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Riau Journal Of Computer Science Vol. 5 No. 2 (2019): Riau Journal of Computer Science
Publisher : Riau Journal Of Computer Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (593.41 KB)


This study aims to determine the best Midwife determination system in Puskesmas Lalang Batubara, designing and implementing Weighted Product method for the process of determining the best Midwife in Puskesmas Lalang Batubara in determining the best midwife by using decision support system using Weighted Product method. The research method used in this research is quantitative method. The result is the best Midwife selection decision support system at Puskesmas Lalang Batubara using Weighted Product method facilitate the Midewife in determining the best midewife best
JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri) Vol 5, No 3 (2021): Juni
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (31.837 KB) | DOI: 10.31764/jmm.v5i3.4585


Abstrak: Para guru di Sekolah Taman Kanak Kanak  RA Al-Fariq, Sei Silau Timur, Kecamatan Buntu Pane, Kabupaten Asahan  merasakan keterbatasan informasi dalam aplikasi dan tidak tersedianya pula media pembelajaran dan kemampuan serta skill dalam membuat media pembelajaran. Akibatnya siswa merasa jenuh dan mengalami kesulitan dalam memahami materi yang diajarkan oleh guru dan tujuan pembelajaran tidak bisa tercapai sesuai dengan target pada kurikulum yang berlaku di sekolah tersebut. Dalam hal ini maka dilaksanakan pelatihan oleh tim kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat oleh STMIK Royal Kisaran, yang bertujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman dan skill dalam membuat media pembelajaran yang dapat meningkatkan motivasi dan prestasi belajar siswa sehingga kemampuan para guru dalam pembuatan media pembelajaran menjadi meningkat. Metode yang dilaksanakan dengan praktek dan pendampingan berupa pengoperasionalisasian program google classroom sesuai dengan materi ajarnya masing-masing. Tahapan pelaksanaan yang dilakukan dengan melakukan tahapan awal dengan mengidentifikasi kondisi sekolah dan guru dalam menetapkan bentuk kegiatan yang akan dilakukan, pelaksanaan pelatihan dan pendampingan pemanfaatan google classroom dan evaluasi pencapaian dan manfaat pelatihan. Semua peserta dapat mengikuti kegiatan ini sampai selesai. Dari jumlah 25 peserta yang ikut yang mampu menyelesaikan sesuai dengan kriteria yang diharapkan dari kegiatan ini adalah 22 orang peserta dengan persentase keberhasilan sekitar  90%. Abstract: Teachers at RA Al-Fariq Kindergarten School, East Sei Silau, Buntu Pane District, Asahan District feel that there is limited information in the application and the unavailability of learning media and the ability and skills to make learning media. As a result, students feel bored and have difficulty understanding the material taught by the teacher and learning objectives cannot be achieved in accordance with the targets in the curriculum applicable at the school. In this case, training was carried out by the community service activity team by STMIK Royal Kisaran, which aims to provide understanding and skills in making learning media that can increase student motivation and learning achievement so that the ability of teachers in making learning media increases. The method is carried out with practice and assistance in the form of operationalizing the google classroom program in accordance with the respective teaching materials. The implementation stages are carried out by carrying out the initial stages by identifying the conditions of the school and teachers in determining the form of activities to be carried out, implementing training and mentoring the use of google classrooms and evaluating the achievements and benefits of training. All participants can follow this activity until it's finished. Of the 25 participants who took part who were able to complete according to the expected criteria of this activity were 22 participants with a success percentage of around 90%. 
JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri) Vol 5, No 4 (2021): Agustus
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (31.837 KB) | DOI: 10.31764/jmm.v5i4.4702


Abstrak: Perkembangan teknologi terus berkembang namun di desa Limau Manis masih tertinggal dalam hal teknologi khususnya dalam penggunaan komputer. Selain itu tempat kawasan desa jauh dari perkotaan yang masih banyak kekurangan, terutama untuk kawasan yang ada di desa Limau Manis. Beberapa masalah yang dihadapi staf desa di desa limau manis adalah kurang memanfaatkan teknologi perangkat lunak yang ada dalam program komputer. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat adalah meningkatkan kemampuan perangkat desa dalam menggunakan Microsoft Office dengan baik dan meningkatkan ketrampilan dalam melakukan pelayanan masyarakat menggunakan Microsoft Office. Metode pelatihan yang dilaksanakan dengan cara diskusi dan interaktif untuk menyampaikan pengetahuan kepada peserta pelatihan. Kegiatan ini menggunakan pengetahuan secara teori dan praktek di kelas.  Keberhasilan kegiatan pelatihan ini diukur dengan hasil penilaian peserta melalui tes tertulis. Pelatihan ini berhasil memberikan pemahaman dan pengetahuan yang dapat diimplementasikan di tempat pekerjaan para peserta pelatihan. Pengetahuan tersebut diharapkan dapat berkontribusi dalam peningkatan kemampuan administrasi aparat desa yang sangat membantu dalam penyelesaian tugas-tugas administrasi di desanya. Peserta yang ikut dalam kegiatan ini ada berjumlah 20 orang, semua peserta mengikuti kegiatan ini sampai selesai. Hasil penilaian dalam mengikuti kegiatan menggunakan pretest dan posttest.  Para peserta  sudah mampu memahami materi yang disampaikan berdasarkan hasil angka penilaian  untuk hasil pretest mulai 45 sampai 65 dengan nilai rata-ratanya 55,5,  sementara hasil posttest nilainya mulai dari 70 sampai 95 dengan nilai rata-ratanya 86,5.  Abstract: The development of technology continues to develop, but in Limau Manis village, it is still behind in terms of technology, especially in the use of computers. In addition, the location of rural areas far from urban areas is still a lot of shortcomings, especially for the area in the village of Limau Manis. Some of the problems faced by village staff in the village of limau manis were not utilizing the existing software technology in the Computer program. The purpose of this community service activity is to improve the ability of village officials to use Microsoft Office properly. And improving services to the community with the skills to use Microsoft Office. The training method is carried out by means of discussion and interactive ways to convey knowledge to training participants. This activity uses theoretical and practical knowledge in the classroom. The success of this training activity is measured by the results of the participant's assessment through written tests. This training has succeeded in providing understanding and knowledge that can be implemented in the workplaces of the training participants. This knowledge is expected to contribute to improving the administrative capacity of village officials who are very helpful in completing administrative tasks in the village. There were 20 participants who took part in this activity, all participants participated in this activity until it was finished. The results of the assessment in participating in the activities used a pretest and posttest. The participants were able to understand the material presented based on the results of the assessment scores for the pretest results ranging from 45 to 65 with an average score of 55.5, while the posttest results ranged from 70 to 95 with an average score of 86.5.
Sistem Pakar Dengan Metode Backward Chaining Untuk Pengujian Transistor Di Laboratorium Elektronika Jhonson Efendi Hutagalung; Jeperson Hutahaean
RJOCS (Riau Journal of Computer Science) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2015): Riau Journal Of Computer Science
Publisher : RJOCS (Riau Journal of Computer Science)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (145.388 KB) | DOI: 10.30606/rjocs.v1i1.483


The expert system is an artificial intelligence, expert systems is a program to store and process knowledge for a particular area, that's why they were able to answer questions and solve problems, according to the consensus of the experts. Backward Chainning models in reverse of the hypothesis, a potential or conclusion which must be proved by the facts that support the hypothesis.Backward Chainning also well described in the form of reasoning began with the goal to the subgoal reach the goal of understanding means fulfilling subgoal. Decision tree is the result of a tracking process that can be used to explain the answer to the question of questions. Chainning Backward algorithm uses primary data structure in the formation of the decision tree. In the knowledge base necessary rules which will be stored in the database. For the rules on the formation of the expert system can be made based on the facts mentioned above. To rule pin test rules that generate multimeter to measure the use of transistors is right and wrong. Read the scale rule is a rule of the final results of the test transistors are good, leaking or broken so it can not be used anymore
RJOCS (Riau Journal of Computer Science) Vol. 2 No. 2 (2016): Riau Journal of Computer Science
Publisher : RJOCS (Riau Journal of Computer Science)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2078.337 KB) | DOI: 10.30606/rjocs.v2i2.872


In the application the author made this has a special role in the field of online sales which websites the author designed using programming languages adobe Dremweaver C3 andsoftware xampp as a database on the website writer for this, the working system of the e-cinema tickets online if client wanted to buy a ticket from the filming schedule consumers should clickon the cover of the menu of movies and will appear bio film's content and transfer the money to a bank that has been addressed then the consumer will be given a password and then input thepassword to the e-tickets for the cinema, the ticket can be printed or in print if your data was already in the validation admin.
Sistem Informasi Pengadaan Pupuk Dan Fungisida Berbasis Web (Studi Kasus: PT. Hutahaean, Pekanbaru - Riau) Jeperson Hutahaean; Rolly Yesputra
RJOCS (Riau Journal of Computer Science) Vol. 4 No. 1 (2018): Riau Jurnal of Computer Science
Publisher : RJOCS (Riau Journal of Computer Science)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (772.913 KB) | DOI: 10.30606/rjocs.v4i1.1449


As a company engaged in agribusiness one of the operational activities is the procurement of fertilizers and fungiciders that are directly related to the fullfilment  of needs in oil palm platantations PT. Hutahaean in Dalu-dalu. For data processing and data reportingevry fertilizer and fungiside procurement has been done manuallu by using computer. As the advances in computer technology have made an appropriate change impact on several aspects,  so worthy of being the media of information technology in the business world to get the ease  and development of technologi progress itself. Research begins by collecting the required data with several methods of interviews, field studies, literature studies and direct observation of the system ceated, the system created using the programming language php. The research aims to facilitate the management of PT. Hutahaean in seeing the stock of goods from the manual into a computerized system using a  web-based system, this system is closely related to computer media, hope this system can produce information easily, quickly and accurately. Fertilizer and fungicide procurement information system is designed using mysql as storage media, php as scrip and web to access. The outline of the information system carried out can run as it should but need development and evalution.
RJOCS (Riau Journal of Computer Science) Vol. 4 No. 2 (2018): Riau Journal of Computer Science
Publisher : RJOCS (Riau Journal of Computer Science)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (938.746 KB) | DOI: 10.30606/rjocs.v4i2.1627


Assessment is Assessment Report which contains a description of the object of assessment, assessment goals, field survey date, date of assessment, data analysis, assessment approach, and the value conclusion. The design of the website is to discuss the design of the State Property Data Rate in KPKNL - Range. Website designed using PHP and MySQL with reports as penyimpannya MySQL Database. The main purpose of this system design is designing a new system to overcome the weaknesses that exist in the current system, to increaseefficiency in the processing time and data access. Where the design Websiste Data Information System Assessment Report of State Property in KPKNL - The range is done by using the design and development of the system towards better
JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri) Vol 5, No 5 (2021): Oktober
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (434.653 KB) | DOI: 10.31764/jmm.v5i5.5255


Abstrak: Perkembangan Teknologi Informasi (TI) yang pesat, kebutuhan akan media dan aplikasi pembelajaran berbasis TI harus diimplementasikan. Guru adalah salah satu faktor penentu keberhasilan seorang siswa. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan kemampuan professional, pedagogik, sosial dan kepribadian. Beberapa permasalahan yang dihadapi guru dan staf di SD Negeri 010240 Pematang Cengkering, Kecamatan Medang Deras adalah belum memanfaatkan teknologi perangkat lunak yang optimal yang ada dalam program komputer. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah meningkatkan kemampuan guru dan stafnya dalam menggunakan Microsoft Office dengan baik dan lancar dalam kegiatannya. Metode pada pelatihan yang dilakukan dengan cara diskusi secara interaktif dalam menyampaikan pengetahuan kepada peserta pelatihan. Kegiatan ini menggunakan pengetahuan secara teori dan praktek di ruangan. Kegiatan pelatihan ini akan memberi keberhasilan dengan penilaian peserta melalui tes tertulis. Pelatihan ini dapat diimplementasikan di tempat pekerjaan para peserta pelatihan dan diharapkan dapat berkontribusi dalam peningkatan kemampuan yang sangat membantu dalam penyelesaian tugas-tugas di instansinya. Peserta yang ikut dalam kegiatan ini ada berjumlah 17 orang, semua peserta mengikuti kegiatan ini sampai selesai. Hasil penilaian dalam mengikuti kegiatan ini adanya peningkatan keterampilan para peserta dalam memperoleh pengetahuan dan keterampilan. Berdasarkan hasil angka penilaian untuk hasil pretest mulai 40 sampai 65 dengan nilai rata-ratanya 55, sementara hasil posttest nilainya mulai dari 85 sampai 95 dengan nilai rata-ratanya 92,059.  Abstract: The rapid development of Information Technology (IT), the need for media and IT-based learning applications must be implemented. The teacher is one of the determining factors for the success of a student. Therefore, professional, pedagogic, social and personality skills are needed. Some of the problems faced by teachers and staff at SD Negeri 010240 Pematang Cengkering, Medang Deras Sub-district are not utilizing optimal software technology in computer programs. The purpose of this community service activity is to improve the ability of teachers and staff to use Microsoft Office properly and smoothly in their activities. The training method is carried out by interactive discussion in conveying knowledge to training participants. This activity uses knowledge in theory and practice in the room. This training activity will provide success by assessing participants through a written test. This training can be implemented in the place of work of the trainees and is expected to contribute to capacity building which is very helpful in completing tasks in their agencies. There were 17 participants who took part in this activity, all participants participated in this activity until it was finished. The results of the assessment in participating in this activity were an increase in the skills of the participants in acquiring knowledge and skills. Based on the results of the assessment scores for the pretest results ranging from 40 to 65 with an average value of 55, while the posttest results range from 85 to 95 with an average value of 92,059. 
JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri) Vol 5, No 4 (2021): Agustus
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (467.073 KB) | DOI: 10.31764/jmm.v5i4.5020


Abstrak: Perkembangan teknologi terus berkembang namun di desa Limau Manis masih tertinggal dalam hal teknologi khususnya dalam penggunaan komputer. Selain itu tempat kawasan desa jauh dari perkotaan yang masih banyak kekurangan, terutama untuk kawasan yang ada di desa Limau Manis. Beberapa masalah yang dihadapi staf desa di desa limau manis adalah kurang memanfaatkan teknologi perangkat lunak yang ada dalam program komputer. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat adalah meningkatkan kemampuan perangkat desa dalam menggunakan Microsoft Office dengan baik dan meningkatkan ketrampilan dalam melakukan pelayanan masyarakat menggunakan Microsoft Office. Metode pelatihan yang dilaksanakan dengan cara diskusi dan interaktif untuk menyampaikan pengetahuan kepada peserta pelatihan. Kegiatan ini menggunakan pengetahuan secara teori dan praktek di kelas.  Keberhasilan kegiatan pelatihan ini diukur dengan hasil penilaian peserta melalui tes tertulis. Pelatihan ini berhasil memberikan pemahaman dan pengetahuan yang dapat diimplementasikan di tempat pekerjaan para peserta pelatihan. Pengetahuan tersebut diharapkan dapat berkontribusi dalam peningkatan kemampuan administrasi aparat desa yang sangat membantu dalam penyelesaian tugas-tugas administrasi di desanya. Peserta yang ikut dalam kegiatan ini ada berjumlah 20 orang, semua peserta mengikuti kegiatan ini sampai selesai. Hasil penilaian dalam mengikuti kegiatan menggunakan pretest dan posttest.  Para peserta  sudah mampu memahami materi yang disampaikan berdasarkan hasil angka penilaian  untuk hasil pretest mulai 45 sampai 65 dengan nilai rata-ratanya 55,5,  sementara hasil posttest nilainya mulai dari 70 sampai 95 dengan nilai rata-ratanya 86,5.  Abstract: The development of technology continues to develop, but in Limau Manis village, it is still behind in terms of technology, especially in the use of computers. In addition, the location of rural areas far from urban areas is still a lot of shortcomings, especially for the area in the village of Limau Manis. Some of the problems faced by village staff in the village of limau manis were not utilizing the existing software technology in the Computer program. The purpose of this community service activity is to improve the ability of village officials to use Microsoft Office properly. And improving services to the community with the skills to use Microsoft Office. The training method is carried out by means of discussion and interactive ways to convey knowledge to training participants. This activity uses theoretical and practical knowledge in the classroom. The success of this training activity is measured by the results of the participant's assessment through written tests. This training has succeeded in providing understanding and knowledge that can be implemented in the workplaces of the training participants. This knowledge is expected to contribute to improving the administrative capacity of village officials who are very helpful in completing administrative tasks in the village. There were 20 participants who took part in this activity, all participants participated in this activity until it was finished. The results of the assessment in participating in the activities used a pretest and posttest. The participants were able to understand the material presented based on the results of the assessment scores for the pretest results ranging from 45 to 65 with an average score of 55.5, while the posttest results ranged from 70 to 95 with an average score of 86.5. 
JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri) Vol 5, No 3 (2021): Juni
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (411.382 KB) | DOI: 10.31764/jmm.v5i3.5000


Abstrak: Para guru di Sekolah Taman Kanak Kanak  RA Al-Fariq, Sei Silau Timur, Kecamatan Buntu Pane, Kabupaten Asahan  merasakan keterbatasan informasi dalam aplikasi dan tidak tersedianya pula media pembelajaran dan kemampuan serta skill dalam membuat media pembelajaran. Akibatnya siswa merasa jenuh dan mengalami kesulitan dalam memahami materi yang diajarkan oleh guru dan tujuan pembelajaran tidak bisa tercapai sesuai dengan target pada kurikulum yang berlaku di sekolah tersebut. Dalam hal ini maka dilaksanakan pelatihan oleh tim kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat oleh STMIK Royal Kisaran, yang bertujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman dan skill dalam membuat media pembelajaran yang dapat meningkatkan motivasi dan prestasi belajar siswa sehingga kemampuan para guru dalam pembuatan media pembelajaran menjadi meningkat. Metode yang dilaksanakan dengan praktek dan pendampingan berupa pengoperasionalisasian program google classroom sesuai dengan materi ajarnya masing-masing. Tahapan pelaksanaan yang dilakukan dengan melakukan tahapan awal dengan mengidentifikasi kondisi sekolah dan guru dalam menetapkan bentuk kegiatan yang akan dilakukan, pelaksanaan pelatihan dan pendampingan pemanfaatan google classroom dan evaluasi pencapaian dan manfaat pelatihan. Semua peserta dapat mengikuti kegiatan ini sampai selesai. Dari jumlah 25 peserta yang ikut yang mampu menyelesaikan sesuai dengan kriteria yang diharapkan dari kegiatan ini adalah 22 orang peserta dengan persentase keberhasilan sekitar  90%.  Abstract: Teachers at RA Al-Fariq Kindergarten School, East Sei Silau, Buntu Pane District, Asahan District feel that there is limited information in the application and the unavailability of learning media and the ability and skills to make learning media. As a result, students feel bored and have difficulty understanding the material taught by the teacher and learning objectives cannot be achieved in accordance with the targets in the curriculum applicable at the school. In this case, training was carried out by the community service activity team by STMIK Royal Kisaran, which aims to provide understanding and skills in making learning media that can increase student motivation and learning achievement so that the ability of teachers in making learning media increases. The method is carried out with practice and assistance in the form of operationalizing the google classroom program in accordance with the respective teaching materials. The implementation stages are carried out by carrying out the initial stages by identifying the conditions of the school and teachers in determining the form of activities to be carried out, implementing training and mentoring the use of google classrooms and evaluating the achievements and benefits of training. All participants can follow this activity until it's finished. Of the 25 participants who took part who were able to complete according to the expected criteria of this activity were 22 participants with a success percentage of around 90%.