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Education for Environmental Sustainability: A Green School Development Suryani, Adi; Soedarso, Soedarso; Saifulloh, Mohammad; Muhibbin, Zainul; Wahyuddin, Wahyuddin; Hanoraga, Tony; Nurif, Muhammad; Trisyanti, Umi; Rahadiantino, Lienggar; Rahmawati, Deti
IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series No 6 (2019): The 1st International Conference on Global Development (ICODEV)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (447.799 KB) | DOI: 10.12962/j23546026.y2019i6.6347


Natural environment should be cared and sustained. It is a place for human to live and develop their social and economical world. Moreover, it is also a site for many biodiversity to live together in a balanced ecosystem. Recently, global awareness is directed to the alarming destruction of environment and its’ potential threats for human and other living things, as the impacts of human social-economical activities. Many efforts are executed to avoid or minimize future environmental damage. One of those endeavours is environmental education for young generation. Growing children’s environmental knowledge, protection skills and management as well as caring and responsible character can be an endurant solution. This study aims to examine some learning aspects in environmental education through green school development in MI Walisongo, Desa Sawohan, Sidoarjo. The study is based on a qualitative inquiry conducted by using direct participant observation as its’ data collection method. The study finds that environmental education requires a wide range of learning experiences, relating to emotion, direct practice and cognition development. In Green School MI Walisongo Desa Sawohan, those experiences are manifested into several learning processes: participative learning, modeling, character building, green site building, learning through game and peer team working.
An Ecological-Oriented Policy Development Framework as An Alternative to Contesting Land-Oriented and Maritime-Oriented Paradigms Deti Rahmawati
CosmoGov: Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan Vol 7, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Department of Governmental Science FISIP UNPAD

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/cosmogov.v7i1.28907


Two diverging geography-oriented Policy development paradigms have been prevailing within the discourse of Indonesian context, namely land and maritime-oriented paradigms. The two paradigms often emerge in ideological discourses that predispose national identity. Throughout the Indonesia’s history, discourses on development paradigms seems to alternate between two paradigms. However, since 2014, maritime paradigm has taken a dominant role in the Indonesian discourses.This paper propose empirical data associated with the environmental, economic and social conditions of Segara Anakan, Central of Java, we show how the land paradigm has resulted in undesirable consequences. Segara Anakan is a coastal region in which various communities have for decades developed economic activities. Major environmental damages in the region have been reported and social conflicts have occurred unresolved. Instead of choosing between land and maritime paradigms, in this paper we propose a more ecological-oriented development framework that is based on actor-network theory. we emphasis key measures: registering relevant heterogeneous entities, including human actors, social groups, small islands, straits, ocean inhabitants, etc; consultations that involve various spoke-persons. We argue in the paper that both land and maritime paradigms are too macro in their scope to tackle heterogeneities and complexities at the regional scopes.
Community-Based Tourism Transformation: What Does The Local Community Need? Adi Suryani; Soedarso Soedarso; Deti Rahmawati; Endarko Endarko; Achmad Muklason; Berto Mulia Wibawa; Siti Zahrok
IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series No 7 (2020): The 2nd International Conference on Global Development (ICODEV) 2020
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12962/j23546026.y2020i7.9524


Tourism is a promising development sector. It has strong potentials for improving local community life quality by alleviating poverty, broadening information access, improving facilities and infrastructure, opening new and diversifying employment. Thus, today tourism is recognized as one of key sectors in development possessing multiplier effects on other sectors and contributing to other development goals attainment. This encourages many communities to initiate and run their local-scale tourism at their kampung. The development of these community-based tourisms need to be strengthened by community capacity to develop their tourism into more sustainable and competitive destinations. Moreover, the Covid-19 pandemic potentially threatens tourism existence and sustainability, especially if the communities do not rapidly respond by improving their tourism capacities. This study aims to explore several factors needed by local community to foster tourism transformation. The study is concentrated on examining WPP Dalegan and Dalegan community tourism transformation needs. The data are collected through community dialog incorporated with community service program. The study identifies three primary transformation elements for fostering WPP tourism improvement. The first factor is transformational and collective community leader who provides empowerment, climate and chance for Dalegan community to participate and orients to community social changes. The second factor is Dalegan community capacity building. Dalegan tourism transformation rests on its local community to learn together and improve the quality of their tourism services and products. The third factor is development facilitation. To successfully transform, Dalegan community needs to expand their networking, build horizontal and vertical partnerships.
Why What they Say Matters: The Impacts of Visitors’ Experiences on Tourism Sustainability Adi Suryani; Soedarso Soedarso; Deti Rahmawati; Endarko Endarko; Ahmad Muklason; Berto Mulia Wibawa
International Journal of Social Science and Business Vol. 5 No. 1 (2021): February
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/ijssb.v5i1.31355


The success and failure of a destination tend to rest on its’ capacity to satisfy the visitors. Listening to visitors’ appraisal and voices is vital in community-based tourism development. This study aims to explore WPP Dalegan visitors’ voices. The data are collected through Dalegan visitors’ online reviews and direct observation. The study finds that Dalegan has a high competitive advantage as family recreational destination as it is cheap, reachable, accessible, has various local-traditional-cheap food, beautiful calm beach and soft white sand as a playing and learning ground for children. Despite its’ comfortable image, some visitors voice unsatisfied services, facilities, nature-caused and human-caused threats. The study also illuminates that Dalegan destination branding is not only influenced by its’ capacity to attract visitors by its’ beautiful marine nature, but also local community characters, community education and values. The study indicates that to develop tourism destination, local potentials are not the only determinant keys. It needs to be supported by other determining factors. One of those factors is tourists’ voices on their impression, comments, satisfaction and dissatisfaction feelings. Linking potential resources of destination and tourists’ meaningful experience can be challenging as different tourists may have different perspectives, wants and satisfaction-dissatisfaction levels.
A Community Marine Tourism as a Business Sector: Challenges Faced by Local Community Adi Suryani; Soedarso Soedarso; Deti Rahmawati; Moh. Saifulloh; Dyah Satya Yoga Agustin
International Journal of Business Studies Vol 6 No 2 (2022): International Journal of Business Studies
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32924/ijbs.v6i2.235


Marine tourism is one of several economic drivers which contribute to local community livelihood and regional income. Many potential coastal areas are gradually developing and transformed by its’ local communities into local-scale tourisms which accommodate local or domestic or surrounding tourists’ recreational needs. However, to be sustainable, there are many issues need to be addressed. The study intends to explore Dalegan community perceived tourism issue in developing their WPP destination or white sand tourism. The study adopts qualitative method in gathering and analyzing the data. The data are gathered through Dalegan community dialog or interactive session during Dalegan community service program. The collected data are interpreted by implementing thematic analysis. The study reveals that there are three main issues faced by Dalegan local communities: financial, creativity and lack of legal procedures. The collaboration of financial service agents, educational institutions, (local) government bodies and local community inclusion is needed. The study demonstrates that to build Dalegan marine tourism, local/community leadership, local human quality improvement, local resources identification and local culture need to be used as the development grounds. The study also shows that the local community is still not aware of the environmental issues and diversification of recreational activities. Thus, local community still needs advocacy to understand the relationship between tourism and environment. The study also finds that local women are valuable human resource for marine tourism business. They are potential women entrepreneurs who develop small business around WPP marine tourism.
Analysis of the Oil and Petrochemical Integrated Refinery Development Plan's environmental impact and its mitigation of public health status Endang Susilowati; Sukriyah Kustanti Moerad; Deti Rahmawati; Niken Prasetyawati
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12962/j24433527.v15i1.8252


Development is a social process that aims to enhance the environment and the quality of communal life. Sustainability happens as a result of the environment serving as a living space and a source of additional value. The following environmental factors must be integrated into a development plan: biogeophysics, social, economic, cultural, and public health. PT PERTAMINA (Corporate Company) in collaboration with Rosneft Oil Company will build and operate a new oil and petrochemical integrated refinery and its supporting facilities. About 27,000 people were hired for the building phase, and about 3,000 for the operation phase. This study aims to lessen the detrimental effects of development plans on public health. This qualitative study is a cross-sectional descriptive investigation of the area surrounding the proposed refinery in East Java Province, Indonesia's Jenu District and Tuban Regency. The study's findings were determined through firsthand observation and a poll of 100 residents who would be impacted by the development plan. The findings show that, in order to prevent environmental disputes, environmental management and monitoring must be carried out.
Pembuatan Protipe Sarana Air Bersih Sebagai Solusi Alternatif Percepatan Penurunan Stunting di Kabupaten Pacitan Deti Rahmawati; Eddy Setiadi Soedjono; Soedarso Soedarso; Nastasia Festy Margini; Mukodi Mukodi
Media Gizi Indonesia Vol. 17 No. 1SP (2022): Media Gizi Indonesia (National Nutrition Journal) Special Issue: Internation
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/mgi.v17i1SP.127-138


Kasus stunting di Kabupaten Pacitan Tahun 2022 mencapai 22,77% angka tersebut merupakan angka yang cukup tinggi dan melampaui ambang batas yang ditetapkan oleh WHO yakn sebanyak 20%. Hasil penelitian kami di Kabupaten Pacitan faktor utama penyebab kasus stunting adalah adanya kemiskinan yang membuat efek domino pada hal lainnya, Minimnya asupan gizi pada anak serta adanya budaya pernikahan dini dibeberapa daerah. Dalam jangka Panjang, stunting berpotensi memperlambat perkembangan otak yang kemudian akan berdampak pada keterbelakangan pertumbuhan baik secara fisik maupun mental. Kondisi stunting sangat erat kaitanya dengan kondisi lingkungan yang tidak sehat seeprti tidak tersedianya sarana air bersih dan sanitasi yang layak. Oleh karena itu, dilakukan upaya untuk menyediakan sarana air bersih di 10 desa lokus stunting melalui program Prototipe sarana air bersih. Program ini dilakukan oleh dosen, mahasiswa, dan masyarakat desa secara swadaya. Pembangunan prototipe sarana air bersih ini diharapkan mampu membuka akses masyarakat terhadap air bersih sehingga angka prevalensi stunting di Pacitan dapat diturukan.
Pengembangan Virtual Tour Wisata Lembah Mbencirang sebagai Media Promosi Online yang Interaktif dan Imersif untuk Upaya Percepatan Pemulihan Pariwisata Okta Putra Setio Ardianto; Thomas Ari Kristianto; Anggra Ayu Rucitra; Caesario Ari Budianto; Arfan Fahmi; Deti Rahmawati
Sewagati Vol 6 No 3 (2022)
Publisher : Pusat Publikasi ITS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2365.511 KB) | DOI: 10.12962/j26139960.v6i3.130


Pengembangan Pariwisata merupakan salah satu cara untuk mewujudkan perputaran ekonomi di suatu daerah. Mojokerto merupakan salah satu wilayah di Jawa Timur yang memiliki sejumlah objek wisata. Wisata Lembah Mbencirang merupakan wisata yang masih membutuhkan pengembangan, namun semenjak COVID-19 melanda Indonesia pariwisata ini mengalami penurunan jumlah wisatawan sehingga perputaran ekonomi di kawasan lembah mbencirang menjadi terhambat. Pengembangan media virtual imesif online berupa Virtual Tour untuk Lembah Mbencirang dilakukan dapat dilakukan dengan tiga tahapan besar yaitu observasi, produksi dan pengembangan rancang bangun Virtual Tour untuk membantu upaya promosi Lembah Mbencirang melalui tools promosi yang kekinian berbasis sistem yang interaktif dan imersif serta menjangkau pasar yang lebih luas karena berbasis online. Pada tahap pengembangan diterapkan konsep Community Based Tourism dengan melibatkan BumDES Gajah Mada dan masyarakat Desa Kebontunggul sebagai pihak yang menyuplai materi promosi. Dari kegiatan ini Lembah Mbencirang diharapkan tetap dapat berpromosi dengan delivery yang apik dan menjangkau pasar yang lebih luas lagi selama pandemi COVID19 belum mereda sehingga dapat dikenal serta pada saatnya pariwisata mulai dibuka akan lebih banyak calon pengunjung yang telah mengenal sehingga akan lebih banyak berkunjung ke Lembah Mbencirang.
Memperkuat Peranan BUMDes untuk Mewujudkan Desa Mandiri Melalui Penggunaan Teknologi APOCI (Automatic Pond Circulation) Budidaya Udang Vannamei Muhammad Nurif; Deti Rahmawati; Muhammad Arfan Fahmi; Zainul Muhibbin; Lienggar Rahadiantino
Sewagati Vol 6 No 6 (2022)
Publisher : Pusat Publikasi ITS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (875.542 KB) | DOI: 10.12962/j26139960.v6i6.207


Luasnya lahan sawah dan tambak di desa siderejo belum mampu memberikan dampak kesejahteraan pangan bagi masyarakat. Desa ini memiliki banyak tanah sawah tambak yang dimanfaatkan oleh penduduk desa untuk melakukan tambak udang, jenis udang yang ditambak adalah udang Vannemei. Namun tingkat produktivitasnya masih tergolong rendah, mengingat luas lahan sawah tambak di Desa Siderejo cukup luas. Program pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberdayakan masyarakat dengan mengembangkan teknologi budidaya udang Vannamei melalui peran BUMDes. Hasil dan luaran kegiatan setelah dilaksanakan sosialisasi dan pelatihan adalah masyarakat sasaran mengalami peningkatan pemahaman dan penggunaan teknologi budidaya udang Vannamei. masyarakat ini maka terjadi peningkatan dan perbaikan kemampuan dan keterampilan penggunaan teknologi APOCI (Automatic Pond Circulation) budidaya udang Vannamei yang dapat mendukung terjadinya peningkatan kegiatan ekonomis dan nilai tambah masyarakat.
Pengembangan Karakter Cinta Lingkungan Sekolah Melalui Eco-School Branding dan Peer Teamworking Mohammad Saifulloh; Wahyuddin; Soedarso; Adi Suryani; Zainul Muhibbin; Tony Hanoraga; Muhammad Nurif; Umi Trisyanti; Deti Rahmawati; Liengar Rahadiantino
Sewagati Vol 4 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Pusat Publikasi ITS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (375.233 KB)


Pengabdian cinta lingkungan lingkungan sekolah ini merupakan pengabdian kedua kali di sekolah MI Walisongo. MI Walisongo adalah sebuah sekolah yang sangat sederhana yang terletak di Desa Sawohan, Buduran, Sidoarjo. Dibalik kesederhaan sekolah tersebut, para guru sangat bersemangat untuk menanamkan nilai nilai islami kepada para siswanya dalam rangka menumbuhkan akhlak yang mulia kepada siswa-siswanya. Pengabdian kami ini bertujuan untuk berpartisipasi dalam pendidikan tersebut melalui penumbuhan karakter cinta lingkungan sekolah. Adapun tujuan pengabdian kami ini adalah agar siswa-siswa MI Walisongo semakin cinta kepada Allah perduli dan sayang terhadap lingkungan mereka, baik itu lingkungan fisik maupun lingkungan sosial mereka. Untuk mewujudkan tujuan tersebut, program pengabdian ini difokuskan pada pengembangan atau pembuatan eco-school branding sekolah dan taman sekolah yang dikerjakan secara bersama-sama melibatkan semua peserta, baik tim, guru maupun siswa MI Walisongo. Pendidikan cinta lingkungan sekolah ini diharapkan dapat memberi manfaat baik manfaat secara kognisi, afeksi ataupun motorik. Kegiatan pengabdian berjalan lancar dan diikuti dengan penuh semangat oleh semua peserta. Kegiatan ini berlangsung dengan agenda kegiatan yang meliputi: penyambutan, ceramah interaktif, game/permainan, penanaman dan acara santai bersama. Melalui ceramah interaktif, para siswa diberi wawasan tentang pentingnya cinta kepada Allah dan kecintaan tersebut diwujudkan salah satunya dengan menyayangi lingkungan sekolah. Memalui ceramah interaktif, para siswa diajak untuk meneladani karakter mulia Sunan Kalijaga dan Sunan Bonang melalui story telling yang diselingi dengan humor sehari-hari dan yel yel. Memalui acara permainan bersama dengan teman sekolah, para siswa diajak untuk saling kompak dan bekerjasama dengan teman-temannya menghadapi tantangan demi tantangan yang diberikan. Melalui penanaman dan pembuatan taman bersama, para siswa diajak untuk secara langsung menciptakan lingkungan yang asri dan indah, sehingga diharapkan mereka mempunyai rasa memiliki apa yang telah mereka bangun bersama.