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Penentuan sifat termofisik (Thermophysic Properties) temu lawak dan temu putih Manalu, Lamhot P.; ., Amos
Jurnal Dinamika Penelitian Industri Vol 22, No 2 (2011): JURNAL DINAMIKA PENELITIAN INDUSTRI
Publisher : Balai Riset dan Standardisasi Industri Palembang

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The most important limitation in process design for agricultural products is the lack of information on their thermal properties. Although a lot of experimental data can be found, the variety of products and the differences in measurement method make limitation on the value of the available data, especially for Indonesia’s products. These data are needed to get information about temperature change when product was processed like heating or cooling. It is worth due to optimizing the efficiency of energy. The objective of this study isto determine thermal diffusivity and conductivity of java turmeric and zedoary herbs. The values were determined numerically with indirect methods. The result shows that thermal conductivity of java turmeric and zedoary are 0.2797 W/moC and 0.1359 W/moC, respectively, while thermal diffusivity are 9.34x10-8 m2/s and 1.00x10-7 m2/s, respectively.Keywords : thermal properties, java turmeric, zrdoary, thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity AbstrakDalam merancang suatu sistem proses dan peralatan pengolaan hasil pertaniandiperlukan pengetahuan tentang sifat-sifat panas suatu bahan diantaranya panas jenis, konduktivitas dan difusivitas panas. Nilai-nilai tersebut untuk produk pertanian lokal sangat jarang ditemukan, sehingga dalam aplikasinya sering digunakan data sifat panas dari literatur luar yang belum tentu sesuai dan tepat dengan produk dalam negeri, hal ini dapat menyebabkan terjadinya bias dalam perhitungan dan perancangan. Studi ini bertujuan untuk menentukan sifat-sifat/properti panas dari tanaman obat temu lawak dan temu putih. Hasil studi mendapatkan bahwa nilai panas konduktivitas panas temu lawak dan temuputih masing-masing adalah 0.2797 W/moC dan 0.1359 W/moC, sedangkan nilai difusivitas panasnya masing-masing adalah 9.34x10-8 m2/detik dan 1.00x10-7 m2/detik.Kata Kunci : sifat panas, temu lawak, temu putih jenis, konduktivitas, difusivitas panas
Penentuan kondisi proses pengeringan temu lawak untuk menghasilkan simplisia standar Manalu, Lamhot P.; Tambunan, Armansyah H.; Nelwan, Leopold O.
Jurnal Dinamika Penelitian Industri Vol 23, No 2 (2012): JURNAL DINAMIKA PENELITIAN INDUSTRI
Publisher : Balai Riset dan Standardisasi Industri Palembang

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The purpose of this research was to study the effect of drying conditions on the simplicia quality of java turmeric (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.) and determine the best conditions to make standardized simplicia. There are some criteria such as the conditions which can reach the standard moisture content of 10%, drying time is relatively fast, the result of dried simplicia still contains high level of curcumin, optimum shrinkage and good visual appearance. The results showed that the final moisture content can not reach 10% at the drying temperatures below 50 °C and RH above 40%. The average surface area shrinkage during the drying process crude ginger was 66.2%. There is a tendency of the lower temperatures and higher RH drying the higher levels of curcumin. Drying condition for Java turmeric recommended by this research is at a temperature of 50 °C and 30% RH.Keywords : Curcumin, drying, java turmeric, quality standardAbstrakTujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari pengaruh kondisi proses pengeringan terhadap mutu simplisia temu lawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.) dan menentukan kondisi proses pengeringan terbaik untuk menghasilkan simplisia standar. Kriteria kondisi tersebut adalah yang dapat memenuhi kadar air standar 10%, waktu pengeringan yang relatif cepat, hasil pengeringannya masih mengandung kadar kurkumin yang tinggi dan penyusutan serta tampilan visual yang optimal. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa pada kondisi pengeringan di bawah suhu 50 oC dan RH diatas 40% kadar air akhir temu lawak tidak dapat mencapai kadar air standar. Rata-rata penyusutan luas permukaan simplisia temu lawak selama proses pengeringan adalah 66,2%. Terdapat kecenderungan semakin rendah suhu dan semakin tinggi RH pengeringan maka semakin tinggi kadar kurkumin simplisia temu lawak. Kondisi proses pengeringan simplisia temu lawak yang direkomendasikan adalah pada suhu 50 oC dan RH 30%.Kata kunci : Kurkumin, mutu, pengeringan, standar, temu lawak
Jurnal Dinamika Penelitian Industri Vol 21, No 2 (2010): JURNAL DINAMIKA PENELITIAN
Publisher : Balai Riset dan Standardisasi Industri Palembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (8524.308 KB) | DOI: 10.28959/jdpi.v21i2.3170


A microprocessor-based laboratory dryer system was constructed to control experimental conditions in the study of the moisture content of agricultural products and medicinal plants (simplicia). The equipment also recorder the condition of the air and the sample weights during the thin-layer drying tests for these products. This paper describes the hardware and software which were developed for use in the study of drying properties of various products. Two condition process variables are controlled simulataneously: the humidity and temperature of the air in drying chamber with temperature accuracy of ± 1 oC and relative humidity accuracy of ± 2%. The drying conditions were held constant and the variation in conditions in the drying chamber was shown to have no measurable effect on the thin-layer drying process subject to requirement of ASABE standard.
Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian Vol 18, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya

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ABSTRAKProses penyangraian biji kakao dapat mempengaruhi mutu kakao. Akibat suhu yang tinggi pada proses penyangraian, aktivitas antioksidan biji kakao dapat menurun. Oleh karena itu, untuk mengurangi tingkat penurunan aktivitas antioksidan biji kakao maka perlu dilakukan proses penyangraian yang lebih efektif (waktu penyangraian yang lebih cepat dan pemanasan yang lebih merata). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penyangraian biji kakao secara cepat dan efektif dengan menggunakan alat vibro-fluidized roaster, sehingga penurunan aktivitas antioksidan biji kakao dapat dikurangi. Biji kakao yang tidak di fermentasi dipilih untuk disangrai menggunakan alat vibro-fluidized roaster atau disangrai menggunakan penyangrai konvensional. Proses penyangraian dilakukan pada suhu 140 °C selama waktu tertentu sehingga kadar airnya mencapai 2–2.5%. Selanjutnya, biji hasil sangrai dipecah dan dipisah antara nib kakao dengan kulit kakao. Nib kakao dianalisa antioksidannya dan laju penurunan kadar airnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa produk biji kakao yang dihasilkan dari proses penyangraian menggunakan vibro-fluidized roaster memiliki kandungan anti oksidan sebesar 46.86%, sedangkan produk yang dihasilkan menggunakan penyangrai konvensional sebesar 38.16%. Laju penurunan kadar air dari hasil penyangraian menggunakan alat vibro-fluidized roaster lebih cepat dari pada menggunakan penyangrai konvensional ABSTRACTA roasting process of cocoa beans can influence to the quality of cocoa beans product, specifically the use of high temperature on roasting process could reduce the activity of antioxidant. Therefore, in order to diminish levels of reducing activity of antioxidant on cocoa beans, it needs to manage the effectivity of a roasting process such as time and temperature. This research aims to determine the effect of length of roasting time using vibro-fluidized roaster which could reduce the decreasing of level the antioxidant activity of cocoa bean. In this experiment, the unfermented cocoa beans were selected for a roasting process using a vibro-fluidized roaster or roasted apparatus using conventional roasters. The roasting process was carried out at 140 °C for a certain time resulted the water content reached 2-2.5%. Furthermore, roasted beans were broken down and separated between cocoa nib with cocoa shell. The antioxiant activity of cocoa nib and the decreasing of water content were analyzed and the results showed that cocoa beans produced contains antioxidant 46.86% while the conventional products 38.16%. It can be conclude that the rate of decreasing moisture content from roasting process using a vibro-fluidized roaster is faster than a conventional roaster
ANALISIS ENERGI DAN EKSERGI PENGERINGAN LAPISAN TIPIS TEMU PUTIH Manalu, Lamhot P.; Tambunan, Armansyah H.; Nelwan, Leopold O.; Hoetman, Agus R.
185P -3466
Publisher : Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology

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This paper is concerned with the energy and exergy analyses of the thin layer drying process of temu putih (Curcuma zedoaria (Berg.) Rosc) at three different air temperatures (40, 50 and 60 oC) and air relative humidities (RH 20%, 40% and 60%) using a laboratory dryer. Using the first law of thermodynamics, energy analysis was carried to estimate the amounts of energy gained from air drying and the ratios of energy utilization. However, exergy analysis was accomplished to determine exergy losses and exergy efficiencies during the  drying process by applying the second law of thermodynamics. The values of energy and exergy efficiencies were found to be in the range of 23.5 - 49.1% and 3.8-14.1% from 40 to 60 oC, respectively,  while from RH 20% to 60% its values are 48.4-62.8% and 13.6-14.6%, respectively.
Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Indonesia Vol. 13 No. 3 (2011)
Publisher : Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (75.245 KB) | DOI: 10.29122/jsti.v13i3.893


of information on their thermal properties. Although a lot of experimental data can be found, the variety of products and the differences in measurement method make limitation on the value of the available data, especially for Indonesia’s products. These data are needed to get information about temperature change when a product was processed by heating or cooling. The data are important for optimizing the efficiency of energy used in the process. The objective of this study is to determine thermal diffusivity and conductivity of mahkota dewa or crown of god (Phaleria macrocarpha). The values were determined numerically with indirect methods. The result shows that thermal conductivity of mahkota dewa is 0.1359 W/moC, while its thermal diffusivity is 4.11x10-8 m2/s.
Aplikasi Kontrol Digital Untuk Pemupukan Secara Variable Rate Pada Sistem Pertanian Presisi Manalu, Lamhot P.
Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Indonesia Vol. 15 No. 3 (2013)
Publisher : Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (479.032 KB) | DOI: 10.29122/jsti.v15i3.3394


Precision agriculture has many facets including guidance, yield mapping, variable rate application and remote sensing. Variable rate nitrogen fertilization is a technique being developed for fertilizer application in recent years. One of the main problems in variable rate nitrogen fertilization is controlling the fertilizer application rate according to the soil nitrate level. In this paper, a digital control system for variable rate nitrogen fertilization is presented. A pole-placement controller design based on the simplified process model is used in this system. The system dynamic response of the pole-placement controller was simulated under the condition with torque disturbance and the condition without torque disturbance. The digital controller was then implemented into a prototype system and the dynamic response of the control system was tested under different torque disturbance conditions. The control system performed at acceptable levels under small external torque disturbance conditions. However, under large torque disturbances, the steady-state offset error in the system response was not acceptable and the use of a robust controller for both tracking control and disturbance rejection was recommended. This paper presents a simulation of the use of digital control for variable rate fertilization The benefits of using variable rate technology are very clear. Low yielding areas of the field are no longer over fertilized resulting in reduction of costs in those areas.Pertanian presisi memiliki banyak aspek diantaranya pengukuran, pemetaan hasil, aplikasi laju tidak tetap dan penginderaan jarak jauh. Pemupukan nitrogen secara laju tidak tetap (variable rate) adalah teknik yang dikembangkan untuk aplikasi pemupukan dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. Salah satu masalah utama dalam pemupukan nitrogen secara laju tidak tetap yaitu mengontrol jumlah pemakaian pupuk agar sesuai dengan kandungan nitrat tanah. Tulisan ini menyajikan studi tentang aplikasi sistem kontrol digital untuk pemupukan nitrogen secara laju tidak tetap dalam kerangka pertanian presisi (precision farming). Sebuah desain kontroler tiang-penempatan didasarkan penyederhanaan modelnya digunakan dalam sistem ini. Sistem respon dinamik dari pengontrol tiang-penempatan disimulasikan pada kondisi dengan gangguan torsi dan kondisi tanpa gangguan torsi. Kontrol digital kemudian diimplementasikan ke dalam sistem prototipe dan respon dinamik dari sistem kontrol diuji di bawah kondisi gangguan torsi yang berbeda. Sistem kontrol dilakukan pada tingkat yang dapat diterima dalam kondisi gangguan torsi eksternal yang kecil. Namun, di bawah gangguan torsi besar, kondisi steady yang mengimbangi kesalahan dalam respon sistem tidak dapat diterima. Tulisan ini menyajikan simulasi penggunaan kontrol digital untuk pemupukan secara variable rate. Tujuan penggunaan teknologi variable rate adalah agar lokasi dengan produktivitas rendah tidak lagi dipupuk secara berlebihan sehingga mengurangi biaya.Keywords: fertilization, digital control, variable rate, precision farming.
Konsumsi Energi Pada Alat Pengering Surya dan Tipe Bak Untuk Pengeringan Biji Kakao Manalu, Lamhot P.
Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Indonesia Vol. 17 No. 3 (2015)
Publisher : Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (498.894 KB) | DOI: 10.29122/jsti.v17i3.3433


Crop drying is essential for preservation in agricultural applications. It is performed either using fossil fuels in an artificial mechanical drying process or by placing the crop under the open sun. The first method is costly and has a negative impact on the environment, while the second method is totally dependent on the weather. The drying process requires a lot of energy in relation to the amount of water that must be evaporated from the product. It is estimated that 12% of the total energy used by the food industries and agriculture absorbed in this process. Due to the limitation of energy resources, it is important to keep researching and developing of diversification and optimization of energy This study aims to assess the use of energy for cocoa drying using solar energy dryer and bin-type dryer, as well as to determine the drying efficiency of each type of dryer. The results showed that the efficiency of the solar dryer drying system ranges between 36% to 46%, while the tub-type dryers between 21.7% to 33.1%. The specific energy of solar dryer ranged from 6.17-7.87 MJ / kg, while the tub-type dryers 8.58-13.63 MJ / kg. Dryer efficiency is influenced by the level of solar irradiation and the amount of drying load, the higher the irradiation received and more cocoa beans are dried, the drying efficiency is also higher and the specific energy further down.Proses pengeringan memerlukan banyak energi sehubungan dengan banyaknya air yang harus diuapkan dari bahan yang dikeringkan. Pengeringan dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan pengering mekanis berbahan bakar fosil atau dengan menempatkan produk di bawah matahari terbuka. Metode pertama adalah mahal dan memiliki dampak negatif pada lingkungan, sedangkan metode kedua sangat tergantung pada cuaca. Diperkirakan bahwa 12% dari total energi yang dipergunakan oleh industri pangan dan pertanian diserap untuk proses ini. Mengingat semakin terbatasnya sumber energi bahan bakar minyak maka usaha diversifikasi dan optimasi energi untuk pengeringan perlu terus diteliti dan dikembangkan. Salah satunya adalah pemanfaatan energi surya sebagai sumber energi terbarukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji penggunaan energi untuk pengeringan kakao dengan memakai pengering energi surya dan pengering tipe bak, serta untuk mengetahui efisiensi pengeringan dari masing-masing tipe pengering. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa efisiensi total sistem pengeringan alat pengering surya berkisar antara 36% dan 46%, sedangkan pengering tipe bak antara 21.7% dan 33.1%. Kebutuhan energi spesifik alat pengering surya berkisar antara 6.17-7.87 MJ/kg, sedangkan alat pengering tipe bak 8.58-13.63 MJ/kg. Efisiensi alat pengering dipengaruhi oleh tingkat iradiasi surya dan jumlah beban pengeringan, semakin tinggi iradiasi yang diterima pengering serta semakin banyak biji kakao yang dikeringkan, maka efisiensi pengeringan juga semakin tinggi dan kebutuhan energi spesifik semakin turun.Keywords: energy, efficiency, cocoa, solar dryer, bin-type dryer.
Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Indonesia Vol. 11 No. 3 (2009)
Publisher : Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (97.811 KB) | DOI: 10.29122/jsti.v11i3.837


Sun drying is the traditional method for drying and still preferred in Asia because cheap compared to mechanical drying. Since it uses the sun as heat source it is friendly to the environment, many farmers, grain collectors, traders and millersoften dry their paddy on pavements that specifically constructed for drying. Sundrying pavements have the advantages of high capacity and thus economics of scale, but the weakness is very dependent on the weather. The amount of paddy that can be dried with a drying depends on the number of sunny days, so it is important to know the probabilities of rainy day based on the historical climate data in a region. From these, simulations can be done to calculate how many dryer machines should be provided to overcome the lack of drying capacity. This methodis known as Monte Carlo. This paper presents a study to determine the amount mechanical dryer needed based on the failure probability of sun drying pavements using monte carlo simulation methods in the District of Ciomas, Bogor.The study results based on 10 years daily rainfall data the probability of rainy days in March (0.62) was greater than in September (0,37), so that the total capacity of dryer machine to be prepared is 110 tons/ day. That was equal to 11 units dryerswith 10 tons / unit in capacity.
ANALISIS ENERGI DAN EKSERGI PENGERINGAN LAPISAN TIPIS TEMU PUTIH Manalu, Lamhot P.; Tambunan, Armansyah H.; Nelwan, Leopold O.; Hoetman, Agus R.
185P -3466
Publisher : Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (633.478 KB)


This paper is concerned with the energy and exergy analyses of the thin layer drying process of temu putih (Curcuma zedoaria (Berg.) Rosc) at three different air temperatures (40, 50 and 60 oC) and air relative humidities (RH 20%, 40% and 60%) using a laboratory dryer. Using the first law of thermodynamics, energy analysis was carried to estimate the amounts of energy gained from air drying and the ratios of energy utilization. However, exergy analysis was accomplished to determine exergy losses and exergy efficiencies during the drying process by applying the second law of thermodynamics. The values of energy and exergy efficiencies were found to be in the range of 23.5 - 49.1% and 3.8-14.1% from 40 to 60 oC, respectively, while from RH 20% to 60% its values are 48.4-62.8% and 13.6-14.6%, respectively.