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Publisher : State Islamic University (UIN) of Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (260.559 KB) | DOI: 10.15642/JIIS.2008.2.1.69-102


Publisher : State Islamic University (UIN) of Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15642/JIIS.2021.15.1.1-20


The Republic of Turkey was established in 1923 after the Treaty of Sevres and Lausanne were ratified by the Turkish nationalists led by Mustafa Kamal. This establishment has marked the beginning of a new era in the political, social, economic, and cultural lives of Turks. The main concern for Turkish statesmen was laicism. The policy has a significant effect on the global world, especially for the Dutch Indies. The purpose of this article is to provide a critical analysis of the roles of Indonesian-language newspapers in informing Dutch Indies citizens about Turkey's secularization process and how newspapers served as the primary medium for disseminating information about Turkey. Through newspapers, Muslims from Nusantara (the archipelago) expressed their views on the Turks’ secularisation efforts. This study employed a historical method using contemporary Indonesian-language newspapers from the National Library of the Republic of Indonesia. The news of Turkey’s secularisation had a significant impact on the thoughts of Indonesian secularists and Muslims in laying the nation’s foundation in the 1940s.
MUSLIM INTELLECTUALS OR HOUSEMAIDS? The Saudi Perceptions of the Indonesian Domestic Workers Yon Machmudi
Publisher : State Islamic University (UIN) of Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (368.273 KB) | DOI: 10.15642/JIIS.2011.5.2.225-246


Modernization and Changes in Kiai-Santri Relations in Three Pesantrens in Java Yon Machmudi
Islamica: Jurnal Studi Keislaman Vol. 16 No. 1 (2021): September
Publisher : Postgraduate Studies of Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15642/islamica.2021.16.1.58-79


This study focuses on analyzing the changing role of kiai and his influences in pesantren. The decline of kiai’s authority in pesantren, besides being resulted from the changing role of kiai, is caused by social changes outside pesantren. As a result, kiai, who initially served as the agent of change and political reference, is now experiencing some challenges. To analyze such conditions, this study carefully uses the concept of authority and the patron-client relationship between kiai and santri. In this case, the research is carried out in three pesantrens in Java; Pesantren Cidahu Pandeglang, Pesantren Husnul Khotimah Kuningan, and Pesantren Darul Ulum Jombang. Pesantren that has transformed into a modern institution tends to be more resilient, but the influence of kiai toward his santris starts to decrease. Meanwhile, pesantren that remains as a traditional institution has reduced in number, but the influence of kiai toward the santris is still strong. Thus, this study shows that the power of kiai toward santri in modern pesantren has decreased due to modernization and social changes.
Perbedaan Pandangan Politik antara Al Azhar dan Ikhwan Al Muslimin dalam Merespon Kudeta Militer Tahun 2013 Muhammad Anas; Yon Machmudi
Jurnal ICMES Vol 3 No 2 (2019): Jurnal ICMES: The Journal of Middle East Studies
Publisher : Indonesia Center for Middle East Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (134.167 KB) | DOI: 10.35748/jurnalicmes.v3i2.54


This articles discusses the political differences between Al Azhar and the Muslim Brotherhood (Ikhwan Al Muslimin) in a coup against President Mohammed Morsi on July 3, 2013. It is interesting that Al Azhar as one of the most influential religious institutions in the Islamic world in general and Egypt in particular, supporting the military coup led by General Abdul Fattah al-Sisi against Morsi, the first president of Egypt's who was democratically elected and also promoted by the largest Islamic movement in the 21st century, namely the Muslim Brotherhood. Previous studies have not been yet specifically discussed the differences between these two institutions in this coup. This study uses qualitative methods named causal explanation which seeks to explain the causes of the observed phenomena. The method of data analysis is content analysis of various documents related to the research topic. The data was collected by literature studies and interviews. This articles found that both Al Azhar and Ikhwan Al Muslimin have a significant different view on politics even though historically both also have close relationship in developing religious acitivities in Egypt. Al-Azhar Institution in this context loses its independence which encourages its involvement in conflicts between the state and Ikhwan Al Muslimin. In general, the political relationship between the two institutions is largely determined by the relationship between Ikhwan Al Muslimin and the ruling regime.
Lebanon: Arfan Johan Wihananto; Yon Machmudi
Jurnal ICMES Vol 5 No 2 (2021): Jurnal ICMES: The Journal of Middle East Studies
Publisher : Indonesia Center for Middle East Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35748/jurnalicmes.v5i2.105


This article aims to analyze the efforts of the Lebanese government to position the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) as the primary defence force in ensuring the country's sovereignty. The LAF, as a regular military institution, competes with the power of Hezbollah, so that this phenomenon becomes a challenge for the Lebanese government domestically and internationally in fighting for public legitimacy, apart from issues of collusion and dependence on the existence of internal actors and external interventions. This article also provides recommendations for solutions based on observations during the author's assignment to Operation World Peace in Lebanon (UNIFIL) in 2010 and 2018. This article is expected to contribute to the development of empirical and academic literature on the political situation in Lebanon. It also offers lessons from a country with a heterogeneous demographic background faced with conflict and power dynamics.
The Role of Women in Islamic Propagation: A Case Study of Tablighi Jamaat’s Nyai of Pesantren Al-Fatah, East Java, Indonesia Yon Machmudi; Putih Kusumah Ardhani
Journal of Asian Social Science Research Vol. 2 No. 2 (2020)
Publisher : Centre for Asian Social Science Research (CASSR), Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (329.331 KB) | DOI: 10.15575/jassr.v2i2.27


This article studies the role of women of the Tablighi Jamaat, a transnational Islamic propagation movement, in the process of Islamic propagation (da’wah) in Indonesia. It aims to analyze the role played by female followers of Tablighi Jamaat in developing da’wah by focusing on the role of nyai (female family members of a religious leader of traditional Islamic learning institution [pesantren]) in developing masturah da’wah in Pesantren Al-Fatah and Temboro Village. This study uses a qualitative approach to understand how nyai of Pesantren Al-Fatah were involved in da’wah activities in Temboro. The required data were collected through observation and interviews. The findings show that like their spouses who were obliged to go for da’wah in the form of khuruj, female followers of Tablighi Jamaat of Pesantren Temboro were assigned to conduct da’wah through masturah, a form of Islamic propagation which was only targeted on, organized and attended by the women of Tablighi Jamaah in Temboro with strict rules such the obligation of wearing face veils for all participants. Nyai of Pesantren Al-Fatah initiated, led, and developed masturah so that Tablighi Jamaat has attracted more followers and religious students and Temboro has experienced significant changes in social, religious, and economic aspects.
VISION 2030: SAUDI ARABIA’S MODERNIZATION Nadiya Azahra Hidayat; Yon Machmudi; Siti Rohmah Soekarba
Center of Middle Eastern Studies (CMES): Jurnal Studi Timur Tengah Vol 15, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Arabic Literature Department

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/cmes.15.2.62857


The Saudi Arabia Kingdom has a long history of applying Islamic law as a reference for state policies. The modernization that has taken place in Saudi Arabia certainly intersected with Wahhabism, adopted as the central ideology of the Saudi Arabia Kingdom. This study discusses Saudi Arabia's modernization efforts,  which were initiated by Muhammad bin Salman’s Vision 2030. This study was designed with a descriptive-qualitative research method and used a literature review as the data collection technique. The theories used include Talcott Parsons' structural, functional theory with a decision-making process approach and the modernization theory by Inglehart and Welzel. The results revealed that the reign of King Salman and the Saudi Arabia Kingdom implemented Vision 2030 as a modernization of Muhammad bin Salman. Saudi Arabia's administration has gone through considerable changes from time to time. Societies once known to be conservative were able to quickly implement the economic and social reforms that began to lead to a liberal system. This is owing to the king's great power and the assurance of state welfare.
Pragmatisme Kebijakan Luar Negeri Mesir dalam Menyikapi Konflik Rusia-Ukraina Putri Padmi Nurwijayati; Yon Machmudi
Jurnal ICMES Vol 6 No 2 (2022): Jurnal ICMES: The Journal of Middle East Studies
Publisher : Indonesia Center for Middle East Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35748/jurnalicmes.v6i2.139


Abstract Russia's invasion of Ukraine resulted in the impact of the global economic crisis in various parts of the world, especially those who depend on imports of natural resources and energy from the two countries in conflict. As a country whose food staple is wheat, Egypt felt the economic impact of this military invasion because most of the country's grain imports came from Russia and Ukraine via the Black Sea trade route. The disrupted supply chain caused the price of bread to rise, a situation that had not occurred since the days of President Anwar Sadat. Egypt must take the right attitude in making foreign policy and choose between the great powers controlled by America and its allies or Russia and its allies. This article aims to analyze the steps taken by Egypt in dealing with this dilemma. Using a qualitative method, the author finds that Egypt's foreign policy is pragmatic, in which El Sisi's government supports countries that help him. The authors also provides several recommendations related to principles and steps that can be taken by Egypt. Keywords: Egypt, foreign policy, geopolitics, pragmatism, Russia, Ukraine Abstrak Invasi Rusia ke Ukraina mengakibatkan dampak krisis ekonomi global di berbagai dunia terutama mereka yang menggantungkan impor sumber daya alam dan energi dari kedua negara yang berkonflik. Sebagai negara yang berbahan pokok pangan gandum, Mesir merasakan dampak ekonomi akibat invasi militer ini sebab sebagian besar impor gandum negara ini berasal dari Rusia dan Ukraina, melalui jalur perdagangan Laut Hitam. Rantai pasokan yang terganggu menyebabkan harga roti naik, sebuah situasi yang tidak pernah terjadi sejak zaman Presiden Anwar Sadat. Mesir harus mengambil sikap yang tepat dalam pengambilan kebijakan luar negeri dan memilih antara kekuatan besar yang dikendalikan oleh Amerika dengan sekutunya atau Rusia dan sekutunya. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis langkah yang dilakukan Mesir dalam menghadapi dilema ini. Dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif, penulis menemukan bahwa kebijakan luar negeri Mesir adalah pragmatis, dimana pemerintahan El Sisi mengambil sikap untuk mendukung negara yang membantunya. Penulis juga memberikan beberapa rekomendasi terkait dengan prinsip dan langkah yang bisa diambil oleh Mesir. Kata kunci: geopolitik, kebijakan luar negeri, Mesir, pragmatisme, Rusia, Ukraina
Preserving kyai authority in modern society; A case study of Pesantren Cidahu, Pandeglang, Banten Machmudi, Yon
Wacana, Journal of the Humanities of Indonesia Vol. 15, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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A pesantren is a typical component of the Indonesian cultural heritage. Besides being thought of as one of the oldest type of educational institutions in Indonesia, pesantren have played a significant contributing role in the process of nation building in modern Indonesia. Pesantren have many roles in society in education, the economy and in the social and political fields in which pesantren alumni play a role. Currently, pesantren roles are being challenged by modernization and they have to change or transform into modern institutions in order to survive. Nevertheless, traditional pesantren continue to resists change and they insist on preserving their identity in terms of authority and student teacher relationships. This article seeks to analyse the efforts that the traditional Pesantren Cidahu in Banten makes to preserve its identity and to maintain its authority in modern society. By hanging on to modest practices, Pesantren Cidahu manages to continue to exert strong influence over its students and over the society in West Java in general.