Slamet Suhartono
Fakultas Hukum Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya Jl. Semolowaru 46 Surabaya

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Konstitusionalitas Badan Peradilan Khusus dan MK dalam Penyelesaian Sengketa Hasil Pilkada Langsung Slamet Suhartono
Jurnal Konstitusi Vol 12, No 3 (2015)
Publisher : The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (425.859 KB) | DOI: 10.31078/jk1234


In accordance with the decision of the Constitutional Court Number 97/PUU-XI/2013, the Constitutional Court is no longer authorized to resolve disputes on direct election results, because the provisions of Article 236C of Law Number 12 Year 2008 NRI are against the Constitution of 1945. Article 157 paragraph (1) Law No. 8 Year 2015 determines that the dispute settlement on direct election results become the authority of specialized judiciary. But before a specialized judiciary is formed, then the Constitutional Court is authorized to resolve disputes on direct election results. The authority of the Constitutional Court is the constitutional authority to fulfill temporary legal vacuum (rechtvakum). Therefore legislators should immediately establish a specialized judiciary which has the authority to resolve the disputes on direct election results.
The Existence of President Instruction of The Republic of Indonesia Number 1 The Year 1991 on The Wide Spread of Compilation of Islamic Law in Indonesian Legal System Fajar Sugianto; Slamet Suhartono
AL-IHKAM: Jurnal Hukum & Pranata Sosial Vol. 13 No. 2 (2018)
Publisher : Faculty of Sharia IAIN Madura collaboration with The Islamic Law Researcher Association (APHI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/al-lhkam.v13i2.1727


President Instruction Number 1 Year 1991 is a legal instrument that became Indonesia’s positive law regulating the Compilation of Islamic Law (KHI). However, the constitutional system and regulation system in Indonesia have undergone significant changes since the reform era. It raised another legal issue in the application and implementation of the Compilation of Islamic Law since it is not categorized as the source of law in Indonesia’s legal system. It cannot be applied to the government directly because of lack of legal binding. Nevertheless, the existence of the President Instruction still provides recognition through join decision with the Ministry of Religion and the Supreme Court. Thus, the Compilation of Islamic Law can be institutionally applied in the Religious Court which positioned under the Indonesia’s Supreme Court. Since then Judges easily apply the Compilation of Islamic Law as the legal source in resolving disputes in Muslim society. (Inpres 1/1991 merupakan instrumen hukum yang menjadikan hukum Islam sebagai hukum positif di Indonesia, akan tetapi perkembangan sistem ketatanegaraan dan sistem perundang-undangan di Indonesia telah mengalami perubahan yang sangat pesat sejak era reformasi. Hal ini menimbulkan problem hukum baru dalam pemberlakuan Kompilasi Hukum Islam (KHI) mengingat kedudukan Inpres 1/1991 dalam sistem perundang-undangan tidak dikenal sebagai peraturan perundang-undangan. Dalam aspek kekuatan mengikat, Inpres tersebut tidak dapat diberlakukan untuk umum karena tidak mempunyai kekuatan mengikat umum dan hanya bersifat mengikat ke dalam terhadap pejabat yang berkedudukan lebih rendah pada 1 (satu) institusi. Kendatipun demikian eksistensi Inpres 1/1991 hingga hari ini masih diakui keberadaannya mengingat substansinya dibentuk melalui keputusan bersama antara Menteri Agama dengan Ketua Mahkamah Agung. Sehingga, Kompilasi Hukum Islam mengikat hakim-hakim peradilan agama yang berada di bawah lingkungan Mahkamah Agung. Para hakim dapat menggunakan Kompilasi Hukum Islam sebagai dasar hukum untuk menyelesaikan sengketa yang terjadi diantara masyarakat yang beragama Islam)
International Journal of Law Reconstruction Vol 6, No 2 (2022): International Journal of Law Reconstruction
Publisher : UNISSULA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26532/ijlr.v6i2.21522


The seller offers goods with online media by relying on the description of the goods in the form of videos or photos so that consumers cannot directly check the goods to be purchased. This article analyzes the seller's liability due to hidden defects in online buying and selling transactions. This study uses a normative juridical approach. Results of the study show that hidden defective products sold by sellers in online transactions are the absolute responsibility of the seller as regulated in Article 19 of the UUPK, as well as the provisions of Articles 1365 and 1865 of the Civil Code, namely the seller is responsible for the goods sold. However, this responsibility must be proven that the seller did make a mistake, and the result of the mistake has been detrimental to the consumer. Besides the obligation of consumers to be careful, consumers also need to get protection.
Bureaucracy Journal : Indonesia Journal of Law and Social-Political Governance Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): Bureaucracy Journal : Indonesia Journal of Law and Social-Political Governance
Publisher : Gapenas Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53363/bureau.v3i1.220


Along with the rapid growth of social, educational, cultural, and other aspects of people's life, there has also been an increase in many forms of crimes or infractions, one of which is score fixing in sports. As the world's parent organization of football, FIFA has its own constitution, rules, and legal system. It's called the Lex Sportiva. The normative legal research approach was utilized in this article. Whereas the normative legal approach is a technique that is carried out via research on library resources that are secondary data to solve and resolve the concerns of legal difficulties encountered. Fixing the score in a sports event is viewed as an issue that harms the public interest since it jeopardizes the integrity of a competition, jeopardizes societal values and cultural education expressed in sports, and jeopardizes a sport's income. Criminal law is a coercive legislation that states that any criminal activities that meet the criteria of a crime shall be prosecuted criminally. The collaboration of PSSI and the National Police in score setting is also regarded as vital in creating a healthy and clean Indonesian football environment. So that the PSSI statute has a clear position in the eyes of national law, both the distribution of authority and the application of punishment must be made down in laws and regulations that are consistent with the types of laws and regulations that exist in Indonesia
Bureaucracy Journal : Indonesia Journal of Law and Social-Political Governance Vol. 3 No. 2 (2023): Bureaucracy Journal : Indonesia Journal of Law and Social-Political Governance
Publisher : Gapenas Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53363/bureau.v3i2.260


Filling the Vacant Regional Head is the most important. thing for the, continuity. of, governance in the region. This is because not all Regional Heads who occupy positions have the same time range for ousting. This is due to the existence, of new laws, and- regulations to equalize terms of office in all regions in Indonesia. The implications of job requirements that can fill the vacancy in this position have caused debate among the public and academics. In this research, a normative juridical approach is used. Normative legal review is a process of exploration, discovery and discovery of legal principles, legal rules and legal cases that will be used to respond to legal issues. Them results of the research show, that activei membersl of. the POLRI and. TNI soldiers are not allowed to occupy positions in the government that have nothing to do with their identity. Even their political rights are also limited, they can occupy civil political positions if they have resigned or have retired. This is reinforced by Law no. 2/ 2002 and Law no. 34/2004 has clearly limited the political rights of POLRI members and TNI soldiers. Ini this, case it can be. seen lin Article 28 of Law no. 2/ 2002 and Article 39 of Law no. 34/2004. If this position is seen from the ASN elements, it can be concluded that only acting ASN employees can fill this position
MEDICATION ERROR OF EXPIRED DRUGS FOR AMBULATORY PATIENTS Yeni Vitrianingsih; Slamet Suhartono; Yovita Arie Mangesti; Budiarsih
Ius Positum (Journal Of Law Theory And Law Enforcement) Vol. 2 Issue. 2 (2023)
Publisher : jfpublshier

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56943/jlte.v2i2.325


Medication errors are commonly found in patient prescriptions. In Article 12 of the Pharmaceutical Law, these cases are only subject to administrative sanctions. It is also stated in the Minister of Health Regulation No. 72/2016 Articles 3 and 12 that the sanctions imposed are only administrative sanctions in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations. The regulation is quite unclear, and will be clarified in the discussion of this research to identify laws that provide protection for ambulatory patients. The high problem of medication errors in patients indicates that it is required to take real action to prevent these cases to occur which cause detriment to the patient. Therefore, the objective of this research is to determine the factors that cause medication errors in the prescribing and dispensing phases. The research method used in this research is normative research with prospective data collection techniques which both methods can provide an overview and accuracy of data regarding the problem of medication errors on expired medicines. The results indicated that the factors causing medication errors in the prescribing phase and dispensing phase, such as work distractions such as ringing telephones, workload on health workers who are unable to do each job themselves, miscommunication between doctors and pharmacists about the use of drugs for patients, unsupported conditions while working, and education on writing prescriptions that do not comply with the requirements for completeness of prescriptions; the lack of a drug preparation room; and education regarding drug preparation that is not in accordance with prescription requests.
YUSTISIA MERDEKA : Jurnal Ilmiah Hukum Vol. 9 No. 1 (2023): JURNAL YUSTISIA MERDEKA
Publisher : Universitas Merdeka Madiun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33319/yume.v9i1.220


Abstract— Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menjelaskan implementasi pendaftaran tanah melalui Program Pendaftaran Tanah Sistematis Lengkap (PTSL) di Kabupaten Madiun dan menganalisis perlindungan hukum terhadap sertifikat tanah Program Pendaftaran Tanah Sistematis Lengkap (PTSL) di Kabupaten Madiun. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian hukum normatif merupakan suatu kegiatan penelitian hukum yang dilakukan untuk memecahkan isu hukum yang tengah dihadapi dengan menemukan suatu kebenaran koherensi. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan undang-undang dan pendekatan konsep, Dimana sumber bahan hukum yaitu bahan hukum primer dan bahan hukum sekunder serta dilakukan analisis bahan hukum secara dedukdif dari sesuatuyang umum menuju ke khusus dan bersifat preskriptif melalui metode penafsiran. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian pelaksaanaan PTSL di Kabupaten Madiun berpengaruh positif terhadap terciptanya tertib pertanahan, yaitu tertib hukum dan tertib administrasi pertanahan, ditunjukkan dengan banyaknya bidang tanah yang telah mampu disertipikatkan dalam proses PTSL. Hal ini menunjukkan adanya efektivitas hukum dan kesadaraan hukum masyarakat meskipun dalam pelaksanaan PTSL masih ditemukan beberapa kendala baik internal maupun eksternal dan perlindungan hukum bagi pemegang sertifikat PTSL yang diterbitkan BPN akan menjadi bukti dan dapat menjadi alat pembuktian di pengadilan. UUPA dan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 24 Tahun 1997, memberikan perlindungan hukum sepanjang tidak ada pihak lain yang dapat membuktikan sebaliknya. Untuk dapat menjadi pembuktian yang mutlak, berdasar Pasal 32 ayat (2) Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 24 Tahun 1997, ditentukan bahwa apabila dalam jangka waktu 5 (lima) setelah penerbitan Sertipikat tidak ada pihak lain yang mengajukan keberatan dan gugatan, maka pihak yang merasa sebagai pemilik atas tanah itu tidak dapat menuntut hak atas tanah tersebut.
ROLE OPTIMIZATION OF REGIONAL REPRESENTATIVE COUNCIL IN THE LEGISLATIVE FUNCTION Bambang Panji Gunawan; Slamet Suhartono; Yovita Arie Mangesti; Fajar Rachmad Dwi Miarsa
Srawung (Journal Of Social Sciences And Humanities) Vol. 2 Issue. 3 (2023)
Publisher : jfpublshier

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56943/jssh.v2i3.374


The Regional Representative Council or DPD is an institution that represents the region as a state institution. After the bicameral parliamentary structure was established, the idea of bicameral became both strengthened and weakened. This research aims to identify the situation of the Regional Representative Council according to the 1945 Constitutional amendment and the weaknesses of the Regional Representative Council in implementing its legislative function. The type of research used in this legal research is descriptive-analytical with an evaluative normative juridical approach. The findings of the research identified that the situation of the Regional Representative Council, according to the 1945 Constitutional amendment, caused several changes in its position, members, functions, term of office, as well as its relationship with the House of Representatives. On the other hand, the weaknesses of the Regional Representative Council in implementing its legislative function were caused by its’ limited authorities, its’ unequal position with the House of Representatives, and its consideration, which was not even being considered by the House of Representatives as the House of Representatives was not obligated to, its' non-exclusive status, and its’ potentially conflict of interest.
Kewenangan Pengelolaan Pertambangan Mineral dan Batubara Ditinjau dari Pasal 18a Ayat (2) Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 Alfonsus Ryan Widiono; Slamet Suhartono
Innovative: Journal Of Social Science Research Vol. 3 No. 5 (2023): Innovative: Journal of Social Science Research
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/innovative.v3i5.4916


Kewenangan pemerintah daerah dalam pengelolaan pertambangan mineral dan batubara setelah penetapan Undang-Undang Nomor 3 Tahun 2020 Tentang Pengelolaan Pertambangan Mineral dan Batubara, utamanya dalam pasal 6 ayat (1) yang menjadi fokus utama penelitian ini, dinilai telah tersentralisasi, sebab pada peraturan sebelumnya yakni dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 4 Tahun 2009 Tentang Pertambangan Mineral dan Batubara, pemerintah daerah memiliki kewenangan dalam pengelolaan pertambangan mineral dan batubara, namun dalam undang-undang terkini kewenangan pemerintah daerah dihapus, hanya ada pemerintah pusat yang memiliki mayoritas kewenangan krusial dalam pengelolaan pertambangan mineral dan batubara. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji kesesuaian Pasal 6 ayat (1) Undang-Undang Nomor 3 Tahun 2020 Tentang Pertambangan Mineral dan Batubara terhadap prinsip otonomi daerah, prinsip negara kesatuan dan keadilan pembagian urusan pemerintahan yang sesuai dengan Pasal 18A ayat (2) Undang-Undang Dasar 1945. Penelitian hukum (legal research) adalah penelitian hukum yuridis normatif yang menggunakan pendekatan perundang-undangan (statute approach), pendekatan konseptual (conceptual approach) dan pendekatan perbandingan (comparative approach). Bahan hukum yang digunakan adalah bahan hukum primer, sekunder dan tersier. Hasil penelitian yang didapat setelah menganalisa kesesuaian Pasal 6 ayat (1) Undang-Undang Nomor 3 Tahun 2020 Tentang Pertambangan Mineral dan Batubara terhadap konsep otonomi, konsep negara kesatuan dan keadilan pembagian urusan yang sesuai dengan Pasal 18A ayat (2) Undang-Undang Dasar 1945, serta membandingkan undang-undang yang lama dengan yang terkini, dinilai tidak sesuai dengan konsep dan peraturan perundang-undangan tersebut, sebab telah ditemukan adanya sentralisasi kewenangan pengelolaan pertambangan mineral dan batubara.
Legal Politics of Affidavit Prohibited Marriage for Junior High School Student Slamet Suhartono; Fahrizal Dillah; Imam Sujono
TARUNALAW : Journal of Law and Syariah Vol. 1 No. 01 (2023): January 2023
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Taruna Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54298/tarunalaw.v1i01.66


The background of the research was the existence of a statement letter prohibiting marriage for junior high school students in the city of Surakarta-Solo, which was later withdrawn by the school. The rules have been in effect for five years, the revocation is motivated by the wishes of the parents. The fact is that many junior high school children are now married. Through normative legal research methods, it examines problems regarding marriage prohibitions and then looks at the flow of legal politics policies that give birth to policies on the age limit for marriage. The discussion focuses on national legal politics regarding the age limit for marriage for men and women by looking at phenomena in the world of education. Judging from the minimum age, then like the government's anxiety regarding the world of education, the issuance of the Constitutional Court's decision was greeted by the issuance of a law to limit the age of marriage to nineteen years. Regulations in the form of laws regarding the limitation of the minimum age for marriage are basically not laws. If anyone seems to disagree with the rules, it is forbidden to marry at the junior high school level, which basically has the same goal, namely to anticipate early marriage.