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Diskursus Alkitab dan Al Qur’an sebagai Wahyu Ilahi dalam Konteks Penafsiran Al Qur’an Dede Pradana; Sa’idatun Nisa; Zulfi Widia Fitri; Akmal Rizki Gunawan; Mardian Idris Harahap
Jurnal Dirosah Islamiyah Vol. 6 No. 2 (2024): Jurnal Dirosah Islamiyah
Publisher : Pascasarjana IAI Nasional Laa Roiba Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47467/jdi.v6i2.1433


The originality of the Bible, which the Qur'an alludes to, has become an debate in believing in the books of God. Whereas both are equally a revelation from God. Likewise revelation Divine revelation, which in general is kalam or information that God gave to the Prophets and Messengers. Prophets and Messengers. However, on the one hand, Allah also gave revelation to Maryam, the mother of Prophet Isa. to Maryam the mother of the Prophet Isa, to the Mother of Moses, as well as to animals such as bees. bees. This paper aims to find the intersection of the Bible and the Quran as revelations of God through an analysis of Quranic interpretation. God's revelation through analyzing the interpretation of the Quran. Through this analysis, it can be Through this analysis, it can be concluded that the Bible and the Koran have relationships and similarities, one of which is that God is one, namely Allah. one of which is that God is one, namely Allah SWT. And that the revelation given by God to the Prophet is to give laws or sharia to humans while the revelation given to other than laws or sharia to humans while the revelation given to other than the Prophet is as inspiration or to provide instructions. Prophet is as inspiration or to provide instructions.
Diskursus Tafsir Masa Tabi’in dan Ruang Lingkupnya Akmal Rizki Gunawan Hasibuan; Mardian Idris Harahap; Muhammad Fakih Hasibuan; Wildan Wulandari
Mimbar Kampus: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Agama Islam Vol. 23 No. 2 (2024): Mimbar Kampus: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Agama Islam
Publisher : Intitut Agama Islam Nasional Laa Roiba Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47467/mk.v23i2.1477


This study aims to analyze the interpretation of the Qur'an during the tabi'in period. This discourse is very important to study because tabi'in has an important and significant role in the field of tasfir tabiin which is the generation after the companions, because the tabiin have received interpretation from the companions directly. This research uses qualitative research with a literature study approach, The results of the study concluded that there were two models of interpretation during the tabiin period, namely the interpretation of bil-ma'tsur and bil-ro'yi while the method applied during the tabiin period was the ijmali method. So it can be concluded that the interpretation of the tabi'in era is the beginning of an interpretation involving Arab and non-Arab cultures. In addition, over time with the expansion of Islamic territory became a very important beginning of the Qur'an in the generation after Tabi'in.