Alfian Malik
Teknik Sipil Universitas Riau

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Analisis Biaya Pemakaian Alat Berat Pada Proyek Rekontruksi Jalan Batas Kota Pariaman – Manggopoh Kabupaten Padang Pariaman Provinsi Sumatera Barat Syauki, Ilham Ahmad; Iriana, Rian Trikomara; Malik, Alfian
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains Vol 5, No 1 (2018): Wisuda April Tahun 2018
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains

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This research is aimed to analyze and identify the minimum cost of heavy equipment usage on the reconstruction Pariaman-Manggopoh border area Padang Pariaman Regency West Sumatera Province and to give the alternative manufacture and the effective enforcement method in the use of excavator. The calculation is analyzed using Bina Marga method. Based on the result, it is found that building the Aggregate Foundation Layer class A needs minimum cost Rp. 1.587.698.428,60 and building the Asphalt Pavement Layer needs minimum cost Rp. 4.954.643.081,75. The project enforcement can be done through several manufacture alternatives.Keywords : cost analysis, productivity, heavy equipment, and enforcement method
Penentuan Tarif Tol Berdasarkan Analisis Kelayakan Finansial (Studi Kasus: Jalan Tol Pekanbaru-Minas) Guspi, Guspi; Sandhyavitri, Ari; Malik, Alfian
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains Vol 5 (2018): Edisi 2 Juli s/d Desember 2018
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains

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Road side which connected Pekanbaru-Dumai is one of the most important transportation lane in Riau and was projected as over capacity road. Therefore, a highway design and planning needs to be done in order to overcome these problems. The construction of a highway needs a quite large investment according to feasibility study which came from private. In order to get on investment full cost recovery analysis on this project in essential. The full cost recovery analysis aims to analyse the finance appropriateness on the construction of Pekanbaru-Minas highway with the life span for 40 years. Analysis was done by assuming the traffic growth rate factor (i) 5% /year, bank interests 9,78% /year, inflation was calculated as 5,82% /year from the established fee, ie Rp 860,00 /km. Financial analysis results showed that investment in the development of highway Pekanbaru-Minas give Internal Rate of Return (IRR) result is 10.35%, Net Present Value (NPV) Rp,59, Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) 1.063 and payback period for 26 years. According to this analysis, it could be concluded that the construction of Pekanbaru-Minas Highway is worthy to be proceeded. Keywords: Highway, Rate, Financial Properness
Proceedings ACES (Annual Civil Engineering Seminar) Vol 1 (2015): Annual Civil Engineering Seminar (ACES)
Publisher : Proceedings ACES (Annual Civil Engineering Seminar)

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Asphalt treated base (ATB) adalah beton aspal campuran panas (hot mix) yang berfungsisebagai lapis pondasi. ATB tersusun dari fraksi-fraksi material berbutir (agregat) dan aspalsebagai bahan pengikat sesuai dengan spesifikasi campuran yang telah ditentukan. Sebagaikomponen utama dalam campuran, kandungan agregat mencapai 90-95% terhadap satuan beratatau 70-85% terhadap satuan volume campuran. Untuk pekerjaan lapisan permukaan jalandengan spesifikasi tertentu, seringkali harus menggunakan agregat olahan yang didatangkandari luar daerah sehingga akan menambah waktu dan biaya konstruksi. Penelitian ini bertujuanuntuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan pasir alam terhadap kinerja campuran beton aspal(asphalt concrete) jenis ATB. Penggunaan pasir alam dimaksudkan sebagai salah satualternatif untuk mengatasi kelangkaan material agregat olahan serta mereduksi biaya konstruksilapis pemukaan, khususnya lapis pondasi aspal. Jumlah pasir alam yang digunakan dalamcampuran adalah 15% dari volume total agregat sesuai dengan batas yang ditentukan dalamSpesifikasi Umum Bina Marga 2010. Kinerja campuran beraspal dengan menggunakan pasiralam ditentukan melalui pengujian material, penentuan kadar aspal optimum, pembuatanjobmix design ATB, dan pengujian campuran beraspal dengan alat Marshall. Berdasarkan hasilpenelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan pasir alam sebagai fraksi IV dalam campuranATB menghasilkan nilai stabilitas sebesar 2154,85 kg, nilai flow sebesar 4,31 mm, nilaiMarshall Quotient sebesar 370,86 kg/mm, dan kadar aspal optimum 5,58%. Nilai karakteristikMarshall menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan pasir alam asal Sungai Kampar sampai batasmaksimum dapat digunakan dalam campuran beton aspal jenis ATB, dan menghasilkancampuran beraspal yang stabil, lentur, tahan dan kuat terhadap ruting (alur) dan retak.Kata kunci: agregat, asphalt treated base, fraksi, Marshall, pasir alam.
Analisis Produktivitas Pekerjaan Struktur Beton Bertulang Pada Proyek Gedung Polda Riau 2018 Putra, Muhammad Oki Pirdana; Iriana, Rian Trikomara; Malik, Alfian
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains Vol 6 (2019): Edisi 1 Januari s/d Juni 2019
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains

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Productivity affects the project progresses between actual field and the planned schedule of the construction project. Therefore, the level of productivity at crisis activity in a schedule planning project which in this case is structure project needs to be analyzed. This study aims to analyze actual productivity on the field and determine the factors affecting productivity towards the construction project of Regional Police Department of Riau. The value of actual work productivity is obtained through direct observation on the field using the method of Time Study. The data is analyzed and converted into field index, then compared with SNI 7394 : 2008 index as standard reference. Base on result of calculation, the work productivity value of plate, column, and beam formwork respectively are 19.99 m2/hour, 10.91 m2/hour, and 4.89 m2/hour with their index values respectively are 0.10 MH, 0.26 MH, and 0.37 MH. Next, the work productivity value of plate, column, and beam reinforcement respectively are 516.77 kg/hour, 187.61 kg/hour, and 187.91 kg/hour with their index values respectively are 0.01 MH, 0.03 MH, and 0.02 MH. For plate, column, and beam casting, their work productivity value respectively are 13.21 m3/hour, 12.98 m3/hour, and 13.53 m3/hour with their index value respectively are 0.28 MH, 0.24 MH, and 0.26 MH. In conclusion, the field index value are less compared than SNI 2008 index.Keywords: Productivity, Crisis activity, Time study, Index, SNI 7394 : 2008
Identifikasi Faktor Signifikan Yang Mempengaruhi Kinerja Kontraktor Kategori Besar Dan Menengah Dalam Berkompetisi Di Pasar Global Berdasarkan Analitycal Hierarchy Process (AHP) Di Kota Padang Tahun 2018 Mirza, Febtrinal; Malik, Alfian; Iriana, Rian Tri Komara
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains Vol 6 (2019): Edisi 1 Januari s/d Juni 2019
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains

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In the era of globalization as it is today, competition between actors in the field of construction is developing very rapidly. The rapid development of the construction world in Indonesia has not been accompanied by an increase in the quality and performance of construction services companies. In accordance with ISO 9004 of 2008, that the ongoing success of a company is achieved with its ability to meet customer needs and expectations with effective management and through corporate environmental awareness. This study aims to identify internal factors and analyze levels that significantly affect the performance of contractors in competing in the global market in the city of Padang and map the level of readiness of contractors using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. Primary data in this study were obtained from questionnaires and interviews with construction service companies, especially medium and large qualification contractor companies. and secondary data obtained from the LPJK website and based on ISO 9004. Based on the identification of the internal factors of the companies, it was found the final result that the significant internal factors affected the performance of construction service companies in large levels company in competing the global market in sequence are : company management, company finance, human resource, strategy company and information technology company. While the significant internal factors in medium levels company in sequence are : company finance, company management, human resource, strategy company and information technology company. The readiness of construction service company at the large level in Padang is 88.5% and the medium level is 86.5%. This value indicates that readiness level is greater than 50% which means that the construction service companies in Padang ready to compete in global market.Keywords: Identification, Significant Factors, AHP, Internal Company, Global Market.
Pemanfaatan Oil Sludge Sebagai Alternatif Pengganti Sebagian Aspal Terhadap Nilai Durabilitas HRS-WC Modifikasi Rendaman Marshall Zal, Ismi Harry; Malik, Alfian; Sebayang, Mardani
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains Vol 6 (2019): Edisi 1 Januari s/d Juni 2019
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains

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One of the wastes produced by the petroleum industries is oil sludge. Therefore the handling of oil sludge by utilizing it as a partial substitute for asphalt in a pavement mixture is an effort to reduce the buildup. Road pavements in Indonesia often damaged before its pavement servise life ended because the roads usually submerged by water flood at the rainy seasons. The research aims to determine durability level on HRS-WC mixtures by using oil sludge due to the influence of soaking time. Variations of oil sludge used were 0%, 2%, 4%, 6% and 8% of optimum weight asphalt content in the mixture. Tests were performed using the Marshall test specification of Bina Marga 2010 with modification of immersion duration, i.e. 24 hours, 96 hours, and 168 hours of immersion in the bath with the temperature of 60 ºC. Based on the result of the research, the influence of long soaking influential adequate significant on the durability a mixture of HRS-WC with using oil sludge as a partial substitute for asphalt. The lenght of immersion that meets the specification with minimum retained strenght value 90% for almost all variations of oil sludge content is 96 hours immerson. Maximum oil sludge content that meets the specification for 96 hours immersion is 6% with value of retained strenght 90.64%, first durability indeks 0.37% and second durabiity indeks 8.90%.Keywords: Oil sludge, HRS-WC, Bina Marga Specification 2010 Revision 3, durability
Pengaruh Penambahan Kombinasi Kadar Cairan Anti Rayap Dan Aspal Terhadap Kinerja Perkerasan Daur Ulang AC-WC Suilman, M. Jejen; Malik, Alfian; Alwinda, Yosi
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains Vol 6 (2019): Edisi 1 Januari s/d Juni 2019
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains

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Recycling techniques for pavement construction are reuse of existing pavement construction materials, which are reprocessed either with or without adding new materials. Old road Pavement is usually called Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP). AC-WC (Asphalt Concrete - Wearing Course) is a layer of pavement that is directly contacted to vehicle tires. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of adding anti termite and asphalt penetration 60/70 towards Marshall characteristics on concrete asphalt mixture (AC-WC). In this study, the termite and asphalt penetration 60/70 were added as fluxing material from RAP material. The bitumen content obtained from the RAP material used is 6%. The anti-termite and asphalt penetration levels of 60/70 used in this study were 0.5%, 1%, 1.5% and 2% for mixed weight. The specifications used in this study were following General Spesification of Bina Marga 2010 (3rd Revision) using the Marshall method. From the results of testing the Marshall characteristics it can be concluded that the VMA and VFA values increase along with the addition of added material levels, while the VIM value and stability decrease with the addition of added material levels and for irregular flow and MQ values. The results of the VIM, VMA, VFA, stability and MQ values meet the spesification, while the value of flow is vice versa. Optimum Additives Content (KBTO) cannot be found because the flow value does not meet the specification. Keywords: Termite, Aslphalt, AC-WC, General Spesification of Bina Marga 2010 the 3rd Revision
Pemanfaatan Limbah Oil Sludge Untuk Campuran Beraspal Jenis Lataston (Lapis Tipis Aspal Beton) Dengan Pengujian Marshall Putra, Gia Nugraha; Wibisono, Gunawan; Malik, Alfian
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains Vol 4, No 1 (2017): Wisuda Februari Tahun 2017
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains

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Riau Province is well-known for its petroleum industry. The exploration and production activities of the industry produce waste products which potentially contaminate the environment. One of the petroleum waste is oil sludge. Based on the PP 101 2014, oil sludge is categorized as hazardous and toxic waste (B3) that must be processed before disposal. This study aims to investigate the potential of oil sludge as a partial replacement of asphalt in Hot Rolled Sheet-Wearing Course (HRS-WC). In this study the variation of oil sludge addition was 0%, 4%, 6% and 8% of the weight of asphalt. The addition of oil sludge decreased the optimum asphalt content (OAC) and increased the unit weight of the asphalt concrete mixture. This is caused by the fine grains contained in the oil sludge. Based on the Marshall characteristics test results, the maximum allowable content of oil sludge that could be used was 4% with 6.43% of OAC and 1,231 kg of average stability value which satisfied the specifications of Bina Marga 2010 Revision 3.Keyword : oil sludge, asphalt concrete, HRS-WC, Specification of Bina Marga 2010 Revision 3
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains Vol 5 (2018): Edisi 2 Juli s/d Desember 2018
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains

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Plastics have been used for many consumer goods. Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) is commonly used as non-reusable water bottles. Although the plastic can be recycled and has economic values, the unhandled waste still threatens the environment. PET based waste products have been used as pavement materials in limited applications. This research attempts to investigate the effect of PET waste addition on binder course asphalt concrete (AC-BC) mixtures. The proportion of PET waste added into bitumen was 0, 2, 4, and 6% of bitumen content. Bina Marga 2010 Specification was used to obtain optimum asphalt content and to measure all Marshall characteristic of all samples tested. The results show that the addition of PET waste increased the stability and flow values of mixtures. The optimum PET waste content that still meets the specification was 4% of bitumen content.Keywords : plastic waste, marshall characteristic, AC-BC.
Pengaruh Air Gambut Terhadap Asphalt Concrete - Binder Courses (AC-BC) Wardhana, Dheo; Malik, Alfian; Alwinda, Yosi
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains Vol 6 (2019): Edisi 2 Juli s/d Desember 2019
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains

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The road pavement mixture occasionally submerged in peat water and rain water. This research aims to determine the characteristics changes of AC-BC asphalt mixture through Marshall test. The mixture used asphalt pen 60/70. The specimens or mixture were soaked in two types of liquid namely peat water and rain water. The characteristics such as stability, flow, Marshall Quotient (MQ), void in mix (VIM), and void in mineral aggregate (VMA) and residual strength index (RSI) were measured using Marshall instruments. The immersion of asphalt using peat water and rain water have an impact towards its Marshall characteristics, respectively on the value of stability, flow, and VIM. The test showed that the stability value decreases with increasing of immersion age. At the age of 3 and 4 days after immersion in peat water and rain water, both asphalt stability values do not meet specifications according to general specification of Bina Marga 2018 with minimum value of 800 kg. Those result also showed that the specimens have damage faster than usual and reducing the strength of asphalt pavement. This loss of mixture strength leads to the decreased ability of the AC-BC mixture to bear the traffic load over the time then make it become plastic fatigue (flow). Then the research indicated that the value of the Residual Strength Index (RSI) gradually decreased since early ages. At the age of 2, 3, and 4 days of immersion of speciments showed in peat water, the value of RSI do not meet the specifications (more than 90%).Keywords: Peat water, Rain water, AC - BC