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All Journal International Journal of Public Health Science (IJPHS) Majalah Kedokteran Bandung Jurnal Kebijakan Kesehatan Indonesia Jurnal Keperawatan Jiwa (JKJ): Persatuan Perawat Nasional Indonesia Jurnal Kesehatan Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Andalas (Andalas Journal of Public Health) Kesmas: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Nasional Jurnal Kesehatan Andalas STOMATOGNATIC- Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi The Indonesian Biomedical Journal Sari Pediatri Jurnal Kesehatan Paediatrica Indonesiana Jurnal Penelitian Kesehatan Jurnal Ilmiah Universitas Batanghari Jambi Jurnal Kesehatan Komunitas Jurnal Kesehatan Medika Saintika JCES (Journal of Character Education Society) Jurnal Endurance: Kajian Ilmiah Problema Kesehatan B-Dent, Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Baiturrahmah JURNAL KESEHATAN PERINTIS NERS Jurnal Keperawatan JIK- JURNAL ILMU KESEHATAN Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan Jiwa Oto Rhino Laryngologica Indonesiana Majalah Kedokteran Andalas Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kesehatan Jurnal Riset Hesti Medan Akper Kesdam I/BB Medan Asia Pacific Fraud Journal Jurnal Bidan Cerdas Health and Medical Journal Human Care Journal Contagion: Scientific Periodical Journal of Public Health and Coastal Health Jurnal 'Aisyiyah Medika Andalas obstetrics and gynecology journal Jurnal Ilmiah Permas: Jurnal Ilmiah STIKES Kendal Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology Warta Pengabdian Andalas: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengembangan Dan Penerapan Ipteks Jurnal EduHealth Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Indonesia (JIKSI) Andalas Dental Journal JKKI : Jurnal Kedokteran dan Kesehatan Indonesia Jurnal Endurance: Kajian Ilmiah Problema Kesehatan Riset Informasi Kesehatan
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Jurnal Endurance Vol 3, No 2 (2018): Jurnal Endurance: Kajian Ilmiah Problema Kesehatan
Publisher : Lembaga Layanan Pendidikan Tinggi (LLDIKTI) Wilayah X

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (197.721 KB) | DOI: 10.22216/jen.v3i2.3029


Healthcare Associated Infections (HAIs) is a major problem facing hospitals. Infection prevention and control programs (PPI) are very important in hospitals as a measure of the quality of care as well as to protect patients, officers, visitors and families from the risk of contracting the infection due to being treated, on duty and visiting a hospital. This study purpose was to understand deeply about the implementation of preventive and control of Healthcare Associated Infections (HAIs) management at Ibnu Sina Islamic Hospital Padang. This research was descriptive with qualitative approach with the number of participants was 7 participants taken by purposive sampling. Data collection used in-depth interviews. Data analysis used Collaizi method. The results of this study identified four themes, namely the implementation of HAIs program has not been optimal, the HAIs implementation management is not optimal, the implementation of HAIs implementation is not optimal and obstacles in the implementation of HAIs. It’s needed to improve the quality of personnel by conducting inhouse training for all nurses in order to make them skillfull in the implementation of prevention and control Healthcare Associated Infections (HAIs).Healthcare Associated Infections (HAIs) merupakan masalah besar yang dihadapi rumah sakit. Program pencegahan dan pengendalian infeksi (PPI) sangat penting dilaksanakan dirumah sakit sebagai tolok ukur mutu pelayanan juga untuk melindungi pasien, petugas, pengunjung dan keluarga dari resiko tertularnya infeksi karena dirawat, bertugas dan berkunjung ke suatu rumah sakit. Penelitian ini bertujuan memahami lebih dalam tentang pelaksanaan manajemen pencegahan dan pengendalian Healthcare Associated Infections (HAIs) di Rumah Sakit Islam Ibnu Sina Padang. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jumlah partisipan sebanyak 7 partisipan yang diambil secara purposive sampling. Pengumpulan data dengan wawancara mendalam (Indepth Interview). Analisis data menggunakan metode Collaizi. Hasil penelitian ini teridentifikasi 4 tema yaitu pelaksanaan program HAIs belum optimal, penerapan manajemen pelaksanaan HAIs belum optimal, hasil penerapan pelaksanaan HAIs belum optimal dan hambatan dalam pelaksanaan HAIs. Perlunya meningkatkan kualitas tenaga dengan mengadakan pelatihan bagi seluruh perawat supaya terlatih dalam pelaksanaan pencegahan dan pengendalian Healthcare Associated Infections (HAIs).
DESCRIPTION OF PARENTS-ADOLESCENT CONFLICT Apriyeni, Emira; Machmud, Rizanda; Sarfika, Rika
Jurnal Endurance Vol 4, No 1 (2019): Jurnal Endurance : Kajian Ilmiah Problema Kesehatan
Publisher : Lembaga Layanan Pendidikan Tinggi (LLDIKTI) Wilayah X

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (20.048 KB) | DOI: 10.22216/jen.v4i1.3008


AbstractConflicts with parents has increased in adolescence. Conflict that tends to increase will have an impact on adolescent behavior problems. This study aims to describe parents-adolescent conflicts. The research desaign was descriptive with population is the students of Public Junior High School in Padang City with sample 388 sample using purposive sampling technique. This study used the Conflict Behavior Questionnaire questionnaire. The results obtained 44.1% of adolescents experiencing conflict with parents. It is recommended to nurses give health education on conflict management and assertive behavior to minimize sustained conflict.  
An DETERMINAN PENGAMBILAN KEPUTUSAN KLINIK KEPERAWATAN DI RSUD ARIFIN ACHMAD PROVINSI RIAU : Pengambilan Keputusan Klinik Keperawatan Susi Erianti; Rizanda Machmud; Harmawati
Jurnal Kesehatan Komunitas Vol 5 No 3 (2019): Jurnal Kesehatan Komunitas
Publisher : STIKes Hang Tuah Pekanbaru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (798.515 KB) | DOI: 10.25311/keskom.Vol5.Iss3.464


Nurses always deal with various clinical problems when caring their patients. Nursing clinical decision making is an evaluation process of nursing care to the patient which evaluated by nurses every day. The phenomenon showed that there was a lack of nurses' ability to make a clinical nursing decision in the nursing process of patients at the Intensive Care Installation (IPI) of Arifin Achmad General Hospital of Riau Province. The study aims were to analyzed the factors related to nursing clinical decision making This research was a quantitative study with used cross-sectional design. Population were all nurses in the intensive care installation consisting of ICU, CVCU and PICU. Sample of this study were 60 nurses which taken by used total sampling technique. Data analyze was used multivariate with logistic regression test. The results showed that the factors related to clinical nursing decision making were length of work and training certificates. Meanwhile age, education and work unit factors were not related to clinical nursing decision making. The most dominant factor related to clinical nursing decision making was length of work (OR = 8.312). The results of this study could be an information for nurses to improving their ability in making clinical nursing decision, nurses competency and work experiences in their work units, so that the quality of nursing care services and the quality of hospital services can be improved.
Kematian Neonatal dan Bayi Lahir Mati serta Hubungannya dengan Kepercayaan dan Perilaku Masyarakat Machmud, Rizanda; Yunarti, Yunarti
Majalah Kedokteran Bandung Vol 42, No 1
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran

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Kabupaten Cirebon memiliki angka kematian ibu dan bayi yang tinggi. Berbagai upaya sudah dilakukan untuk menurunkan angka tersebut, namun belum berhasil. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggali informasi yang lebih mendalam tentang keterkaitan kematian bayi lahir mati dan neonatal dengan latar belakang perilaku serta kepercayaan masyarakat tentang kehamilan, persalinan, dan perawatan bayi baru lahir di desa pesisir dan pedalaman. Pendekatan penelitian menggunakan paradigma gabungan antara kualitatif dan kuantitatif (mixed paradigm) dengan menggali informasi secara mendalam mengenai faktor predisposing, faktor enabling, dan faktor reinforcing kepercayaan serta perilaku masyarakat. Penelitian dilakukan di desa Weru Lor (pedalaman) dan Suranenggala (pesisir) di kabupaten Cirebon, Jawa Barat pada tahun 2006. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya stigma-stigma yang melatarbelakangi perilaku tidak rasional dalam hubungannya dengan kematian bayi lahir mati dan neonatal. Tidak terdapat perbedaan kepercayaan antara desa pedalaman dan desa pesisir. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah perlunya kompetensi petugas kesehatan dalam penyebarluasan informasi rasional sehingga mampu menghilangkan stigma-stigma yang tumbuh dalam masyarakat.Relationship Between Neonatal Mortality and Still Birth with Believe and Behavior of Health SocietyCirebon's district is one of highest infant mortality and maternal mortality rate. So many efforts have been done to reduce this rate but, it's no effect yet. The etiology of these problems isn't known. The aim of research was to discover deeper information about relationship between neonatal mortality and social behavior background and believe of health society in pregnancy, delivery and antenatal care in mainland and coastal district. A qualitative and quantitative methods were used to exploring deeper information about predisposing, enabling, and reinforcing factors in health believe and behavior in society. Location of the study were in mainland (Weru Lor) and costal village (Suranenggala) in Cirebon-West Java in 2006. This research answered the reseach question, why neonatal death are happened and why health behavior in society seems irrational. There were stigmas in society that affect infant mortality rate. The result of research showed there were existence of stigmas which was irrational background in its relation with infant and neonatal mortality. There were no difference of local culture, knowledge, and believe among mainland and coastal countryside. Conclusion of this research is the importance of provider of health competence in dissemination of rational information so that can eliminate stigmas which grow in society.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15395/mkb.v42n1.5
Upaya Peningkatan Pelayanan Pengolahan Makanan di Instalasi Gizi RSUD X Kota Solok Adhyka, Nurmaines; Machmud, Rizanda
Jurnal Riset Hesti Medan Vol 5, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Akademi Keperawatan Kesdam I/Bukit Barisan Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34008/jurhesti.v5i2.203


One of the hospital functions is to providing medical treatment and health recovery service according to regulation. Nutritional installation has one of important facilities that director of hospital had to pay attention. This process starts form planning, producing and distributing food for patient. The important role from this section is providing food to reach suitability diet for patient, it intended to cure the patient and prevent a complication, decrease morbidity and mortality patient. This study purpose to determine the root cause problem in nutritional installation in RSUD X and the alternative solution problems guided by guidelines and regulations of the minister of health. The research method was a field research which data collected by observation, interview and literature review. The result found there had been four factor based on fish bone analysis and the most effective one is makes Nutrition Installation Service Guide.
The Empowerment of Integrated Development Post of Non-Communicable Diseases in Efforts to Prevent and Control Non- Communicable Diseases Yandrizal Yandrizal; Rizanda Machmud; Melinda Noer; Hardisman Hardisman; Afrizal Afrizal; Nur Indrawati Lipoeto; Ekowati Rahajeng; P.A Kodrat Pramudho
International Journal of Public Health Science (IJPHS) Vol 5, No 3: September 2016
Publisher : Intelektual Pustaka Media Utama

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (711.931 KB) | DOI: 10.11591/ijphs.v5i3.4799


Non-Communicable disease has already been the main cause of death in many countries, as many as 57 million death in the world in 2008, 36 million (63 percent) is because of un-infectious disease, specifically heart illness, diabetes, cancer, and chronic respiratory diseases. Prevention and controlling efforts of un-infectious diseases developing in Indonesia is non-communicable disease integrated development post (Pospindu PTM). This research used combination method approach with exploratory design. Exploratory design with sequential procedure used combination consecutively, the first is qualitative and the second is quantitative method. Public Health Center formed Posbindu PTM has not disseminate yet to all stakeholders. Posbindu PTM members felt benefit by following this activity. Some of them did not know follow the activity because of unknown about it. There was  connection between coming behavior to Posbindu PTM to preventing behavior of non-communicable disease.Percentage for high blood pressure risk indicated 20-25 percent from all visitors. Formulation of its policy implementation started with stakeholder analysis; head of sub district, head of urban village, head of health department in regency/city, head of public health service, head of neighborhood Association, and the head of family welfare development.  Analysis of perception, power and authority found that every stakeholder had authority to manage the member directly or indirectly. It was not implemented because of the lack knowledge of stakeholders about the Posbindu PTM function.They would play a role after knowing the aim and advantage of the post by motivate the people to do early detection, prevention and control the non-communicable disease. The members were given wide knowledge about  early detection, preventing  and control the un-infectious disease, measuring and checking up their healthy continuously so that keep feeling the advantage of coming to the post.
Asia Pacific Fraud Journal Vol 5, No 1: Volume 5, No. 1st Edition (January-June 2020)
Publisher : Association of Certified Fraud Examiners Indonesia Chapter

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (348.927 KB) | DOI: 10.21532/apfjournal.v5i1.133


Indonesia is now encountering moral hazard problems in the implementation of social health insurance. BPJS, as the administrator of Indonesia’s National Health Insurance, reported that there was an increase in deficit in the 4 years of the implementation of National Health Insurance from US$ 228 million in 2014 to US$ 470 million in 2016. Despite efforts conducted to overcome the problem, no evidence-based predictor that might be significantly associated with moral hazard in a rural province hospital in Indonesia. The purpose of this research is to identify the incidence of moral hazard in the implementation of National Health Insurance in Indonesia. Data consisting of 180 medical records obtained from three public hospitals in rural province of Indonesia were selected as samples in this study. These medical records were reviewed by Independent Senior Coder (ISC) who had more than 5 years experiences as a coder. The indicators of moral hazard in this study were upcoding, readmission, and possible unnecessary admission. Logistic regression was used to explore determinant of moral hazard from patient, coder, and physician side. The results show that rate of moral hazard cases for upcoding is 10%, readmission is 2.8%, and possible unnecessary admission is 18.9%. It can be seen from multivariate analysis that discharge status, severity level and LOS have a significant relationship with moral hazard. Illness severity level, Discharge against Medical Advice, and higher Length of Stay are risk factors for moral hazard incidence.
Asia Pacific Fraud Journal Vol 5, No 1: Volume 5, No. 1st Edition (January-June 2020)
Publisher : Association of Certified Fraud Examiners Indonesia Chapter

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (259.545 KB) | DOI: 10.21532/apfjournal.v5i1.135


Upcoding is one of important indicators of moral hazard and fraud in Social Health Insurance scheme. However, there seems to be little evidence about incidence of upcoding and how upcoding occurs in hospital, especially in rural province hospital. The objective of this study is to determine incidence and root cause of upcoding in the implementation of Social Health Insurance in Rural Province Hospital in Indonesia. The data used in this study were both qualitative and quantitative data (mixed method). Three hundred and sixty (360) inpatient medical records from six rural province hospitals were examined in this study. Diagnosis and procedure codes recorded in these medical records were re-coded by an independent senior coder (ISC). Codes from hospitals’ coders and codes from ISC were then re-grouped using INA-CBG casemix grouper to determine the casemix groups and the hospital tariffs. If the hospital tariff obtained by hospital coder is higher than that obtained by ISC, it is considered as upcoding. This qualitative study was conducted using Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and in-depth interviews in hospitals located in a rural province of Indonesia. In depth interview was held for two hospital directors and two officers from the Social Security Administrator (Indonesia: BadanPenyelenggaraJaminanSosial/BPJS), an agent that manages the Statutory Health Insurance (SHI). Six clinicians and six coders attended the FGD. We asked open-ended questions about their perceptions on upcoding in hospitals. The interviews were recorded and transcribed verbatim. The transcripts were then thematically analyzed. Upcoding cases were found in 11.9% (43/360) medical records. Upcoding cases were dominated by Deliveries Group 2.8% (10/360) and Female reproductive system Groups 1.7% (6/360). The potential loss of income due to upcoding was IDR 154.626.000 or 9% of hospital revenue. Appointment of non-medical doctors as internal verifiers, lack of clear coding guidelines, lack of training for doctors and coders, and poor coordination between hospital and BPJS to resolve coding disagreement were root causes of upcoding in hospital. Policies to prevent and manage upcoding should be urgently developed and implemented in the Statutory Health Insurance (SHI) program in Indonesia especially to prepare upcoding guidelines, enhance medical coding trainingregularly, increase number of coders and verification staff from medical background, and strengthen coordination for coding problem solving in hospital.
Patient Satisfaction and Complaints Handling in Health Services Quality Improvement Effort at Sijunjung Public Hospital in West Sumatra, Indonesia Isniati; Rizanda Machmud; Nusyirwan Effendi; Rima Semiarty
Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology Vol. 15 No. 3 (2021): Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
Publisher : Institute of Medico-legal Publications Pvt Ltd

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37506/ijfmt.v15i3.15799


Complaint handling is one of the many strategies for improving health services. It is recognized that patients’ satisfaction is an indicator of the quality of care. A survey on public services revealed that public satisfaction at Sijunjung Hospital was 43.78% in the year 2015 but decreased to 40.18% in 2016. This decrease in public satisfaction is due to patients’ complaints. From 2015 to 2016 there were 198,739 complaints while from 2016 to 2017 the number increased to 208,415. The purpose of this study is to determine the factors of patient’s dissatisfaction with health care services and complaint handling to improve health services quality at Sijunjung Public Hospital. This study uses the mixed method. The initial phase of this research is done by quantitative approach using a cross-sectional design in the form of data collection and analysis. The study involves a qualitative approach using observation method, in-depth interviews, Focus Group Discussions. The study reveals that only half of the inpatients, outpatients, and Emergency Unit patients get excellent health services at Sijunjung Public Hospital. The results of the study suggest that satisfaction of patients requires an individual analysis of the patient’s needs; implementation in the health care system of functions that meet these needs.
Pengaruh Terapi Massage terhadap Intensitas Nyeri Bahu, Ketegangan Otot dan Kecemasan Pada Pasien Stroke (Systematic Review) Harum Nurdinah; Rizanda Machmud; Esi Afriyanti
Jurnal Penelitian Kesehatan SUARA FORIKES Vol 12, No 4 (2021): Oktober 2021
Publisher : FORIKES

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33846/sf.v12i4.1531


Background: Post-stroke patients experience several complaints, namely shoulder pain 72.5%, muscle tension 66.7% and anxiety 23.7%. Massage is an alternative or complementary therapy that can be given. However, massage therapy is still rarely implemented in health services to be able to deal with these problems. Objective: To analyze the effect of multiple massage therapies on shoulder pain intensity, muscle tension, and anxiety for stroke patients. Methods: A search on electronic media by using specific keywords in five databases of published journals namely ProQuest (n=50), Elsevier (n=117), SAGE (n=20), NCBI (n=41), and Wiley Online Library (n=109). Using the Joanna Briggs Institute’s analytical approach, 9 journals were analyzed. Results: Based on the literature that has been obtained massage therapy that can be given to intensity of shoulder pain, muscle tension and anxiety for stroke patients is Chinese therapy (Tui Na) research results of Yang et al., (2017), ayurvedic massage research results Sankaran et al. , (2019), Traditional Thai Massage (TTM) research results from Thanakiatpinyo et al., (2014), Touch Massage (TM) research results from Lämås et al., (2016), tactile massage research results Cronfalk et al., (2020) and Slow Stroke Back Massage (SSBM) research results by Tannous et al., (2015), Atashi et al., (2013), and Atashi et al., (2012) and Kousalya, (2012). Conclusion: Traditional Thai Massage (TTM) is very effective for reducing the intensity of shoulder pain, muscle tension and anxiety in stroke patients. Recommendation: Health services need to make SOP to provide massage therapy for stroke patients.Keywords: massage; shoulder pain; muscle tension; anxiety; strokeABSTRAKLatar belakang: Pasien pasca stroke mengalami beberapa keluhan yaitu nyeri bahu 72, 5%, ketegangan otot 66, 7% dan kecemasan 23, 7%. Massage merupakan salah satu terapi alternatif atau komplementer yang dapat diberikan. Namun, terapi massage ini masih jarang dilaksanakan di pelayanan kesehatan untuk dapat menangani masalah tersebut. Tujuan: Menganalisis pengaruh terapi massage terhadap intensitas nyeri bahu, ketegangan otot dan kecemasan pada pasien stroke. Metode: Pencarian dengan media elektronik menggunakan kata kunci yang spesifik pada lima database jurnal terpublikasi yaitu ProQuest (n=50), Elsevier (n=117), SAGE (n=20), NCBI (n=41), dan Wiley Online Library (n=109). Menggunakan pendekatan analisis Joanna Briggs Institute didapatkan 9 artikel yang dianalisis. Hasil: Berdasarkan literatur yang telah didapatkan terapi massage yang bisa diberikan untuk mengurangi intensitas nyeri bahu, ketegangan otot dan kecemasan pada pasien stroke adalah terapi pijat Cina (Tui Na) hasil penelitian Yang et al., (2017), ayurvedic massage hasil penelitian Sankaran et al., (2019), Traditional Thai Massage (TTM) hasil penelitian Thanakiatpinyo et al., (2014), Touch Massage (TM) hasil penelitian Lämås et al., (2016), tactile massage hasil penelitian Cronfalk et al., (2020) dan Slow Stroke Back Massage (SSBM) hasil penelitian Tannous et al., (2015), Atashi et al., (2013), dan Atashi et al., (2012) serta Kousalya, (2012). Kesimpulan: Terapi massage Teknik Traditional Thai Massage (TTM) sangat efektif untuk mengurangi intensitas nyeri bahu, ketegangan otot dan kecemasan pada pasien stroke. Rekomendasi: Pelayanan kesehatan perlu membuat SOP untuk pemberian terapi massage pada pasien stroke.Kata kunci: massage; nyeri bahu; ketegangan otot; kecemasan; stroke
Co-Authors A. Aziz Djamal Abdi Setya Putra Abdiana Abdiana, Abdiana Adang Bachtiar Addientya Maykeza Adelin, Prima Afrizal Afrizal Afrizal Afrizal Amrin Alkamar Andani Eka Putra Anna Faluzi ANNISA WAHYUNI Apriyeni, Emira Ari Sukma Nela arif, yulastri Arina Widya Murni Artha Budi Susila Duarsa Atih Rahayuningsih Audia Tria Putri Ayu Nurdiyan Aziz Djamal Azrimaidaliza Basok, Buhari Bestari Jaka Budiman Bobby Indra Utama Candra Deni Mairosa Cantika Dinia Zulda Dally Rahman Dedi Fatrida Defriman Djafri Delmi Sulastri Desmiwarti Desmiwarti Desmiwarti Desmiwarti Desy Nofita Sari Devi Gusmaiyanto Dewi Susanti Dhyna Lidya Lestari Dian Pertiwi Dien Gusta Anggraini Nursal Dolly Irfandy Dorisnita Dorisnita dorisnita, dorisnita Edi Efian Edison Edison Effy Huriyati Efrida Efrida Eko Setiawan Ekowati Rahajeng Elly Usman Elyasina Elyasina Eni Mahyuni Eny Yantri Esi Afriyanti Evi Hasnita Ezalina, Ezalina Fairuza Muharammy Fathiyyatul Khaira Fauziah Elytha Fenty Anggraini Ferdinal Ferry Finny Fitri Yani Finny Fitry Yani Fitra Dini Fitra Gusfriyanto Fitrayeni Fitrayeni Fitrisia Amelin Hardisman Harinal Afri Resta Harmawati Harum Nurdinah Haryadi Mangkuto Hasmiwati Hendriati, Hendriati Husna Yetti Huvaid, Sevilla Ukhtil Indah Edranovi Putri Indah Syafira Praja Irvan Medison Irvan Medison Irvan Medison Isnati Isnati Isniati Jafril Jafril Kuswardani Susari Putri Laura Zeffira Lendrawati Lendrawati Leona, Denada Florencia Lili Fajria Lindesi Yanti Linosefa Linosefa M. Abduh Firdaus Mahata, Liganda Endo Mahathir Mahathir Maryeti Maryeti Masrul Masrul Mayetti Mayetti Melinda Noer Meri Neherta Mery Febriyeni Mike Ayu Wulandari mimi rosiska Mira Susanti Monalisa Monalisa Mudjiran Mudjiran Muhamad Ivan Murniwati Murniwati Murniwati Murniwati Nasman Puar Nency Agustia Nilakesuma, Nur Fadjri Nopriadi . Novi Yudia Nur Indrawati Lipoeto Nurmaines Adhyka, Nurmaines Nursyirwan Effendi, Nursyirwan Nursyrwan Effendi Nurulia Muthi Karima Nusyirwan Effendi Nuzulia Irawati P.A Kodrat Pramudho Prof. Syed Mohamed Aljunid Prof. Syed Mohammed Aljunid Putri Nelly Syofiah Putri Nilam Sari Putri Sri Lasmini R Nona Millani Rahmat Syawqi Ratna Lestari Habibah Rena Regina Erwin Reni Prima Gusty Renty Ahmalia Rika Sarfika Rima Berlian Putri Rima Semiarty Rima Suryani Rina Jumita Rismawati Yaswir Riza Yefri Rizki Rahmadian Roslaili Rasyid Rosmeri Rosha Rosmery Rosmery Rulifa Syahroel Sapardi, Vivi Syofia Soetrisno Soetrisno Suci Rahmasari Sukri Rahman Surya Nelis Susi Erianti Suspenti Dewi Syafrawati Syafrawati Vera Sesrianty Vitro Darma Yusra Widayat Alviandi Widiya Wati Y Yolazenia Yan Edward Yandrizal Yandrizal Yantri Maputra Yantri Maputra Yashinta Octavian Setyanda Yaslinda Yaunin Yefri Zulfiqar Yenita . Yonrizal Nurdin Yudhia Fratidhina Yulia Efni Yulia Margaretta Sari Yuliarni Syafrita Yunarti Yunarti Yundari, Yundari Yuniar Lestari Yuriko Andre Yurniwati Yurniwati Yusrawati Yusrawati Zelly Dia Rofinda