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Karakteristik anatomi dan energi kayu dari tiga tumbuhan invasif [Anatomical and energi characteristics of wood from three invasive species] Rahmadani, Silmi Yusri; Alponsin, Alponsin; Maideliza, Tesri; Jannatan, Robby
Jurnal Riset Industri Hasil Hutan Vol 13, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Kementerian Perindustrian

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24111/jrihh.v13i1.6469


The presence of invasive species is often seen as environmental and economic problem. On the other hand, the potential of these species which have fast growing and regeneration ability can be used for various purposes such as alternative bioenergy utilization. This study is aimed to observe the wood anatomical and energy characteristics of invasive species such as Melastoma malabathricum, L., Calliandra callothyrsus, Meissn and Acacia mangium, Willd. It is potentially utilized as source of alternative energy. This study used purposive sampling method, and used wood samples with the thickness of about ≥5 cm. This research was analyzed descriptively for anatomy characteristic whereas the diameter and frequency of vessel, heigh and width of parenchyma then calorific value, ash and moisture content analyzed using Kruskall Wallis and Mann Whitney. Anatomical characteristic of wood from two species were diffuse porous vessel, solitary and multiple vessel, frequency of vessel were rare to many and diameter of vessel were small to rather small and paratracheal axial parenchyma. Rays were uniseriate or biseriate with 1-3 seriate, height of ray category was extremely short and width rays were narrow to extremely narrow. All rays were homorocelular with upright or procumbent cells. The calorific value of these species started from 3,887.59 to 4,132.99 kal/g. Ash content start from 1.27–1.73% meanwhile the moisture content were 11.6–12.6%. Base on energy properties, Calliandra callothyrsus, Meissn. fulfilled the standard of bio pellet production base on SNI 8021 and EN- 14961-2.
ISOLASI DAN KARAKTERISASI ISOLAT BAKTERI INDIGENOUS PEMFERMENTASI PULP TIGA VARIETAS KAKAO (Theobroma cacao L.) (Isolation and Characterizations of Indigenous Fermenting Bacteria from Pulp of Three Cocoa Varieties (Theobroma cacao, L.)) Silmi Yusri Rahmadani; Periadnadi Periadnadi; Nurmiati Nurmiati
Biopropal Industri Vol 11, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Balai Riset dan Standardisasi Industri Pontianak

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36974/jbi.v11i1.5685


Cocoa fermentation is a biochemistry process that involving some potential indigenous bacteria found in pulp of cocoa. These indigenous bacteria utilize nutrients contained in cocoa pulp such as sucrose and other organic materials for its metabolism. This investigation was conducted to determine the characteristics of indigenous bacteria from pulp of three superior cocoa varieties in West Sumatera, namely TSH 858, ICS 60 and Scavina. In this study, the colony and cell morphology of the indigenous isolates were characterized, amylolytic and cellulolytic tests were also conducted. Results showed that nine isolates obtained were gram positive and negative bacteria, bacilli and cocci, with different colony morphology. Isolate C2 from ICS 60 variety showed the highest Amylolytic Index (AI) with the value of 24. Meanwhile, isolate C4 showed the highest Cellulolytic Index (CI) with the value of 10. Based on the index value and clear zone results, isolate C2 is the most potential isolate to become a starter that producing amylase.Keywords: amylolytic, celulolytic, cocoa, indigenous bacteria, pulpABSTRAKFermentasi kakao merupakan suatu proses biokimia yang melibatkan bakteri indigenous potensial pada daging buah atau pulp kakao. Bakteri ini memanfaatkan nutrisi yang terkandung pada pulp kakao seperti sukrosa serta bahan organik lain untuk metabolism hidupnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui karakteristik bakteri indigenous pada pulp tiga varietas kakao unggul di Sumatera Barat, yaitu TSH 858, ICS 60 dan Scavina. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan karakterisasi morfologi koloni, morfologi sel serta uji amilolitik dan selulolitik dari bakteri indigenous pemfermentasi pulp kakao. Sembilan isolat bakteri yang diperoleh merupakan kelompok bakteri gram positif dan gram negatif, berbentuk basil dan kokus serta morfologi koloni yang berbeda-beda. Pada pengujian indeks amilolitik (IA), isolat C2 dari varietas ICS 60 menunjukkan nilai IA tertinggi yaitu 24, sedangkan untuk pengujian indeks selulolitik (IS), isolat C4 menunjukkan IS tertinggi yaitu 10. Dilihat dari segi nilai indeks dan zona beningnya, isolat C2 merupakan isolat yang berpotensi untuk untuk dijadikan starter penghasil enzim amilase.Kata kunci: amilolitik, bakteri indigenous, kakao, pulp, selulolitik
POTENSI MIKROBIOTA INDIGENOUS PULP TIGA VARIETAS KAKAO (Theobroma cacao L.) SEBAGAI STARTER DALAM FERMENTASI BIJI KAKAO Sri Indrayati; Silmi Yusri Rahmadani; Periadnadi Periadnadi; Nurmiati Nurmiati
Biopropal Industri Vol 12, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Balai Riset dan Standardisasi Industri Pontianak

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36974/jbi.v12i1.6459


ABSTRACTCocoa (Theobroma cacao, L) is one of Indonesia's main and essential non-oil commodity export. In West Sumatera, TSH 858, Scavina, and ICS 60 are three superior cocoa varieties that attempt for their cultivation. This study aimed to observe the potential fermentative of indigenous microbiota from pulp three cocoa varieties TSH 858, Scavina and ICS 60 as a starter in cocoa bean fermentation. One way anova used for data analyzed such as pH, alcohol, reducing glucose value, and fermentative intensity. Meanwhile, the Wilcoxon signed test was used for organoleptic analysis. Variable of this study was fermentation without starter (A), Fermentation with starter of TSH 858 variety (B), fermentation with starter of Scavina variety (C), and fermentation with starter of ICS variety (D). After 12 days fermentation, the fermentation product showed which total indigenous microbiota for A were (4,3 x1010cfu/ml), B (2,2x1014 cfu/ml, C (2,97 x1014 cfu/ml) and D (5,1x1014 cfu/ml). Alteration in pH value for A was (3,56-4,07), B (3,55-3,90), C (3,64-4,05), and D (3,56-4,08). Meanwhile, the reducing glucose value for A was (5,6%), B (5,7 %.), C (6,1%), and D (5,3%). The best fermentation intensity comes from treatment with addition starters (A, B, and C) that occurred on the 3rd day, while without starter occurred on the day 6th. Alcohol value from all treatment were A (2,5%), B (1,3 %.), C (2,5%), and D (1,3%). The highest averages preference for cocoa bean aroma was D (3,2; likes).Keywords: cacao, fermentation, indigenous microbiota, starterABSTRAKKakao (Theobroma cacao, L.) merupakan salah satu komoditi utama dan andalan ekspor non migas Indonesia. TSH 858, Scavina dan ICS 60 merupakan tiga varietas kakao yang unggul dan sedang diusahakan perkembangannya di Sumatera Barat. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui potensi fermentasi mikrobiota indigenous pulp dari tiga varietas kakao TSH 858, ICS 60 dan Scavina sebagai starter untuk fermentasi biji kakao. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen yang dianalisis secara statistik dengan uji Rancangan Acak Lengkap dan nilai organoleptik dianalisis secara statistik dengan Uji Jenjang Bertanda Wilcoxon. Perlakuan yang digunakan adalah (A) tanpa starter (kontrol); (B) penambahan starter varietas TSH 858; (C) penambahan starter varietas Scavina; (D) penambahan starter varietas ICS 60. Setelah 12 hari fermentasi, produk  fermentasi menunjukkan hasil bahwa jumlah mikrobiota indigenous perlakuan A (4,3 x1010cfu/ml), B (2,2x1014 cfu/ml, C (2,97 x1014 cfu/ml) dan D (5,1x1014 cfu/ml). Perubahan  nilai pH pulp kakao dari awal sampai akhir fermentasi pada perlakuan A  (3,56-4,07), B (3,55-3,90), C (3,64-4,05), dan D (3,56-4,08). Pengurangan kadar gula untuk perlakuan A (5,6%), B (5,7 %.), C (6,1%), dan D (5,3%). Intensitas fermentasi terbaik pada perlakuan dengan penambahan starter (B,C,dan D) terjadi pada hari ke-3, sedangkan pada perlakuan tanpa starter (A) terjadi pada hari ke-6. Kadar Alkohol Perlakuan A (2,5%), B (1,3 %.), C (2,5%), dan D (1,3%). Nilai rata-rata kesukaan terhadap aroma biji tertinggi (3,2;suka) adalah pada perlakuan D.Kata kunci: fermentasi, kakao, mikrobiota indigenous, starter