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All Journal Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Journal of Tropical Life Science : International Journal of Theoretical, Experimental, and Applied Life Sciences Jurnal Pembangunan Wilayah dan Kota Jurnal Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Undiksha Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran SOSIALITAS (Jurnal Ilmiah Pend. Sos-Ant) AL KAUNIYAH Jurnal Gizi Klinik Indonesia Jurnal Keperawatan Komunitas Jurnal Keperawatan Jiwa (JKJ): Persatuan Perawat Nasional Indonesia Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Abdimas Forum Ilmu Sosial INTEGRALISTIK Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa - Kewirausahaan Jurnal InterAct el-Jizya: Jurnal Ekonomi Islam ATAVISME JURNAL ILMIAH KAJIAN SASTRA Jurnal Planta Tropika Jurnal Manajemen Dayasaing Jurnal Penelitian Humaniora Jurnal Kajian Komunikasi JURNAL PROFESI KEGURUAN BERITA BIOLOGI JURNAL BIOLOGI INDONESIA Jurnal Gantang JURNAL HAMA DAN PENYAKIT TUMBUHAN TROPIKA Unnes Political Science Journal Journal of Health Education Unnes Civic Education Journal Indonesian Journal of Chemical Science JESS (Journal of Educational Social Studies) Journal of Economic Education Jurnal Bioteknologi & Biosains Indonesia (JBBI) Jurnal Studi Komunikasi Jurnal Agro Industri Perkebunan Informatika Pertanian Syntax Literate : Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia Jurnal Riset Akuntansi dan Keuangan SAR (Soedirman Accounting Review): Journal of Accounting and Business MEDIA BINA ILMIAH Syifa' MEDIKA: Jurnal Kedokteran dan Kesehatan Jurnal Agrotek Tropika e-Jurnal Rekayasa dan Teknologi Budidaya Perairan BBM (Buletin Bisnis dan Manajemen) Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Profesi Guru Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Sosial Warta Penelitian Perhubungan SRIWIJAYA JOURNAL OF MEDICINE UPEJ Unnes Physics Education Journal Journal of Innovative Science Education Informasi Interaktif Harmony : Jurnal Pembelajaran IPS dan PKN CERIA (Cerdas Energik Responsif Inovatif Adaptif) Jurnal Kependidikan: Jurnal Hasil Penelitian dan Kajian Kepustakaan di Bidang Pendidikan, Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Jurnal Aisyah : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Sport and Nutrition Journal Longda Xiaokan : Journal of Mandarin Learning and Teaching Jurnal Media Komunikasi Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan Community Empowerment Sosiolium: Jurnal Pembelajaran IPS Journal of Holistics and Health Sciences (JHHS) Spektrum Analisis Kebijakan Pendidikan Business and Accounting Education Journal Healthy Tadulako Journal (Jurnal Kesehatan Tadulako) Makara Journal of Science
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Urgensi Habituasi Nilai Karakter Kemandirian Dan Tanggung Jawab Peserta Didik Sekolah Menengah Keguruan Lestari, Puji
Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Sosial Vol 4, No 2 (2018): Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Sosial
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (95.793 KB) | DOI: 10.23887/jiis.v4i2.16525


Penanaman dan penguatan karakter kemandirian dan tanggung jawabsangat penting bagi peserta didik Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK)mengingat peran SMK menghadapi tantangan di dunia kerja dengantuntutan kebutuhan pembinaan sumber daya manusia yang berkualitas.Oleh karenanya, habituasi nilai karakter kemandirian dan tanggungjawabharus dilakukan. Penelitian kualitatif ini dilaksanakan di SMKN 5Semarang dan SMKN 2 Salatiga, menggali penanaman dan penguatankarakter kemandirian dan tanggungjawab melalui wawancara, observasidan data dari dokumen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan; bahwa habituasinilai karakter kemandirian dan tanggungjawab dilakukan melalui duabentuk kegiatan, yakni melalui pelajaran PPKn dan melalui kegiatan diluarpembelajaran yang saling terintegrasi. Banyaknya mata pelajaran praktikselama ini, muncul persepsi bahwa mata pelajaran PPKn tidak dianggapsebagai mata pelajaran yang penting di SMK. PPKn menjadi mata pelajaranyang menanamkan karakter bagi peserta didik di SMK selain matapelajaran lainnya. Penilaian karanter kemandirian dan tanggungjawab pada mata pelajaran PPKndiintegrasikan dengan mata pelajaran lainnya, misalnya ketika siswa melaksanakan kegiatan praktikdengan menggunakan “Kartu Kendali Individu”. Dengan demikian, karakter kemandirian dantanggungjawab dapat merembes ke dalam aktifitas peserta didik SMK melalui kegiatan di luar jam kelas.
Pengaruh Tingkat Komitmen Lingkungan Freight Forwarder Terhadap Respon Kebijakan Green Freight Transport Karmini, Karmini; Kombaitan, B.; Syabri, lbnu; Lestari, Puji
Warta Penelitian Perhubungan Vol 25, No 6 (2013): Warta Penelitian Perhubungan
Publisher : Sekretariat Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perhubungan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2405.287 KB) | DOI: 10.25104/warlit.v25i6.740


Kegiatan transportasi barang memberikan dampak negatif berupa polusi udara yang cukup signifikanpada lingkungan. Kebijakan uji kir kendaraan bermotor saat ini masih belum efektif untuk mengurangiemisi polusi udara karena emisi co2 harus dikontrol melalui pengurangan konsumsi bahan bakar.Diperlukan kebijakan yang dapat mengurangi polusi udara melalui pengurangan konsumsi bahan bakarkendaraan bermotor dengan pendekatan ASI (Avoid, Shift, Improve). Respon freight forwarder sebagai pihakyang terkena dampak langsung kebijakan akan berbeda-beda, diperkirakan dipengaruhi oleh tingkatkomitmen lingkungan perusahaan. Analisis klaster digunakan untuk mengelompokkan tingkat komitmenlingkungan freight forwarder, sedangkan untuk mengetahui pengaruh tingkat komitmen lingkungan freightforwarder terhadap respon kebijakan green freight transport dilakukan analisis Anova satu jalur. Hasil analisisklaster menunjukkan hampir separuh perusahaan (40% atau 24 perusahaan) mempunyai tingkat komitmenreaktif, 33 % (20 perusahaan) perusahaan mempunyai tingkat komitmen akomodatif dan 27% (16 perusahaan)perusahaan mempunyai tingkat komitmen proaktif. Dari uji hipotesis, dapat diketahui bahwa perusahaandengan tingkat komitmen yang berbeda (proaktif, akomodatif, reaktif) tidak memberikan respon yangberbeda terhadap usulan kebijakan green freight transport.
Informasi Interaktif Vol 4, No 3 (2019): Jurnal Informasi Interaktif
Publisher : Universitas Janabadra

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ABSTRACT The target of the program is that people who have not been economically productive but have a strong desire to become entrepreneurs, are a group of housewives with 10 members in the Dsn. Karanglo Sukoharjo Ngaglik Sleman. The aim of the program is to help empower housewives through the development of various taro-based cakes and help create peace and comfort. In general, the problems faced by partners are economic conditions that are still below average and productivity levels that are still low. To overcome this problem, the service team provided a solution in the form of building a business field tailored to the minimum skills of the community and local food-based partner areas. While the specific problem is that the majority of housewives are less able to take advantage of their free time in daily activities, do not have the effort to use taro around their home gardens as processed food, do not have the innovation of taro processing, do not have working capital to make business, do not have the ability to plan, record, and control a business, do not understand who the consumers will buy and do not know how to do the right marketing. The results of this activity are partners have received entrepreneurship training, the addition of production equipment, training and mentoring on how to make various cakes from taro, simple financial management training, and marketing management training.Keywords: taro, local food crops, empowerment, innovation, housewives
Jurnal Abdimas Vol 15, No 2 (2011)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LP2M), Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Masalah yang akan diungkap adalah bagaimana menerapkan teknologi pembuatan pupuk kompos dari kotoran kambing dalam rangka meningkatkan kebersihan lingkungan di Kelurahan Mangunsari Kecamatan Gunung Pati Kota Semarang. Tujuan utama dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah memberi wawasan dan mengenalkan serta memasyarakatkan penerapan teknologi pembuatan pupuk kompos dari kotoran kambing kepada masyarakatsekitar Kelurahan Mangunsari. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat untuk warga Kelurahan Mangunsari telah dilaksanakan mulai tanggal 1 sampai dengan 31 Juli 2011. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dilakukan dengan langkah metodologis yang meliputi identifikasi, pengorganisasian, penyuluhan, pelatihan, program aksi dan evaluasi. Metode penyuluhan digunakan untuk memberi wawasan yang bersifat teoritis dan praktis tentang materi pengabdian yaitu proses pembuatan pupuk kompos. Materi pelatihan diberikan dalam bentuk variatif yaitu ceramah, diskusi dan tanya jawab, demonstrasi dan praktek pembuatan pupuk kompos. Alokasi waktu dalam program aksi dibuat yang paling besar. Berdasarkan hasil uji fisika dan kimia diperoleh dari laboratorium, pupuk kompos yang dihasilkan oleh kelompok masyarakat sudah memenuhi standar kualitas kompos (SNI 19-7030-2004). Tekstur kotoran kambing adalah khas, karena berbentuk butiran-butiran yang agak sukar dipecah secara fisik sehingga sangat berpengaruh terhadap proses dekomposisi dan proses penyediaan haranya.
Peningkatan Motivasi dan Hasil Belajar Fisika Gerak Melingkar Dengan Metode Pembelajaran Sepeda Ria Berbantuan Sepeda Bagi Siswa Kelas X MIPA2 SMA Negeri 1 Gemuh Lestari, Puji
Jurnal Profesi Keguruan Vol 5, No 2 (2019): Jurnal Profesi Keguruan
Publisher : LP3 Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.7290/jpk.v5i2.18915


Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana proses metode pembelajaran Sepeda Ria Berbantuan Sepeda  dapat meningkatkan motivasi, hasil belajar dan seberapa besar peningkatan hasil belajar gerak melingkar. Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untu meningkatkan motivasi dan hasil belajar fisika gerak melingkar dengan menggunakan metode pembelajaran ? Sepeda Ria  Berbantuan Sepeda? bagi siswa kelas XMIPA2 SMA Negeri I Gemuh Semester I Tahun Pelajaran 2018 / 2019. Penelitian ini dilakukan kepada siswa kelas XMIPA2  dengan jumlah peserta 36 siswa yang terdiri dari 16 laki ? laki dan 20 perempuan pada semester I tahun pelajaran 2018 / 2019. Metode yang digunakan dalam peneliyian ini adalah metode penelitian tindakan kelas, terdiri dari 2 siklus dan siklus  1 terdiri dari lima tahapan yaitu perencanaan, tindakan.obervasi.refleksi dan revisi perencanaan, serta siklus 2 terdiri dari empat tahapan tanpa revisi perencanaan lagi. Data yang diperoleh berupa nilai tes yang terdiri dari nilai kondisi awal, nilai siklus pertama dan nilai siklus ke dua. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisis deskripsi komperatif yaitu membandingkan kondisi nilai kondisi awal, nilai siklus pertama dan nilai siklus ke dua. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara teoritik dan empirik dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran ?Sepeda Ria Berbantuan Sepeda ? dapat meningkatkan mitivasi dan hasil belajar fisika gerak lurus pada siswa kelas XMIPA2 SMA Negeri I Gemuh Semester I Tahun Pelajaran 2018 / 2019.The formulation of the problem in this study is how the process of learning methods for Bicycle Assisted Bike Ria can increase motivation, learning outcomes and how much an increase in learning outcomes in circular motion. The purpose of this study is to increase motivation and learning outcomes of circular motion physics using the learning method "Ria Bike Assisted Bicycles" for class XMIPA2 students of SMA Negeri I Gemuh Semester I in 2018/2019 Academic Year. This study was conducted to students of XMIPA2 with 36 participants students consisting of 16 boys and 20 girls in the first semester of the 2018/2019 school year. The method used in this study was a classroom action research method, consisting of 2 cycles and cycle 1 consisted of five stages, namely planning, action. observation. reflection and revision of planning, and cycle 2 consists of four stages without revision of planning again. The data obtained in the form of test scores consisting of initial conditions, first cycle value and second cycle value. Data analysis was performed using a comparative description analysis that compares the initial condition value, first cycle value and second cycle value. The results showed that theoretically and empirically by using the learning model "Ria Bike Assisted Bicycles" can improve the motivation and learning outcomes of straight motion physics in class XMIPA2 students of SMA Negeri I Gemuh Semester I 2018/2019 Academic Year.
BERITA BIOLOGI Vol 12, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Research Center for Biology-Indonesian Institute of Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (219.594 KB) | DOI: 10.14203/beritabiologi.v12i2.526


An evaluation of protein content and pasting properties of rice using molecular markers approach is still limited. This study was aimed to evaluate protein content and pasting properties of japonica rice using DNA marker in complement to conventional tools. This study was further analysis based on the data of protein content and pasting properties of 22 japonica varieties and genotyping data using 30 DNA markers. Multiple regression analysis was performed to formulate equations to estimate the protein content and pasting properties. As a result, the protein content and Rapid Visco Analyzer (RVA) pasting properties values of 22 varieties demonstrated in the range of japonica rice with high variation. Correlation between protein content and RVA pasta properties showed differential profiles. Several type of DNA markers tested in this study showed allele variation among varieties. To estimate the protein content and several parameters of pasting properties of japonica rice, six marker sets in the form of model equations were successfully developed. High resolutions of equations with signifikant R2 in range of 0.95 - 0.99 showed their potency to predict rice physicochemical properties. These developed marker sets are an initial step which needs further validation in order to be able for evaluation of thephysicochemical properties in early generation of breeding and germplasm collection of japonica rice in the future.
Intensitas Serangan Hama Penggerek Batang Kakao di Perkebunan Rakyat Cipadang, Gedongtataan, Pesawaran Lestari, Puji; Purnomo, Purnomo
Jurnal Agro Industri Perkebunan Volume 6 No. 1, Mei 2018
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (0.036 KB) | DOI: 10.25181/jaip.v6i1.746


Lampung is one of the Province that potential to cacao produce. Stem borer Zeuzera coffeae (Lepidoptera: Cossidae) is one of the pests that often be found, besides Conopomorpha cramerella and Helopelthis sp. Z. coffeae can bore branches and stems it caused xylem damage, plant break easily or plant growth inhibited. The research were conducted from September to October 2017. Sampling was doing at smallholder cocoa plantation in Cipadang Village, Gedongtataan Sub-district, Pesawaran District. Survey was doing to observe pest attacks characteristic, inventory of attacked host, identification of symptoms, and number of fruits. Attack intensity in young plant is higher than in older plants. In 4 years plants the intensity of attack and damage are 11,34% and 7,73%. While the intensity of attack and damage in the 9 plant years are 7,50% and 5,00%.   Keywords: attack intensity, cocoa, stem borer, Zeuzera sp.
SAR (Soedirman Accounting Review) : Journal of Accounting and Business Vol 4 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Program Studi S1 Akuntansi Fakultas Ekonomi & Bisnis Univesitas Jenderal Soedirman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (798.468 KB) | DOI: 10.20884/1.sar.2019.4.1.1533


This study aims to determine the effect of organizational commitment, personal cost, personal responsibility,and the level of fraud, on the intention of whistleblowing with ethical dilemmas as moderating variables in the Inspectorate District and Pekalongan City. The population in this study were all Pekalongan District Inspectorate staff and Pekalongan City Inspectorate with a total population of 69. The sample of this study amounted to 32 obtained from the determination of samples using purposive sampling method with criteria namely Inspectorate employees who served as functional employees consisting of P2UPD, Auditors, and general functional / other staff, in this case there are 19 functional employees of the Pekalongan District Inspectorate and 13 functional employees of the Pekalongan City Inspectorate. The results of this study indicate that: (1)Organizational commitment has no significant effect on whistleblowing intentions; (2) Personal costs have a significant effect on whistleblowing intentions; (3) Personal responsibility has a significant effect on whistleblowing intentions; (4) The level of fraud has a significant effect on whistleblowing intentions; (5)Organizational commitment, personal cost, personal responsibility, and fraud level have a significant effect on whistleblowing intentions; (6) The ethical dilemma is not able to moderate the influence of organizational commitment, personal cost, personal responsibility, and the level of fraud on whistleblowing intentions at the Inspectorate District and Pekalongan City.
BBM (Buletin Bisnis & Manajemen) Vol 5, No 1 (2019): Volume 5 Nomor 1, Februari 2019
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi YPPI Rembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47686/bbm.v5i1.259


The study was done to determine the affect of reliability, responsiveness,assurance, empathy and tangibles either individually or together towards patientsatisfaction. The data that obtained to be processed using descriptive analysis andquantitative statistical analysis. Quantitative analysis used regression analysis to knowthe affect of variable independent towards variable dependent, but before theregression is done, formerly mentioned do the validity test and reliability test alsosettlement test. The result of regression analysis indicate that reliability, responsiveness,assurance, empathy and tangibles give the affect to patient satisfaction really withcorrelation product moment is positive, this case indicates that increasing reliability,responsiveness, assurance, empathy and tangibles will be followed increasing patientsatisfaction, so as well on the contrary. The result of regression analysis test indicatedthat value of F is significant, with correlation as big as 0,813. This case indicates thatreliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy and tangibles give affect really towardsperformance employee according to together with the connection tightness as big as81,3%.The conclusion that be obtained in this study indicated that to increasing patientsatisfaction, it is necessary to increased reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathyand tangibles.
Association of Mother’s Knowledge About Breast Milk nnd Breastfeeding With Exclusive Breastfeeding in Kecamatan Ilir Timur II Palembang.: Hubungan Pengetahuan Ibu Mengenai ASI dan Menyusui dengan Pemberian ASI Eksklusif di Kecamatan Ilir Timur II Palembang Lestari, Puji; Kurniati, Ardesy meilizah; Mamun, Asmarani
Sriwijaya Journal of Medicine Vol. 1 No. 2 (2018): Sriwijaya Journal of Medicine
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya

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Exclusive breasfeeding is defined as giving breast milk for infants from birth tosix months of age. The percentage of exclusive breastfeeding in Palembang hasnot reached national target. There aremany factors that may affect the mother in exclusive breastfeeding, one of which is mother's knowledge of breast milkand breastfeeding. The aim of this study was to examine the association of mother’s knowledge about breast milkandbreastfeeding with exclusive breastfeeding in Kecamatan Ilir Timur II Palembang. This cross-sectional study was held inJuly–December 2016. The population of this studywere mothers who have baby 6–24 months age in PuskesmasKecamatan Ilir Timur II. In this study, there were 93 mothers who fulfill inclusion criteria. The data were taken fromstructural interview by using questionnaire. The data were analyzed by Chi-Square statistic test using IBM SPSS Statistic22. The was no significant association of mother’s knowledge about breast milk and breastfeeding with exclusivebreastfeeding (p=0,120). The mother’s knowledge about breast milk and breastfeeding was not related with exclusivebreastfeeding in Kecamatan Ilir Timur II Kota Palembang.
Co-Authors - Kardoyo . REFLINUR A.A. Ketut Agung Cahyawan W Adi Djatmiko, Heru Adnyana, I Wayan Widhi Agung Prabowo Agustiani, Rafika Ahmad Dadang Al Faza, Fariz Amaliyah, Ekfi Rosyidah Amellia, Novita Rizky Andari Risliawati, Andari Andryani Handrayani Putri Anton Styo Wibowo, Anton Styo Ardang, Rifvan Yuniar Ardang, Rifvan Yuniar Ardesy Melizah Kurniati Arif Purnomo Arofah, Triani Azizah, Winda Nur B. Kombaitan, B. BAHRAIN DWI MASITHO, BAHRAIN DWI Bambang Jatmiko Budi Waluyo Chaerani Chaerani Chandrasari, Yuli Choiriyyah, Zumrotul Choirul Amri Cungki Kusdarjito Damayanti Wardyaningrum Dewi Kurniasari, Dewi Dian Ramawati DWI NINGSIH SUSILOWATI DWINITA WIKAN UTAMI Ella Kusumastuti, Ella Erisandi Arditama F Widhi Mahatmanti Fatimah Fatmawati Fatmawati Firstyarikha Habibah, Firstyarikha Foda, Yongky Lavia H.K, Itaqillah HABIB RIJZAANI Halimah, Suci Nur Harun Joko Prayitno Hasan Basri Hayat, M. Syaiful HEE JONG KOH Hendra Tanjung Heri Prabowo Heru Adi Djatmiko I GEDE SWIBAWA, I GEDE I Gusti Bagus Wiksuana I Ketut Sudiana I Made Samudra Ida Rosdianti, Ida Ida Wiendijarti Ifa Manzila Ikayanti Ikayanti Intan Rahmawati Jujuk Krisbiyantoro Karmini Karmini Ketut Sudarma Khoerunnisa, Sofia Nida KRISTIANTO NUGROHO, KRISTIANTO Kumala, Dian Kundharu Saddhono Kuswantoro, Agam Lestari Wibowo Liana Dewi Liya Novitasari Liyanovitasari, Liyanovitasari MA, Ratu Ayu Sri Wulandari Mahdum, Mahdum Mamun, Asmarani Mamun, Asmarani Martien Herna Susanti Marzuki, M. Bambang Masyhur Masyhur Mathafi, Mathafi Mathafi, Mathafi Mei Neni Sitaresmi Merdiana, Eryka Moh. Muhaemin Muhammad Lutfi Mulyani, Mutya Risty Nadya, Junaisih Dewi Nanang Syahidin, Nanang Nasution, Anggiani nFN Asadi, nFN nFN Reflinur, nFN Nirmalasari, Cyntia Nissa, Ita Chairun Nugroho, Kristianto Nur Prihatiningsih Nur Richana Nur Rizqi, M. Alfat Nur, Farin Nurdian Susilowati Nursalim, Muhammad Khoiri Nurul Hidayatun Oktavia, Dewi Mike Oman Rusmana Paradita, Wenny Dwika Pratiwi, Nor Indah Priscilla, Jeanneth Purnomo Purnomo Putri, Citraresmi Widoretno Radix Suharjo Raharti, Rini RAHMA FERDIANA, RAHMA Ramadhani, Febrinda Rizky Ramadhaniyanto, Berliyan Raqim, Ukhti Raqim, Ukhti Rebono Rebono, Rebono Reflinur, RERENSTRADIKA T. TERRYANA, RERENSTRADIKA T. Rerenstradika Tizar Terryana, Rerenstradika Tizar Rini Susanti Wulandari Risyadayana, Silki Riyanto, Bagja Romdiani, Nina Sri Rosma Hasibuan, Rosma Rosmimik, Rosmimik Sarwenda Hartono, Sarwenda sigid sudaryanto, sigid Sigit Priyanto Silvia Utami, Silvia Siti Azizah Siti Hudaidah Siti Nurani Siti Qomariyah Siti Yuriyah Sri Susilogati Sumarti SRI WARDANI Suharyanti, Enik sumantyo, riwi Sumarno . Sunarto Sunarto Supeno, Saras Suryani Suryani Susetyowati Susetyowati, Susetyowati Suwarno Suwarno Suwito Eko Pramono Suyahmo Suyahmo Syabri, lbnu Syabri, lbnu Syauqi, ikhwan Fadli Taprihanto, Taprihanto Tianingsih, Novi Restu Tijan Tijan, Tijan Tina Mawardika Titik Kusmantini TRI JOKO SANTOSO Tri Puji Priyatno Triastuti Sulistyaningsih Trini Suryani Kadir Tunjungsari, Arima Ratih Tunjungsari, Arima Ratih Umi Aniroh, Umi Uswatun Hasanah Utami, Luwes Tri Utami, Luwes Tri UTUT WIDYASTUTI Waluyo, Herman J. Wandira, Praba Wartono Wartono Wawan Priyanto, Wawan Yadi Suryadi Yuli Candrasari Yuntawati, Yuntawati Yuspida Yulianti Yuyun Fitriana Zana Fitriana Octavia Zumrotul Ch, Zumrotul