional, baik yang bersifat hard law maupun soft law. Kata kunci: hard law, hukum internasional, perikanan berkelanjutan, pengelolaan perikanan, soft law.  AbstractNowadays, overfishing is one of the most serious threats to the global fisheries management. Technological advances in fishing industry have became one of its trigger. Therefore, it is extremely relevant to examine to what extent International Law have regulated this matter so that its rules could be used as a guidelines for countries to manage the fisheries at national level. It is a normative legal research. The data were secondary ones that collected through study literature. Secondary data consisted of primary, secondary, and tertiary legal materials which related to marine fisheries and its management, as well as marine conservation. The techniques of secondary data validation used source criticism method, while data analysis techniques used legal interpretation. The results showed that fishing activity is one of the oldest human activities. Fisheries management by International Law has developed from time to time in line with the development of man himself. The advances of science, technological developments, as well as the growing human interest against existing resources in the sea are several factors that make fishery management need to be arranged with the nations of the world in order to create justice through international legal instruments, both hard law and soft law.Keywords: fisheries management, hard law, international law, soft law, sustainable fisheries.DOI : https://doi.org/10.23920/jbmh.v1n2.13 
Efektifitas Aplikasi Konvensi Tokyo 1963 Dan Protokol Montreal 2014 Terhadap Unruly Passenger Case Dalam Dunia Penerbangan kurniawijaya, aditya; Latifah, Emmy
Lex Librum: Jurnal Ilmu Hukum 2019: Volume 5 Nomor 2 Juni 2019
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Hukum Sumpah Pemuda

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Peraturan yang berlaku di dalam pesawat penerbangan dimaksudkan agar masyarakat mematuhi hal-hal apa saja yang harus dan tidak boleh dilakukan ketika berada dalam pesawat penerbangan. Peraturan yang sudah ada ini tak terlepas dari pelanggaran terhadap aturan yang berlaku di dalam pesawat. Kasus penumpang yang tidak mematuhi aturan atau dikenal dengan unruly passenger merupakan sebuah contoh pelanggaran terhadap aturan yang berlaku di dalam pesawat. Konvensi Tokyo 1963 menjadi jawaban dalam mengatasi kasus unruly passenger tersebut. Namun, kandungan dari Konvensi Tokyo 1963 pada kenyataannya belum mampu menangani seluruh masalah terkait unruly passenger. Melihat hal tersebut, ICAO mengamandemen Konvensi Tokyo 1963 untuk memperkuat dasar hukum bagi maskapai dalam menangani kasus unruly passenger, hingga akhirnya menghasilkan Protocol to Amend the Convention on Offences and Certain Other Acts Committed on Board Aircraft atau dikenal sebagai Protokol Montreal 2014. Keberadaan Konvensi Tokyo 1963 dan Protokol Montreal 2014 ini diharapkan mampu mengatasi permasalahan terkait unruly passenger dalam dunia penerbangan. Abstract: Regulations in aviation aircraft intended to comply with the community things what should and should not do when the aircraft is in flight. Existing regulations did not in spite of the breach of the rules that apply in the aircraft. The case of passengers who do not comply with the rules or known by the unruly passenger is an example of a breach of the rules that apply in the aircraft. Tokyo Convention 1963 be the answer in addressing the case of unruly passenger. However, the content of the Tokyo Convention 1963 in fact haven't been able to handle the whole issue related unruly passenger. Seeing this, ICAO amending the Tokyo Convention 1963 to strengthen the legal basis for the airline in dealing with the unruly passenger, and the case eventually led to a Protocol to Amend the Convention on Offenses and Certain Other Acts Committed on Board Aircraft known as the Montreal Protocol 2014. The existence of the Tokyo Convention 1963 and Montreal Protocol 2014 is expected to address the problem of unruly passenger related in the world of aviation. Keywords : Unruly Passenger, Tokyo Convention 1963, Montreal Protocol 2014 Daftar Pustaka Buku Aust, Anthony. 2010. Handbook of International Law (Second Edition). New York: Cambridge University Press. International Air Traffic Association (IATA). 2012. Guidance on Unruly Passenger Prevention and Management. Martono, H.K. 1987. Hukum Udara, Angkutan Udara dan Hukum Angkasa. Bandung: PT Alumni. Martono, H.K. dan Sudiro, Amad. 2012. Hukum Udara Nasional dan Internasional Publik. Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo. Mendes de Leon, Pablo. 2012. An Introduction to Air Law (Ninth Revised Edition). Kluwer Law International BV. Sinaga, Bintatar. 2001. Kejahatan Terorisme dalam Jurnal Keadilan. Vol.1 Nomor 4. Shubber, S. 1973. Jurisdiction Over Crimes on Board Aircraft. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff. Jurnal Aggarwala, N. 1971. “Political Aspects of Hijacking” dalam International Conciliation Vol. 585. Fenello, M.J.1971. “Technical Prevention of Air Piracy” dalam International Conciliation 30 Vol. 585. Gerald, F.F.G.1969. “Development of Intenational Legal Rules for the Repression of the Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft” dalam The Canadian Yearbook of International Law Vol.7. Green, L.C. 1975. “Extradition vs Asylum for Aerial Hijacking” dalam Israel Law Review Vol,10. Ivan, A.E. 1969. “Air Hijacking: its Cause and Cure” dalam American Journal of Intern,ational Law 700 Vol.63. Kieken P.J, Van. 1975.“Hijacking and Asylum” dalam The Netherlands International Law Review 6 Vol. 22. Loy, F.E. 1970. “Some International Approaches to Dealing With Air Hijacking” dalam International Lawyer Vol.4. Rein, B. 1971. “A Government Perspective” dalam Journal of Air Law and Commerce Vol. 37. Samuel A. 1967. “Crimes Committed on Board Aircraft: Tokyo Convention Act” dalam British Yearbook of International Law Vol 42. Samuel A. 1971. “The Legal Problems: An Introduction” dalam Journal of Air and Commerce 163 Vol. 37. Stephen J.E. 1970. “Air piracy and Unlawful With Air Commerce” dalam International Lawyer 442 Vol. 4. Konvensi Internasional Convention on International Civil Aviation, ditandatangani di Chicago pada 7 December 1944. Convention on Offences and Certain Other Act Committed on Board Aircraft, ditandatangani di Tokyo pada 14 September 1963. Convention for the Suppression of Lawful Seizure of Aircraft, ditandatangani di Den Haag pada 16 Desember 1970. Protocol to Amend the Convention on Offences and Certain Other Acts Committed on Board Aircraft, ditandatangani di Montreal pada 4 April 2014. Peraturan Perundang-undangan Republik Indonesia, Undang-Undang Nomor 2 Tahun 1976 tentang Ratifikasi Konvensi Tokyo 1963, Konvensi Den Haag 1970, dan Konvensi Montreal 1971 (Lembaran Negara Tahun 1976 Nomor 18, Tambahan Lembaran Negara Nomor 3077). Republik Indonesia, Undang-Undang Nomor 4 Tahun 1976 tentang Perubahan dan Penambahan Beberapa Pasal Dalam Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana (KUHP) Berkaitan dengan Perluasan Berlakunya Terhadap Pesawat Udara. Republik Indonesia, Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 2009 tentang Penerbangan, Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Nomor 1 Tahun 2009, Tambahan Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Nomor 4956. Web Hentje Pongoh, Maskapai Penerbangan Berhak Menurunkan Penumpang Indisipliner, da-lam : https://www.kompasiana.com, diakses pada 11 November 2018 pukul 09.21 WIB. ICAO, Current Lists of Parties to Multilateral Air Law Treaties, dalam : http://www.icao.int, diakses pada 10 November 2018 pukul 19.31 WIB. Icha Rastika, Penumpang Mabuk di Virgin Australia Dipulangkan, dalam : https://nasional.kompas.com, diakses pada 8 November 2018 pukul 22.17 WIB.
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Panca Bhakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32501/jhmb.v3i1.34


Peraturan yang berlaku di dalam pesawat penerbangan dimaksudkan agar masyarakat mematuhi hal-hal apa saja yang harus dan tidak boleh dilakukan ketika berada dalam pesawat penerbangan. Peraturan yang sudah ada ini tak terlepas dari pelanggaran terhadap aturan yang berlaku di dalam pesawat. Kasus penumpang yang tidak mematuhi aturan atau dikenal dengan unruly passenger merupakan sebuah contoh pelanggaran terhadap aturan yang berlaku di dalam pesawat. Konvensi Tokyo 1963 menjadi jawaban dalam mengatasi kasus unruly passenger tersebut. Namun, kandungan dari Konvensi Tokyo 1963 pada kenyataannya belum mampu menangani seluruh masalah terkait unruly passenger. Melihat hal tersebut, ICAO mengamandemen Konvensi Tokyo 1963 untuk memperkuat dasar hukum bagi maskapai dalam menangani kasus unruly passenger, hingga akhirnya menghasilkan Protocol to Amend the Convention on Offences and Certain Other Acts Committed on Board Aircraft atau dikenal sebagai Protokol Montreal 2014. Keberadaan Konvensi Tokyo 1963 dan Protokol Montreal 2014 ini diharapkan mampu mengatasi permasalahan terkait unruly passenger dalam dunia penerbangan.
Urgensi Penetapan Besaran Deposito Berjangka Jaminan Reklamasi dan Pascatambang oleh Perusahaan Pertambangan Asing di Indonesia Pratama, Muhammad Bintang; Latifah, Emmy
UIR Law Review Vol 3 No 01 (2019): UIR Law Review
Publisher : UIR Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (9.114 KB) | DOI: 10.25299/uirlrev.2019.vol3(01).3416


The purpose of this paper is to express the urgency of determining the amount of time deposits by foreign mining companies in Indonesia. The application of time deposits is a manifestation of enforcement of environmental protection carried out by foreign mining companies in Indonesia. Disbursement of funds placed in partner banks that have been determined before the issuance of a Mining Business License (IUP) is based on the projected value of mining production profits as a form of environmental protection if real errors are made by foreign mining companies in relation to environmental management. This research is normative through library studies using secondary data sources, namely using primary legal materials, secondary legal materials, and tertiary legal materials. Data analysis and data validation used source criticism related to the theme of time deposits guaranteed for reclamation and post-mining by foreign mining companies in Indonesia. The results of the study indicate that the old method of determining time deposits based solely on the projected value of mining production profits, is something that is not right. This is because the amount of time deposits placed is sometimes not proportional to the level of environmental damage caused as a result of mining production. A new method is needed to determine time deposits that should be based on the level of environmental damage, both during the mining production process until the end of the company's responsibility for the former mining production area as a form of environmental protection and management. Therefore, the determination of the amount of reclamation and post-mining time deposits based on the level of environmental damage caused by the production of foreign mining companies in Indonesia is deemed necessary as a real effort to improve environmental protection and management in the mining sector in Indonesia.