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A Standard Criteria for Assesing the Health of Coral Reefs: Implication for Management and Conservation Zamani, Neviaty P.; Madduppa, Hawis H
Journal of Indonesian Coral Reefs Vol 1, No 2 (2011)
Publisher : Journal of Indonesian Coral Reefs

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Coral reefs ecosystems are currently under high threat from human activities. LIPI (Indonesian Institute of Sciences) reported that only 5.2 % in 2006 of Indonesian coral reef (an area of 85.700 km2) is still considered in very good. Although these data are further need to be verified, but this can be as basic information that coral reefs in Indonesia need special attention and action. It is unfortunate that the current method to determine the health of reefs is limited. General practitioners are usually using a standard categorization by Yap and Gomez (1988). However, many drawbacks appeared of the use of this standard in Indonesia. This study aims to explore and evaluate the various standards in determining the health of coral reef, and formulate an easy and precise standard for practitioners. This study combines several standards of key parameters in coral reefs. The parameter that used in determining the health of reefs in this study is a combination of percent cover of live coral, algae and mortality index. The proposed criteria for health of coral reef as follows: excellent, good, fair, and poor. These criteria are expected to facilitate practitioner in evaluating the health of coral reefs in accurate and precise that is suitable for Indonesian coral reefs.
Laju Dekomposisi Serasah Daun di Ekosistem Bakau Pulau Kelong, Kabupaten Bintan Dharmawan, I Wayan Eka; Zamani, Neviaty P.; Madduppa, Hawis H.
Oseanologi dan Limnologi di Indonesia Vol 1, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Indonesian Institute of Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14203/oldi.2016.v1i1.8


Hutan bakau di bagian tenggara Pulau Kelong memiliki cadangan karbon yang banyak dalam tegakan dan sedimen yang mengindikasikan produktivitas primer kawasan yang tinggi. Dekomposisi serasah daun, sebagai bagian dari produktivitas kawasan, menghasilkan unsur hara esensial sederhana yang dimanfaatkan untuk menopang pertumbuhan bakau. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui laju dekomposisi serasah daun di setiap zona penelitian, yaitu zona darat (Landward, L), tengah (Middle zone, M), dan dekat laut (Seaward, S) yang dibedakan berdasarkan kelimpahan jenis tumbuhan dan parameter in situ. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret–Mei 2015 di kawasan bakau Pulau Kelong, Kabupaten Bintan. Proses dekomposisi diamati pada enam interval waktu, yaitu 2, 4, 7, 14, 28, dan 42 hari dengan menggunakan kantong jaring yang berisi 10 g daun basah yang diletakkan di permukaan substrat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa L merupakan zona dengan persentase dekomposisi tertinggi (56,34 ± 20,58%) dibandingkan dengan M dan S yang berturut-turut sebesar 51,59 ± 15,46% dan 51,09 ± 8,70%. Laju dekomposisi serasah paling tinggi di zona L yaitu 1,40 ± 0,82 g·m-2.hari-1 yang berbeda nyata dari zona M dan S, berturut-turut sebesar 0,83 ± 0,89 g·m-2.hari-1 dan 0,78 ± 0,70 g·m-2.hari-1.  Analisis koefisien laju dekomposisi (k) menunjukkan bahwa laju dekomposisi di dalam kawasan tergolong tinggi (k > 0,01). Laju dekomposisi memiliki korelasi dengan kelimpahan spesies bakau, nilai salinitas air, dan suhu tanah
MAJALAH ILMIAH GLOBE Vol 11, No 1 (2009)
Publisher : Badan Informasi Geospasial

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1195.507 KB) | DOI: 10.24895/MIG.2009.11-1.332


Kelangkaan data spasial kelautan merupakan permasalahan mendasar dalam perencanaan pembangunan kelautan di negara berkembang seperti lndonesia. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan ini, teknologi inderaja menjadi salah-satu alternatif pilihan. Salah satu ekosistem laut yang mengandung kekayaan sumberdaya alam adalah ekosistem terumbu karang. Pemanfaatan data inderaja untuk pemetaan ekosistem terumbu karang telah diperkenalkan di lndonesia sejak tahun 90-an dan saat ini sudah umum digunakan di Indonesia. Namun demikian, data inderaja mempunyai keterbatasan untuk memetakan objek terumbu karang karena berada hingga kedalaman tertentu yang tidak ada penetrasi cahaya. Pola distribusi terumbu karang yang mengikuti geomorfologi dasar perairan sangat mempengaruhi hasil penginderaan. Hasil penelitian di kepulauan Una-una Togean menuniukkan bahwa interpretasi dari citra satelit tidak menggambarkan kondisi terumbu karang yang sesungguhnya.Kata Kunci: Data Spasial, Kelautan, Inderaja, Terumbu Karang ABSTRACTThe lack of marine spatial data is the fundamental problems in marine development planning in developing countries like Indonesia. We need remote sensing technology to be one alternative option to get over this problem. A coral reef ecosystem is one of the marine ecosystems that contain a rich of marine resources. Utilization of remote sensing data for napping coral reef ecosystems have been introduced in Indonesia since the 90’s and now is commonly used in Indonesia. However, the remote sensing data has limitations for coral reef napping object being in a certain depth into which has no light penetration. Distribution patterns of coral reef following the bottom geomorphology of water influence the sensory results. The results of research conducted in the Una-una Togean Island showed that the coral reef map derived satellite images did not describe the real condition of the reef. Keywords: Spatial Data, Marine, Remote Sensing, Coral Reef
Metabolite Profiles and Antioxidant Activity of Caulerpa racemosa with Different Handlings sihono, Sihono; Tarman, Kustiariyah; Madduppa, Hawis; Januar, Hedi Indra
Squalen, Buletin Pascapanen dan Bioteknologi Kelautan dan Perikanan Vol 13, No 3 (2018): December 2018
Publisher : Research and Development Center for Marine and Fisheries Product Processing and Biotechnol

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15578/squalen.v13i3.355


 Metabolite profiles and antioxidant activity of Caulerpa racemosa extract with different handlings were investigated. Three different handlings during transportation were applied, namely samples chilled with ice, stored in liquid nitrogen and soaked in seawater. The different handling significantly affected the yield of ethanolic crude extracts and inorganic fractions but insignificantly to organic fractions. Different handlings resulted in differences of major fractions of C. racemosa extracts. Major fractions of the sample that was handled with chilling temperature contained low polar fractions (K10, K11, K12, and K13), while seawater handling extract contained very polar (K1, K2 and K3), polar (K6, K7, and K8) and low polar (K13) fractions. The extract of the sample handled in liquid nitrogen contained balanced fractions. Chilling temperature handling produced highest antioxidant activity (IC50 below 2,000 ppm) in ethanolic extract of C. racemosa. Keywords: antioxidant activity, Caulerpa racemosa, ethanolic extract,handlings, IC50
Ecological Vulnerability of Coral Reef Ecosystem in Wakatobi National Park During Indian Ocean Dipole Event Hawis H. Madduppa; Alan F. Koropitan; Ario Damar; Beginer Subhan; Muhammad Taufik; La Ode Alam Minsaris; AM Azbas Taurusman; Agus Ramli; Arif Budi Purwanto
HAYATI Journal of Biosciences Vol. 27 No. 1 (2020): January 2020
Publisher : Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (700.326 KB) | DOI: 10.4308/hjb.27.1.57


This research examines coral reefs vulnerability which threatening its existences and functions by climate change. The ecological vulnerability in Wakatobi (Wangi-wangi, Kaledupa, Tomia, and Binongko) was assessed during Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) event in 2016. Climate exposure was determined using sea surface temperature, chlorophyll-a concentration, and wind speed magnitude; sensitivity was determined using coral susceptibility, fish susceptibility, and macroalgae primary productivity rate; then adaptive capacity was developed by hard coral cover, coral size distribution, coral richness, fish biomass, herbivore diversity, and herbivore grazing relative to algal production. The values of Exposure, Sensitivity, and Adaptive capacity in Wakatobi were 0.93±0.02, 0.42±0.18, and 0.44±0.10, respectively. Site specific vulnerability scores ranged from 0.52 to 1.60 (mean 0.92±0.26). Binongko was the least vulnerable than other islands. Tomia was observed as the least adaptive capacity and Wangi-wangi was the most bleaching incidents. These results could help coral reefs monitoring priority during the event and then when the event is gone by focusing on the marked islands and sites. Sites that were observed as more vulnerable is urgently need a management strategy to overcome the vulnerability status in the future, such as increasing site adaptability.
Hubungan Antara Degradasi Mangrove Segara Anakan dan Penurunan Hasil Tangkapan Kepiting Bakau (Scylla sp.) di Kabupaten Cilacap, Provinsi Jawa Tengah Ismail Ismail; Sulistiono Sulistiono; Sigid Hariyadi; Hawis Madduppa
Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia Vol. 24 No. 3 (2019): Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (397.874 KB) | DOI: 10.18343/jipi.24.3.179


The area of mangrove Segara Anakan has a high economic value so that there is a high interest to various land uses in this area. This condition leads to the change in ecological function of the mangrove which has impacts on the decreased production of mangrove crabs. This study was desighed to analyze the areas of catching crabs related to mangrove ecosystem. This study was conducted for six months in the 3 mudcrab catching areas (Western Area, Central Area, and Eastern Area). The analysis used in this study was a one way ANOVA statistic for the crabs catching in these 3 catching areas, and a simple linear regression to analyxe the correlation betwen annual crab production and mangrove area. The results showsed that mud crabs catchings in the 3 areas is 5861.7; 6072.87; dan 7689.4 kg were significantly different (P<0.05) and the linear regression between the area of mangrove in Segara Anakan and crab’s production of the Cilacap Regency was Y= 14.951X-88357 with R2 = 0.54. These results described that the number of crabs catching was influenced by the condition of mangrove in the 3 catching areas while the regressionb analysis showed that the decreased mud crab’s production in Cilacap Regency was correlated to the decrease in the area of mangrove Segara Anakan.
Jurnal Teknologi Perikanan dan Kelautan Vol 10 No 1 (2019): MEI 2019
Publisher : Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2606.847 KB) | DOI: 10.24319/jtpk.10.93-107


Seagrass ecosystems are inhabited by many species of benthic invertebrates, demersal and pelagic organisms that reside or stay temporarily in seagrass ecosystems. This research aimed to analyze the density of the macrozoobenthos in two different moon phases and to seek the contribution of each macrozoobenthic species in each research stations at seagrass beds. Sampling of the macrozonthic organisms was taken in three research stations of Panggang Island (west, east, and south) by using a 1 x 1 m of quadratic transect and a sediment corer with 10 cm in diameter. The data analysis statistically analysis data was carried out by finding out the similarity percentage of the species contribution using SIMPER test. Results of this research indicate that the discovered macrozoobenthos for two phases of moon are varied in each station. The total found macrozoobenthos during two moon phases are 28 and 11 species in the west station, 24 and 20 species in the east station, and 18 and 24 species in the south station, respectively. In the three stations, the two highest and the lowest species density of macrozoobenthos during the two moon phases namely are Cerithium salebrosum (283 ind/m2) and Cerithium punctatum (169 ind/m2); and Geotrochus multicarinatum (7 ind/m2). Moreover, the most contributor species of macrozobenthos in the seagrass habitat of the entire stations is Cerithium salebrosum.
Molecular Characteristics of Cytochrome B for Mackerel Barcoding Deden Yusman Maulid; Mala Nurilmala; Nurjanah Nurjanah; Hawis Maddupa
Jurnal Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia Vol 19 No 1 (2016): Jurnal Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia
Publisher : Masyarakat Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia (MPHPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1957.716 KB) | DOI: 10.17844/jphpi.v19i1.11686


Cytochrome b (cyt b) is one of the genes in mitochondrial DNA that is often used as a molecularmarker to identify species through DNA Barcoding. The aim of the present study was to investigate thebioinformatic of cyt b that isolated from mackerel fish. PCR amplification showed the length of DNA cytb from king mackerel was 803 bp within purine 312 bp and pyrimidine 491 bp while Korean mackerel 791bp within purine 316 bp and pyrimidine 475 bp. Phylogenetic analysis showed all sample join in mackerelgroups (Scomberomorus commerson and Scomberomorus koreanus). The Isoelectric point value of cyt b fromking mackerel is 6.38 and molecular weight is 29826.23; Korean mackerel are 8.67 and molecular weight is29372.77. Hydrophaty plot showed cyt b of mackerel more hydrophobic. Based on 3D modelling both ofthem have eight different sections showing by different colors.Keywords: characteristic molecular, cytochrome b, Mackerel
RISALAH KEBIJAKAN PERTANIAN DAN LINGKUNGAN Rumusan Kajian Strategis Bidang Pertanian dan Lingkungan Vol 1 No 3 (2014): Desember
Publisher : Pusat Studi Pembangunan Pertanian dan Pedesaan (PSP3)

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RINGKASANTransplantasi karang merupakan teknik perbanyakan koloni karang dengan memanfaatkan reproduksi aseksual karang secara fagmentasi. Berbagai kalangan dapat terlibat dalam mengusahakan dan melakukan rehabilitasi karang dengan metode ini.  Namun saat ini metode yang digunakan masih ada yang mengadopsi metode untuk perdagangan karang hias bukan untuk rehabilitasi.  Metode dengan beton dan pengontrolan terhadap alga salah satu kunci keberhasilan dalam transplantasi karang.  Pencarian bibit-bibit karang yang unggul yang kuat terhadap alga dan penyakit menjadi solusi penting dalam peningkatan keberhasilan transplantasi karang.Kata kunci: transplantasi karang, metode beton, penyakit karang, alga
RISALAH KEBIJAKAN PERTANIAN DAN LINGKUNGAN Rumusan Kajian Strategis Bidang Pertanian dan Lingkungan Vol 3 No 2 (2016): Agustus
Publisher : Pusat Studi Pembangunan Pertanian dan Pedesaan (PSP3)

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Riset dan inovasi pada ekosistem terumbu karang sangat diperlukan dalam upaya menghadapi gangguan alami dan antropogenik yang merusak. Hal ini untuk memahami bagaimana prioritas intervensi manusia dalam usaha perbaikan melalui rehabilitasi atau restorasi. Berdasarkan informasi ilmiah bahwa dalam beberapa dekade terakhir dimana sudah banyak terumbu karang yang telah sangat terganggu, sehingga diperlukan terobosan riset dan inovasi. Beberapa riset dan inovasi yang dapat diinisiasi untuk mendukung program rehabilitasi adalah: (1) Pergeseran komunitas terumbu karang; (2) Perbaikan komunitas terumbu karang dari fenomena pemutihan massal, spesies invasive, dan penyakit karang lainnya; (3) Persediaan bibit transplan berdasarkan analisis konektivitas, resiliensi dan keragaman genetika Terumbu Karang untuk restorasi; (4) Interaksi antara koral, alga dan mikroba, serta implikasinya untuk ekologi dan bahan obat; (5) Makroekologi, fungsi ekosistem dan biogeografi; dan (6) Pembuatan pelayanan pemetaan ilmiah biodiversitas dan rehabilitasi/restorasi berbasis website. Sebagai contoh, ekosistem terumbu karang di Kepulauan Seribu yang terletak di utara Jakarta, merupakan lokasi yang sangat cocok untuk mempelajari tentang pengaruh alami dan antropogenik, dan bagaimana memberikan pemilihan terhadap teknik rehabilitasi yang sesuai. Teknik restorasi atau rehabilitasi (Misalnya: Ecoreef, Reefball, Rockfile, Artificial Reef, dan Transplantasi karang) sudah banyak dikembangkan di Indonesia. Teknik tersebut mempunyai kelebihan dan kekurangan dan tidak ada satu metodepun yang bisa memuaskan semua pihak dan tidak ada satu metodepun yang bisa diterapkan pada berbagai kondisi dan kesehatan terumbu karang. Dukungan riset dan inovasi terumbu karang akan memberikan peluang untuk partisipasi inklusif bagi seluruh komponen masyarakat untuk memelihara ekosistem terumbu karang di Kepulauan Seribu secara tepat guna.Kata kunci: Transplantasi karang, rehabilitasi, restorasi, pemutihan masal, spesies invasive
Co-Authors . Zairion Abdul Kadir Yamko Abdurrachman Baksir Abdurrachman Baksir Adriani Sunuddin Agus A Hakim Agus Kusnadi Agus Ramli Agus S. Atmadipoera Ahmad Eko Suprianto Ahmad Taufik Ghozali Alan Frendy Koropitan Ali Mashar Alief K Husna Am Azbas Taurusman Aradea Bujana Kusuma Aradea Bujana Kusuma Arif Budi Purwanto Audina putri Azhari Benyamin Beginer Subhan Bertoka Fajar S.P. Negara Bisman Nababan Damar, Ario Dea Fauzia Lestari Deddy Bakhtiar Deden Yusman Maulid, Deden Yusman Dedi Soedharma Dedi Soedharma Dharmawan, I Wayan Eka Dian Pertiwi Dietrich Geoffrey Bengen Dietrich Geoffrey Bengen Dietriech Geoffrey Bengen Dining Nika Alina Dondy Arafat Dony Kushardono Eko S Wibowo Fajar Nugroho Fauzan Dzulfannazhir Fildzah Z Hulwani Firdaut Ismail Firsta Kusuma Yudha Genadi Algadri Hari Eko Irianto HEDI INDRA JANUAR Henry M. Manik Ichtineza H Hardono Idham A. Nasrullah Ikbal Marus Indra Jaya Indra Jaya Irmalita Tahir Ismail Ismail Iswandi Wahab Iswandi Wahab Jeddah Isnul Jhon Septin Maurisdo Siregar Jhoni Wahyu Adi Jonson Lumban Gaol Karizma Fahlevy Kustiariyah Tarman La Ode Alam Minsaris Lalu M Iqbal Sani Lalu M. Iqbal Sani Luky Adrianto Luzmi Malia Izza Mala Nurilmala Mas Irfanto Moh Muhaemin Mohd Adip Setiawan Muhamad Darmawan Muhamad Iqbal Muhammad Andre Nugraha Muhammad Aris Muhammad Fahmi Zuhdi Muhammad Fahmi Zuhdi Muhammad Taufik MUJIZAT KAWAROE Mujizat Kawaroe Mujizat Kawaroe Mujizat Kawaroe Mu’min Mu’min Nadya Cakasana Nadya Jeny Irianda NAILA KHURIL AINI Nebuchad Nezzar Akbar Nebuchadnezzar Akbar Neviaty P Zamani Neviaty P Zamani Neviaty P Zamani Neviaty P. Zamani Neviaty P. Zamani Neviaty P. Zamani Neviaty P. Zamani NEVIATY PUTRI ZAMANI Novian Prahandhy Kusuma Nurafni Nurafni Nurhaya Afifah Nurjanah Nurjanah Nurlita P Anggraini Nurlita Putri Anggraini Prakas Santoso Prakas Santoso Prehadi . Rahmat Sawalman Raismin Kotta Ramadian Bachtiar Rani Utari Ayuningtyas Raymon Rahmanov Zedta Ridha Fathihatunnisa Rifki Aldi Ramadhani Risnita Tri Utami Risti Endriani Arhatin Romanus Edy Prabowo Rommy M. Abdullah Rosmi N Pesillette Rustam E Paembonan Samsul Bahri Sebastian C. A. Ferse Shodikin Aznardi Sigid Hariyadi Sihono Sihono SITI KHODIJAH Sulistiono Sulistiowati Sulistiowati Surahman Surahman Teddy Triandiza Teddy Triandiza Turissa Pragunanti Ilyas Tyani Fitrian Udhi E Hernawan Ummu Salma Wedi Andika Yunita Ramili Yunita Ramili Yusli Wardiatno Zakiyah Rahim