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Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (393.604 KB) | DOI: 10.32528/.v9i17.623


Asas hukum merupakan aturan dasar dan prinsip-prinsip hukum yang abstrak dan pada umumnya melatarbelakangi peraturan konkret dan pelaksanaan hukum. Salah satu asas hukum yang sangat terkenal adalah asas legalitas, sebuah asas yang lebih menekankan aspek kepastian hukum. Namun saat dihadapkan dengan persoalan pelanggaran HAM berat, eksistensi asas legalitas harus dibenturkan dengan ketentuan pasal 46 UU Pengadilan HAM. Menjadi dilematis karena asas legalitas masih dilindungi oleh pasal 28I ayat (1) UUD 1945.Kata kunci: Asas hukum, asas legalitas, HAM
Legal Protection for Consumer of the Unlicensed Vapor from Drug and Food Supervisory Agency Dedhi Bima Samudra; Noor Fatimah Mediawati; M Tanzil Multazam; Emy Rosna Wati
Fiat Justisia: Jurnal Ilmu Hukum Vol 11 No 4 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25041/fiatjustisia.v11no4.1152


This research begins with the number of liquid vapor which spread in Indonesia that is not licensed by BPOM, and there is no clear law for liquid vapor, so there is no clarity from legal protection against liquid vapor consumers who are not licensed by BPOM. Therefore, in this research, the formulation of the problem is as follows: Is there legal protection against liquid vapor consumers who are not licensed by BPOM? The purpose of this research is to determine whether there is legal protection against liquid vapor consumers who are not licensed by BPOM. So this research can be useful for subsequent research that has the same theme and beneficial to researchers, liquid vapor consumers and also for the government. The research method used is the normative method. Normative research methods use the statute approach. The result of the research shows that there is a legal protection for liquid vapor consumer who is not licensed by BPOM, which is reviewed from the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 36 Year on concerning the health of Article 113 paragraph (1) and Article 114, Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 8 Year 1999 on Consumer protection Article 8 paragraph (1) c and paragraph (1) i, Regulation of the Head of the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency of the Republic of Indonesia Number 4 Year 2017 on the Supervision of the Importation of Drugs into the Territory of Indonesia Article 4 paragraph (1). Keywords: Legal Protection, Consumer, Liquid-Vapor
Bekwaamheid Effect in the Distribution of Divorce Cases in Indonesia: A Lesson from Sidoarjo Noor Fatimah Mediawati; Effy Wardaty Maryam; Sri Budi Purwaningsih; Rizqiyah Rosyidatul Azizah; Merry Orienta Cassey
Rechtsidee Vol 6 No 2 (2020): June
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21070/jihr.2020.6.694


Peningkatan jumlah kasus perceraian di Sidoarjo, baik di Pengadilan Agama maupun Pengadilan Negeri, menimbulkan keprihatinan tersendiri. Tidak kurang dari 4000 kasus yang muncul setiap tahun, khususnya di Pengadilan Agama Sidoajo. Jumlah ini memicu keingintahuan peneliti untuk melakukan penelitian, yang mengkaitkan sebaran jumlah kasus perceraian tersebut dengan konsep bekwaamheid (khususnya kedewasaan umur). Dimana dalam logika sederhana, semakin dewasa umur seseorang, semakin matang tingkat pengelolaan emosi, seharusnya tidak mudah menghancurkan perkawinannya sendiri. Apalagi dengan alasan selingkuh atau ekonomi. Dengan metode penelitian hukum sosiologis, ditemukan jawaban bahwa ternyata bekwaamheid dalam hal ini tidak banyak berpengaruh. Dari tahun ke tahun (2016-2019), jumlah kasus perceraian di Sidoarjo tidak mengalami penurunan.
The Importance of Employment Contract for Umsida Quality Employees Improvement Noor Fatimah Mediawati; Rifqi Ridlo Phahlevy
Rechtsidee Vol 2 No 2 (2015): December
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21070/jihr.v2i2.106


The absence of employment contracts in UMSIDA recognized cause some problems. Especially in improving the performance of employees. Issues a little more disturbing harmonious labor relations between employees and UMSIDA. In the terminology of the Labour Act, employment contract terms it is known as the Employment Agreement. Where the existence of labor agreement / contract employment is expected to harmonize the working relationship with the employer in accordance with the applicable rules. The existence of employment contracts is also a legal instrument which according to researchers ought to be put forward in efforts to increase the qualifications and competence of employees. By contract it will also avoid things that are not desirable in an employment relationship, because each party will always carry out their rights and responsibilities are aligned and balanced. Tranquility in the work and the guarantee of legal protection are expected to improve employee performance especially towards quality UMSIDA 2020. So this study explored further the urgency employment contract once its design. How To Cite: Mediawati, N., & Phahlevy, R. (2015). The Importance of Employment Contract for Umsida Quality Employees Improvement. Rechtsidee, 2(2), 141-156. doi:
Labour Rights Protection of Foreign Workers After Enactment of Law Number 6 of 2012 in Sidoarjo Regency Rifqi Ridlo Phahlevy; Mochammad Tanzil Multazam; Noor Fatimah Mediawati
Rechtsidee Vol 2 No 1 (2015): June
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21070/jihr.v2i1.3


Enactment of Law No. 6 of 2012 on the Ratification of the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families, is a manifestation of the government's efforts in human rights, and also the Indonesian government protection measures against the presence of migrant workers in overseas. However, with the passing of this Law, the Government also has an obligation to protect the Foreign Workers who are in Indonesia, to protect their rights as contained in the convention. Sidoarjo Regency is one of the districts with a population of Foreign Workers pretty much in East Java, so Sidoarjo considered to represent ideal conditions most of the local government in Indonesia in terms of a form of protection against TKA after the enactment of Law No. 6 of 2012. This normative law research was supported by primary data sourced from the Social Service Workers at Sidoarjo Regency. Based on research that has been done, founded the lack of regulations Sidoarjo district that specifically regulates the protection of the rights of foreign workers.
Tapping: Political Delict That Injure The Rule of Law in The Modern States (Case of Indonesia President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono/SBY Tapping by Australian Signal Directorate/ASD) Noor Fatimah Mediawati
Rechtsidee Vol 1 No 2 (2014): December
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21070/jihr.v1i2.104


The interception case of SBY, his wife and the other official, by ASD/ Australian Signal Directorate to be a central topic in this paper. Start of the case, and then it searches in the category, such as general criminal offense, special criminal offense, or political criminal offense. The study becomes interesting because the tapper country and his object country have the same characteristic, that is the country with supremacy of law. With the result that, the criminal offense, specifically for this interception, it is like injury to the rule of law. How To Cite: Mediawati, N. (2014). Tapping: Political Delict That Injure The Rule of Law in The Modern States (Case of Indonesia President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono/SBY Tapping by Australian Signal Directorate/ASD). Rechtsidee, 1(2), 163-174. doi:
Analisis Auditor Internal sebagai Whistleblower Internal pada Instansi Sektor Publik dan Swasta Dina Dwi Oktavia Rini; Fityan Izza Noor Abidin; Noor Fatimah Mediawati
Owner : Riset dan Jurnal Akuntansi Vol. 4 No. 2 (2020): Article Research
Publisher : Politeknik Ganesha Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33395/owner.v4i2.301


Tujuan penelitian ini (1) untuk menganalisis peran auditor internal pada organisasi sektor publik, (2) untuk menganalisis peran auditor internal pada organisasi sektor swasta, (3) untuk menganalisis peran auditor sebagai whistleblower internal pada organisasi sektor publik, (4) untuk menganalisis peran auditor sebagai whistleblower internal pada organisasi sektor swasta.Penelitian ini akan menggunakan metode kualitatif, dengan menyasar manajer middle dan lower level dari organisasi sektor swasta, meliputi: supervisor, kepala bagian, manajer, dan dari pemerintah daerah yaitu pejabat setingkat kepala, kepala bagian/bidang/subdinas dan kepala subbagian/subbidang/ seksi dari badan, dinas dan kantor pada Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Sidoarjo. Hasil yang diharapkan pada penelitian ini adalah auditor internal dapat menjadi whistleblower bagi organisasi baik pada sektor pablik maupun sektor swasta. Target luaran penelitian ini adalah artikel yang publikasi di jurnal ilmiah nasional terakreditasi.
Legal validity of Grace Period Renewal of Labour Agreement in Indonesia: an Example from PT. X in Sidoarjo Muhammad Ary Taufik; Noor Fatimah Mediawati; Rifqi RIdlo Phahlevy; Mochammad Tanzil Multazam
Indonesian Journal of Law and Economics Review Vol 2 No 2 (2019): February
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (25.137 KB) | DOI: 10.21070/ijler.2019.V2.33


The employment agreement in certain time PKWT it has frequenly used by employers or companies, because it’s efficiently to carry on the company’s oparetions and can be uses to minimizing the outlay of company. In PT. X sidoarjo also uses a PKWT to their workers, but their agremeents still not appropriate with employes law. As we know that the validity of a work agreement must be contains of element and terms. So, according to the result bellow this study are used “socio legal” method. It’s means based on the facts in a field as an empirical social phenomenon. The employment agreement has valid when the signing of the employment agreement, but the agreement will be invalid when violating the rules governing. If a certain time work agreement PKWT is made unconstitutional thena certain time work agreement PKWT becomes an uncertain time work agreement PKWTT. The company will be subject to criminal sanctions if the work contract is not in accordance with the laws and regulation. This study has benefits for autors in the development of legal sciene and has benefits for the labor service, trade unions and the public who need information related to employment.
Akibat Hukum Terhadap Perjanjian Alih Debitur Atau Oper Kredit Tanpa Persetujuan Perusahaan Pembiayaan Dengan Objek Jaminan Fidusia Kendaraan Bermotor Muhammad Harbitan Dinata; Noor Fatimah Mediawati; Sri Budi Purwaningsih
Indonesian Journal of Law and Economics Review Vol 1 No 1 (2017): November
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (21.106 KB) | DOI: 10.21070/ijler.v1i1.1747


In this globalization era, the needs of the society in finance activity has been increased, therefore, the finance companies got a great demand from the societies, particularly in the payment of vehicle.The frequent problem in the implementation of vehicle financing credit is the transition of the credit from debtors to new debtors without the approval of the Financing Company. The purpose of this study is to find out the impact of the law through the transitionagreement credit to the new debtors without the approval from the Financing Company. This study uses normative research with statute approach. The results showed that the legal consequences of the loan transfer agreement without the approval of the finance company resulted in the agreement is invalidsince it violated the objective terms of the agreement.The agreement of the credit transfer without the approval of the Financing Company violates the fiduciary guarantee law which prohibits the loan shift without prior approval of the Financing Company.This study give benefit and knowledge for the author, particularly for the societies about the legal consequences of credit transfer agreements without the approval of financing companies.
Legal Consequences for Leasing Companies That do not Provide Funds in Accordance to the Initial Agreement Agus Dwi Arifudin; M. Tanzil Multazam; Noor Fatimah Mediawati
Indonesian Journal of Law and Economics Review Vol 1 No 2 (2018): February
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (12.662 KB) | DOI: 10.21070/ijler.v1i2.1754


Leasing is an activity in the field of financing such as banks, but not banks in the form of providing capital goods that have option rights and a certain period of time. The research is expected to add insight and as an input for the community about legal issues and issues regarding lease agreements made by leasing financing institutions. The method used is a statute approach approach based on the current legislation, and a conceptual approach to reviewing the views and doctrines that develop in the field of legal science. Leasing companies that do not provide loan funds in accordance with the purchase lease agreement, according to Article 1320 of the Indonesian Civil Code, the agreement is legally flawed and can be canceled, and deemed to have never existed. Because in this agreement the objective conditions in Article 1320 of the Indonesian Civil Code are not fulfilled because they have committed fraud against the contents of the agreement.