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Perbandingan Daya Dukung Ultimit Tiang Pancang Antara Metode Teoretis Dan Metode Aktual Dengan Konfigurasi Tiang Dan Kedalaman Muhammad Suhaimi; Fathurrozi Fathurrozi; Muhammad Aspihani Rahman
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 1 No 2 (2017): Jurnal Gradasi Teknik Sipil - Desember 2017
Publisher : P3M Politeknik Negeri Banjarmasin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31961/gradasi.v1i2.436


The soil layers in Banjarmasin are generally soft clay soil, whereas hard soil layers are in the range of 30 to 50 matters below ground level. Therefore, deep foundation is the right alternative to build a stronger and more stable construction. This study aims to determine the comparison value of pile bearing capacity based on theoretical and actual result so it can be used to determine the selection for planning and execution in installation of piles foundation. The study was conducted at Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) Campus, Jl. Brigjend H. Hasan Kayu Tangi, Banjarmasin. This study used mini piles size of 20cm x 20cm with vary in length. The type of soil bearing capacity against piles is friction. In theoretical calculation, it used sondir data while in actual bearing capacity it used the result from loading data test at pile B, E, G and I, then all data processed and analyzed by using methods from Davission (1973), Mazurkiewich (1973), and Chin (1970). The results of the calculation of bearing capacity of the ultimit piles, both theoretical and actual show a very significant difference. A very large difference on pile E4 with a depth of 12 meters of 53,25%, and the smallest difference in pile I with a depth of 12 meters by 15,25%.
Metode Stabilisasi Semen Terhadap Peningkatan Nilai CBR Tanah Dasar Jalan Lingkungan Muhammad Firdaus; Muhammad Suhaimi; Fathurrozie Fathurrozie
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 3 No 1 (2019): Jurnal Gradasi Teknik Sipil - Juni 2019
Publisher : P3M Politeknik Negeri Banjarmasin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31961/gradasi.v3i1.605


Dalam makalah ini mendiskusikan mengenai pengembangan fasilitas infrastruktur umum di Komplek Bumi Mas Lestari Perdagangan Banjarmasin yaitu Pembangunan Jalan lingkungan yang secara khusus meninjau bagian tanah dasar dan ketebalan timbunan sirtu. Perhitungan daya dukung tanah dasar mengacu kepada input nilai CBR metode SNI yaitu index dan engineering properties, uji kepadatan tanah standar proctor di laboratorium dan uji CBR Laboratorium. Studi penelitian terhadap tanah dasar yang dibandingkan adalah tanpa dan dengan penggunaan penambahan semen 9% terhadap tanah asli lanau lunak berlempung plastisitas rendah, hasil yang dapat mewakili untuk perbandingan nilai kelayakan subgrade adalah pemenuhan terhadap ketentuan nilai CBR subgrade pada Spesifikasi Umum Bina Marga sebesar minimum 6% pada pelaksanaan timbunan jalan, karena antara nilai CBR tanah dasar asli yang dihasilkan 4% dan setelah distabilisasi menggunakan semen menghasilkan peningkatan 9,8%, tanah dasar telah memenuhi persyaratan dan dapat digunakan menjadi bagian dari konstruksi perkerasan jalan diatasnya sebagai penopang. Abstract This paper discuss infrastucture development of road transportation in Bumi Mas Lestari Housing Compex Construction mainly Road access facility construction mainly for subgrade and embankment of thickness materials. The calculation of theoretical bearing capacity of subgrade based on Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI), including Proctor Standard and CBR test laboratory.research focus on cement mixing between natural condition of subgrade using 9% cement ratio in silty clayey low plasticity type of soil sample. Conduct Bina Marga Specification of Road Construction, minimum CBR Design is 6% was allowed with 9,8% CBR Design after mixing cement as stabilitation of 4% CBR design before.
Pengaruh Penggunaan Pasir Putih Sebagai Bahan Tambah Untuk Stabilisasi Tanah Desa Bangkuang Kabupaten Barito Selatan Syahdi Syahdi; Muhammad Suhaimi
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 3 No 2 (2019): Jurnal Gradasi Teknik Sipil - Desember 2019
Publisher : P3M Politeknik Negeri Banjarmasin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31961/gradasi.v3i2.749


Tanah merupakan salah satu dari sekian banyak material yang bervariasi (heterogen) antara satu lokasi dengan lokasi yang lain., maka dalam penelitian ini melakukan penambahan material pasir putih yang kemudian dicampurkan dengan tanah asli yang berasal dari desa Bangkuang Kecapamatan Karau Kuala Kabupaten Barito selatan. Kegiatan penelitian dilakukan di laboratorium Geoteknik dan Transportasi Politeknik Negeri Banjarmasin meliputi beberapa metode pungujian dilakukan sesuai dengan standar penelitian yaitu: SNI 03-1965-2008, SNI 03-1964-2008, SNI 03-1967-2008, SNI 03-1965-2008,SNI 03-1743-2008 SNI 03-1738-2011, dan SNI 2828:2011. Hasil penelitian, dengan penambahan pasir putih sangat berpengaruh terhadap perbaikan sifat – sifat tanah yang akan digunakan untuk bahan stabilisasi subgredre, maka didapat nilai sifat-sifat tanah diberi bahan pasir putih (0%) meliputi; kadar air (W) 23,87%, berat jenis (Gs) 2,59, batas cair (LL) 33,9%, batas plastis (PL) 20,11%, plastisitas indeks (PI) 13,79%, kadar air optimum (OMC) 18,6%, kepadatan kering maksimum (dMax) 1,61 Gr/Cm3 dan CBR desain 5%. Nilai sifat-sifat tanah diberi bahan tambah pasir putih. Nilai sifat-sifat tanah diberi bahan tambah pasir putih (15%) meliputi; berat jenis gabungan (Gs) 2,62, batas cair (LL) 29,6%, batas plastis (PL) 19,52%, plastisitas indeks (PI) 10,08%, kadar air optimum (Omc) 81,5%, kepadatan kering maksimum (dMax)) 1,54 Gr/Cm3 dan CBR desain 6,1%, berat isi kering (d) 1,538 gr/cm³. Abstract Land is one of the many varied material (heterogeneous) between one site and another location., then in this research performs addition material of white sand is then blended with the native soil that comes from the village of Karau Kuala Kecapamatan District Bangkuang Barito South. Research activities carried out in the laboratory of Geotechnical and transportation State Polytechnic Banjarmasin includes several methods of pungujian conducted in accordance with the standards of research, namely: in accordance with the SNI 03-1965-2008, SNI 03-1964-2008, SNI 03-1967-2008, SNI 03-1965-2008, SNI 03-1743-2008, SNI 03-1738-2011, and SNI 2828:2011. Results of the study, with the addition of white sand is very influential towards the improvement of the nature – nature of the land to be used for subgredre stabilization materials, then obtained the value soil properties are given materials white sand (0%) include; moisture content (W) 23.87%, heavy types (Gs) 2.59, liquid limit (LL) 33.9%, limits plastis (PL) 20.11%, plasticity index (PI) 13.79%, optimum moisture content (OMC) 18.6%, maximum dry density (/dMax) 1.61 Gr/Cm3 and CBR design 5%. The value soil properties are given the added ingredient of white sand. The value soil properties are given the added ingredient of white sand (15%) include; the weight of the combined type (Gs) 2.62, liquid limit (LL) 29.6%, limits plastis (PL) 19.52%, plasticity index (PI) 10.08%, optimum moisture content (Omc) 81.5%, maximum dry density (/dMax)) 1.54 Gr/Cm3 and CBR design 6.1%, weight dry (/d) 1.538 gr/cm ³.
Analisis Daya Dukung Fondasi Tiang Menggunakan Data SPT Dan PDLT Yusti Yudiawati; Muhammad Suhaimi
INTEKNA informasi teknik dan niaga Vol 22 No 02 (2022): Jurnal INTEKNA, Volume 22, No. 2, Nov 2022: 76 - 162
Publisher : P3M Politeknik Negeri Banjarmasin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31961/intekna.v22i02.1359


Pada proyek Bulking Station di Cempaga Hulu ini terdapat 3 tanki CPO dengan diameter tanki 24,1 m. Kapasitas dukung rencana fondasi tanki didapatkan dari analisa hasil pengujian tanah menggunakan coring menerus dan N-SPT. Direncanakan menggunakan minipile beton 25 cm x 25 cm dengan kedalaman tiang tertanam 31 m. Daya dukung tiang berdasarkan SPT sebesar  39,24 ton dan setiap Tanki terdiri dari 208 titik pancang. Saat pelaksanaan pemancangan hingga  kedalaman rencana ternyata hampir seluruh tiang tidak mendapatkan final set pemancangan yang seharusnya ditemukan pada kedalaman rencana, sehingga pemancangan diteruskan hingga kedalaman 33 m. Selanjutnya Uji PDLT dilakukan pada 8 titik uji pada setiap Tanki. Hasil uji PDLT rata-rata pada  Tanki 1 sebesar 37,29 ton; Tanki 2 sebesar 37,16 ton dan Tanki 3 sebesar 57,77 ton. Daya dukung kelompok tiang berdasarkan hasil PDLT rata-rata pada Tanki 1 sebesar 7.681,23 ton,  Tanki 2 sebesar 7.655,48 ton dan pada Tanki 3 sebesar 11.900,91 ton. Faktor Keamanan berdasarkan hasil PDLT rata-rata sebesar 1,71 pada Tanki 1 dan 2 serta 2,66 pada Tanki 3. Besar daya dukung fondasi rakit (raft foundation) tebal 75 cm sebesar 6,74 ton/m2 dan daya dukung pile-raft Tanki 1 sebesar 18,03 ton/m2  dan  Tanki 2 sebesar 10,85 ton/m2. Dengan syarat daya dukung pile raft sebesar 10 ton/m2 maka daya dukung pile-raft pada Tanki 1 dan Tanki 2  memenuhi persyaratan. Besar penurunan pile-raft fondasi Tanki 1 sebesar  6,89 cm dan Tanki 2 sebesar  7,30 cm atau < 15 cm maksimum penurunan yang diijinkan.
Adding Calcium Influence on Compressive Strength of Mortar with Different Cement Variations Khairil Yanuar; Abdul Hafizh Ihsani; Faryanto Effendi; Muhammad Suhaimi; Ruspiansyah Ruspiansyah
Journal of Business Social and Technology Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): Journal of Business, Social and Technology
Publisher : Politeknik Siber Cerdika Internasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1084.773 KB) | DOI: 10.59261/jbt.v3i2.78


Mortar is a mixture of binder and sand in a certain ratio, the binder is cement and lime. This test aims to determine the results of the compressive strength of mortar aged 3,7,14, and 28 days on variations of cement and lime mixture. The fine aggregate used in this test is Barito Sand which is included in zone 2. With the composition of the mixture used is 1 pc : 5 ps for cement and sand, the mixture used for cement, lime and sand is 1 pc : 1_4^1kp : 5 ps. From the results of this study with the same mixture proportions, the compressive strength for the variation of cement conch (PCC) = 7.40 MPa, the variation of cement gresik (PPC) = 10.41 MPa, the variation of cement conch with a mixture of lime = 4.54 MPa and strong Press the mortar for the variation of Gresik cement with a mixture of lime = 7.90 MPa. It can be concluded that the compressive strength of mortar for cement conch with a mixture of lime is higher than the variation of cement conch, gresik and conch with a mixture of lime
Strengthening of the Basic Soil (Sub Grade) of the Road Using Galam Piles Muhammad Suhaimi; Sofwan Hadi; Ahmad Rizani; Salmani; Detta Tianida Fentasia Fentasia; Abdul Hafizh Ihsani
Jurnal Multidisiplin Madani Vol. 3 No. 5 (2023): May, 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/mudima.v3i5.2948


Banjarmasin City is situated on an alluvial soil type characterized by clay structures with a relatively low soil carrying capacity; hence, soil stabilization is required. The soil is stabilized using a variety of techniques. Stabilization techniques include using geotextiles, columns, sand stabilizing the soil itself, and stabilizing concrete mix. Implementation at the existing project site is stability stable pending catastrophe. In order the soil's carrying capacity, a depression is created at a predetermined distance beneath the soil, which is generally soft. The method of implementation utilized to assist in the preparation of this research includes data collecting and analysis of the obtained results. This evaluation's data sources consist of secondary data and data processing. By utilizing a static living load of 22.68 tons and the results of the calculation, it is determined that the load acting on the road construction is 33.2415 tons. The Schmertmann- Nottingham technique (1975) yielded a Qult Single of 1.245 and a Qgroup permit of 10.27 tonnes for the carrying capacity of the Galam woodGalam with a pile depth of 5 meters