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Tinjauan Hukum Penatagunaan Tanah Pada Bangunan Gedung Usaha yang Berdiri di Kawasan Permukiman Muhammad Alfa Fathansyah; Farida Patittingi; Sri Susyanti Nur
Jurnal Al-Qadau: Peradilan dan Hukum Keluarga Islam Vol 8 No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Jurusan Hukum Acara Peradilan dan Kekeluargaan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/al-qadau.v8i2.19648


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah implementasi Peraturan Pemerintah No. 16 Tahun 2004 telah sejalan dengan regulasi bangunan komersial dan pengawasan pemerintah daerah terhadap bangunan komersial di kawasan pemukiman. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan kualitatif tipe sosio yuridis yang terdiri dari penelitian hukum normatif serta penelitian hukum empiris dengan mendapatkan dan menganalisa data primer dalam bentuk hasil wawancara dengan narasumber. Penelitian ini dilakukan di bangunan gedung usaha yang berdiri di kawasan permukiman, Dinas Penataan Ruang dan Bangunan dan Badan Pertanahan Nasional Kota Makassar dengan populasi seluruh bangunan gedung usaha di Kota Makassar. Hasil penelitian ini adalah pengelolaan penggunaan lahan pada bangunan komersial yang berada di kawasan pemukiman belum dilaksanakan dengan baik dan menyeluruh sesuai Peraturan Pemerintah No. 16 Tahun 2004 tentang pengelolaan penggunaan tanah. Hal ini terlihat dari masih adanya hal-hal yang belum dilaksanakan dengan baik sesuai dengan ketentuan, misalnya penggunaan dan pemanfaatan tanah harus sesuai dengan Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah. Meskipun penyelengaraan penataan ruang dalam pembangunan gedung usaha di kawasan permukiman telah berjalan, banyaknya jumlah gedung usaha pada kawasan permukiman menandakan bahwa pengawasan Dinas Penataan Ruang dan Bangunan belum berjalan baik dan optimal karena apabila hal ini terjadi terus menerus dan terjadi pada kawasan perumahan/permukiman yang lain, maka fungsi kawasan perumahan/permukiman tidak menutup kemungkinan dapat berubah seluruh kawasan dan fungsinya.                                                                                Kata Kunci: Penatagunaan Tanah, Bangunan Gedung Usaha, Kawasan Permukiman. This study aims to determine whether the implementation of Government Regulation No. 16 of 2004 has been in line with commercial building regulations and local government supervision of commercial buildings in residential areas. This study uses a socio-juridical type of qualitative approach consisting of normative legal research and empirical legal research by obtaining and analyzing primary data in the form of interviews with interviewees. This research was conducted in business buildings that stood in residential areas, the Office of Spatial Planning and the National Land Agency of Makassar with a population of all business buildings in Makassar. The results of this study are the management of land used in commercial buildings located in residential areas has not been implemented properly and thoroughly in accordance with Government Regulation No. 16 of 2004 concerning land use management. This can be seen from there are still things that have not been implemented properly according to the provisions, for example the use and utilization of land must be in accordance with the Regional Spatial Plan. Although spatial planning has been implemented in the construction of business buildings in residential areas, the large number of business buildings in residential areas indicates that the supervision of the Spatial Planning and Building Services has not been running well and optimally because if this happens continuously and occurs in other housing / settlement areas , then the function of the housing / settlement area does not rule out the possibility of changing the entire area and its functions. Keyword: land use, business buildings, residential areas
SUPREMASI: Jurnal Pemikiran, Penelitian Ilmu-ilmu Sosial, Hukum dan Pengajarannya Vol 16, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/supremasi.v16i1.20548


Tanah Tongkonan merupakan salah satu bentuk tanah milik masyarakat hukum adat yang ikut serta kedalam program Pendaftaran Tanah Sistematis Lengkap (PTSL), yang dilakukan oleh Badan Pertanahan Nasional Kabupaten Toraja Utara berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Agraria dan Tata Ruang/Kepala Badan Pertanahan Nasional Nomor 6 Tahun 2018  tentang Pendaftaran Tanah Sitematis Lengkap (PTSL), yang mana hal tersebut bertentangan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 24 Tahun 1997 Tentang Pendaftaran Tanah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis bentuk Pendaftaran Tanah Sistematis Lengkap (PTSL) terhadap tanah tongkonan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian empiris, dengan menganalisis data yang terkumpul melalui wawancara dan studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa apabila tanah tongkonan didaftarkan melalui program pendaftaran tanah sistematis lengkap (PTSL) akan menimbulkan berbagai permasalahan terutama yang berwenang sebagai pemegang sertifikat hak atas tanah tongkonan, dan kemudian pemberian hak melalui penerbitan sertifikat bertentangan dengan semangat Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1960 tentang Peraturan Dasar Pokok Agraria (UUPA).
Legal Protection Against Fishermen's Settlement Located On The Coastal Borderline Of Bone Regency Rezky Amalia Syafiin; Farida Pattitingi; Sri Susyanti Nur
Jurisprudentie: Jurusan Ilmu Hukum Fakultas Syariah dan Hukum Vol 9 No 1 (2022): Vol. 9. No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Hukum Fakultas Syariah dan Hukum uin alauddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/jurisprudentie.v9i1.29371


This study aims to find two problems, namely the implementation of the arrangement of fishermen's settlements located on the coastal border and how is the legal protection for the arrangement of fishermen's settlements in the coastal border of Bone Regency. This research uses empirical legal research. The source of data that will be used in this research is the processing of primary data and secondary data. The form of data analysis used in this research is descriptive. The results of the study illustrate that the implementation of the arrangement of fishermen's settlements in the coastal border line of Lonrae Village is seen from two aspects, namely the legal arrangement and its implementation. In its implementation, it is not in accordance with existing regulations because in Lonrae Village there are settlements in the coastal border area that have existed for a long time. Legal protection focuses on two aspects of protection, namely protection for the community and legal protection for the environment as the main aspect in protecting the environment or ecosystem on the coastal border in Lonrae District and protection for the community after the relocation of settlements as a result of enforcing the rule of law in the regional regulation of Bone Regency regarding Spatial Planning. Region of Bone Regency 2013-2023 and Regional Regulation of Bone Regency concerning Detailed Spatial Planning and Zoning Regulations for Watampone Urban Area 2016-2036.
Konsistensi Pengaturan mengenai Hak Guna Usaha Pasca Berlakunya Undang-undang Cipta Kerja Andi Surya Nusantara Djabba; Farida Patittingi; Sri Susyanti Nur; Liong Rahman
PLENO JURE Vol 11 No 2 (2022): Pleno Jure, Oktober
Publisher : LL-DIKTI Wilayah IX Sulawesi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37541/plenojure.v11i2.761


Penelitian ini membahas tentang isu konsistensi pengaturan mengenai HGU setelah diterbitkannya Undang-undang Cipta Kerja. Indikator pembahasan mengenai konsistensi pengaturan HGU ialah sejauhmana konsistensi pengaturan HGU pada Undang-undang Cipta Kerja terhadap Undang-undang Pokok Agraria yang ditinjau dari segi kaidah bahasa hukum, prinsip dan materi pengaturan HGU. Adapun penelitian tesis ini merupakan penelitian normatif yang akan dianalisis secara kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa terdapat sejumlah inkonsistensi dari segi kaidah bahasa hukum, prinsip dan materi pengaturan HGU dalam Undang-undang Cipta Kerja dikarenakan tidak adanya penentuan relasi dalam perumusan pengaturan HGU dalam Undang-undang Cipta Kerja terhadap Undang-undang Pokok Agraria.
Subjek Hukum Kegiatan Pengelolaan Rumah Susun Bukan Hunian: Pasar Sentral Ujung Pandang M. Ridjal Adelansyah Syam; Farida Pattitingi; Sri Susyanti Nur
SIGn Jurnal Hukum Vol 4 No 1: April - September 2022
Publisher : CV. Social Politic Genius (SIGn)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37276/sjh.v4i1.186


This study examines and analyzes the legal subject of the Ujung Pandang Central Market management activities, which are treated as Non-Residential Condominium buildings based on Law No. 20 of 2011. This research combines normative juridical and empirical research methods. The primary data were collected using direct interviews, while the secondary data was collected using literature study techniques. The data obtained in this research were then analyzed qualitatively. The results show that the legal subject of the Ujung Pandang Central Market management activities, which are treated as Non-Residential Condominium buildings, must be held by PPPSRS based on Article 59 of Law No. 20 of 2011. In this case, if PPPSRS has not been established, then PT. MTIR must establish PPPSRS no later than one year from the first delivery of the condominium unit to the owner. However, until now, PPPSRS has not been established and established by PT. MTIR. So strictly speaking, PT. MTIR deviated from its obligations in implementing Law No. 20 of 2011. Therefore, it is recommended that the Makassar Municipal Government re-evaluate the involvement of PT. MTIR as Holder of The Right to Build for Ujung Pandang Central Market. In addition, it is recommended to PT. MTIR to comply with Article 59 of Law No. 20 of 2011 by establishing PPPSRS. Furthermore, it is hoped that law enforcement and the Regional House of Representatives of Makassar Municipal will protect the interests of traders so that PPPSRS is established as a legal subject for the Ujung Pandang Central Market management activities.
Kepastian Hukum Hak Atas Tanah Yang Diklaim Sebagai Kawasan Hutan Di Lingkungan Batulapisi Kabupaten Gowa Al Araaf Ode Pota; A. Suyaman M.Pide; Sri Susyanti Nur
Widya Pranata Hukum : Jurnal Kajian dan Penelitian Hukum Vol. 4 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Widya Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37631/widyapranata.v4i2.684


This study examines the implications of land registration after the release of forest areas in the Batu Lapisi neighborhood in Malino Village, Tinggi Moncong District, Gowa Regency. The research conducted is empirical research. Empirical research examines law in action. Thus, the empirical world is das sein (what is the reality. Data analysis is descriptive by providing an overview of what should be done about these legal problems. The results show that the implementation of land registration which is claimed as a forest area in the Batu lapisi Dalam environment) Kelurahan Malino was implemented based on the recognition of old rights in the form of Ipeda evidence in 1976, then the National Agrarian Operations Project program in 1991 and finally the release of forest areas based on the Decree of the Minister of Environment and Forestry No. 362 / MENLHK / SETJEN / PLA.0/ 5 / 2019 with the method of land registration for the first time sporadically. Implications of land registration after area release is carried out under the authority of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia which issues land parcels based on the Spatial Review scheme of conservation forest areas by issuing them a Decree of the Minister of Environment and Forestry No.362/MENLHK/SETJEN/PLA.0/ 5/2019, then the minister determines the people who receive the Blue SK as the basis for registering land rights. After that, the Gowa Regency BPN carried out the administrative process of sporadic land registration based on the Blue Decree from the Minister of Environment and Forestry as well as evidence of physical control from the lurah or village head. If the land to be registered borders a forest area, a clarification or recommendation must be requested from the Regional 7 Makassar Forest Area Consolidation Center (BPKH).  Keywords: Legal Certainty, Rights, Land, Forests, Environment
JURNAL ILMIAH LIVING LAW Vol. 15 No. 2 (2023): Jurnal Ilmiah Living Law
Publisher : Magister Hukum Sekolah Pascasarjana Unida

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30997/jill.v15i02.6038


The existence of the indigenous people of the Sakai Tribe has met the requirements to be recognized as stipulated in Article 67 paragraph (1) of Law no. 41 of 1999 concerning Forestry, namely that the community is still in the form of an association (rechsgemeenschap), there are institutions in the form of customary rulers, there is a clear customary law area, there are legal institutions and instruments, especially customary courts, which are still adhered to and still collect forest products. in the surrounding forest area to meet the needs of daily life. Confirmation of the existence and elimination of customary law communities based on Article 67 paragraph (2) is stipulated by a Regional Regulation. However, until now there is no local regulation that regulates the existence of the indigenous peoples of the Sakai Tribe, thus creating legal uncertainty. Settlement of land boundary disputes between customary law communities and PT. Arara Abadi was resolved through litigation, in this case through the Bengkalis District Court as stated in the decision number 89/Pid.B/LH/2020/PN.Bls. In addition, dispute resolution outside the non-litigation legal route (mediation) has also been carried out in resolving border disputes between the Sakai Tribe customary law community and PT. Eternal Arra. Dispute resolution is carried out by deliberation by involving the inner group with PT. Arara is Eternal and there is usually peace Keywords: Existence, Sakai Tribe, Industrial Planting Forest.