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SHARE: "SHaring - Action - REflection" Vol 3, No 1 (2015): DECEMBER 2015
Publisher : Institute of Research and Community Outreach - Petra Christian University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (23.489 KB) | DOI: 10.9744/share.3.1.1-8


As the simplest communication media, mading is a significant medium to encourage creativity, imagination and provide opportunity for students to be expresive. In fact, there aren’t many schools utilizing mading as a communication medium to empower students. Mading management that empowers students will also provide benefits to improve the literacy skills and build a culture of teamwork. This paper aims to examine the utilization of mading as a learning medium for students at SDN Tanjung Anom 3 Nganjuk. Mading is merely informative medium or one-way communication from the teacher to the students. Mading utilization is emphasized as a bulletin board only. Community service activities were implemented then, aimed to put mading as a medium of participatory communication in order to foster synergies between school as educational institution and the needs of the students. The results of the training has been done in SDN Tanjung Anom 3 shows that the management of mading within involvement of students will make them become more creative, expressive and imaginative. Students further become collaborative and explorative in mading management thus the function of mading as a medium of two way communication might be implemented.
PRESIDEN SBY DAN POLITIK PENCITRAAN : Analisis Teks Pidato Presiden SBY dengan Pendekatan Retorika Aristoteles S. Luhukay, Marsefio
Scriptura Vol 1, No 2 (2007): JULY 2007
Publisher : Institute of Research and Community Outreach - Petra Christian University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (340.341 KB) | DOI: 10.9744/scriptura.1.2.


Systematically rhetoric knowledge was firstly developed in Greece. The first systematic elucidation on speech cleverness in Greek is well known as Techne Rhetorike, it means knowledge on speaking arts. In world history, speech cleverness was a primary instrument to influence masses. Language was used to convince others. Such capability is generally owned by prominent figures or statesmen such as presidents. In view of rhetoric importance as part of knowledge that include in discipline of communication knowledge, so the researcher was interested in observing and analyzing speeches by the incumbent president, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY), that was well known as imaging politics, he has frequently displayed it while speaking before publics through addresses or other agendas in front of mass media or publics. Findings on examination of President SBY' Speech Texts that the most influential one for audiences was ETHOS. The ethos side was really reflected from the introductory section aimed at substantiating communicator's credibility. There were three aspects in Ethos namely Intelligence, Character, and Goodwill. The three aspects were contained in speeches of President SBY and the most dominant and strong one was Character aspect. It was reflected by sentences in his speeches that strove to portray himself as a personage, who is honest and trustworthy, that has empathy to societies.
Scriptura Vol 4, No 1 (2014): JULY 2014
Publisher : Institute of Research and Community Outreach - Petra Christian University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1177.147 KB) | DOI: 10.9744/scriptura.4.1.17-28

Abstract adalah sebuah situs blog berita yang memuat topik seputar teknologi komunikasi, gadget, media sosial dan aplikasi teknologi dalam beberapa bidang lain seperti bisnis, gaya hidup, dan hiburan. Blog ini dipublikasikan pada bulan Januari 2014 dan untuk menarik lebih banyak pengunjung serta partisipan pada blog baru ini, maka dilakukan kampanye media sosial yang berlangsung pada bulan Januari - Mei 2014. Target pengunjung untuk situs blog ini adalah mahasiswa, akademisi, praktisi dan wirausahawan yang merupakan pecinta teknologi. Kampanye tersebut terdiri dari beberapa tahap, yaitu menciptakan akun media sosial, mempromosikan blog post melalui media sosial, mempromosikan blog melalui iklan di media sosial, mengadakan survey dan giveaway. Rumusan masalah dari kampanye media sosial ini adalah bagaimana mendapatkan dampak yang terukur sebagai hasil dari kampanye tersebut. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode web analytic untuk mengukur dampak dari kampanye media sosial tersebut. Langkah – langkah dari metode tersebut adalah pertama – tama menentukan Objective and Key Results (OKRs) dan Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) yang diperlukan untuk didapat sebagai alat pengukuran yang konkrit dari hasil kampanye. Temuan dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa faktor terpenting dari sebuah kampanye media sosial yang berhasil antara lain topik – topik blog post yang menarik serta digunakannya akun – akun media sosial untuk menunjang kampanye tersebut.
Scriptura Vol 2, No 2 (2008): JULY 2008
Publisher : Institute of Research and Community Outreach - Petra Christian University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (179.697 KB) | DOI: 10.9744/scriptura.2.2.124-134


Why do we have such interest in analyzing a movie? Because movie is interesting and, yet, ambiguous. On one side, a movie is rich with elements of postmodernism. On the other side, movie is filled with real representation of social realities that occurred in real world; where human unable to accept it limitation, humanity. Because, there are certain things that human should not do. Humans endured in themselves the emotions which add complexities in meeting their problems. Whilst, robots have none. Robot is efficient and as a machine it has a great power that humans do not possess. Humans desire for robots in this world, because humans need to gain control. There is a wanting for taking control on their fellow humans. If, that can be done, then there will be wars of interest, enmity, conflicts, and so on. But, if, in some way, robots are the object of control, everything will be different. Robots controlled by humans, and humans handle the remote control or the chip.
Scriptura Vol 2, No 1 (2008): JANUARY 2008
Publisher : Institute of Research and Community Outreach - Petra Christian University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (134.519 KB) | DOI: 10.9744/scriptura.2.1.18-28


Public relations as a proactive management function, which performs the effort of monitoring trends, events, issues that may arise and distract the important relationships in a company. The continuous monitoring effort done by the Public Relations through informal relationship, and others, may give big benefit to the company when the crisis occurs. That’s why, PR can be said to be the portrait of the company. It is the eyes, ears and at the same time, the speaker for the organization. When an organization trembles, PR stands forward, when organization at a stable condition, it remains diligent in research and analysis, when a company moves forward, it stands behind, supports all organization’s supporting activity and programs. In other words, Public Relations is a must. When a crisis occurs, PR exists as a facilitator and mediator between organization and it’s public. That’s why I emphasized in my preamble’s argumentation that PR is highly needed in an organization, especially in Indonesia which, from my point of view, still gives meaning and locates PR in a highly different position as it is supposed to be.
MENEROPONG "KOMUNIKASI BEBAS PENINDASAN" Buah Pemikiran Kritis Jurgen Habermas dalam Realitas Wajah Pertelevisian Indonesia (Dilihat dari Ontologis, Epistemologis, Aksiologis Kajian Media) S.Luhukay, Marsefio
Scriptura Vol 1, No 1 (2007): JANUARY 2007
Publisher : Institute of Research and Community Outreach - Petra Christian University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (288.321 KB) | DOI: 10.9744/scriptura.1.1.


Critical Theory that was built by Jurgen Habermas strove to find a methodology to uncover the other way around%2C namely relatedness between knowledge and human interests as social creatures. Therefore%2C critical theory of Jurgen Habermas was often called Critical Theory of Ideology; since there was an inevitable correlation between knowledge and social praxis%2C between knowledge%2C technology and issues of modern societies such as alienation%2C technological domination%2C reification%2C social repression%2C dehumanization%2C depersonalization and various agonies and depression of human beings due to intervention and penetration of knowledge and technology. Such was the case that ideological critics intended to reveal negative intentions disguised by ideology derived from distorted communication models systematically that led to social injustice and suppression. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : critical theory%2C social praxis
Measuring the Relationship Maintenance Strategies through PT Pertamina (Persero) Website: Marsefio Sevyone Luhukay
Jurnal InterAct Vol 4, No 2 (2015): Jurnal InterAct
Publisher : Atma Jaya Indonesia Catholic University, Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2798.029 KB) | DOI: 10.36388/ia.v4i2.761


Internet, as a two way communications media provides an interactive and easier way for Public Relations to reach their public. Starting from the internet, e-mail, website, blog, were created, and so did the social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Path, Instagram. Social media helps people to create, share, and publish various contents through online media. Social media also provides people to communicate in two way, maintaining their relationships. To maintain the relationships with the public, Public Relations needs to create a certain way of communicating that will show their good intent. Linda Hon and James Grunig (1999), created a theory about relationship maintenance strategies for Public Relations in order to create and maintain the relationship well. We could see the relationships between Public Relations and their public through the website. This research explains the website contains of PT Pertamina (Persero), The Best BUMN Website of 2014. To be specific, this research’s main topic is “Measuring the Relationship Maintenance Strategies through PT Pertamina (Persero) Website”. This Research using quantitative content analysis method with the Holsti Formula. The results were measured by the indicators as following: (1) Access, (2) Positivity, (3) Openness, (4) Assurances, (5) Networking, (6) Sharing of Task. Those six indicators used to help Public Relations shows the corporate consistency in maintaining relationships with its differences publics through the internet including the corporate website.
Penyuluhan Literasi Media: Cara Mencegah Hoax Di Media Sosial Kepada Ibu-Ibu PKK Kelurahan Pakulonan Barat Tangerang Marsefio Sevyone Luhukay
Prosiding Konferensi Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat dan Corporate Social Responsibility (PKM-CSR) Vol 1 (2018): Prosiding PKM-CSR Konferensi Nasional Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat dan Corporate Socia
Publisher : Asosiasi Sinergi Pengabdi dan Pemberdaya Indonesia (ASPPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (181.495 KB)


Hoax menjadi salah satu permasalahan sosial saat ini di Indonesia. Data dari, menyebutkan bahwa remaja dapat menjadi salah satu penyebar hoax. Hal itu terjadi karena banyak remaja yang cepat menelan berita tanpa memverifikasi lebih dalam mengenai kebenaran dalam berita tersebut. Akan menjadi hal yang lebih baik apabila para anak remaja lebih teliti dalam memilah-milah berita yang layak untuk dibaca dan lebih aktif dalam mencari kebenaran dalam sebuah berita sebelum disebarkan kepada banyak orang. Selain rentan menjadi salah satu penyebar berita hoax dalam dunia maya atau sosial media, anak remaja pun terkadang salah dalam menggunakan sosial media. Karena peran orang tua dari para remaja sangatlah penting dalam membangun sebuah generasi untuk kemajuan suatu bangsa dan negara. Penyuluhan sebagai bagian dari Pengabdian pada masyarakat (PKM) perlu dilakukan pada kelompok ibu ibu yang berperan di sektor domestik sehingga informasi yang benar sebagai penangkal hoax menjadi salah satu bentuk pencegahan.
Penggunaan Media Digital untuk Promosi dan Peningkatan Social Awareness Komunitas UMKM Makanan Warung Gereja Kristen Indonesia (GKI) Cikarang (WGC) Marsefio Sevyone Luhukay; Revi Narwastu Paparang; Adissa Destriana Nurmala; Dinara Hizkiarin Verga; Gracia Gloria Irene
Prosiding Konferensi Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat dan Corporate Social Responsibility (PKM-CSR) Vol 5 (2022): PERAN PERGURUAN TINGGI DAN DUNIA USAHA DALAM AKSELERASI PEMULIHAN DAMPAK PANDEMI
Publisher : Asosiasi Sinergi Pengabdi dan Pemberdaya Indonesia (ASPPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37695/pkmcsr.v5i0.1631


The COVID-19 pandemic caused many businesses to collapse, especially for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME). Therefore, business operators must be able to adapt quickly to circumstances and move to the digital realm to try to rise and attract many consumers. Komunitas Warung Gereja Kristen Indonesia (GKI) Cikarang (WGC) is a community established by GKI Cikarang to help congregations who have businesses to keep up their business during the pandemic. However, the problem is that the WGC community is only limited to promoting the business of congregations in the church market, not yet widely known. Moreover, most of the congregations that is a part of WGC are still unable to use social media to help their businesses. Therefore, through this Capstone program, part of pengabdian pada masyarakat or service learning, we want to educate about the use of digital media for promotion and social awareness improvement in the WGC community, especially in the food sector. Keywords: MSME, Digital, Social Media, Promotion, Social Awareness
Wacana Relasi Kuasa Foucault dalam Bingkai Profesi Public Relations Perempuan di Indonesia [Foucault's Power Relations Narrative in the Framing of Women Public Relations Professions in Indonesia] Marsefio Sevyone Luhukay
Verity: Jurnal Ilmiah Hubungan Internasional (International Relations Journal) Vol 14, No 28 (2022): July - December
Publisher : Universitas Pelita Harapan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19166/verity.v14i28.6571


There is a premise in public space that Public Relations (PR) profession exclusively ‘belongs’ to women, yet at the same time, this premise acts as a constraint for women. The Glass Ceiling theory suggests that there is a power relations idea constructed in people’s minds in Indonesia and even around the world that supports the premise. Strategic positions such as Corporate Communications are dominated by men whereas women only have a bigger chance as subordinates. This indicates a patriarchal system and that men are the hegemon in Corporate Communications and women can only hold the PR professions. Moreover, women have a challenging time getting to top-level management. This leads to a question, asking what kind of knowledge the PR corporations live by that preserves the previous premise. From the literature study, the research finds that women are perceived to be more suitable for certain professions, such as pers, journalism, and media relations, and even serve as the ‘face’ for their institutions, without bringing big concepts. Foucault’s idea on the obligation for women to be presentable seems to be relevant here. Women’s looks are the main consideration for companies’ hiring decisions. Men, on the other hand, are comfortably put in Corporate Communications positions. This must be deconstructed. Women must have strategies for bigger opportunities in their institutions, broaden their horizons, and improve their capabilities. This is aligned with the theory from Cutlip et. Al that it is imperative to continuously develop Skills, Knowledge, Abilities, and Qualities.Bahasa indonesia Abstract: Dalam ruang ruang publik, pertarungan wacana yang menyebutkan bahwa profesi Public Relations (PR) adalah profesi “milik” perempuan sekaligus profesi PR adalah profesi yang menjadi justru merupakan hambatan bagi praktisi PR perempuan menurut Glass Ceiling Theory, menunjukkan bahwa ada relasi kuasa yang terbangun dalam pemikiran dan pengetahuan yang sudah berlangsung bertahun-tahun dalam profesi PR di Indonesia, bahkan di dunia. Relasi kuasa yang terjadi di ruang publik bahwa posisi penting PR atau Corporate Communications adalah milik laki-laki masih menjadi pernyataan yang terus ada sampai saat ini, sedangkan perempuan dianggap sebagai subordinat semata. Artinya, dominasi, patriarki dan hegemoni laki-laki masih kental dalam profesi PR, maupun Corporate Commmunications, jika berbicara mengenai wacana kuasa sebagai pemimpin dalam organisasi. Sedangkan perempuan dipandang subordinat yang masih memiliki keterbatasan untuk menjadi PR setingkat manajemen papan atas. Namun, jika kembali melihat pernyataan bahwa pengetahuan apa yang dilestarikan oleh perusahaan di Indonesia sehingga praktisi PR dipersepsikan sebagai profesi khusus bagi perempuan? Dari studi literatur yang dilakukan, ditemukan bahwa PR masih dipandang sebagai profesi teknisi komunikasi (communication technician) yang lebih banyak dititikberatkan pada aktivitas media relations semata, di mana menjalin relasi atau hubungan baik dengan pers, wartawan, hingga menjalin relasi, menjadi “wajah” bagi organisasi dan bukan konsep “besar” seperti pemikiran strategis dan eksekusi program. Sehingga, wacana relasi kuasa Foucault terlihat di sini bahwa praktisi PR haruslah tampil cantik dan elegan masih mengemuka di masyarakat dan menjadi poin pertimbangan ketika akan mencari pekerjaan yang “terlihat” lebih menjanjikan bagi perempuan. Sementara posisi yang lebih strategis adalah wilayah laki-laki. Ketika menempati posisi manajemen papan atas, posisi PR dan Corporate Communications kebanyakan dipercayakan pada laki-laki. Oleh karena itu, praktisi PR perempuan perlu untuk lebih mengedepankan aktivitas yang strategis, memiliki pandangan yang cemerlang dan kemampuan yang setara dengan laki-laki dalam menjalankan profesinya sehari-hari. Termasuk yang dikatakan oleh Cutlip, et al, bahwa praktisi PR perlu terus mengasah Skill, Knowledge, Abilities, and Qualities.